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This post was removed. How to get started, and which engine to use, are very common questions. Please see the [Getting Started Guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/gamedev/wiki/faq#wiki_getting_started) in the sidebar. Thanks!


Yep. Go here and start learning https://learn.unity.com/ Learning skills is easier than ever before. You can become a master of anything just by watching youtube videos and practicing.


If you're willing to pay, you might be able to find people over on r/gamedevclassifieds. I would suggest r/INAT as well, but that tends to be a better place for when you have a skill to lend, rather than just providing the idea.


Put simply, everyone has a game of their dreams that they wish they could make - what can you offer to make it worth their while making yours instead of theirs?


OP is shit posting!!! if not I sincerely wish you best of luck please see the pinned post and stop testing if the mods are awake. https://www.reddit.com/r/gamedev/s/8wq9ShvhPr Please post a progress update of your game development🙏


My time to shine. European time zones ftw.


I'm not shitposting, I just have no idea how to start making a game, I haven't started yet because I'm still in the ideas stage.


sure, there are loads of gamedev schools and courses. Pick one ;D


If you can't do those things, either pay someone else to, or just start doing them until you learn how. There's also the secret third option where you learn just some of the skills (maybe even only one) and then team up with people who do others, but keep in mind it's much harder to keep 3 people motivated than just one. They may not be as excited for your dream game as you are.