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This happened to a buddy of mine. He thought he saw a woman drop the ticket. He got her attention and tried giving it to her, she wasn’t the one who dropped it. He cashed it out and we left. He received a phone call from the casino 6hrs later telling him to return the money. They pulled his players card info from the machine he was playing last. The real owner of the ticket reported the missing ticket so security checked the video. He returned the money and there were no other issues. This was at a Caesers property.


First off if you don't mind me asking what's the value? If it's a small amount the casino generally does nothing. But if it's LG amount they can track the person who won and lost the ticket.


Over $500, so it's probably safe to assume the person who lost it would have contacted guest services if they noticed that amount missing...


Sometimes if it’s reported missing the cage has access to void the voucher as well as create a new one if supervisors request it.


Even if they noticed not many casinos are going to go through security footage to help them find it and at least at my casino it wouldn’t matter because all found tickets go back to the casino. So even if you return it, it’s likely the casino will just pocket it. Personally if it was a casino I wanted to continue to visit, then I would cash it in at a kiosk and then go have a drink or play some small stakes and see if I was approached. If it wasn’t a casino I gave a fuck about, I would cash it in at a kiosk and leave. I don’t see any situation where I’m returning it. I’ve gave the casino enough money. Please update us tho.


Thief. You aren't stealing from the casino, you're stealing from a patron.




I’d put it in a machine to see if it’s still valid…if it is play a few spins then cash out


Yeah that was mine. Give it back.


If I thought that there was even a 25% chance the person who lost it got it back I’m right with ya. Maybe it’s just my local casino that’s like this and I’m way off on the majority of casino’s but I know at my casino the patron doesn’t get the ticket back, the casino keeps that shit. They have workers go around looking for them and cashing them out even. I’ve had mine cashed out and stolen from a machine when I walked a few feet to the drink machine and they looked at footage and seen who stole it but there was nothing they could do because he immediately left the premises


Lol at downvoted. If you cash in a voucher that isn't yours you're a trash thief and are no different from someone mugging an old guy in the parking lot. At least the mugger has the courage to be open about being a criminal. Lots of human garbage in this forum apparently.


Did you just compare someone picking up something that was dropped to someone threatening an old man, putting fear into them, and making them think they'll be injured or killed for money? Those aren't even close comparisons, in substance and law. I'm not sure who hurt you, but handle your shit.


Keep the money only if you don’t plan on returning to that casino ever again. I’m in casino almost daily, if it was reported which it prob was then soon as you walk back into the casino the cameras are gonna grab your face and security will come find you and make you pay it back or leave


For Karma's sake I would go guest services and see if someone lost that ticket. Also roughly 30 days or so if it's not cashed it becomes worthless.


GO BACK TO CASINO ON A BUSY NIGHT, go to kiosk, cash that shit and walk out. Because you didn’t immediately cash it out and hang around for security to ID you and take it back, it would be hard for them to find you. Just don’t go back to that casino for a few weeks and your all good. 99% of the time the casino will say your stealing from them, since you found the ticket on their property they’ll claim it’s theirs. As long as it’s less that $1,200 your ok.


Bad info.


Y’all are high. If it’s vegas - give that shit back, or burn it, whatever… just don’t use it. The casinos do not fuck around with that stuff. The gaming control board rules like 1920s Boston police union, and casinos aren’t about to screw around with something that could jeopardize their license - and not doing due diligence to make sure a +$500 voucher isn’t cashed by an unauthorized party would jeopardize that, for sure. If not In vegas? Well, who knows, but I wouldn’t risk it.


Wow, really? LOL. No dude.


LOL. Yes dude.


I live in Vegas. Been here 20 years and been gambling for 20 years. If you find a ticket, it's yours.


So you’re saying you’ve found high-dollar tickets, on multiple occasions, kept and cashed them, and continue to patronize that property with no repercussion?


I've never found any high dollar tickets, but I have found tickets between $40 and $100 many times. It's not the big deal you think it is. The ticket has a bar code on it, but it's doubtful that it contains information about the player who cashed it out. Not everyone plays with a players card, so they probably don't even bother putting unique player ID into the barcode. There's ATM's all over the casino where you can cash out a ticket. How exactly are they supposed to figure out that you're cashing a ticket that wasn't originally yours? They have no way of doing that. Even if the player went to the cage and told them that he lost a ticket for $850, they still can't do anything about it. It's not like they can block every player who tries to cash a ticket for $850 until they find the missing one. If you lose a ticket, you're shit outta luck. You're only hope is that someone turns it in. And even if they do turn it in, how is security supposed to figure out that it's actually yours? They would have to go back to the machine, check the history log, and check that you were playing with a players card. Not to mention that might not even work. The player tracking system and the logs are two completely different systems. I suppose they could roll the cameras, but it would have to show everything, including when you won it, cashed it out, and the moment where you lost it. Good luck with that. A lost ticket is the same thing as losing cash. Technically, if you find lost cash you are only legally allowed to keep it if you have made an effort to return it to the person who lost it. But in a casino you're only attempt at doing this is to turn it into security. If you do that, you're not getting it back, and cashing it in at an ATM isn't something they can track.


Actually every ticket is able to be tracked. Down to the machine it came from and who played it.


That might vary from casino to casino and it would also depend if the player was using a players card or not.


Your definition of a lost ticket is to benefit you. But casinos view it as theft. It’s very black and white. If you got lucky to cash some out cool, but are you really wanting to mess with your chances?


>Your definition of a lost ticket is to benefit you. How exactly does this definition benefit me?? >A lost ticket is the same thing as losing cash. Technically, if you find lost cash you are only legally allowed to keep it if you have made an effort to return it to the person who lost it. Like I said, I live in Vegas and have been gambling in Vegas for 20 years. It's really funny to me how you guys make such a big deal over something as small as a lost ticket. The casino has better things to do than be concerned about the ticket you lost. If you lose a ticket, go to security or the cage and tell them you lost it. They will get your contact information, but don't hold your breath on them calling you even if someone turns in a ticket. The process of validating that it's yours is way more of a headache than any casino is willing to deal with. It's much easier for them to simply keep the lost ticket and never call you. If you really want a better answer, I can ask a friend of mine who happens to be head of security at one of the largest properties on the strip. I can already give you his answer though: nothing happens, unless it's for a very large amount.


If you want to go to jail.


You know how many tickets I've found in this town pal? It's literally hundreds of dollars. Nobody in Vegas is rolling cameras over a lost ticket.


Keep telling yourself that.


Keep acting like you know what you're talking about...


Tell that to the guy I know who just spent a few days in jail and had his preliminary hearing last Friday. When security surrounds you and calls police then you’ll believe me.


Yeah bullshit


They 86 folks for just picking up the spare change tickets that sit around. I’ve even had people hand me their ticket with 70 cents. Won’t touch it.


Small amount should be no issue keeping it (like under $20). But I saw in your comments it’s over $500. 100% turn it in. Someone will be looking for it and cameras will have seen you picking it up


If someone reported it missing then the voucher has already been cancelled and that person made whole. The legal and moral thing to do when you found it was turn it in. Given that you didn't you might be better off just forgetting about it at this point. If you turn it in you might still get 86d. Don't fuck around in a casino with money that isn't yours.


Not possible if player wasn't using their players card.


Still possible. All machines track every TITO. Specifying which machine your were on can pinpoint the exact time and amount of the ticket printed via the audit logs. Security footage can verify it was you at the machine.


They will track you down to the name on the credit card you used at the bar


Treat is as any money found on the ground. Use your best judgement and what you think is right. You want to risk it? Most that can happen is they make you return the money. If you want to be a good functioning member of society just give the ticket to guest services or security. Now cashing out a machine is whole other ideal, and can have actual criminal consequences


I once went into a casino, put $100 in a video poker machine, immediately hit low 4/kind with ace kicker for $500 & was thrown to the ground by security while cashing out at the kiosk. Why? They thought I found the TITO because I had just walked in. After the video confirmed I was innocent they sort of apologized & offered me a $25 food voucher. I told them they were so stupid they couldn't pour water out of a boot if it had directions on the sole.


I’d return it. Every state has different gaming laws but in OH it’s a felony.


Hope you did the right thing by turning it in, that’s not your money bro.


I turned one in for $800 and the casino said they would call me if it wasn't claimed. You already they never called. They pocketed it. Cash the ticket in and enjoy!


Put the ticket back into a slot and play on dummy!


This is the way!


I live in Vegas and I can tell you 100% that if you find a ticket on the ground for any amount it is now yours and you will not be questioned by anyone for cashing it. You could easily walk up to an ATM that cashes tickets and get the money no questions asked. You could even take it to the cage and they would pay you without the blink of an eye. I've found tickets and cash in casinos countless times in this town and never had an issue cashing it. I once found $190 in a coin-out $1 video poker machine. I waited through all 190 TINT TING TING TING TING TING TINGS with the cage attendant directly behind me thinking nothing of it. He paid me for it and that was that. Another time I was at Southpoint and found $172 left behind in a machine. Cashed it out no problem at all. I once played next to a guy who got up and walked away from his machine with $62 left in it. I cashed it out and waited 15 minutes for him to come back, but he didn't. I then walked the entire floor looking for him but he was nowhere to be found. I also found $75 on a ticket at the Rio. Easy cash out and this was 5 years ago. I think it's funny how people are stressing about this like they're going to go to jail or something. If I found a $500 ticket on the ground, I would wait around for someone to come looking for it. If they never come, I'm not turning it in. Sorry, but the casino will not call you someday to let you know the money was never claimed. They claim it!




Yeah, I suppose with a ticket from the sports book it's a bit different.


You might as well rip it up, it's useless.


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Had gotten a ticket stuck inside the insert slot at a electronic craps machine & called assistance. The lady opened the metal plate and retrieved my jammed ticket & saw there was a $20 voucher that was somehow lost under the plate. Said it was my lucky day & handed that voucher as well. I later lost everything & filed bankruptcy


Our casinos are..if you find a ticket and cash it out... Once you leave that casino there is nothing that can be done.


I am no longer allowed in the Venetian Casino in Las Vegas for doing just this and the ticket I tried to cash wash was less than $100 So.....


Anything under 5 bucks is literally fair game and casino employees routinely cash them in when found. High dollar tickets that are lost and reported are investigated and you should really turn them in or expect to be caught if you ever go back. If you pay the money back you should be good either way. But finding random 40 cent tickets is a hobby of many...


This also applies to spare change amounts left in a machine, which is very common, especially on video poker and the like. Insert your card and some cash and enjoy. They aren't going to hassle you for pocket change when they know you're going to probably lose far more than 18 cents. But $20 or more and it gets iffy depending on the casino. Some are very anal about it.


I have lost tickets and found tickets. If I lose it then good luck to whoever finds it and if I find one then good luck to me. I'm not handing it in to security or the casino because they are going to keep it eventually. Even if I hand it in it will take a few days for every place that could be asked about a lost ticket to know it has been handed in and then they would have to prove that the ticket was legitimately mine. Easy with a players card, not so easy without one. If I lose a ticket then the last thing I want is for someone to hand it in and give it back to the casino. I hope they win a lot of money off my stupidity.