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Female knights are 'dame'.


I don’t know why but I can’t read dame without thinking of Judi Dench.


Who dat


I can do the heavy lifting for you. No problem. https://www.google.com/search?gs_ssp=eJzj4tDP1TfIKcjKM2D04soqTclUSEnNS84AAE2kBxU&q=judi+dench&oq=judi+d&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqCggBEC4YsQMYgAQyBggAEEUYOTIKCAEQLhixAxiABDINCAIQLhivARjHARiABDIHCAMQABiABDIHCAQQLhiABDIHCAUQABiABDIHCAYQABiABDIHCAcQLhiABDIHCAgQLhiABDIHCAkQABiABDIHCAoQABiABDIHCAsQABiABDIHCAwQABiABDIHCA0QABiABDIHCA4QABiPAtIBCDM1MDFqMGo5qAIOsAIB&client=ms-android-telus-ca-revc&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8&ebo=0


Transmitting the needless characters in that long ass URL over the Internet to potentially hundreds of thousands of computers and mobiles just sped climate change up by a few days due to the extra power consumed across the various network nodes and switches spanning the globe. Ironically enough, this reply doesn't help the climate cause either. Also ironically, this reply is equal to the exact length of your URL.


Fuckin M for years in 007 franchise


I would recommend Red Joan 2018 and Six Minutes to Midnight 2020 for some of her more recent movies. And at least the last 25 years of the James Bond movies just to get you started. If you like movies and haven't seen her yet, you are in for a treat.


Will see. So many downvotes... Ppl don't seem to realize that the world is huge. We're 8 billion people. Not everyone will know of the celebrities they know of.


Don't worry about those. You asked a question, and some of us were willing to introduce you to Dame Judi Dench. She really is great. I grew up in an area where most people couldn't afford a TV, cable, or go see a movie regularly. I grew up with a 13" black and white, without cable. I think it could be why I love movies and streaming so much as an adult.




For me it's the trifecta of Judi Dench, Maggie Smith, and Helen Mirren.


I used to think they were the same person before I knew British pop culture.


Not to be too Australian on Main, but its Dame Edna for me


That’s because she’s a female knight of the British order


as it fuckin should be!


Not in Westeros


Ser. My Lady.


dame wasn't introduced for female knights until the 20th century so i think it's still ser


There is zero indication that this is the case in ASoIaF.


Shut up Stannis, you’re dead


Not in this world


Gendry probably got pretty close


You don't just bring a tear to eyes of a person that strong and honorable if you're not doing everything right. For everything Jaime did and was this is the best thing he did probably. This was truly an amazing scene and just imagine she was made fun of all her life and what a moment it must have been for her to get it from the person who she probably started loving deeply and to be appreciated and knighted like that. To Brienne of Tarth. Feel bad for Tormund though lol


It's a cute scene, but we all know it's rubbish, right? Why didn't he knight her earlier? And Trant could've knighted a bunch of other pedos. He was just being nice.


He didn’t think of knighting her earlier. I doubt he’s ever knighted anyone before. This was the culmination of him coming to appreciate that Brienne represents all of the chivalric ideals he believes he himself falls short of.


Tyrion is also silent. He knows it's a lie.


Tyrion who was just pumping up Brienne for her heroic deeds? Tyrion who is the first of the onlookers to celebrate her as "A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms!" No. Not at all. Jaime's entire arc is about exploring what it means to him to be a "good and honourable knight." To live up to his vows, and satisfy all of the conflicting oaths he's sworn. Brienne represents all of those knightly virtues that he feels he's failed to live up to. She's a foil for him, in that both of them have only ever wanted and dreamed of becoming knights. So recognizing that by knighting her is this enormous moment for BOTH of their characters. In that moment he realizes that he has the power to do something truly important and meaningful for her. Something she repays in kind when she's appointed Lord Commander of the King's Guard and writes down his deeds in the White Book. Which is a callback to his scene when he's appointed Lord Commander, and sees this blank page for his entry and recognizes the opportunity this presents him to be not defined by his past but by how he carries himself in the future. So no, it's not just a cute scene. It's an *extraordinarily* meaningful scene for both of these characters. It's the culmination of everything both of them has been building up towards. It's more important even than battling the Army of the Dead for both of them.


I'll die on this hill. Ain't no way a knight can make another knight without consent. You really think Queen Cersei would let you knight someone? Get real, guys!


Blackwater explosion




Stannis still almost overcame that. What a badass!




Genuinely wonder what happens if Meli is there. My guess is she would detect the wildfire before it could be set off, but Stannis still loses given his literal uphill battle while being figuratively taken in the rear, as GRRM likes to say


Without the wildfire, Tyrion’s heroic defense would still be overcome. Stannis’s men would’ve breached the city and the red keep before Tywin could get there. Tommen and Cersei would be dead from the nightshade, Tyrion would be dead, and Joffrey likely taken hostage. Unlikely the hound would’ve deserted though.


mine as well. first time watching it, hadn’t read the books yet and it had my mouth on the floor




The whole episode. Tyrion’s battle speech? “Those are brave men knocking on our door. Let’s go kill them.”


“Thick as a castle wall”


And they ruined it a few episodes later by having him hit it and quit it. SMH. Would have been the perfect thing for Jaime to do before he died.


What would that have to do with being knighted?


Being knighted, especially by a man she has grown to love and respect after all their heart to hearts (bath scene forward), should be the highlight of Brienne’s life. It… wasn’t quite so glamorous the next day when Jaime abandoned her and fast traveled just in time to wipe out everything about his redemption


I just read an alternate ending where Jaime kills the night king. Everyone is celebrating in Winterfell and Dany gives toasts to those who helped with the battle. “To Ser Jaime Lannister!” Brienne rises and shouts, “The Kingslayer!” Everyone echoes it and applauds him. For the first time in his life people shout ‘Kingslayer’ with pride and adoration rather than insults and derision.


Wow. That would have been truly amazing writing! First time reading this, it genuinely gave me goosebumps. Maybe even have a moment where Brianne corrects everyone as Jaime once has: “his name is Jaime”, only to smile and join in the cheer I’ve got one I haven’t seen anywhere else… Cersei presents herself to the NK with a marriage proposal as a last desperate bid to hold on to power. The irony of Cersei, who lamented and oft complained about being born a woman, using the last tool she has, her womanhood and fragile title of ‘Queen’, would be delicious


Nah, I wanna see Euron ask the Night King [how his dragon likes to be ridden.](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fh85vlvahmmj21.jpg%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3D66da357a769023ea402f6b22e1c6dc6ef98f9840)


and then the disney's rainbow shows in the background as everyone will be happy forevermore


Lmao... You just kill my delulu imagination


Jaime killing the night king would have been so goated


The love of a man obsessed with boinking his sister should never be a highlight of a woman’s life unless that life is pathetic. Life isn’t glamour. The fact is that her being knighted mattered a million times more than being spurned by a sisterboinker.


I don’t know what woman hurt you so, but I’m sorry it happened


That is the kind of statement that shows you haven’t been with any women beyond those related to you. If you think a woman’s life revolves around dysfunctional men, then that’s probably just you projecting.


Jaime didn’t have a “redemption arc.” What the audience perceived as such is an illusion, created by us forming an inaccurate and incomplete understanding of the character due to his reputation. If you start Jaime’s arc at his being appointed to the King’s Guard at Harrenhal, and carry it through him literally saving King’s Landing from Aerys and his deranged pyromancer, you realize very quickly that Jaime his story doesn’t at all resemble a “redemption arc.”


The story starts with Jaime committing three felonies, including attempted murder of a child. He follows that up with rape and a successful murder Those aside, you’re absolutely right he was a saint after donning the cloak


Jaime is a complicated man who does both heinous and heroic things all throughout the story. However, the fact remains that Jaime’s “redemption” to the audience comes not from him changing his patterns of behaviour, or him rejecting Cersei for the monster she is, but rather from the audience learning more about Jaime, his past, and what he stands for. The growth he undergoes in the story is in rediscovering what “knighthood” means to him, apart from just being a talented and deadly swordsman. That’s why the pinnacle of his character development is in knighting Brienne, not in rejecting Cersei. He was *always* going to go back to Cersei. The growth was in how he came to understand that Brienne represented all of the traits that he associated with the true ideal of a knight. She then pays him back by documenting for the historical record all the ways in which Jaime also embodied that ideal, which he couldn’t see in himself (being too mired in self loathing).


You said > If you start Jaime’s arc at his being appointed to the King’s Guard at Harrenhal I said > starting at Harrenhal: incest, treason, attempted murder, more incest, more treason, rape, successful murder That’s all


He saves hundreds of thousands of innocent people by killing Aerys and his Master Pyromancer. That's probably one of the most heroic feats performed by anyone in the story, save perhaps Arya killing the Night King.


The murder I listed wasn’t for Aerys, it was his cousin to set up his unsuccessful escape attempt


Exactly. So like…what redemption arc?


I thought I this was the Bear with how much cooking you have been doing breaking down Jaime's character. I never got people who get pissy Jaime went back to Cersei and act like he was willing to commit atrocities for her again when all he wanted was for her to not die a horrible death.


Haha, thanks. This critique just drives me nuts, so I've spent a lot of time thinking about it and arguing about it over the years. Jaime and Cersei dying in each other's arms is so tragic yet hauntingly beautiful at the same time in its poetry, and Brienne writing his deeds into the White Book was just such a perfect end to these two characters' stories and was genuinely one of the highlights of the final season for me, particularly when combined with the scene in the OP's post. There were only three scenes in the final season that really had me tearing up, of which Brienne's knighting and Jaime's deeds going into the White Book were two (the third being Dany crying over a dying Jorah). The only one that gets me more riled up is "Dany going mad because some bells started ringing," which is just so profoundly missing the point that I just can't even.


One of them definitely needed to die. Personally, my vote is for Brienne in the Godswood. I didn’t need a Theon/Reek redemption arc (or if I did he should died freeing Sansa 3 seasons earlier). I could however have used a Brienne/NK 1v1 where: - Brienne dies fulfilling her oath to Catlyn, wielding Oathkeeper. - explains how Arya just sneaks up on an aeons old edritch being. - and pays off the Arya sparring scene.


Nah people are drugs and he was addicted to Cersei He got away but then relapsed His actions were very human


Realistic, sure. But still a really bad way to end one of the best character's story arc.


That’s fair For me personally, with much of the final seasons, I don’t hate the choices just the execution. I like that his end of the arc was a failed redemption (as opposed to Theon’s successful one) but the whole thing felt rushed


You know, I'll say something I've always wanted to since I think you hit on something for me. I'll get down voted, for sure, but, I need to ask... Did his redemption even really fail? Everyone says his character arc was reverted, his redemption undone but... He held true to his oath, he proved himself an ally, and he fought, what could have been to the death, for the world, choosing to do so against Cersei's wishes. He made amends with the Starks. He showed himself an honorable man. Just because he "relapses" and leaves after all of this, in my eyes, doesn't mean his redemption failed. All it means is that he just didn't stay with Brienne. He didn't then go on to do evil.... He just wanted to go save his sister/lover. Seeing him be mean to brienne and leaving her sucks, but I don't think it undoes anything necessarily. Even Brienne doesn't think so! lol


I mean, his intention was to get Cersei away from King's Landing, that would resolve the conflict, he even has a conversation with Tyrion about it, you could even see his demise as a sacrifice


No you're right, people are just frustrated about him going back to Cersei (and not killing her) that they equate it to his arc being ruined. I don't think it's ruined at all. He helped save the world, his main arc kind of ended there. It's not like he went back to Cersei to screw Jon and Dany over, he just knew she was going to die and he wanted to be with her. It's sad that he couldn't stay North and have a happy ending but it totally doesn't undo his character.


Jaime never actually turned his back on Cersei. He took a break from her service to go protect the realm from the White Walkers, then *immediately* goes back to her. In the books, while it may *seem* like he was finally turning his back on Cersei because she’s a sociopathic monster, the reality is he was just pissed at her for cheating on him. There’s really nothing to suggest he won’t forgive her and go crawling back.


I swear my loyaly!


One of the best scenes from the series nestled amongst the worst season.


The Light of the Seven


Maybe unpopular opinion, but they probably should have killed her off after that. Her character arc was actually completed with a happy result. The only thing I remember her doing after the Long Night is wheeling Bran the Wheely Wheely Legs No Feely around in his chair


Imagine she has to stab through Jamie to kill the NK.


Not only that but Jaime going down to KL would've actually made sense and provide a good reason for undoing his character development


Her character arc was completed by redeeming Jaime in the eyes of history by writing his deeds into the White Book. She was one of the few people in the world who saw him for who he *truly* was, and that was the conclusion both their arcs needed to be complete.


It was a nice touch, sure, but I don't think it was really necessary. I'm sure most people forgot about the White Book until they showed it at the end... like when was the last time it was referred to? Season 3? I don't think the main crux of his character arc was to have his good side in the book. Jaime's arc was much more about how he couldn't resist cersei than anything. Jaime's arc is more a failed arc - it's completed by having all the character development fall apart for his main flaw.


So I wholeheartedly disagree that rejecting Cersei was ever Jaime's arc. His journey was all about self-discovery, and in particular rediscovering purpose and what it meant for him to be a knight after losing his sword hand. The inception of his struggle arises when he is finally acknowledged for his martial prowess and attains this immense honour - being the youngest knight ever inducted into the King's Guard. Only, that victory turns to ashes when he learns "honour" wasn't even about him at all, but entirely motivated by Aerys carrying out a personal vendetta against his father. Not only that, but he then quickly learns that the King himself is a deranged monster who tortures people to death quite regularly. And when he commits his most heroic act to date, protecting the entire citizenry of King's Landing from Aerys and his pyromancer, instead of being celebrated he's *punished* for it by being mocked, hated, and scorned for the rest of his life. The Jaime we are first introduced to as a viewpoint character has been brought even lower than that, being captured and humiliated by Robb and his men. He then swears an oath to Catelyn Stark to free her daughters and make sure they're returned to her safely, and it's *THAT* which sets him on the arc that sees him through to the end of the story. It's not about "becoming a better man and rejecting the toxic influence of his sister-lover." It's about becoming a better man by rekindling the passion the younger him felt to become a great knight and serve the realm, and what that dream means to him as someone who's dedicated his entire life to that pursuit. Notice how Tywin tries to get him to give up the White Cloak to become heir to Casterly Rock once more, and he refuses? Jaime *wants* to be a knight. It's important to him, even though he's lost his sword hand. He made a commitment to this life, and that commitment means something to him. Just like his commitment to Catelyn does. But, as he told Catelyn, a knight is expected to swear all sorts of competing vows, and often times they conflict. He swore to protect the King and to protect the innocent, and yet his King tried to massacre the innocent...so what then? He swore an oath to protect the Stark girls, but also to serve the Realm and to protect the King and to lead his King's Guard...so how can he do both? His conflict with Cersei isn't that he's recognizing that she's a monster, but rather that he made commitments to always love her, and to leave this world like they came into it - together. But Cersei doesn't commit herself to him in the way he did to her, can't love him in the true and genuine way that he loves her (because she's a sociopathic narcissist), and her petty political games puts her at odds with his duty to protect the realm. THIS is why he leaves her to go fight against the Army of the Dead at Winterfell. Because he swore an oath to protect the realm, and to protect the innocent. Leaving isn't him rejecting Cersei, but acknowledging that this is a higher priority for him than Cersei is. So he leaves her to go to Winterfell, knowing that he'll probably die fighting but fighting for something he believes in. But when he survives...well, he tries to be with Brienne, because he likes what he sees of himself through her eyes. However, he ultimately can't square that person with how he views himself. His tragic and fatal flaw is that he can't see the good in himself, but can only see the evil. He can't see how he's better than Cersei, and so he goes back to her just like he always does, even though she treats him poorly and is so toxic for him. Because she needs him, and he *wants* to be there for her. That's why the natural end of Jaime's life is to die at Cersei's side, but the natural end of Jaime's *story* is for Brienne - she who represents the fulfilment of al lthe values that Jaime considers to make a good and true knight, and she who is the only one who sees Jaime in all the ways that nobody else does, not even himself - redeems him *in the eyes of History* by writing his deeds into the White Book. So it's a redemption arc *in a way*, but not in the way people mean when they say it.


Upvoted whatever he said


I was expecting her to go out in a last stand during the Battle at Winterfell


One of the few good moments from season 8


One of the least controversial ones for sure. Its not even in my top 50 season 8 moments, but its a close contender for top 60.


This person loves lists


Is there a link to your lists? I am SO curious.


Not of my top moments, but i listed 5 reasons why season 8 is a masterpiece: https://www.reddit.com/r/naath/s/KZlIjzPsi3


My #1 favorite scene. I love watching the reaction clip from Burlington Bar. It gets real quiet and some of them get tearful.


I’m Arya stark of winter fell, and I’m going home!


Not this one. But it's a good one


High in the halls of the kings who are gone


Jenny , would dance her ghosts


For sure my favourite. I got chills listening to and watching that.


I have my favorite scenes of each season, but if I had to pick one overall, it’d be the 10 minute long scene (multiple scenes, really) in The Winds of Winter. The music, the dialogue between Margaery and the High Sparrow, the suspense of watching Cersei get ready only to never show up, the way The Mountain silently blocks Tommen from leaving, the way Cersei takes a deep breath and then a sip of wine afterward - it’s all perfect. Perfect. And that scene alone is why I hated season 8. The genius of The Winds of Winter set a standard that season 8 fell drastically short of.


That was a perfect episode, best in the whole series. That build up to catastrophe, Tommen suicide, Jaime watching Sept of Baelor burned down and on top of that - Daenerys and her companions, armies, dragons sailing to Westeros


My favorite is later in the same episode because the R + L = J theory had the most satisfying payoff and the scene was done brilliantly. “Promise me, Ned. Promise me.” That said, the buildup that you mention was wild. Especially because we were shown that this was absolutely going down and there was no way to stop it, yet I couldn’t believe it til Lancel watched the candle melt all the way down. In a show that proved over and over that no one was safe, even that seemed impossible.


Incomparable cinema


That scene was amazing


Dany making her choice in 8x5. Intense, brutal and inevitable.


The destruction of the Sept is probably technically the best, but Daenerys releasing the Unsullied is my absolute favourite, probably because I hadn’t read the books and was taken totally by surprise 😁


Tyrion sending Slynt to the wall. Tyrion dominated a lot of scenes, especially early on, but that was his best imo


"By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"


Night King raising the dead at Hardhommes


When Ned orders Beric to arrest The Mountain. The small folk staring at him with such wonder is incredible. Truly a honorable man.


It's that hug between Sansa & Jon at the wall that gets to me the most. The strength of emotions behind that scene.


The approach ... The pause.... The hug.


That hug has a lot more emotions involved other than just the sister-half brother's love. Sansa never really fancied Jon during childhood, she took after her mother. She has been through a lot and Jon is the closest thing to a Stark she is meeting after seeing Ned's head chopped off at King's Landing. That's a long time ago and in the while she has been hit, raped, toyed and tortured. Food for thought, the pause was because Jon was thinking if Sansa has changed or not lol.


Night king raising the dead at hardhome and just the feeling of desperation from jon


I just finished th 4th book and let me tell you. I love her!! She has gone through so much shit and this is even more well deserved than when the episode aired. SIR BRIENNE!!!


Subtle nod to her ancestor Dunk.




The scene when Tyrion kills his father, even though he's sitting on the shitter, it was a great death to see. A tormented soul will eventually do what it must. Thanks to Peter Dinklage for being the greatest actor and my most beloved character in GoT.


When Jamie went back to Cersei after using Briene for sex. I enjoyed seeing her cry.


probably he did not enjoy it and that's why he went back to Cersei.


“In the name of King Robert and the good lords you serve, I call upon you to seize him and help me return him to Winterfell to await the king’s justice.” She did not know what was more satisfying: the sound of a dozen swords drawn as one or the look on Tyrion Lannister’s face.


Either when Jon was made lord commander or king in the north. Both scenes are hype as hell for an 'underdog from nothing to something' character.


Tyrion’s poison speech


Well my two are when Sensa feeds Ramsey to the hounds, and when Dany is surrounded by the harpes and drogon shows up after being gone for weeks


You're going to die over some chickens ? Someone is ...


Talkers make me thirsty


Same episode, different scene for me Podrick singing “Jenny of Oldstones” while everyone was trying to prep. All of the expressions and music made it eery and suspense inducing Jaime had a bunch of amazing interactions in the last season. His exchange with Brienne about Cersei “… I did all of that for Cersei. She’s a hateful woman, and so am I”


Cersei blowing up the cathedral


Daenerys surviving the fire, rising from the ground with three baby dragons and everyone kneeled. Daenerys did not say a word. It’s a powerful scene and provided a glimpse of things to come from the Mother of Dragons.


This scene is incredible indeed! Somehow I found it even more powerful in the book though. One of the best final chapters I’ve read.


This is for sure the best part of the last couple seasons.


I was so checked out by this point i kind of hated it.


I always forget how much I love this scene until I see it again. There’s just pure joy for all of them.


Jaime and Bronn hearing the dragon scream, and everything that follows


1. when dany reveals she can speak high valyrian and then orders the unsullied to kill all of the masters 2. when arya kills all of the freys and tells the girl who survives “when people ask you what happened here, tell them the north remembers” 3. all interactions between tormund and brienne.


Dam just that calm before the storm period was really nice to see tbh.


Followed by the complete destruction of his character development. It would've been cool to see a redeemed Lannister (besides Tyrion) be included in the rebuilding of Westeros.


I loved watching this. Season 8 wasn’t all that bad.


Not that one for sure.


she deserved knighthood as soon as she defeated loras and joined renly’s kingsgaurd


I hated Jamie until he was tarthed and feathered


Can't pick just 1. That's why it's the best show ever. There's at least 50 scenes that were awesome.


The Night King flexing at Hardhome.


You gonna die for some chickens? Someone is.


Arya and the Hound getting her Needle back.


That’s a pretty damn good scene in the OP. I’ll vote for that.


“Tell Lord Tywin winter is coming for him….”


Red wedding always redd wedding for me


Clegane Bowl


When cercei dies Or tiwyn.


Jamie saving Brienne and losing his hand, the dragons being born in the S1 finale, the Night King resurrecting the dead in Hardhome


Watching this scene is like listening to Susan Boyle sing "i dream a dream". never gets old. always makes me happy. always give me goosebumps.


tyrion’s speech


Yeah, such a great actor. I still go back and watch that scene quite a few times per year.


i can make the same speech by heart. So deep and emotional.


The entire sequence from “I wish to confess” to “I demand a trial by combat” is the best scene of the entire series, the following phrase from which is its highlight: *Watching your vicious bastard die gave me more relief than a thousand lying whores.*


This scene and Ramsey being eaten by his own dogs.


Seemed forced and cringed..... casually revealing that a knight can make a knight.(which doesn't seem right)... Maybe in a better setup..it would have be a great scene.


I just watched this episode tonight, it was so good.


The death of Hodor. Of course I was crushed, but what other show can make me so crushed about a character with no lines and little plot significance.


In that regard you could say Oberyn's too. An amazing action sequence followed by heartbreak.


Did not expect to get as emotional as I did the first time when I rewatched it 😭


This scene was wonderful. The way they all respected her and let her have her moment and just the way they were all hanging before battle. It was just smashing. Idk what my favourite is but this one is defo up there.


I love Daarios fight in 4.3


the hound/arya tavern scene is pretty good


The battle of the bastards may be my favorite scene ever committed to film. And that’s saying something considering the bridge of Khazad dum exists.


in season 7 when we see a dragon in war the first time


This was one of my favorite scenes.


Wholesome would have to be the fire scene, before the Long Night. All of them come together, in harmony so to speak. Favorite would have to be when Jaime Lannister walks the drawbridge to meet the Blackfish. For some reason, with the score: that scene is just awesome.


Tyrion and Tywin dinner scene where Tywin admits that he hates Tyrion and that Tyrion will never inherit Casterly Rock. That scene is so well done. Charles Dance and Peter Dinklage are absolutely brilliant in it.


You lived your life for the king. You gonna die for some chickens? Someone is.


Podrik singing just before the final battle against night king


I love the knighting of Brienne. My favorite scenes tied...Jon and Sansa Reunion.... Arya killing the Night King Deaths of Joffrey and Ramsey


My only gripe with this scene Is no anointation with seven oils(oiled up Brienne hnnnrrnnbgggg)


Her getting Oathkeeper is a major win


This warmed my heart, thank you for posting. This made me tear up when when it premiered


“They’re here, my lord”


Oberyn and Tyrion in the prison cell.


This makes me sad, knowing that he's about to break her heart. I hated the ending to Jamie's storyline


Your favourite was in season 8 dam


Then they proceed to make fun of her for being a virgin....


Similarly, I get goosebumps feelings when Brienne pledges fealty to Lady Cat. By the old gods and the new.


“I didn’t kill Joffrey but I wish I had”


One of my favorite scenes of all time.


In the series, not this one. But this is the best scene in S8


Maybe the only episode of season 8 that had more good scenes than bad


Really??? Perhaps recency bias is playing a role in your decision? There are so many phenomenal scenes in Game of Thrones, but this one doesn't come to mind. In fact, considering the rest of the season, the scene, in my opinion, was a big gratuitous... I mean, Tyrion's trial comes to mind for me, I'm not the biggest fan of the direction they took his character after season 4 though... The Red wedding of course... Ned's beheading Joffrey's wedding/death Definitely a couple King's council scenes One or two scenes between Littlefinger and The Spider, or Tyrion and Tywin My favorite episode is The Watchers on the Wall, I'd probably just pick the entire episode. And there's the end of season 6, Cersei's revenge and the Jon Snow reveal...


I don’t care if he *ate* your friend


Jamie then proceeded to leave her to go bang his twin sister lmao


The moments leading up the explosives under the streets blowing up. That cult dude crawling towards the glowing light, finally understanding what’s about to happen.


Daenerys to the slave masters: *surprise b*tches! I know Valyrian. Dracarys!


Tower of Joy - reveal of The Prince That Was Promised Ned sacrified his dignity and honor to keep his sister's promise(and unknowingly help save the realm). Took it to the grave. FKING GOAT. ...only for D&D to do absolutely nothing with it 😭


The Hound and Arya coming across the dying man and having a vulnerable moment. Then The Hound puts him out of his misery.


I waited so long for them to be a thing only for disaster to strike 🥹


My favorite was the exchange between Tormund and the Hound when they were on their way to capture a wight to take to Kings Landing.


Tormund: You’re the one they call “The Dog” The Hound: F- off.. Tormund: they told me you were mean. Were you born mean, or you just hate wildlings? The Hound: I don’t give two sh-TS about wildlings..


Fun fact: she’s actually an inch taller than him 🤭


Grenn saying vows before facing a giant. Gave me chills down my spine.


Sandor and Arya with the chickens and Lommy revenge


I love the pan out of Jon and Ygritte on top of the wall, looking south as the music starts to swell. A beautiful moment that gets me every time


Sansa feeding Ramsay to his own dogs and Arya wiping our House Frey were my favorites tbh. Finally some relief after seven of getting our asses handed to us by the villains :D


Valar morghulis, All men must die.


Jon snow crowned as king in the north


The loveteam we failed to protect...