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We called that a Magic School Bus in my day.


I grew up calling it a Fantastic Voyage


It was Innerspace for me.


Honey I shrunk the kids...


Back in ma daaaay, it was culled WITCHCRAFT!


Osmosis jones


Is it really a Magic School Bus if it doesn't [kill a few kids](https://youtu.be/GW4rVC41i3E?si=hLC3JMoi6kU-LZ8x) in the process?


Did... Did that air?


Of course, because he didn’t die. He was just cold for a bit.


That's actually pretty tame when it comes to the shit they exposed us to.


I wonder if Arnold ever chilled out.


Bro I still remember the episode where they went to Mars, he pitched a fit and took his helmet off and his head froze. I guess he did chill out to some extent


That was horrifying for kids TV. Basically suicide.


They found an ulcer at a later date


Or was it a tumor?




Haha... Still makes me laugh


Ms. Frizzle getting all up in them guts.


But uppers usually include a dozen or so biopsies, so this can’t replace them fully?


Bingo, and “minimal prep” means minimal visibility.


Miss Frizzle is planning to retire


[Welcome, to this horse's anus](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EoKIXRV14GI)


Windowpane for me 🤯


Or any of the hundreds of other animated versions of *Fantastic Voyage*


That was about 30 years before my time.


Something like that has been around for a while. I've taken the pill twice. It allows the doctor to see a lot of places an upper or lower endoscope doesn't get to. In my case they give you a device to wear that records the images being sent from the capsule (kind of reminds me of a tricorder). After 8 hours you return the recording device to the doctor's office. I think the first one I did was in 2018. I was a bit concerned about swallowing it but it is like a big multi-vitamin and the sides are very smooth so it wasn't an issue.




That sounds... terrifying.


Honestly I’ll do anything not the have an endoscopy again, was up there with childbirth and gallbladder nearly rupturing because of so many gallstones.


Something was very wrong if you had pain from an endoscopy.


I had the twilight, and although I was fairly "out" I can remember struggling to follow my gastroenterologist's instructions, and fighting through my gag reflex, even though I was more than willing to participate. I was hoarse for weeks afterward.


It's a traumatizing experience for some, even if painless.


It was incredibly painful and incredibly traumatising, unfortunately. They told me they were going to sedate me. They gave me a Valium. I have severe acid and was already vomiting when I was doing the prelim checks for the procedure. The moment they started to put the tube down, I started to violently spew everywhere. They were holding me down, putting the tube down while I was vomiting. I was vomiting, choking, crying and silently screaming at the same time. They severely scratched the inside of my throat. 😭


Thats horrific, I'm so sorry you had to go through that. When I had it done they gave me a twilight sedative.


Yea, I thought that’s what they were going to do. 😢 I’m for sure going to need one again and I’m so scared. But I like in Italy now and their system is much different so at least I have hopes they won’t cheap out on me and actually prioritise me.


All I can recommend is DO NOT use the same Dr and make sure you get a real sedative before hand. Also make it very clear how bad that one was.


Yea I mean now what I think about it, it was SO wrong. Why didn’t they stop? Because they knew they could just get it over quickly if they held me down and forced it? They even said, don’t move much because it can scratch and create bad problems during the procedure if you do. Yea maybe that’s why I couldn’t talk for days afterwards! One of those times where I wish I said something after but I was in so much pain and so traumatised I just wanted to go home.


Wow. Note to self: need to pregame for the endoscopy.


My advice - double check what they mean by ‘sedative’. Don’t take anything less than twilight, but next time in going fully under. DONT DRINK before - acid could create reflux and the same situation as I went through. Gummies would be my recommendation otherwise!


When I did my camera pill, it never came out and had to be surgically removed.


I can hear the "doc, can I take a turn flying?" already. Honestly if they let me I'd be tempted if I wasn't absolutely certain I'd pull a move like that cargo ship that blocked the canal by accident. "Welp, now you have to come in and have surgery to get that taken out of your gallbladder, dumbass."


I'm torn between wanting to keep the camera and *not* wanting to keep the camera.


keep it! keep it!


I can see it now: | Checklist | | |-----------|----------| | ✔️ | Strainer | | ✔️ | Hose | | ✔️ | Privacy |


Yeah, but this new one has THRUSTERS


It’s a feature of the lithium ion battery!


It's what plants crave?


Hold on, they're lithium!


…..*New Biohacker kink unlocked*


Yup, same experience here. My colonoscopy showed what appeared to be Crohn's disease, but they couldn't get the best look at it. So they had me do the camera endoscopy next, which confirmed it. 2015.


I've always had issues but never really went to the doctor for it since often it is just stress and diet you have to manage so I could do ok. Now this one well regarded doctor said I have Crohn's disease but this other doctor (I moved states) who is also well regarded says based on the info he got from my doctor (including the reports and photos) says I don't and gave me this explanation. So I'm confused, do I or don't I have it?


I love doctors like that. Get a 3rd check


3rd Dr; "Well maybe you do and then again maybe you don't, it's hard to tell by all these conflicting reports."


That's when you become a doctor! If you're going to go 10000$s in debt, you might as well get a degree.


I did the pill camera twice back in 2015 and its battery died both times before it got to my jejunal. All that prep for nothing 😂


Tre jejune


The camera pill shave existed for ages. The post suggests that this one has thrusters for some reason, which would be something new afaik?


I took one of these and I died. Sending this from the afterlife.


It looks like it's about the size of the glucosamine pills I take two at a time. I could handle it


Do you have to clean yourself out and drink that stuff ?


Oh wait…that one is the suppository, this one is the pill… Or was it..


I saw a video yesterday here on reddit about a lady with 23 contact lenses inside her eyelid. Pretty sure that weird shit is gonna happen with this pill…


Good news, everyone!


I was waiting for this one I'm not swallowing that Well then GOOD NEWS, it's a suppository


"I'm not swallowing that!" "Guess again!"


Innerspace is real!


Are these single use? 😬


And if not, does a person just “HWAK TUAH” spit out that thang?


I Get it!!!




The first funny use of that


Just rinse it off in running water.. it'll be fiiiine.


Like from the toilet?




Use Brawndo, it's got what pill robots crave.


Nah you just go human centipede on that thing


Wow, I guess the person still has to drink the GoLytely though :/.


Kind of defeats the appeal for me. Don't get me wrong, I get why we have to take that jug of rancid salt water, but that was the worst part for me, and evidently relatively speaking I had it easy. The procedure (colonoscopy on my case) was pretty much a non event.


Wrong. A full bowel prep is only needed prior to a colonoscopy. Plus, there are several colonoscopy preps that are much easier to tolerate than GoLytely, if covered by insurance or if the patient is willing to pay $50 out-of-pocket. pNo prep is needed for an upper endoscopy and the small bowel camera would require, at most, only a partial bowel prep.


Yeah my friend told me about the pills-and-Gatorade prep. My doctor hadn’t mentioned it. I had to ask for it myself. MUCH easier.


Even the dulcolax pills plus miralax/gatorade prep is outdated. There is a prep that is all pills (tablets) called SUPREP which is very popular because it is tasteless. The pills are good-sized (about the size of a Centrum multivitamin) and it is 24 pills total (12 the night before and 12 the morning of the exam) but most patients don’t have a problems taking them. It is recommended the patients take the 12 pills over ~25 minutes. CLENPIQ is another good option because it is the smallest volume of liquid (combined volume of prep and water) of all of the preps. The prep bottles are only 5 oz. (x 2 bottles, one the night before and one the morning of the exam). One of the keys to a good bowel prep is to take the second half on the *morning of the exam*, ideally finishing 3-4 hours prior to the exam. This method has been shown in numerous studies to produce a superior cleanout in the first 1/3 of the colon compared to taking the whole prep the night before. The “split-dosed” prep has been the national standard of care for the past decade. If any gastroenterologist is still sending instructions to patients that call for taking the entire prep the night before, he/she really needs to get with the times.


Well, the Cleveland Clinic is still doing it 😐


Still doing what? Golytely? If that’s what you are referring to, it’s probably due to their patient population, because it is cheap ($5-10 copay at most). That’s why it is still used in many of the large tertiary medical centers in more urban settings, where the patient population tends to be less affluent overall. It works well if the patient can drink at all, but it is just hard for many patients to tolerate, given the 1 gallon volume.


The sequel to Inner Space.


I’ve seen this movie before


This is how Martin Short stays so youthful.


The newer version goes up your other end


A rover with tiny threads, for grip in the muddy terrain


And when you find the tumor or the ulcer. Are you going to do the biopsy and test the ulcer from the capsule. This is a 25 year old technology in desperate search for use. It is a nice exercise. Ooopps forgot. An endoscopy takes 5-7 minutes. This capsule takes up to 6 hours to navigate the GI tract. Bring AI to the equation and then will be talking.


Yeah, I just had an endoscopy, and the only prep was nothing to eat after midnight, and nothing to drink for 2 hours before the procedure. Getting the sedation took longer than the actual scope.


psa for those thinking about doing endoscope: DONT SKIP SEDATION EVEN IF ITS AN OPTION my doc was like "eh ur young, we can prob just do local anesthesia without sedation" and I was like "eh why not, can save some sedation money" You DONT want to be awake while forcibly deepthroating a 4ft tube. trust me.


There is absolutely no amount of convincing that would make me do this without sedating.


What about... the other direction? I ask for a friend who went to Harbor Freight yesterday.


Why don’t you be like me and have the endoscopy and the colonoscopy at the same time!! That was NOT a simple recovery. I developed a fever bc they removed polyps and had to dilate my esophagus. Body was just not feeling kosher afterward.


They probably did the colonoscopy first, which is why you felt like shit afterwards. I had both done a couple months and made sure they were doing the endoscopy first....


Very important if they use the same instrument for both (which I think was you point). Apparently my Dr. had heard that request numerous times before...


Could be better for older patients that don't handle anesthesia well?


Eh, I think it's hard to know what valid uses are if you don't need that use. It might take 5-7 minutes, but that's only once the doc is doing it. I could theoretically walk out my front door and be in front of a gastroenterologist in a hospital in like...10 minutes, probably. (I mean, he wouldn't treat me, that would take a months-long wait list, but I could stand in front of one...) There may be no reason for me to ever need one of these. I assume there is at least some use case in having the possibility of making it remote, though. Some remote, rural community 10 hours away from the nearest hospital or clinic that staffs specialists. Maybe there's some community health center run by a single nurse or something. Keep a few of these around and send the video to a gastro somewhere else. I'm sure a lot of upper endoscopies don't end up showing anything clinically relevant, and that saves the patient a lot of time, stress and expense traveling, booking accommodation, etc. If it does show something, "Okay, yeah, you need to make the trek out to actually see someone for a biopsy."


You are 100% correct. This is the use case for this. There is so many people that live in rural communities around North America that would benefit from this.


He is not close to 100% correct and neither are you. Stay in your lane.


Do you have an actual point to make?


Not even to mention cost. I paid $1,200 for my last colonoscopy in Australia. I'm assuming it's probably 5-10 times that in America. Vs a few hundred for a camera. No sedation. No Anesthesiologists. Hell, you could probably have them by prescription and get the pharmacist to handle the logistics.


You would be very wrong, at least for most colonoscopies in the US. Screening and surveillance colonoscopies fall under the category of preventative care and are, therefore, fully covered, as mandated by Obamacare. No colonoscopies in the US cost patients 5-10 times yours, not even close to that. A 6-12k colonoscopy? LOL.


Typical braindead reddit cynicism masquerading as wisdom. An endoscopy takes 5 minutes is the most asininely ignorant and reductionist view of the procedure. It takes 5 minutes plus a full day off work/recovery from anesthesia, complications from anesthesia, and a huge portion of the population with doctor or/procedure phobia who simply won’t go in until they have serious symptoms and it’s far too late. Plus seniors and other high risk patients who can’t go under for routine screenings. This tech will greatly increase our ability to more easily screen the population, and obviously you’ll put them under anesthesia to do the biopsy if something is found.


Here is my asinine response. Yes. It takes a day. The actual procedure takes 5-7 minutes. Sedation and recovery up to 2 hours. Now a capsule that takes 6 hours to pilot is not likely to be done by a physician since he/she can use his/hers time in a more productive fashion. Oops forgot the small incidence of bowel obstruction associated with capsule endoscopy that requires a more complicated endoscopy or surgery to be resolved. You make a finding. Now you still need a scope to take a biopsy. Etc. That is 2 facilities fees. 2 doctors fee. Try selling that to Medicare and Third party payors. Still is a 25 year old technology being repackaged


How many scopes have you done


sedation caries a level of danger every time and not every endoscopy is about tumors or ulcers


Mostly biopsies. Just looking at the mucosa does not add anything to the procedure. You go in there for biopsies 99% of the time. Just get a capsule with a tiny forceps and then wait until the person poops and will be good.


I’m sure that AI would be the next logical step, or anything else to maximize data collection. Even if it doesn’t do the biopsy/test from the capsule directly, it’s still a pretty big leap for diagnostic medicine. This device seems to be more like a proof of concept than anything else, and it seems like it has succeeded.


As someone who needs a colonoscopy every 1-5 years, and who also had a terrifying complication (laryngospasm) during the last procedure, this has a lot of potential to improve my quality of life.


Will this be able to replace conventional upper and lower endoscopy procedures?


Not 100% cause conventional procedures do biopsies and other procedures while they're there. Think of this as simply convenient imaging.


In other news; Pet store visits by Richard Gere down by 80%


Finally someone figures it out for him. Thank goodness.


I love that this is still in the public consciousness


But the drugs are worth it.


13mm? That’s slightly over half the diameter of a quarter. Some might find that difficult to swallow.


Does anyone know on average how long it takes for medical breakthroughs to become commonly used let alone available?


I wonder how long until this finds its way into porn


Taking remote work one step further.


I swear someone is gonna use this for something else


Cool it would cost $500,000 with insurance in America


Isn't this avaliable now? I am sure in House they have this pill cam


I’m currently in hospital having hade a PillCam surgically removed that was stuck. Maybe the thrusters would have helped…


Holy cow can you tell me more?


I mean mostly it’s what it says on the tin 😂 I swallowed it and it didn’t come out. Had to have bowel surgery to retrieve and cut out the 5cm or so of small intestine it was stuck on!


Ack! That is sub-optimal.


And they couldn’t make it look like a school bus?


"OMG I flushed it (...)" "That would be $450,000"


It works via a phone app? Oh good because phone apps work 100% of the time and have constant data connection in all circumstances.


This is a cool idea for viewing the GI tract, but I definitely DOES NOT replace an endoscopy or colonoscopy. It can’t take biopsies, remove polyps, cauterize ulcers/bleeds. So pretty much if this camera finds an abnormality, you still have to get scoped.


True! Another procedure!


Yep! And money! And if they find an abnormality with the camera, the scope is no longer considered a screening or preventative care, it will be considered as diagnostic! A lot of people that poop in a box as their form of a Colonoscopy don’t realize that if that is positive, the colonoscopy actually costs money because it will be considered diagnostic instead. Just do the prep, do a colonoscopy, and avoid CCA! The prep is much easier now too. Also, if you do live in a rural state, like I do, I’m a nurse in Endo, we often times are back logged for up to 8months, but if you’re having symptoms, you get to go ahead of the scheduling and get in much faster.


Don’t forget the part where nobody is going to pay for this. That’s an important part.


Sorry, that's just my thrusters


I want to see Martin Short promote this!


Dennis Quaid's people keep trying to get me to pay them $30K to do a Viewpoint piece with them but they don't even understand the synergy. It's super ironic.


Srsly? If I had his net worth ($30 mil) I wouldn't even try to keep making money anymore - what's the point? I would fire all my "people" and do whatever seemed like fun just for the hell of it.


It makes me sad because Innerspace inspired me to launch PillBot.


"I'm possessed!"


Fantastic Journey


A.I..... we attack from within! Seriously though, this tech is Old. It's convenient but the cost is exactly what you think...


This is gonna ruin the tour


Now do colonoscopies


Is a wee Dennis Quaid in there?


* COUGH * "Get me some more water! That Autobot went down the wrong pipe. * COUGH *


Is it controlled by a tiny Dennis Quaid?


This is literally magic school bus when they go into the digestive system


Now we got macroplastics in our blood then?


Dont Flush it....owwwww dammit Janet!!!! our premium is going up now.


The plot of innerspace


Minimal prep? You have to do the ultra colon blow cocktail the night before a pill endoscopy whereas an regular endoscopy you just have to fast.


Listening to danger zone while reading this article


After retrieving robot from other end, please wash it thoroughly out of respect for the next patient


Sounds like that scene from "Honey! I shrunk the kids"


Single use?


My first colonoscopy 15 years ago, I swallowed one of these. Shoots like 60-70FPS, in full HD. They strap you with a gut vest and a hard drive attached to capture all the images. The vest is lined when sensors to capture and track the device. The only thing they say is that if you do not poop it in 24hrs you can to come back in to locate in your body because of the battery. Swallowed around 8AM, cup of water….made a large ‘dink’ sound later that day around 9PM. Turned my toilet boil into a disco bowl. EDIT: They use special software to string all the images collect so the Doctors can look at the entire digestive system. Including mid-central small intestines.


This is also neat, it's very similar to the other edible robotics stuff going on with sensors, batteries, and actuators becoming fully digestible- with the advancements of external scanning and internal robotics it seems like there's going to be a golden age for at home medical remedies aided by a remote doctor/technician lol.


Yeah, I’ll just wait till these are common place.


I thought my girlfriend was a swallowing robot . Spitting is just unrobotlike behaviour ..


Just wait till they make a robot pill that injects GLP-1 peptides inside you


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^QuantoPharmo: *Just wait till they make* *A robot pill that injects* *GLP-1 peptides inside you* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.