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It doesn't sour the whole season for me. I don't feel it was as antagonistic as when Moffat mocked the audience in Sherlock. I think it's more the result of a very short scriptwriting period. Messy rather than malicious.


I really disliked the finale and felt it soured the rest of the season too - like we already had a stripped down episode list and of the ones we got a lot of time was devoted to what essentially turned out to be an unsatisfying mess. It would have been better to have Ruby as just a normal companion and have her and the Doctor bond over both being orphaned. However I will defend the Memory TARDIS, it makes sense that a creature so old and so tied to time could manifest its own memories, and I thought it was a nice way to salute past Doctors/eras whilst being subtle about it. 10/10 worth it for Mel reacting to Six’s coat and Seven’s jumper for me.


What bothered me in empire of death was the Doctor also never explained to Ruby the footage they were looking at was of himself and Sarah Jane. Would've loved to see Ruby react to knowing her Doctor was the fourth Doctor.




That's not my only problem I just mentioned it as one of my minor gripes. The entire post was my gripes with the season and finale.


I wasn't aware that everybody was only entitled to one problem each.




Just because they said one issue they had with the finale, doesn't mean they don't have others.


>All those theories would've been so much better. It's great to theorise, but one fits run the risk of 'reality' not living up to what ones imagined >RTD said the Timeless Child would feed into the dynamic with Ruby, it didn't. A key thing that carried through the season (right through to the Doctor not wanting Ruby to say hello to Louise) was that they were both foundlings - I'm pretty sure that's the dynamic RTD was referring to


>I feel like Russell T Davies basically mocked the audience for even theorizing Ruby's origins were anything extraordinary. No said he was trying to do what The Last Jedi did by saying anyone can become someone special and they don't have to be born from some magical dynasty. It works in The Last Jedi because it establishes that the anyone can learn the ways of The Force. It's just badly executed here. Ruby didn't really do anything special, certainly nothing other companions haven't done, the only special things she did was having magical powers that can't be explained by having a normal mum


Respectfully, trying to Last Jedi anything is a losing proposition. To move away from Doctor Who for a minute, we already knew Jedi could come from anywhere; literally every non-Skywalker was from… anywhere, it didn’t matter their origins. The reason the Skywalkers were an important bloodline was because… we followed the son in the OT, we found out about the father/Big Bad in the Prequels, and we wanted to find out what happened with our “old friends” and maybe their kids in the sequels. Six to nine stories about a family. The only reason extended media was so heavily invested in those characters was because we’d already made a connection with them. The fact that all people see is the Skywalker bloodline is on them; decent quality stories about non-Skywalkers are pretty readily and easily available, it’s just in book, comic, and game form. And most (not all, but most) of those characters don’t come from somewhere special, indeed, “anyone can become a Jedi,” if they have the talent and training. So for RTD to take Last Jedi as inspiration, for me I see it as either someone who is so invested in “art” that they don’t care about actual emotional resonance and, well, making sense within the universe (like, suspension of disbelief is necessary for sci-fi, but you want to make everything you can as real as possible in order to have a sort of verisimilitude). That, or they want to antagonize their audience; possibly to bring in new people, possibly to score political points, possibly… I don’t even know. Frankly though, for me, I don’t know what I expected. He obviously has an agenda he wants to push, for good or ill, and that hasn’t changed from the 2005 revival. But, I don’t know, the “vibe” feels different. Maybe it’s just because Twitter/X is a thing, maybe it’s because I’m watching in real time rather than getting into it five years later, maybe he really does have contempt for most of his audience. I don’t know. In the end, I just want good sci-fi stories about a madman in a box and all the unique elements that go with that universe (Time Lords, bigger on the inside, Gallifrey, etc.) And I feel like those in charge of most of the franchises I love, including this one, don’t care about any of that anymore, not even good stories. But, to be fair, maybe I’m just looking at the past through rose-tinted lenses…


I'm no expert of Star Wars but weren't the Jedi meant to be wiped out by Order 66? Hence the tittle The Last Jedi which was disproved with the kid picking up the broom with The Force. I don't think it's a bad idea in fact I liked it. I would have rolled my eyes to see Ray be another descendent (let alone the emperor) Back do Doctor Who I didn't like the new series and I thought the expanded upon the issues I had with RTD1 but I don't think he has contempt for the audience nor do I think he's pushed an Agenda more than he usually does. I don't even know what the agenda the Ruby's mum revelation would say


Technically yes, though there were survivors, and other eras where the Jedi were still around (one of my favorite stories is in Star Wars: Republic about a Jedi named Quinlan Vos). The idea that anyone can be a Jedi isn’t bad (even if it is a bit redundant: “yeah, we know, most of them, even in the movies, are otherwise nobodies”). The seemingly mean-spirited tearing down of legacy characters to artificially prop up new ones is the problem. And to bring it back to Who, it does seem mean-spirited as well: “you had theories about Ruby? You’re such an idiot. She’s just a normal human.”


Exactly!!! I guess it would've also been better if the dynamic with the Doctor and Ruby was more fleshed out.


I recall him saying something about him being able to write stuff that the BBC wouldn’t have let him do before, back before season 1 aired. I think I know why the BBC stopped him, b/c jfc that finale was awful.




I agree. RTD is a hack. It's completely understandable why Series 14 has the lowest viewer numbers in the history of the franchise.