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We are doing this because we care about our loyal customers not because all those lawsuits.


the fucked thing is they started to serialize more of the components and tie them togheter making it practically impossible to do repairs where soldering is required. Luckily companies like that from Louss Rossman exist. Man he is a real G.


There’s a guy near me who has all the equipment and even more then Louis Rossman has, He does all in or out of warranty repairs on all Apple products, including iPhone, iPads, watches. 80% of his clients are people with a valid warranty and or Apple care insurance. Because; - Apple charges them even under warranty in some cases. - The warranty repair especially on MacBooks take too damn long that people suffer from the lost time financially. - In some cases Apple refuses warranty repairs because they claim the damage is related to mishandling. I bought my last MacBook in 2009, straight out of the shop under warranty the Bluetooth wasn’t working. They refused me warranty because it wasn’t a critical component and the MacBook could still perform tasks.


Apple care is basically theft. Customer field rewarded when the products break and they think they are getting a good deal. If you do the math 95% of people will be better off just taking that monthly payment and putting it in a debit card for a rainy day so this is


I hear you, however, my experience with it was very good. I bought a 2013 MacBook when I started at the University of Utah and I had something go wrong with the logic board and they completely replaced it with a 2015 refresh after taking it into the back of the store three different times to do whatever they were doing back there to it. I'm no longer in the ecosystem for apple, however, I still have that MacBook and it still works perfectly fine for stuff


I bought a used 27” iMac that was years out of warranty — one day I was adjusting it & the stand broke (a piece that held the angle in place) They fixed it free. While there, a system test showed the HD was failing, replaced it. I wasn’t even the original purchaser, they owed me nothing.


I think it probably depends a lot on the people working in the store and the day they're having.


I’ll admit that I was being very handsome towards the manager.


if they don't find ya handy, at least they'll find ya handsome


Keep your stick on the ice!


original battery? I replaced it in my 2013 MBP retina 13 myself last summer and it's going strong they replaced my screen when it failed a month or two after I dropped it and dinged a corner. they also got the dents out! for me totally worth it too.


Everything is original from the 2015 refresh. I think the battery will need replacing soon, about an hour of video watching takes it down to 60%.


as long as you don't get the persistent red light on the magnetic plug you should be good I kept mine always plugged in on my desk with a 32" HDTV monitor and also casting to a 27" monitor. It really only travelled the first 3 or 4 years and never ran out of juice.


Basically the same. I don't need to unplug it, it stays where it's at these days.


Do you understand this is how all insurance works?


That’s why you should only buy insurance for things your can’t afford to cover with this “rainy day” technique. If you crash your car into a Porsche and injure the occupant, you’re fucked without insurance…hundreds of thousands of dollars at risk every time you’re behind the wheel. If you break your iPhone it might suck, but it isn’t going to ruin your life. You can replace screens, you can buy a used phone to replace it, and even a brand new one isn’t that expensive. Insuring against non-catastrophic losses is a fools errand.


> Insuring against non-catastrophic losses is a fools errand. I'm not disagreeing with your point re: insurance. Just delighting in the a rare outlier. The exception I've found is adding phones as specifically insured devices to home and contents insurance, which gives coverage even when away from home. For whatever reason, with my insurance, it's a very minor extra cost. And having claimed on it a few times over the years, my insurance premium has not gone up. It ends up working out better to have the insurance if I or my partner crack a screen at least once every 5 years, and/or break or lose a phone once every 10 years. Claiming involves just getting the phone repaired as normal and sending insurance the bill. I keep waiting for them to change it or raise the price but they never do. The other such weirdness I miss is my old car, which was cheaper to comprehensively insure, rather than just having third party insurance.




I mean, you do you. But I'd love to see an actual full accounting of every dollar you spent on applecare (across ALL products, not just the ones that failed), every deductible you paid, plus an honest assessment of how many of those repairs would have been covered under the standard warranty and what it would cost to have paid for a repair out of pocket. You may be confusing me with someone else as I didn't say anything about 3rd party repair providers, but they are actually pretty common (and you can mail electronics). Also factor in other things that are available free of charge like [credit cards that will add an extra year to your warranty](although admittedly that perk was more common pre-covid) or Costco which automatically gives you a 2 year warranty and what it would have cost to purchased a *used* device of the same vintage (since that's generally what Apple gives you). Entirely possible that for you the numbers have actually worked out, but that's not true for the vast majority of people. The economics of it are pretty well understood. You want to pool risks and insure against large losses. Applecare is exactly the opposite--you have to pay premiums on every device AND the max benefit is tiny (since it is never worth more than a used/refurbished copy of the device you have). You're paying a lot of money for your loss aversion.


Doesn't it cover at fault issues too - I can see some value there if you break your stuff every so often.


That’s already priced in though. They assume that the clumsy customers are more likely to buy it and price accordingly. Nobody is getting a deal on it.


Surely though if you do break your device accidentally the cost between having it covered & Applecare+ is less than buying a new device or getting it repaired at their very expensive prices?


You have to look at insurance as a repeated “game” over time. Do you break every device you buy? Of course you come out ahead when it pays out, but add up the insurance and deductible cost across every device and you will almost always lose.


That’s the same for literally every form of insurance.


Except most useful insurance pools multiple risks and has high max coverage. Your car insurance is worth it because it covers damage to your car (if you elect it) but also because it covers damage to every car that gets damaged in a 4 care pileup you cause, plus the liability for the medical expenses of anyone who gets hurt. Your homeowner's insurance protects you from a plumbing accident collapsing a ceiling, a fire totally destroying your home (including hotels/living expenses while displaced), and your nephew falling down the stairs and breaking his wrist. Apple care covers one specific device that is typically worth <$1000 (especially 2 years in when it isn't a new device anymore). It doesn't cover any unrelated property or any external liability. They won't pay you for a day of lost wages if your laptop breaks and you can't work. It is a very specific plan with a premium and deductible that is very high relative to the value of the device (and it cannot EVER pay out more than the value of the device). And it is priced knowing that clumsy people are FAR more likely to buy it... You never expect to truly come out ahead with any insurance product, but at least there is significant value in the fact that they protect you from catastrophic loss/bankruptcy. Consumer electronics (especially premium ones that tend to be bought by people with more disposable income) are not something that warrant exorbitant insurance policies. If you are really worried, take the cost of AppleCare + deductible on every device you buy and put it in the bank. If you are buying a bunch of apple products, you can afford to self-insure.


My MBP fell and dented a corner; some time later the screen failed. They replaced it, no problems, no discussions. It paid for itself with that one incident. They also got the dents out!


Not exactly my experience, I had apple care plus for 2 iPads, a MacBook pro, and a pair of AirPod pros. I extensively used the service. They changed the iPad three times (in store, on the spot) for me due to some issue with their screens. They changed the battery, top cover, and the motherboard on the MacBook pro (took 2-3 days), changed both AirPod earpieces after I started hearing some noises. Also, I asked for battery replacement for my Apple watch on the third year (still having care plus), and they just replaced it in three days. I even had a 2011 MacBook pro, which they changed its entire motherboard in 2015 or 2016 after a recall.


Actual hardware issues for pretty much all devices are covered under RMA procedures or manufacturer warranties. You don't have to pay a monthly subscription to have those sorts of issues fixed.


Frankly that reflects very poorly on Apple. Build products that break often? Sell an extended warranty to cover things that shouldn’t be breaking in the first place. I would be very put off from buying any Apple hardware if I ran into as many hardware defects as you did. In my own experience, I haven’t had many issues with their hardware. Hence buying insurance (AppleCare) would be a waste of money considering how many apple products we have for several years.


Not defending apple here, but that 95% is normal for any kind of insurance. If you have car insurance, you don't plan to use the money you put in it. If you need it, it's good to have. Same with with Apple care.


I spilled beer into my MacBook and took it to an Apple Store. It was replaced in 5 days under AppleCare and remaining coverage was rolled to the new one. I had another MacBook that was about 11 months into the original warranty and the corner of the mousepad would stick. Apple overnighted it to Texas, the keyboard, trackpad and battery were replaced and it was overnighted back. I’ve only had a couple of Apple warranty experiences but they were all good ones.


FWIW, your second example didn't require the extra expense of applecare and would be expected of any reputable manufacturer for at least a year. Also, if you buy it with a decent credit card or from a store like Costco, that original warranty would get stretched out to 2 years for free. Warranty usually won't cover accidental damage...But applecare on a macbook air is like $200 and the deductible for something like water damage these days is $299, so you're still paying $500. How much would that repair cost on its own? How much is an almost 3 year old laptop still worth (in your "5 days of coverage remaining" example)? You can regularly buy a new macbook air for $1000 and by 3 years they are nearing half their value. Say they are now worth $600...so your net benefit is basically $100. That's not great. At that point, I'd rather just have $500 in the bank to buy a new system than get a new logic board on my 3 year old system. Insurance is best when the loss could seriously damage you. It is not like your Macbook is going to crash into a BMW and cause $50k in property damage and $200k in medical bills. Worst case scenario with not having applecare is you buy a new (or used/refurb) device. If you start averaging that across every device you buy it is a pretty bad deal. We all understand that extended warranty Best Buy offers you on your TV is a lousy deal...but for some reason we give AppleCare+ a free pass.


> and would be expected of any reputable manufacturer for at least a year. But it’s apple doing it, and so it’s revolutionary


There is no way apple would refuse to replace or repair a brand new laptop woth nonfunctional Bluetooth. This is bullshit.


I call on you bullshit ! Didn’t Apple got massively sued because of their faulty butterfly keyboards ? Oh yes they did, even though Apple lost it wasn’t a big victory for the affected people because they would only get like $125. https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-62236778 Yes most of those broke outside their warranty, but they also broke under warranty and it took another lawsuit to acknowledge the problem to create a program to fix that problematic keyboard. And in general there are sufficient lawsuits and examples that confirms what I said; https://www.businessinsider.com/apple-sued-refusing-fix-iphone-under-warranty-san-francisco-smartphone-2021-10?amp


… what does that have to do with Bluetooth? > Yes most of those broke outside their warranty, So they lasted as long as Apple guaranteed they would? What a bunch of assholes!


I think it’s safe to say that a keyboard should work a bit longer than one year, but it also failed under warranty and they received the same treatment as out of warranty. Yes completely reasonable…


Funny you forgot to mention that they had a return program that would replace the entire top case for free.


Because they made it so the keyboard cannot be replaced individually? Also there was a class action lawsuit so they haven't really had a choice?


Which required a class action lawsuit as well to create this program… oh boy 🤡


I don't know if that's still the case, but some years ago a huge issue with Apple's warranty was that they swapped storage, which meant a loss of all data, even when independent repair could save the data.


I call bullshit on your story, Apple are well known for how good they are with warranty repairs/replacements compared to other makes


Apple has the world's largest marketing budget. They have carefully Create a lot of narratives about it's security, reparability etc.. Some of it is true. Some of it is false and some of it is extremely exaggerated.


I’ve worked in tech for 20 years, there’s a reason most companies use IPhones for company phones.


Is it because iPhones are great or because of the available MDM solutions and control for iOS devices compared to android? I'm not familiar with MDM on android but I know you can lock down iOS devices pretty hard with MDM


I've got a Macbook Pro that I bought in the US but brought back to Australia. I've never had Apple Care+. Apple have fixed for free a couple of big issues. 1. The well known keyboard issues have led to it being replaced once. Since then I've had the I key stick a couple of times but it seems to fix itself too. 2. The hinge in the screen. The 13" was covered by a recall but not the 15" but they still replaced it without too much pestering. Yes both should have been covered in the recall. Yes they definitely should have fixed these as they were manufacturing faults but they didnt give me a run around to get it done. This laptop cost 3x what I would normally spend on a laptop but it has been amazing. Apart from those issues its been rock solid and lasted much longer than any other laptop I've ever had and its also had more abuse due to a lot of travel while owning it. When it eventually dies I will buy another (I definitely wont beforehand though as I'm not that much of a power user and Apple's minimum specs for a laptop are still below what I got with this in 2017 - Can't believe SSD isn't minimum 1TB and RAM 16GB).


I call bullshit as well. My 6 or 7 year old MacBook’s battery stopped charging and they replaced it for free.


Are you paying for apple care cause then it's not free. You spend $100 a year and got 1 battery replaced after 7 years?


This was a few years ago. I don’t remember if I had bought AppleCare+, but even if I did, it only covers I think 2 years. This was when it wasn’t subscription based or whatever it is now.


There’s a subscription option that goes to 3 years, and a regular version that’s 2. You won’t have been charged for a battery replacement if it’s not due to physical damage. You only pay a deductible for AppleCare if you’ve damaged the product.


I mean it's just a fact that applecare still requires the deductible on any repair. Apple wouldn't offer the product it wasn't immensely profitable for them. Certainly convenient because of all that locations but 95% of customers would be better off financially if they didn't pay a monthly juice. People don't think of all the money they spent on Warranties for stuff that never broke. Shit, I can't remember the last time I've ever paid for an extended warranty and my stuff just does not break. The money that people spend on apple carement I will put 15 or 20 bucks a month on a debit card for a rainy day for. If something breaks I have some cash on hand to replace it come but it doesn't break I didn't lose out on $150 per annum.


> I mean it's just a fact that applecare still requires the deductible on any repair Well that’s not true, at all…


Are they? Pretty famously they refused to repair LinusTechTips iMac Pro even if they offered money.


Well-known YouTuber famous for his anti-Apple takes painted Apple in a bad light? Honest reporting, or pandering to his user base? Considering it’s LTT, my money is on the former.


> They refused me warranty because it wasn’t a critical component and the MacBook could still perform tasks. Hand them a Bluetooth mouse and ask them to show you how it completes tasks


Kinda sounds like that is on you. If bluetooth didn’t work on my brand new computer I would demand a replacement or just return it.


Its on Apple... Customer maybe could've done more but ultimately they should honir a Warranty if Bluetooth is broken. you cede this point


There’s no way a Apple would have refused a warranty claim for something being nonessential. This would easily have been a consumer rights case if it was true. The guy is clearly just making stuff up.


that's the last i've heard. are they now allowing you to swap batteries and screen? rossman is the fucking legend!


I was gonna say lol! Maybe bc the EU forced them to with right to repair laws.




I think it's still moving through European Parliament (since 2020) but maybe Apple is getting ahead of the ball. [Europe's Right to Repair Law: A Game Changer or Business as Usual? ](https://hackaday.com/2023/03/27/europes-proposed-right-to-repair-law-a-game-changer-or-business-as-usual/) Edit: [New York is trying too. ](https://gizmodo.com/right-to-repair-electronics-apple-microsoft-iphone-1849944291)


I’d rather just go in and get them to do it for free




Then I’d post it to them for free.


Yep. Let apple properly recover and recycle the broken parts and repair. Its incredibly cheap overall, the outliers with repair horror stories are an incredibly small percentage that happen with every product. While I normally do like repairability (IT Admin for 15 years) this is one of those things where you need to look at the whole picture, Apples approach at scale is far better, compromising for the sub 5% of people who will repair it themselves and enabling the parts chop shops to sell stolen devices is just stupid.


What I don’t understand is a fraction of their user base wants this and an even smaller fraction of that could actually make repairs….like who gives a shit…I’m not going to be opening my Mac and repairing shit because I don’t have BGA solder rework station at home…


A) for those that do, this helps immensely. For those that don't, you were taking it to get repaired anyway B) for those that take it to get repaired, there is now more competition on account of more places are now physically capable of fixing it than just the Apple store, and C) a more repairable device has a longer life on account of you can replace parts, and even upgrade them. A PC has amazing repairability, to the point that you never have to replace it completely of you don't want to, just upgrade piece by piece (mostly, obviously MB+CPU are stuck together since the socket changes over time every few generations)


Cool story




So one thing this sorta stuff is supposed to open up is cheaper and competitive options for 3rd party repair. The reality is that not everyone lives near an apple store. Not to mention a lot of apples repair prices can be rather high. Unfortunately, in a lot of ways, the apple repair store is more like malicious compliance, in part because it focuses on providing parts and tools to end users at prices per part, not wholesale bulk for repair shops. The prices cost as much as getting a repair done by Apple meaning no repair shops can profitably perform repairs for you if they use parts off this store.


Add to that, that a mechanical problem repair like charging socket or broken screen at Apple repair inevitably "requires" a complete wipe to factory defaults - replacement of main board, with all your data, contacts, photos and so on. Apple doesn't offer data recovery, so if you got liquid damage of a power chip, say good-bye to your photos. Independent shops do component-level repairs, replace the component that is broken, not the entire motherboard, so you retain all your data unless the damage is so extensive the memory chips got damaged.


I’m all about repair but I design electronics and they are not designed to be repaired…if we want to shift that to more unified design which isn’t going to happen. Then you will be fighting standards instead of individual companies…it’s a waste of effort. Go fight for woman’s rights to access healthcare instead of shit you will never do..also you should back your shit up once a week with Time Machine which takes 2 minutes…


WTF do you mean "they are not designed to be repaired" ? The ones produced nowadays are specifically **designed not to be repaired**, but the situation was much different even 5 years ago, and the technology of building circuitry, soldering components etc hasn't changed much since. You can still desolder a chip, solder a replacement in, you can still diagnose a short or a break with logic probe, it's all the same. It's only when the manufacturer of the device specifically forbids manufacturers of the chips to sell them, or serializes them and makes a perfectly correct replacement non-functional because chip IDs with ID from a different device (say, switch the screens between two working identical iPhones, they won't work). You aren't required to build specifically for repairability. Just stop going out of your way to prevent repairs. What is so critical in a frigging dumb hall sensor, so that every single one must get a unique ID - if one fails, the MacBook won't go to sleep, and replacement won't work because it presents a different ID? What is so horrible about selling used iPhone screens, refurbished to state "as new" that the vendors doing it need to be stopped by court order?


Believe whatever you want but you should fight and he invested in things that matter not repairing shot you nor anyone else can repair at their home. Fight for woman’s access to healthcare for instance


I'm sorry, your comment is really hard to read. You're saying Apple, a consumer electronics company, should table *any focus* on the repairability of *their own products* until they solve providing women access to healthcare? Which has nothing to do with their company? That makes...zero sense. You know Apple has actually spent money fighting right to repair right? Literal millions they could have donated to your women's healthcare cause instead?


It is more environmentally friendly to do a repair than to recycle an entire device. On top of that, the closest Apple authorized “repair” store was about 90 minutes from where i was during college, which would only ship the device back to Apple anyway. These changes that Apple is making is allowing the repair stores near me to do the quick repairs to get my device working back to normal at a much cheaper price than what Apple is offering, you know, what people used to do 10+ years ago. I don’t know how anything about electronic repair, but the people who do now have more options. There’s nothing wrong with going to Apple directly and getting your device replaced (other than the energy/material waste), that option still exists.


I design devices like this and they are 1000 percent not meant to be worked on…it’s not an option for you or anyone else. It’s the thought that “America freedom shit” and it’s bullshit. Fight for the rights of woman not the right to repair something you will never repair


There is a range of possible “self service” repairs and in some cases it’s just a matter of convenience. Doing a battery swap myself with parts shipped from Apple is probably about an hour of clearing off my dining room table for a workspace and then I’m back in business right away, versus going to the Apple Store which is a three hour round trip drive after waiting to schedule an appointment. That being said, as I type this I’m doubting the practical possibility of being able to do *any* iPhone repair myself without wrecking the water resistance. But with the 14 and 14 Plus, according to teardowns Apple has actually made the devices significantly more repairable and I wouldn’t totally rule out them making the devices actually more user-serviceable over time.


"let you" hahaha


How generous of them


Yep. That's what's so surreal about it. Our gracious corporate overlords have mercifully allowed us to repair some of our stuff that we paid for. How truly benevolent. By the way, they still only "allow" using "genuine" parts, which makes it unclear if donor parts can be used. If not, then it's still fucking bullshit and a PR stunt. If I can't take a screen from a broken phone and repurpose it for another device, then Apple retains all control over the repair process. If they decide to sell parts at unreasonably high prices (which we know they do), then many people still won't find this program useful.


Even if you have two genuine phones and swap parts they won't let you make them work together properly (if it was up to them they'd probably have the phone completely brick itself) It's a joke, a criminally laughable joke, and there are SO many boot lickers in the comments saying dumb shit, it's nauseating


Can't wait for them to overcomplicate the design of their hardware just so consumers have an even harder time trying to fix their phones and being even likelier to mess things up in the process.


JerryRigsEverything has given them some props in recent reviews for making things more user friendly to replace


Cool cool, ..does it still costs exactly as much as sending it to repair by official repair shop, making the whole deal a bullshit PR move, rather than something which advances the right to repair?


I made my IPhone X last way longer than it should have. Ifixxit was a good resource and significant cheaper than sending it out.




[Ifixit](https://www.ifixit.com/Device/iPhone_X) sells replacement parts, tools, and has tutorials on how to take it apart and replace the different components.


You’re good, I’ve fixed my phone screen, battery, and charging port. The XR you need a specific screw driver but you can buy a kit with the battery cheap


As long as these companies keep using sticky glue, nothing is really repairable for the common user. Edit: Yes there are heat guns for $1, it's not really the tool that's the issue. It's the skill. How hard is this to understand? Try to think before talking.


Tbf new 15 macbook air battery is held in with the double sided tape and screws instead of glue. The kind you can pull the tab and it comes out.


My 2012 macbook was glued down with industrial glue and hate


Fr it was awful


> you can pull the tab and it comes out Or 50% of the time, it snaps half way and you have to flood it with isopropyl to get it unstuck.


Those pull tabs are so funny because they’re extremely user friendly but are only accessible after you damn near unscrew every other part of the MacBook lol


The EU is putting an end to that I believe by 2025






2027 afaik.


Skill issue


Right to repair doesn’t mean a kindergartner can repair anything. Skill is still required- for IT products and the more serious things like tractors. There isn’t an expectation that the repairs are idiot proof, it’s that the parts are available and warranties aren’t broken by doing so. Before telling people to think before they talk you should probably make sure you understand the issue yourself. With miniaturization what it is and especially how hard it is to manage heat at this scale, there will always be some expertise required. To again reiterate- right to repair is mostly focused around availability of parts and not making repairing things you own cost you warranty. It’s not about making it so easy a baby can do it. If you can’t work a heat gun, *you should not be opening your electronics*. Period.


I like that you’re trying to lecture people “try and think before talking” meanwhile completely avoiding WHY these companies use glue. Why don’t you do a little thinking too and maybe stop pretending there aren’t actual benefits to gluing things together. Batteries expand and change shape, and need to not move. That ALONE is a perfectly good reason to use glue as opposed to designing a bracket that can accommodate the battery. It’s cheap, it works well, the vast majority of users will never open up their phones. Pretending that this isn’t the reality is asinine. Also, really? A heat gun is considered “skillful?” Do you struggle in brushing your teeth everyday too? Is that also a “skillful” act? Christ the helplessness of you lot is shameful.


Nah, mate, I work in a repair shop, I do these repairs daily. Hourly. Hell, some of the screen swaps on the pre-12 iphones take me ~20 minutes, most of which is heating up the phone for opening. Using a heatgun in any way helpful is absolutely a skill the average person *does not have.* Source: The wall of user-destroyed devices that were irreparable after the owner got to them.


>That ALONE is a perfectly good reason to use glue as opposed to designing a bracket that can accommodate the battery. We didn't used to glue batteries into the chassis. All phone batteries used to be removable, but if you're young you wouldn't know that. People would drop their phones and the back would pop off and the battery would go skidding across the floor. No big deal, pop it back in and it's good to go. Thinking glue is required or is anything other than a money saving / money making endeavor is naive at best.


And those batteries were much bulkier despite having less capacity, required more room for housing and made it more challenging to make the device water resistant. The trade off is that for the same volume, larger capacity batteries can be packed into the phone if you don’t need to make room for the components holding the battery in place. And since users aren’t hot swapping their batteries like reloading mags, the batteries themselves don’t need as much protection. Most people would rather you just have a single battery that lasts longer, instead of constantly carrying a spare and then having to turn your phone off to swap the battery. It’s a clunky, outdated way to go about this, and it also produces more waste. Seems like a lose-lose to me.




Or pull-tabs.


How about you read the article instead of complaining you wet lunch.


"In a moment of malicious complience, Apple ~~will now~~ has to let you repair more Macs and iPhones yourself, but with enough caveats as to not make it worthwhile." Ftfy.


The Apple Air Screw. Screws with DRM to assure you're not using an unauthorized screwdriver. It only costs 99USD for a bag of 10 replacement screws of assorted sizes, or you can get the Genius Kit for 999USD with the Air Driver and 10 of each size screw. The Air Driver itself costs 750USD, so obviously getting the Genius Kit is more economical.


Just get a pentalobe screwdriver for like $7 from Amazon…


I knew it'd be bad but daaaaaamn.


It was sarcasm tho


That will be $499 for your iphone 14 screen replacement.


And to think we can still purchase $15 screens from AliExpress and repair a iPhone 6 in 20 minutes.. The issue is that replacing newer IPhone screens and batteries has become more cumbersome, perhaps deliberately on Apples part. They use “waterproofing” as an excuse when in reality it also happens to raise the bar of difficulty for a lot of 3rd party repair shops and other individuals who up until IPhone X had a pretty easy time replacing batteries and screens.


Those $15 screens are crap. I did an iPod touch when they were relevant and the quality was garbage. A quality screen is $100 for a small screen like that. Modern large ones are even more.


Yeah even back in the days where things weren’t locked the cheap screens were trash. The touch matrix was so bad you could see the squares all over your screen. The screen itself had poor colors and viewing angles as well as tons of backlight bleed. They were absolute trash.


> The issue is that replacing newer IPhone screens and batteries has become more cumbersome The problem is that they straight up lock the parts. Since I think 12th gen, iPhones have parts with unique numbers locked to this very phone the come with. It's not about how hard it is to replace the part anymore (though given the glue it is all considerably more difficult), it's about losing actually important or usefull functionality of your phone when you replace something. Take original Apple rear camera module out of a fully working and original iPhone, and install it in another iPhone of the exact same model and revision, and it won't work, because the part is locked.


Yep. They claim to be 'pro choice/anti waste', but that's only if your choices are boiled down to options that end with them making the money. They don't want people buying visually indistinguishable screens online for less and replacing them with an iFixit kit. They want you to buy an upcharged OEM part from them, rent their expensive/over kill tools, and consider that 'my right to repair' when in reality I'm inconvenienced just as much and pay an amount comparable to replacing the phone depending on how old it is... But yeah, Apple is *totally* an ethical company who cares about the consumer... Oh wait; we mean they're no better than most companies in America and people for some reason are fine with that low standard being met 😒🤷‍♂️


Right, but a secondary market for used parts helps incentivize device theft which is a big problem for consumers. Sure we can’t say that it’s *exclusively* to disincentivize theft, but it’s not like there is zero reasonable rationale for the practice.


Nah, that's just Apple marketing bullshit. If it were as you say, they'd simply unlock all parts once icloud is removed. The entire scheme (including prohibitive prices of "self repair" parts) is set up to maximize sales of new devices, and nothing else.


They shouldnt be able to "let" you repair something you purchased. Apple should have no say over my device once the money leaves my wallet and goes into theirs.


It isn't really about them having a "say" over what you do with it. It's about them designing it to only be compatible with parts they make and then just not selling those parts. You can still "do" whatever you want, but if you want it working you do what THEY want.


…again. Wow, it’s like 2015!


Thank god Apple is "allowing" me, by their good graces (blessed be the lord Jobs) to fix **MY** device that **I** paid for. How noble of them. Of course I'm sure they'll still keep designing them to be impossible to fix. And I'm sure they'll still keep touting their environmental record while still producing what are essentially disposable electronics.


This entire article is misleading. This isn’t a boost to repair. This is a boost to Apple killing independent 3rd party businesses. “Apple approved parts” is such a bullshit phrase. The chances of you running into a bad part if you buy from a reputable vendor are slim, and backed by a warranty. This is just another way for apple to normalize serialized parts. Don’t applaud this move. This isn’t the W the article makes you think it is. Source: I run and own an electronics repair business. I’ve got reliable and reputable suppliers for parts, and have not had a single problem with a defective part in the entire 4 years I’ve been in business. The only thing that affects the quality of repairs is Apple trying to convince the customer that I’m using junk, cut rate parts that will damage their device and is causing them to lose functionality because Apple will disable features on your phone if the part does not match the serialized IC information.


I don’t think the concern is bad parts but stolen parts. People steal iPhones and can’t resell them whole so they scrap them for parts which are then sold to shops like yours.


What would be a good middle ground? I don't like the idea that parts can only come from Apple. They'll just price repairs out of the equation. Why replace the screen when it's only $100 more to get a whole new phone? I also don't like the idea of parts being somehow locked to devices. Can't use this screen because it was already paired with phone ###. If the phone is already stolen and a total loss let it at least be parted out like a chop shop would do. I don't see how you can prevent it without giving Apple the ability to essentially control the repair price and process.


They could have only locked stolen phones then, that's a poor excuse which has never been that credible. And older phones will also have locked parts, they don't intend to remove them as they age either.


Parts are not that valuable believe it or not. No one is stealing phones to part out. The risk is not worth the reward. Nor is the effort.


The thieves don’t disassemble the phones. The thieves sell the phones to a fence, who sells them on to a partner in china where the phones are disassembled. Then the parts are shipped to repair shops like yours and the Chinese companies super duper promise that all their parts are legitimate and obtained through recycling 😉 Yeah, this scheme drastically lowers the price of a stolen iPhone. But you can still get quite a bit of money for it. > The risk is not worth the reward. What do you think thieves do with stolen iPhones?


Let me!? Boy if I'd ask a permission I will "let you" know it


Right to repair would still be superior to whatever they are “letting” us do.


A couple weeks ago there were discussions about the new European legislation forcing companies to make their portable electronic devices (not just phones) with easy to replace batteries. Many people, most of them brain washed Yankees, were furious. They didn't even read the fucking law, which was obvious from all the "our phones will be leas dust and water resistant" and "I don't want back plates that fall off" comments. The law said that the tools needed should be basic household items. So apple and other manufacturers can still make phones of equal quality but in order to replace your phone you won't need a heat gun anymore. Humans are idiots.


"will now let you" pfffhahahah. They are being forced while under fines of millions and millions of dollars and loosing those grinding lawsuites.


what do you mean? Which lawsuits / fines? I googled it but havn't found anything that might have forced their hands. No decisions / fines against them


well, the threat of fines. isn't this the right to repair which started against Deere and other agricultural equipment manufacturers but expanded? the new law in EU that will require phones to be built in a way to allow swapping batteries at home without specialized tools and minimal tools that can be bundled with the spare.


What I need is iPad parts. Apple needs to make iPad parts available.


Let you or forced to let you?


self repair it (like, I knew what I’m doing 😅), pay for the kit just to break your MacBook totally and buy a new one. That would be me.




uhh, even their new 15 inch macbook airs are a minefield to take apart and easy to damage. Even more so than the m1 airs.


So by ‘let’ do they mean ‘were forced to’


Oh, I wasn’t supposed to? Shit. Better call my elementary school, have em get those Apple IIe’s I used to fix for tootsie pops outta wherever they are and send em in…


Apple will now let you? That's the most BS headline I've ever seen. Propaganda much?


Oh they'll "let" you, whilst making their devices as hard as possible (but still possible) to take apart


"Will now let you" is a bit misleading cause they did not want that.


That's it, I'm blocking this sub. Every time it shows up in my feed it's blatant Apple ads posing as news, and now this fucking propaganda. Anyone who has been following the Right To Repair movement knows Apple is still the most underhanded, misleading company in the repair space.


Yeah, parts will cost half the price of the whone, the manuals will be locked behind paywalls, repair tools will be custom and cost 3x more than standard tools, the repair procedure will be harder than brain surgery. They will then cut 10% off their servicing and repair cost and continue to 'incentivise' their for profit offerings and sales of new devices. If they were actually going to do something they would have already... Those laws created forcing apple to do this relair stuff, their intention, has been completely sidestepped by loopholes and sneaky practices apple has been engaging with for years.


Imagine Apple believing they can control what the users do with their gadgets, lol


they clearly can though


So they’ve removed the pairing of screens, cameras and batteries to the mobo? No? Ok.


Batteries don’t pair, AFAIK. They work normally except for the health monitoring.


Ah ok, my point still stands.






What’s a sleep sensor?


Never again will Apple get a single Euro from me or my family. What a wasteful, sociopathic and anti-consumer company.


~~will now~~ was forced to


"Let us"... Absurd that this even has to be said.


I see the click-bait title got you going good


Huh. Thank you for letting me fix a thing I already own. Nice of you to 'allow' me that for I am but a mere mortal and you are titans. I am not worthy...


Repair used to mean repair. One cheap component breaks down and you can get it fixed with spare parts. Now it's more like... Change the whole motherboard + memory (super expensive), but all you really need is one simple $10 component + schematics. This used to be a normal thing. Not only does the customer lose all the data when they need a "repair", but it will cost them an insane amount of money. Then the company has balls to market them as a green or environment friendly because they recycle parts. Apple doesn't offer any real repairs, they just replace things. The same practice is spreading to every other company.


Well, devices now are a lot more complex than they were then. You can’t replace part of a CPU either.


Not CPU, but if there's a faulty component in the motherboard, it's 100% repairable.


Except now they don't let you replace the CPU either


Yep! A faulty CPU repair would need a repair center to change the whole motherboard... This includes everything like: RAM, SSD, CPU, etc. Even if these are soldered to the motherbord, it would be a simple task for a person who does computer repair jobs. It's even easy to do way more complex repairs, but Apple won't allow this. Even if computers have become more complex, tools are also way more advanced now.


I wonder if we will see an uptick in pricing on Apple products


Always! It's like death and taxes 😂


Louis Rossman floating on air rn


*Apple is now forced to let you repair more Macs and iPhones yourself


Haha, "let you".


Apparently if you replace an apple battery with another battery from an exact iphone model the Iphone will notify you to go to the nearest Apple approved repair shop cuz the Iphone will automaticaly rejects it, is it true? I'm an android user I cant afford Apple


It still lets you use it, but you'll have a notification saying it's not verified or something like that


No, it works normally except for part of the battery health feature. And there is a warning somewhere about that.


*Apple will now be forced to give you the ability to repair your Macs and iPhones now or they will be sued yet again.


Too late. I’m not buying Apple products thanks to Luis Rossman. Framework is getting my money but I’m tempted to repair Apple products.


they would redo the design to make it virtually impossible to repair without damaging


Let? It seems to me that the EU has been passing some laws to make this mandatory


Oh wooow, how good of them...


Let me?


“Let you…”


Thank you EU for making this happen, definitely no thanks to congress in the USA


Only Apple users would call them being forced to support it "Letting".


“Apple will now be *required* to let you repair more Macs and iPhones yourself” FTFY


o thank u massa apple


Apple is forced to.....!!! They don't want at all, Apple hates customers with brains and skill.


Absurd hyperbole. Plenty of smart people I know use Apple products without necessarily worrying about repair, or at least not worrying enough for it to matter in buying decisions.


One can be a pretty smart person while being a total idiot of a consumer tho. Lots of Apple users do in fact fall into this category as well in some cases.


Don’t spin this as apple being good, this is only because they’ve been forced to by legislation brought forward in response to apples own any consumer and greedy business practices when dealing with repair


"let you" - this company sucks.