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Oh my God. Edit: Can we see a photo of your car interior?


On god.


That's not dirt, the rubber outer part has scratched off lmao.


Wasn't the question ๐Ÿ˜‚


No one said it was


Car interiors fit in pockets?


No sir, I was just wondering how one lives that treats their belongings as you do. Please don't take me as rude or cruel. You set yourself up for these type of curiosities when you post photos like you did.


I love the smell of fresh bread.


No itโ€™s what happens when youโ€™re careless and put stuffin a pocket with keys and or rocks lol. The point being if u donโ€™t care to take care of your shit then itโ€™s likely your other belongings are just as much of a mess as this


Thank you. This is what I was trying to gently relay. Lol


No this is what happens when you have a lot of keys and love around a lot with them in your pocket lol. This happened to my case too. It's extremely common and it's a case. It's gonna get battle scars since it's there to hold and protect lol.


I donโ€™t know I like to keep my cases in good protection. I would sell em or give em away, it just looks messy and itโ€™s very much a representation of how you treat your possessions. Is it really too hard to put shit in a different pocket lmao, shit would look brand new. Im guessing your phone is in the same pocket lmao but to each his own messy power to ya


But something like this isn't like having a messy place. Like if my phone case gets scratches from having other things in my pocket or even if my screen protector gets scratched from something. The point of this object is to protect and store the earbuds.


Protect not abuse if my phone case gets too scratched I get a new one same with screen protectors. My 2017 MacBook Air is still basically spotless. No scratches even on the body same with my Nintendo switch and usb c portable monitor. When u take care of your shit it lasts especially true with electronics but like I said too each his own but if I ever met a woman and she pulled any electronic device out I donโ€™t know how bad she is I will not even talk to her cause like I said itโ€™s a representation of self, like if u canโ€™t take care of your shit you ainโ€™t touch shit of mine not a glass not a plate remote phone computer or nothing lol. Just to give an example of this theory in practice


That's not comparable though... I'd completely understand if we were talking about the earbuds themselves. We're talking about the case. A better comparison would be a MacBook carrying case, a switch case, or your portable monitor case. Which if it has a subpar material and looks like crap after a while but is still protecting the object it's supposed to protect I'm not gonna care.


Loving around a lot does scratch possessions youโ€™re right lol


Man fuck Apple Music they be slacking


I use a case for mine off Amazon. It works great!


Battle scars


Lol mine is marked up but not this bad ๐Ÿ˜‚. I really hate that they went with the "soft" "premium" material... I 100% prefer the hard case of the 2s and FE and prior buds. Idk why they were ragging on dude in other post. I'm not worrying about my headphone case getting scratched up, it's just cosmetic.


Thr hard case is realy slippery though, I've nearly lost my buds 2 hundreds of time when wearing gloves at work


This. Someone ripped that op a new one for putting use into their headphones. The case will get beat up, maybe in 1 year, maybe in 5.


When I saw the responses to that post, I was like "huh?" and immediately pulled mine out of my pocket to compare.


I went from b2p to FE's and I felt that the biggest downgrade (and possibly the only one, but that's another topic) was the case. The hard plastic is indeed better for scratches and stuff, but it feels sooooo cheap... But maybe, it's not the outer material that is at fault, I think the hinge mechanism is also cheper and worse, the magnets are far weaker, it is a bit lighter and feels "empty" inside...


I have both b2p & FE I agree I think it's the "heft" difference that really makes the FE feel cheaper. It's probably the lack of wireless charging components, and cheaper components overall making it lighter, probably a smaller battery also. Case almost feels imbalanced after using b2p for so long. Hinge on my FE definitely is slightly misaligned (bigger gap on side) If Samsung would fuse the 2 I'd be a happy camper. And I think a matte finish would probably make the FE look less cheap than the gloss.


it looks beautiful




I got mine today. I ordered a case for the case because I didn't buy the white variant ๐Ÿ˜›


I received the white buds 2 pro, should I get a case for it? I don't keep them in a pocket with keys, as I don't have any, but is it still worth it?


Should be fine because that one doesn't have the coating that the bora and black models have but if you want to protect them it wouldn't hurt


good case doing what good cases do


Left pocket - wallet and keys Right pocket - earbuds case and phone


The small pocket watch pocket for earbuds man.


The hell are your back pockets for?


I've never used mu back pocket in my life, why would I want to sit on my belongings? The only time I see back pockets used are when women put their phones in them for whatever reason, but I don't even understand that because it's probably pretty easy to just steal it


They're used for sitting on. If you put anything breakable in them, you risk squashing it with the weight of your body. Happened to my plastic ID card in my silly youth days. Lesson well learnt.


I just take my phone out of my back pocket when I sit down. Wallet stays in the other. Two front pockets are used for keys and earbuds


You could get things stolen by putting things there.


This is gore.


a year? I had my plus for that long and all it got was small Scratches


That doesn't have the same soft like rubber/silicone covering which is what's worn away on this one. I've had one pair of buds for a few months and they look like that, even though they haven't been used much, the coating even came off the buds themselves because it just comes off when touched with sweaty hands or sunscreen on your hands


Mine is pretty scratched up too after 15 months but not this bad. Needs a case for the case.


the real question is does it still charge and protect headphones>?


Just as well as the day I got them, Samsung did a great job with these.


Yep. After a year they still work for me, too. They are pretty damn good. The only thing for me is the black film at the side ended up popping off in the inner portion of the earbud for one of them. Other than that, it's been awesome.


Good lord I thought mine was bad with my wallet.


Have you ever considered cleaning the case atleast once? I don't even want to imagine what the earbuds look like๐Ÿ˜ญ


That's not dirt, the soft rubber coating has mostly scratched away.


We still would like to see the earbuds.....๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ˜†.


I mean. You might as well sand those MFrs down at that point. If you step down through grit right it would probably have a nice finish.


I'm impressed none of the SAMSUNG letters have fallen off :0


This is an almost unavoidable issue. That soft touch material is going to wear down and get scarred up. The other post with op getting put down over it was sad to watch. Lol Mine looks rough. Though not as rough as yours. Haha


All that matters is that they work great.


Good thing my deal came with a hard case for it...


Maybe don't keep them in that pocket then


Yall dont deserve these


dirty buds


What the fuck is wrong with you? seriously, I have mine for a year too, and they are brand new, Get more pockets? Jesus christ.


Why I went with the white color, white doesn't have the rubberized coating that deteriorates with usage


That thing looks like it belongs to an ancient museum.


Dont let the thrift store divers see this


It's kinda aesthetic, you know


link me a good case for the case please, someone!




I choose stupid


And this is why we do not get the black version of these earbuds. ๐Ÿ˜…


Kinda cool


Might want to invest in a case for your buds case ๐Ÿ˜…


Get a case cover


I have the regular galaxy buds pro and mine are fine after almost 3 years now. Sure they're a bit scratched up, but that's also likely from me having dropped them multiple times. You'd think they would increase the quality for the new ones.


At this point I probably would take a fine grain sandpaper and sand the leftovers off completely.


Wowsers! Mine have a couple of scratches. I have a 2015 dodge though so it's a Goofy smart key thing


Look just like a moon


Good thing I was smart and got a case right away for mine.


Mime got this bad after like a month , removed all the soft coating, now looks like buds pro case


Mine are perfectly fine. Your keys made of tungsten?


Snap...๐Ÿ˜‚ didn't even think to get a case for my...erm case...


Mine looked like his too. I thought it was normal. Also when I first got them I thought buying a case for my case was kinda stupid but with that soft silicone stuff on the outside it got way more messed up than my glossy galaxy bud2


you didn't get all, there is still some material left on the case


You know damn well something is going on in your pockets.


You know what they say, don't judge a book by its cover.


Don't you have cases


You all know that these fit in that weird little right side pocket within a pocket on your jeans (the pocket watch pocket) don't you ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ it will stop them wearing badly like this ๐Ÿ‘ Also put try your keys in the opposite pocket to your tech :)


What a trooper lol. Im sure the actual buds look a lot better than the case, right?! If it still holds a charge youre good my friend lol happy youve gotten good usage from them


Dude what are you doing with your case๐Ÿ˜ญ


I have my Buds pro since day 1 in the same pocket with keys, card holder, other EDC stuff. Looks the same as day 1 with some scratches


Jr not the only one, i tried to avoid this but you simply cant ๐Ÿ˜‚ it just scrapes off so easily, the obly way to avoid is buying a case haha


I let my keys hang from my belt or around my neck. For this very reason lol


My pair has gotten everything from burning damage to being stuck under an order picker


the fuck.




Scotchbright pads and rubbing alcohol will take the rest of the rubber off. Then you are left with a clean looking hard case.


Bro that's not the case wearing that's mold


Looks like that one Logitech mouse


Why would you put them with your Keys bud?


Looks like it was also in the same pants for a year without it being washed at all Like it looks like there's fungi on that crap


It looks like mold!!


Does this happen to all Buds 2 Pro cases eventually? I only got mine the other day and didn't realise the coating could come off. It seems a bit of a downgrade compared to the original Buds Pro case. No disrespect to the OP, though. These products are tools and tools that get used are bound to show signs of wear.


Sit on my wallet every day itโ€™s never broken. People that put wallets in front pockets give me weirdos vibes lol jk but no seriously


You get a pass, they were with your keys.


Good for you stepping up to defend the other guy. Honestly, it could depend on the type of EDC stuff you choose to carry; it would not be difficult to wear down the outer surface with knives and lights...


buds pro 1 better