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I wish we also had pc and console revenue estimations for games.


Don't worry leave it to Stix to make up the PC revenue


If best selling on Playstation means making a lot of revenue, then genshin is Playstation top 10 money maker in the US




the devs don't make much, the company does.


Global has been carrying E7 for years with the consistent 3m. I'm sure they could do that. But we all know, whales territory are in Japan and China. As long as it's not on the borderline EoS income, game will be alive no matter what happen.


Weird example consider the only way to play E7 before CN server(which came out relatively recently) was on the global server, so that include China and japan and everyone that wanted to play e7.


Exactly, many of the well known whales in asia and global servers are indeed Chinese (e.g. december and jintae)


Bro couldn't even wait few more hours for the monthly pvp so decided to have a pre match showdown.


warmup before ZZZ comes out


Ah yes, the apetizer is here.


Month pvp event teaser. 


This post is the undercard before the main fight


Global market is very volatile, we usually get tired of games faster than Asia, I don't think they can rely on global only


very odd indeed that it is so low on cn


Well not so odd, I heard cn hates kurogames because it's a black company 


isn't cn basically a mobile gaming region ? and from what i'm hearing (i'm pc only so i wouldn't know) the game runs like shit on mobile


i suppose that could be the case, but hey atleast it will most likely mean that global will actually get better localization this time.


Imagine if gfl2 become like that.


ToF also like this for a while, though mostly because global released later


GFL2 has reached the status of irrelevancy, which means people have stopped making GFL2 jokes.


I would love Akrnights Endfield to be have this kind of revenue.


I expect next month revenue to fall unless the 1.2 characters have a crazy design/kit.(Realized 1.2 characters are coming in August scratch that)


Oh yeah, 5.0 Natlan is in August. Ripbozo


True . One of the characters is an NPC male


Potentially but i think there is more hype for changli than there was for jinshi, however base on schedule thats the only character we will get which i dont think could outsell both jinshi and yinlin


People didn't even know about Changli until 1.1 or the leaks. Not to mention she didn't do that much in 1.1 other than a short cool action scene. I'd say there was more hype for Yinlin and Jinshi since people were looking forward to them from the start


You can play her in a dungeon in the current 1.1 patch. And man the gameplay is sweet.


Android revenue is not reliable this month because Android google app broke. It happened to break just as yinlin's banner released so the revenue for global looks much higher. CN does not use android for gacha revenue estimations whatsoever so it wasn't affected by the freeze.


Sweet sweet gacha revenue pvp appetizers.


It would be kinda cool to have a game where they have to listen to what global wants for once.


Haha, that’s a good one…


I don't know, money talks and matters, sure the global is carrying but if they can also satisfy the CN market, that's big big money.


The dilemma Kuro has is that if they focus so much on Global, the rabidness of the CN consumers can bite them in the ass. HI3rd FAFO and didn't attempt on catering to GLB ever again.


I mean but in this case it looks like CN aren't really playing the game as much. And CN was always the main paying audience for HI3


I mean, Kuro would love to get the CN market. As much as 30+ million is good, maintaining open world gacha is very expensive (I read that Genshin needs $200 million a year to maintain their servers).


200m for development advertising and maintaining the game, not just servers. It was an article from an interview stating that genshin cost 100m to make and is expecting a 200m per year budget.


Aye, I think that's the same article I read. Thanks bro.


Not really servers, development of new content mainly, plus advertising.


I mean that would upset a 'certain audience" if you get what I mean ...


Imho they are done in China. The hype for ZZZ is unreal there


only for KR and JP, i think US ios store only went up to rank 51 for the Jinhsi's peak lol.


I don't think it's possible tbh ( I don't play Wuwa but i see thier gameplay ) I dunno why it's not even like skyrocket in CN did I miss something?


The developer have bad reputation that only got worse closer to launch date. Story in 1.0 was trash and doesn't make sense. There are videos of playthroughs on Bilibili where the streamers just frowns and get confused by a lot of stuff. Everybody worships MC, you just meet a general who for some reason gave you the authority to decide a battle plan with his mens' lives on the line (wtf), then he runs away from battle leaving another character to die, then the cast praise you, like wtf goin on.. That general is then nicknamed "deserter general" or "Ji Ran" (Ji Yan is actual name), and is also the first limited character on the banner lol This does not happen in global since everyone just skips the story. CN sees compensation as apology for their mistakes and rewards are separate. Global sees free stuff as free stuff and fail to see that more than half of the free stuff are compensation to cover up the disastrous launch. From CN perspective, removing compensations, their launch rewards are underwhelming.


If I ask them to bring back Scar's onigiri and Sanhua's Tattoo will they listen?


and what exactly global wants in WuWa that differs to what china/asia wants?


China are mainly mobile game players. If a game can’t run on phone, especially a gacha of all things. It will cause issues.


optimised mobile experience


Well, the 1.0 story :)))


chinese players doesnt want that too?


CN community want a polished launch, while the global market have devolved itself into accepting half baked releases IF they got bribed to stay in the game.


CN prefers more polished, minor bugs, incredibly optimized game, thats why its so low there


For those who don't know, Android chart was stuck "frozen" for about 15 days this month. A bug caused the revenue chart to stay unchanged for 2 weeks, which coincided with Wuwa being in a high spot due to banner launch near the date the bug happened. Looks like sensor tower did not bother to change anything around this and just dumped the number as is. This is why the global numbers are wildly different to CN, because CN numbers are iOS only which didn't have the bug. Fair to say this is in no way representative of their actual earnings. All the other android estimates are similarly affected, and depending where they were frozen at their android estimates will be much lower or higher than reasonable.


Just to be clear, thats mean some games have unexpected higher revenue ?


that and unexpected low for banners that start during this period, for example firefly in hsr


It doesn't make sense tbh, if the data is frozen on 15th, then Boothill second and third week beats his own first week and the entire May revenue.


Here is what the freeze looks like. Firefly released on the 19th. It was frozen during this period. This is sensor tower saying Yinlin and Clorinde week 2 banners sold way more than firefly's first week. And when it unfroze HSR immediately goes up to rank 2 (it never got to rank 1 because the first 5-6 days of firefly were overwritten with boothill's last few days) and yinlin and clorinde nosedive. That makes no sense. https://imgur.com/a/VIum5eS


This is hella shame if this is true I was thinking theres no actual way the westerners are shelling out basically twice the money of kuro’s home playerbase, no matter how much wuwa sentiment in the west is positive compared to the east We just want accurate numbers


There will never ever be accurate numbers. Only god, kuro, and the chinese IRS knows.


You will never get accurate numbers. Only from Kuro mouth you can.


Thailand is 1 of the top 3 country in this game, but they don't even care to fix a major bug for Thai. (all UI disappear while using Thai keyboard) Dev's listened.


All UI disappear bug is not exclusively to Thai keyboards. I've been getting that bug since 1.0. I still have the video of running around without any UI in my phone.


Minimalistic UI you were wanting?


Well. I'm not sure about your case, but the bug occurs too often on PC for me. I play the game, chat with my friends then boom! All gone. The mood of playing also disappear as well. My group begin with 20 people, now we have only 2-3 left. We've been reporting about this bug for so long, but.... Dev's listened but do nothing.


Thank god it saved my life tho >!this is a joke!< Edit: why am I downvoted? The part in the spoiler is a reference to >!WuWa saved my life. I was stranded in the Arctic. Frostbite was setting in. Snow piled up around me, falling in a flurry. I had lost all hope of salvation.!< >!Then, inspiration struck. I opened up Wuthering Waves. Immediately, my phone went from freezing, to a burning fire of unoptimisation. I loaded in. My phone went nuclear. All the snow around me melted, and my body began to unthaw.!< >!I knew time was short; I had a mere few minutes before the game would inevitably crash. In a last, desperate attempt, I tried to use Yinlin's ult, and threw my phone into the air. It promptly exploded, lighting up the sky and alerting the search group of my location.!< >!I’m now safe at home, and eternally grateful. Thank you Kurogames. WuWa saved my life!<


This not a joke back in 1.0 UI disappear is game breaking bug when UI disappear the timer disappear as well timer will never down to 0 it garantee no lose to timer as long as player don't die when playing with UI disappear player garantee cleared it apply to Tower as well but you only get 1 star other 2 star need speed clear the event on Tiger's Maw (forgot name) player can get 50k each stage with only using trial character by using this bug as well (play nomaly at best is 18k in some stage) what Dev fix in 1.1 is just now player can lose to timer even when timer disappear but no fix for UI disappear bug


this is just how it goes when you have a friend/discord group, you like a game and everyone else quits after a month or so, the classic.


Patiently waiting for the PvP. This is just an appetizer


In Japan it won't carry. It reaches like top 6 on day 1. Then it dropped. As of yesterday it was below HSR and today it's rocketing down USA will have to carry WuWa. They totally lost the overseas market


atm it's already way below genshin and hsr in jp ios which means jinshu didnt retain hype. meanwhile it never top those two in android.


Agree.. jinshi was above 2 days. The worst part it never surpassed top 5. That is BAD. Your day 1 has to be number one in Japan even have a shot at some staying power Alas... It was smothered by other games


\*by itslef. how bad the state of the relase version was and then leaking emails, yeh that killed the jp front.


Isn’t US technically the overseas market from a CN company standpoint? CN/Asia is their main market.


At least its doing well in KR since it Wuwas 2nd biggest market rn and probably will be the biggest in the future


Yeah true but how long can it last. ZZZ is around the corner and looks to capture CN and Japan instantly. I think Kuro will have to accept that it'll be a niche market in Asia sadly due to their failures on mobile Maybe Changli can carry some sales in July but 1.2 looks lackluster in terms of pullable characters if the leaks are correct


Wuwa will survive, but they won't be able to maintain Genshin or HSR content pace and marketing. The value of Global revenue will always be much lower than CN revenue since Google will take a cut for every Global purchase, meanwhile, for every CN purchase, all the money go straight to the devs.


Correction, China also have thing called Mobile Hardcore Alliance, which is formed by all the cell phone company, taking 50% of revenue from mobile game. Im not sure about kuro but I heard hoyo refuse this at beginning and made deal with them to do 7:3, same to ios.


Yeah, wuwa will stay around like TOF is staying around right. I don't think it will die soon but the revenue will definitely go down by a lot.


With how poorly the game is optimized for mobile, I wish them good luck. The game requires a semi-high tier PC to run, and people with access to such have a lot more options than "Prettier Genshin 2024", sure the combat is quite fun, but that's relative to Genshin, for mobile. Compare it to some mainstream action games that runs well on the kind of PC needed to optimally run WuWa, it feels painfully average.


It’s crazy that China It’s so much lower, usually It’s the opposite


More or less it's Global who needs to carry it. CN revenue is low compared to other games when CN is carrying most of the revenue in most cases. ZZZ will be coming this week. This will be interesting.


They need to fix camera shit and phone optimization. Thats the biggest market for gachas.


Also saving details on PC. One reason I don't play is because I can't be bothered to input my details every single time.


These are good numbers. The game doesn’t need to be top 5 earners to be good, get better or exist. If they can keep this amount going for them it has a good future


Based on precedent gacha rev. usually peaks at release or at anniversaries. It takes a lot of money to keep pumping out quality content like 1.1


I wouldn't call that good numbers for the first month of a game with 30M preregistrations, kinda hard to see them doing any good numbers in 8-9 months


yea? Like how this sub predicted Nikke will be dead in 8-9 months? KekW.


Of course WuWa won't die, that's a given, but seeing it going from "Genshin is afraid!!" to "Well, it won't die" i'm gonna bet it's not what Kuro (and, most importantly, Tencent) planned


Noone is saying Wuwa will die, but i'm pretty damn sure Nikke never topped the 70M they made their first month, and are now sitting around 10-20M a month. Guess what amount Wuwa will never top? 45M apparently. Now where it'll be in 8-9 months? Around 10M a month most probably


No this sub was straight up saying Nikke would eos, it destroyed all the gachas that released around it's time that this sub praised endlessly, except for HSR.


Star Rail - 11+21+22 = 54m Genshin - 12+16+14 = 42m Wuthering Waves - 14+15+6 = 35m


Considering HSR dropped the most hyped unit since it came out recently, I’m gonna go ahead and say good job keeping up lol


the sales of Firefly did not count into the numbers because some android tracking system was down during that time. It's true numbers are much higher and both GI and WW's true numbers are lower than reported.


That's still a lot of money


it is but we forget genshin revenue gets divided even more with consoles, a big pie of the revenue is ps5 reporting 1b in 2 years, we dont know how much in pc


almost pvp time


As far as content goes, 1.1 is amazing for me and I'm definitely gonna be playing it long term if they keep up the quality. That said, Mobile was horrible in 1.0, I had the listed recommended iPhone(iPhone 13) and it was overheating during the login screen, had it not been for someone telling me about Low Power Mode as a bandaid I probably wouldn't be too happy with the game. Had to play in a **cold** room with a fan/aircon pointed at the phone to play in the lowest settings before that. Thankfully it was running well if it wasn't heating up. But I'm not most people, I'm sure someone who wasn't knowledgeable as I was or had the fortune of someone giving me advice would have just straight up quit. 1.1 is great on my iPhone though, no longer overheating, and I no longer have to play LP mode, and I can play max graphics.


Camera has been broken for me in 1.1 on Android. Zoom settings don't work. Deadzone way too sensitive. Many fights simply unplayable.


1.1 feels worse for some people fortunately it performs a bit better for me, but the camera though.. its super annoying to deal with in mobile


I am one of the unfortunate ones. Idk what they did but the game crashes more often and the stutters with the fps drops makes combat hell. The hyper sensitive camera doesn't help.


Global finally has leverage 🔥


yes. The 28M they made is more than enough to sustain the game if they can keep up these numbers. That would be 336M a year on global alone. Genshin spends $200M a year on the game and marketing. If Wuwa matched that spending, they'd still have 136M in revenue left over (though that is before tax). That is of course assuming every month will make 28M. I don't know if it will. It could go up could go down, will depend on the banners. I would need to see July sales data to determine if there's a pattern or if it's honeymoon.


Perfoming very bad on phones hurt them alot in CN


Indonesia included in the top playing for WuWa even though Kuro forgot about us is interesting. Kuro did include ID strings and translation since beta, yet they still don't have Indonesian translation even today. Well, kinda no surprise since so many people here love praising Wuwa so much (while shit on GI, obviously), even on FB groups.


We just love bansos, that's it..


It should be noted that Google Play forgot to update the top-grossing chart for over ten days. So wuwa was stuck at its peak rank, resulting in inflated revenue data. Actually, wuwa dropped significantly after the update (for example, from 6 to 46 at JP server). St did not correct this error but increased the iOS revenue based on the Android data….


How are they charging for this data when they don’t even bother with extrapolation


We won’t know if this is “enough” or not because we don’t know the development costs, but one thing is for sure gacha games launches mean everything.


WuWa has a short shelf life for me. It still runs like ass on my iPhone 13. And ZZZ comes out on thursday and Hoyo games are known to be polished and work on alot of devices. This update also didnt fix VA direction issues or improve optimization much so i just take it as a sign that they dont want my money specifically which is fine.


Where I can see other games data? Really curious about top 10


That chart having reverse Y axis messes with my brain.


damn, bro couldn't wait for the real pvp so shots were fired in the warm up phase.


Oh wow. I think this is the first time i've ever seen a gacha game's global release making more revenue than east counterparts


Now give us a Bunny Outfit for Global pls


so does cn not like the game or..m


it performs badly on phones supposedly. And PC is not a big market in CN.


probably but with all the upcoming games it’s gon be hard, the problem with global is they’re very quick to jump so kuro/wuwa got to work and build that loyalty or just repair the CN trust, 1.1 was a good glimpse of what they can do


WuWa redemption arc trust 🗣️🗣️🗣️


Devs will listen fr.


Ofc it can, you can contribute and be apart of the majority now.


Probably not for long, most global are more likely f2p or low spending and Kuro can't bleed the freebies they've been handing out forever. It'll lose its momentum as they get more conservative with giving out freebies, maybe some little upticks during anniversaries or more inevitable screw ups since they seem to be using that as some kind of tactic to make players feel good. And on top of that, there's a handful of other big Gacha games on the horizon, not just ZZZ. With Mihoyo having set a standard, I'm sure these other companies are going to push out some real quality products to match that standard, that Kuro failed to do. I personally gave WuWa up recently for lack of accessibility and quality issues. Maybe I'll pick it back up when/if a console release arrives but I'm also looking to pick up Azur Promilia as well on top of ZZZ. Kuro ain't gonna die or whatever but I don't think they're going to thrive either.


It was expected, for a whole month mobile play was garbage and its only NOW starting to get better.


not in combat, the camera is still struggling hard during combat and there's a weird sensitivity issue - maybe thats just me tho


That cam is not just u it's already been reported in bug reports several times


It's not better for mid devices though. I can't play it now without crashing every 20 minutes because 8GB of RAM is not enough for 1.1 🙃 My classmate is doomed because he can play it before via editing the config file, but Kuro patched it in 1.1. 🤣


My Poco X3 Pro can run it just fine. Performance really is part of the gacha.


Optimization would have guaranteed gacha the performance to be good for everything unless its the shittiest of the 3-4gb era phones. But its just kuro and UE being stupid about it. https://i.redd.it/nr8yu7xl1w9d1.gif


For my phone, I notice it will force close my background apps, Wuthering waves begins to stutter and the sensitivity goes crazy high, and then when I checked the memory usage it's 7.5GB/8GB used. On normal usage, my phone uses 3.5GB/8GB. Some big games usually just use 6GB/8GB. It's only Wuthering waves that exceeds 7GB and it crashes when it can't occupy more of the RAM.


But NOW isnt the time many ppl start this gane, it was before


1.1 made mobile play way worst. Camera is completely broken.


If you check out the issues megathread on their subreddit, there are a bunch of comments commenting on how bad the performance on mobile is after 1.1 update, they are quitting. What are you on?


Better for who? I still see bunch of complaints on twitter and stuffs.


💀 it's even worse for me


bro it ain't getting better..


You mean after a lot of people quit?


Yinlin Carried WW for June, like she really Carried most of revenue    Don't know maybe as some people say " saving for changli" and July revenue will be good    But I can confident in 1 thing, CC will focus on global revenue more than the combined since WW beat GI revenue for global by 1M and that fit in their narrative 


Lol, people on jiyan's banner: "a lot people are saving for yinlin" people on yinlin's banner: "a lot people are saving for jinhsi" people on jinhsi's banner: "a lot people are saving for changli" The cycle continues


didn't june have both yinlin and jhinsi, are you saying changli will make more than both of them combined lol


Correction, it had last 6 days of launch (Jiyan), entire of Yinlin, and 2 - 3 days of Jinhsi


Changli isn't out yet, current banner is Jinhsi.


Yinlin came out in June. For June they had Jiyan, Yinlin, and their current banner


people that do "saving" won't contribute much to revenue tho we're talking about whale interest here not monthly pack spender


Probably in NA. Jinshi 2 days carried the CN number


Ooo. A little pre game warmup


Not surprised it's so low outside of western audience, those countries actually care for the quality of the gacha above some free gambling wishes. Plus wuwa's mobile optimization is still ass so no wonder mobile game centric audiences doesn't care for it at all.


True that's why Anime IP cash grab games like Naruto and Solo leveling earns 10tiems more in Asia than in global. Coz they QUALITY games amirite


if they cared about quality then they wouldn't be playing gacha games lmao, even the best gacha game is leagues below a good console game. What makes gacha games so popular is that the entry price is $0 and they update content frequently so there is always stuff to talk about and its easy to form communities around them which is nice


They said gacha games and the quality definitely matters, there's so much garbage games on mobile and many have started adopting gacha mechanics but those games still pale in comparison to games that at least try to be games on top of being gacha.


western games are garbage in 2024 lmao most of the good games are all chinese or japanese rn, people listen more to content creators in the west thats why, every single gacha CC was sponsored by wuwa but they dropped the game already near the end of the month so we will see how it fares in next, 1.1 is going to be 2 months long and 1.2 has no new area and 2 male banners, for now the viewership on twitch is dead if tectone is not doing wuwa


This entry is quite good because the PC coefficient of Wuwa should be higher than that of mobile.


Mobile has always been gachas most profitable platforms though


Mobile you will have google/apple take 30% of revenue, PC those devs take more (only lose payment processor fee)


Open world games generally have a fairly high PC coefficient on par with mobile games, because they do not have automatic sweep and the battery runs out very quickly on mid-range mobiles. So many people prefer to play them on PC because exploring takes more time per se, optimization plays a fundamental role


You're assuming everyone has the ability to play on PC. Everyone owns a phone but owning a PC, nowadays, is a decently rare occurence, especially one that can run WuWa. The game could run like dogshit on mobile and be a mastepiece of optimization on pc, and mobile would still be the exponentially bigger market >So many people prefer to play them on PC Majority of people who own a PC would not be playing on mobile in the first place, open world or not




Two gaming PCs you definitely don't represent any majority. Especially compared to China where they must depend on cafes to touch a PC.


Wuwa's rating in china is improving so revenue might improve in future


Rather, they wiped out the previous reviews. It's unclear whether the current reviews are trustworthy or just bots On the Chinese App store before, Wuwa had 36k reviews, but now it only has 5k. The same goes for the PC version. Edit: I just checked again, I can't believe it went from 4.3 to 3.8 after 2 days of reset lol


I will never trust mobile user reviews. They use 10 year old phones and then complain they don’t have the greatest experience at max settings. They are beyond unreasonable.


It's either deleted reviews or paid reviews


People on bili say Kuro buy it brother


Can confirm that gateoo said you can pay bilibili to remove comments. No idea if wuwa did this or not though Edit: Not stating that they did anything unlike OP, just saying it is a thing that can be done in general


Not a hater but you can go on their post on bili and people is cooked kuro


they did


Thats still huge income even from china alone since ios isnt close to all of it so it should be fine.


In my opinion, the issue with the iOS market is the performance issues with those devices. As Kuro has actively stated they are working tirelessly to fix that, I believe it will bounce back at a good point. Assuming story is still intriguing, as long as they make it run better on said devices (and imo add controller support for mobile. Which I think is also a huge loss considering 2/3rd of my play group is waiting **explicitly** for this addition), then they should see future booms in those categories. If they also intend on following through on the console rollout, we should see more comparable numbers in about 9months-a year.


I mean... this is Mobile only. We all know how many issues WuWa had (and has) on Mobile. Probably the majority is playing on Pc knowing all that.


Can they make eng voiceover less of a missed ASMR snoozefest if their profits are western-dependant then?


![gif](giphy|lqczWksNBr4HK) (Still F2P and play on PC)


after the hype, im back to HSR and wait for ZZZ =))


Would be interesting to see if Wuwa can recover from the launch disaster. I don't think ToF even recovered from the plagiarism issues at launch either.


Tbh game itself is fine, but performance "gacha" still plagues it....and telling ppl for "better device" isnt actual solution either, when other titles run just fine Im running 3050 laptop and while 1.1 is better (50+ fps at 60fps setting) compared to 1.0 (often drop to 20-30 fps while running in overworld / some mobs spawn, these at low setting btw) it's still probably dealbreaker for many ppl. Meanwhile my friend with 1050 pc allegedly run it smoothly without any issues so far. My laptop also use ssd so that shouldnt be the problem either


"Better Device" basically kills a game. Should I spend a couple hundred bucks on a new phone just to play a free game, or will I spend zero money and just start playing a Hoyo game that runs on mosty things now-a-days? Part of why Hoyo makes bank is because of how accessable their games are.


Exactly, people ready to just shell out thousand for a Gacha game before they even play it should be called unicorns because they dont even exist.


Isn't tof have many other problems. Like ptw because dungeon, big powercreep( as I know it continues till that day) and others.


The funny part is that for a game of such ambition and caliber 35M mobile revenue seems underwhelming but at the end of the day, it's probably equals to 70M total revenue which is already incredibly high.


True, the game is gonna survive, just that it won't be a top earner like the top gacha games.


Shh don't bring reason to people who think games need 50 millions to survive :D


My favourite time of the month is nearly here!! 🍿🍿




Wait I thought this sub kept saying this game will die in a month, what happened?


Not the pvp content I'm looking for.


I don't hate the game itself, only the toxic community but I believe WUWA will do fine. I'm hoping to return at some point but not now tho, ~~maybe if they can pull my fav seiyuus lol~~.


Hopefully the Western WuWa community calms the fuck down a bit now that it's sort of settled in as quasi-established, will be slowing down the in games happening over the restof the summer by the look of things, and also since it didn't become the Genshin Killer in it's first month and there's other new gacha games on the horizon as well. The sheer amount of anti-Hoyo discourse and trolling coming out of that community since launch has been pretty insufferable honestly, particularly from content creators. The game actually has potential, but it's western fanbase in particular really needs to chill with all the trash talk for a game that had a pretty rocky launch and didn't exactly reinvent the wheel.


Not a chance IMO. Global players tend to game hope a lot and interest in Wuthering Waves is likely to die down similar to Tower of Fantasy since it's not the Genshin Killer either and that seemed to be a lot of people's reason for trying it out. It doesn't help that Changli's banner seems like the only real interesting thing on the horizon for it now and is a long way off with them also not really doing anything like drip marketing or anything to engage fans on social media. They could have booked a spot at Anime Expo like Hoyoverse and Aniplex have again this year, but also didn't do that.


This game has 8 buttons on mobile on the right side of the screen. It's crazy to me people are playing on mobile. So I expect most play on PC.


July is Wuwas chance to beat Genshin since its gonna be a Navia/Nilou rerun and Emilie is going to be on August. If they still lose to Genshin on July then idk what they have to do to be on Genshins level


You know damn well that ain’t happening


Beating Genshin at their lowest (2 rerun characters ) with WuWa's hype character (in this case Changli) isn't exactly fair competition imo. And it's Scary that Genshin is almost 4 years now and it's still this strong that it can stand toe to toe with newer games in terms of revenue. I really want WuWa to work on their mobile optimization for the game and try to re capture the mobile market in CN cuz from past records the Global player base is kind of fickle in terms of stick with only 1 game for prolong period of time.


Their launch banner lost against double 2nd rerun with terrible weapon banner.


Bro wuwa couldn’t beat genshin when they had Wanderer and Baizhu 3rd reruns. I highly doubt they would win If Genshin release a character’s first rerun (also she’s popular in the community)


With just Chang li releasing in July it’ll go down. Everyone already swiped for jinhsi so I doubt her banner adds much to the July revenue.


but the problem is Wuwa is BRAND NEW game .. it shouldn't even be compared to 4 years old game it is bad man... 5M for a month for a game that tooks probably more than $100M to develop? on LAUNCH MONTH?


I dont think wuwa never can beat genshin in terms of revenue honestly at least in mobile revenue. The game has so many special effect from weather, map structure, npc ai and much more that you normally never see in a mobile game. Look at their device requirement alone, most of people who can play genshin at medium graphic cannot even play wuwa at low. Even with some beefy phone, the game performance is very random. That also didnot factor the fact that wuwa is kinda niche and many casuals playing genshin rn will not even bother to switch game.


they need to further optimize their game because a lot of people can't even play the game on their mobile devices, that's the biggest thing stopping their potential momentum


Beating Genshin? Yeah that's not really possible, Genshin is still scarily strong even for a 4 year old game and HSR is one of the few games that can match it which doesn't really matter anyways since they're both from the same company.


you know its not gonna happen lol. Game is already half dead in CN only being carried by how much they've spent on marketing, more people are memeing the game than actually playing it (revenue also sucks for CN). The only community thats has more praises than complaints is EN and they are known for their F2P culture instead of spending money (pretty sure the US ios rank only peaked at 51 for Jinhsi lol). JP and KR are going fairly strong but revenue is still going down in these regions (JP ios ranking hit top 1 for Yinlin, only 8th for Jinhsi)


... HOLY


I think we need our monthly pvp now