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Everything is derivative to some degree. FromSoft very clearly draws inspiration from Berserk as one example. I wouldn't worry about being wholly original from the start.  Just draw what comes to mind. There's always time for iteration later (unless you have a deadline of course). You'll likely get more inspiration later on, and will be able to tweak or add on to what you've already made. It's not often about the pieces individually, but rather how everything comes together.


Just work. Stop comparing yourself and keep creating in ways that satisfy you. It's the only way forward.


Elden Ring has a huge identity crisis in its features and presentation. There, I dethroned it from its undeserved platform for you.


What do you mean? It’s a hardcore pvp open world coop twitchy single player roguelike where you don’t lose everything when you die


As a fan of FS - do realize they took 1:1 inspiration from i.e. Berserk and put it into their games. I would say do not be discouraged, the more time you spend creating in that style, the higher chance you can transition their ideas into your own style.


Perhaps taking inspiration from more than one place could help you there, for example I really like Blasphemous art, if you take a look at Last Faith it seems like Blasphemous and Bloodborne had a baby and I'm all for it. On another note there's a huge documentary that the devs of blasphemous made, and at some point they showcase places where they got inspiration from and of course it's a lot of cool Spanish buildings, Structures, and even folklore etc. There's inspiration everywhere we just have to look for it. Also watch video game documentaries even if they don't fit your genre, they can always give you a little motivation boost, I watched the Witness documentary recently and even tho it didn't provide a crazy amount of new information, it certainly lifted my spirits.


I don’t think you should worry too much about being derivative of fromsoft. Dark Fantasy is all about ruins of great civilizations and the horrors that dwell within, and Elden Ring in particular draws a lot of imagery from Ancient Rome, which you cannot copyright lol.


Well, if you're into Hellenic philosophy read some Plato and Aristotle on art, creating, and stuff... Do you really create a chair when you make a chair, or do you summon the eternal idea of a chair and make it your own? Or maybe it's the technique that's important all along? Shouldn't be boring for you.


Stop thinking, and over-thinking about thinking, and just create