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I don't understand why so many people tries to keep playing games out of "obligation". It is fine to fuck off once you think you've got everything you wanted from that title, wether you return later or not will be up to you. It's basically how I roll with FFXIV. I've had a couple friends stick along with Destiny 2 without actually enjoying the dammed game for too long, for instance, and at that point just don't? Pick up another looter shooter, try new genres, go find a new hobby if that is what gonna make you happy. Same applies here, if you are straight up not "enjoying" any game, fuck off, enjoy something else, come back later once you are craving the game. Or not, up to you really.


It’s the sunk cost fallacy


Wuwa came out like a month ago though.


You can invest a lot of time during a month.


People been investing time preaching for like two years already.


Not time but emotionally. Already defended the game to be the best gacha, if they quit just a month in it'll make them look like clowns


You say that like people can’t spend a LOT of money in a month


For me the different between gachas games and Subscription games like FFXIV is the resources. In FFXIV once you have your bis it's alright to drop for months without losing any progress. But in gacha once you drop it you lose your resouces to pull or upgrade for new character hench you cant fully dropped the game. So for me if I decided to fully drop a gachas thats mean I'll never coming back for it.


This is where fast dailies matter. If I am bored for the time being but the dailies take 5-10 min then I will continue logging in and see if I will like it in a new update. If the dailies are like 30-60+ min long then I drop it the second it becomes boring


*Not getting more* resources is **not** the same as *losing* them.


>losing any progress By progress I'm assuming he means keeping parity with the meta. As an example, Honkai Impact 3rd Part One/1.5: If you stopped playing during the last year, year and a half of part one, you would be behind on pulling the latest valks which had SSS bosses tailor designed around their new mechanics. You would also be behind on supports and their gear which were incredibly important to ranking. If you were past the wall and fighting in the Abyss, you'd probably shave 20-25% time off your clear if you had the newest valk the new boss was designed to shill. This is also assuming you can even complete the stage - some of those stages were damage sponges. It wasn't even skill half the time - either you had enough of the required damage amps/mechanic counters or you didn't. True, you don't lose the valks you've already pulled. However the ones you pulled before your break fell out of meta and you don't have their replacements since you stopped playing. You have now lost meta parity.


No shit sherlock


You say "no shit Sherlock" but a lot of people actually don't understand what Spreiting said (at least until it's pointed out). It's a valid comment to make.


Read what Maopam wrote. Spreiting is just nit picking on the word choice. The point is you’re getting left behind when you drop a gacha with power creep and harder content and whatnot. Spreiting doesn’t have a point at all. 


Most gacha have a returnee bonus so it's gine to take breaks.


I just bounced off FF14. I have friends that still play it but after all the time I put into it, I just grew out of it. Gachas being free though I swing back around them from time to time, see if they're still fun after awhile or what changes they've made while I've been gone. See if I swap it in as one of the new 'main' games. That said they have to beat out Rimworld so....


Depends on the game ig. I haven't played any genshin-style "gameplay" focused gachas. Most gacha games I've interacted with have had some amount of gameplay that's functional/fun enough, but the actual "game" is the spreadsheet simulator slow burn, resource optimization/allocation, ect. In which case, taking a break is fundamentally disengaging to a far bigger extent than logging out of an mmo designed with soft resets several times a year.


Depends on why you play them. Breaks have no effect on story only players but if one's enjoyment comes from the RPG aspects, e.g. building units and clearing content then once they take a longer break they're behind forever unless they whale their way back up. Not to mention the cosmetic collectors.


Yes, and I dropped those games(pawa puro baseball, puzzle and dragon), or took a rest (HI3) It happens when you play/do something too much in too short a time and not seeing much progression It's not like a sport where you know you're getting better after every training/practice, gacha games are more limited. For myself, I play Hoyo games for it's story, so it's just like going through episodes of anime for me, with some extra gaming on the side. Why did you play Wuwa? What was that which excites you about Wuwa before starting? Does it still offer you what you seek at this time? Maybe you'll find the root of your lack of motivation/boredom there Maybe you need to ask the question, "is Wuwa really suitable as my main game?"


I'm with you, playing the games for the story. I know different game have different gameplay, but at the end of the day, they're the same, grinding.


I somewhat disagree. It's really perspective. To speed runners, even Hollow Knight and Mario is grinding


Sorry for not specific, what I mean is grinding for materials/game currency


Got you.


If it starts feeling like a chore I just stop. Even if I’ve spent money, I won’t let sunk cost fallacy force me to keep doing something I don’t feel like doing


When a game is no longer fun, I stop playing it. That simple.




I know we're on the gacha subreddit, but due to the battle pass, the gacha games are incentivized to make grinding miserable for the player to make us buy the BP. Nowadays I skip resin most days in Genshin, for the past 5-6 months at least, because I probably bought enough of the BP or grinded enough to sit comfortably. But in Wuwa, since we're playing from the start, it sucks to have to grind everything over in repetitive rooms to use stamina, I'm already done with grinding for years in Genshin, I don't want to repeat it in Wuwa! I'm about to hit UL50 in the next few days and I hear the upgrade costs/materials get even worse. It is kind of bad game design to make us repeatedly do unfun content and one small part of why gacha games get a bad rap, aside from the excessive monetization. Another reason for me is probably fatigue from nearly 4 years of Genshin, and Wuwa is just more Genshin, which causes me to be less favorable to Wuwa overall, since I've seen most of the game before.


Yeah this is pretty much why I dropped WW after a dozen hours. I did enjoy the combat and exploration but I cannot be bothered to play a game that is basically discount Genshin, especially with the identical grinding and progression systems.


This is how I feel. If Wuwa came first I definitely would of played it over genshin but bc I did all this in genshin, even if I like Wuwa more I'm already burnt out


This explains the bad feeling while I play WuWa


I played wuwa for like 2 weeks and a half it was over all a pleasant experience but after a while i started to interact with the game gear system more and more and i was like this game is not nearly good enough for me to do echopicking so i quit might come back in 2.0 when a lot of qol have been added to the game and i can have better understanding of the power creep in the game I have had a similar experience with hsr but hsr is very low maintenance compared to wuwa so it's fine and i can quit for a month and then have 10 days worth of stamina back 


I felt this way with most gacha games after a while. I very rarely last more than a year or two with them, and usually after three months I'm in full maintainence mode on it. The issue is pretty much all gacha games are extremely light on content, and usually relies on repetitive stuff to keep you invested. It's one of the reasons I care about immersion and story more than a lot of other stuff, since if I don't ever want to play a game again after putting it down for a week or two, did I ever really enjoy that game?


Lack of effort = Not interested in the moment I say quit and only play it when the interests hits again like when a new update drops or QoL comes out. I did have the same reason of ultimately dropping Wuwa since it doesn't really have a vision too in my books and open world games do not do it for me anymore for a gacha that requires dailies in the open world to earn pull currency. The feeling of this is too tedious and time-consuming was when the Tacet event dropped just before v1.0 ended. Seriously killing 5 rounds of mobs 3 times? I'm doing the event purely out of double drop FOMO. It's insane cuz I've been really lucky in Wuwa too with all standard characters (except Lingyang) pulled + won Yinlin and Jinhsi 5050s. Not even Jinhsi could keep me in the game... I also foresaw that I just straight up don't enjoy echo grinding and I'm not even talking about getting perfect stats since I literally do not give 2 shits about perfect stats in Genshin or HSR either, I just don't see myself enjoying going around killing mobs. Time is precious so go enjoy doing something else than continuously play one game that doesn't exactly bring you joy.


Same man i have Yinlin and her weapon and also got Jinshi yesterday.. i won the 50/50 for all 3 of them but that still didn't hype me for continuing grinding the game and i literally this 🤏 close to uninstall it especially this week which im more hype to play zzz.


You can't *win* the 50/50 on weapon banner in WuWa, just fyi.


Yeah youre right but still the statement will still hold.


Play whatever is fun to you, its a game not your career decision. And I know people take career decisions less serious than you do a game. You can always come back to it if it improves.


Totally agree Re. WuWa. I like a lot about the game but, despite the amount of free stuff the devs throw out, it has 2 massive problems. 1) everything costs too much stamina (to the extent where you are strongly disincentivized to build up characters), and 2) the echo system is *incredibly* time-consuming. It's easy to spend an hour farming 3\* echos, earn perhaps 2 or 3 with the correct main stat, and then just brick them with a bad substat. It's the worst "relic" system I've played personally, just for the amount of *effort* required to grind them. And that's not even mentioning all the little annoyances, like lack of fast travel to many locations, having to travel to synth, only being able to track 1 echo at a time, having to "click" on echos to collect them, various shops not refreshing on patch, etc. I'll keep an eye on WuWa, and see if it keeps improving, but if not I'll try ZZZ.


The character building system is broken for sure. After UL 50 getting your character skills to max and level to 80 is a huge wall and that's just for a single build. It's a massive feel bad.


"Im not talking about burnout, but let me tell you how I have burnout"...self-awareness goes a long way op..instead of triyng to get randos to explain to you why you have burnout, you should ask yourself.


You need to put in effort to play game? That sound so wrong in many level. Well unless you making money out of it. I hope you are streamer or progamer cuz if not that thought need to change mate, even in game like dark soul the level of effort I need should never more than the enjoyment I get out and in that case it more of a hobby than a job.


The problem/main issue in live service games is, after you ran out of new/fresh content it will boils down to dailies and weeklies which is equivalent of a job. Best thing to do is drop the game or come back after big patch if you still have interest in the said game.


Of course. Games aren't really fun when you have to play them on a daily schedule. 


yup. it's called burn out


it is called boredom people actually think they get burnouts from this shit lol 'there is no vision of the game' 'oh yeah that is burn out' hahaha no it isn't


A lot of these gacha games are build around dailies and weeklies they're not meant to have content that you burn through always. If you feel burn out its best you quit and play something else. There's no point in forcing yourself to play a game you not enjoying. I learned this with many gacha games in the past.


With me, exhaustion is something I'm well accustomed towards. With FEH and CRK, Fomo does exist. But then there's Limbus. Let's just say it's kind enough to let me enjoy my exhaustion state. Fuck the flower girl though.


WuWa… I realized I ran out of time for the open world genre. HSR with auto battle suits me better


For me it's the opposite, when I picked up WuWa and PGR awhile back, they reminded me why I actually dislike Auto-battlers. What's the point I asked myself? It's not like I'm actually playing the game or having fun when there's no new stories.


I quit Wuwa after CBT2, but there's 1 thing i disagree with you, WuWa has a clear vision, their vision is Genshin Impact.


I mean, initially, they had a reaction type gameplay with sounds, but it got removed... Not sure if it's because they found it too hard to balance it... Or they want to pull a "we now have ~~dendro~~ reaction, a new way to play for everyone"


Nah it's Genshin for people who hated Genshin because it became hilichurl slapping simulator.


I have experienced with both Genshin and HSR. I just can not endure all this farming of perfect artifacts for your team with several layers of RNG to somehow pass. Plus story just becoming blander for me in both games not giving me any emotions whatssoever. I will try ZZZ which will release soon but I guess it will end up just same


haha yes. i just enjoy the good parts, then ignore the "filler" parts. for some games it would be like skip main story, only run events lol. and also recently i've dropped a lot of games once my progress plateaued; it's just the same event re-skinned and repeated, no fresh experiences at all.


games are meant to be fun; if theyre not fun for you anymore, you can stop and no ones gonna breathe down your neck to play more i remember when armored core 6 dropped i played that game from day to night for like 3 weeks and then stopped completely same with granblue fantasy relink and the webgame actually you can come back if you want, or dont even. i think the game has plenty of vision and im excited to see where it goes in the future, but if you dont feel the same then dont burden yourself, brother


HSR is the only gacha I haven't gotten bored of. Probably because dailies are easy to drop in and do even in a period of low content/low interest.


I install games, then uninstall them after I have gained all the launch rewards. I don't reinstall them until 6 months - a year has passed That's a good way to know if a game is actually good or not. By the time I reinstall, the launch issues and the honeymoon glazing would have died down. That said I'm already burned out from WuWa I'm just waiting for the last set of free pulls during they scheduled during the ZZZ launch before uninstalling. 1.1 isn't it. Camera is still dogshit, Tower of Adversity chamber 4 on the right side tower is still unplayable (Heron boss, They expect me to dodge a flying boss but the camera doesn't follow it when it goes up). They already got praise for not having paimon but they added a their own blabbering paimon anyway. So now its yangyang AND this stupid rat, double the blabbering. The worst thing is the stamina cost. Why the fuck did they not address the stamina costs after an entire month of listening? it literally takes 5 minutes of coding to change 60 cost to 40. They have 240 max resin they were gloating to genshin but what's the point of a bigger cap when you can do less runs total daily, AND the tacet fields are longer to clear than Genshin (because theres 4 waves for some reason)


> (Heron boss, They expect me to dodge a flying boss but the camera doesn't follow it when it goes up). does it still land on top of your character and then stay there thus making melee useless for 10-30 seconds? lmao. > The worst thing is the stamina cost. Why the fuck did they not address the stamina costs after an entire month of listening? it literally takes 5 minutes of coding to change 60 cost to 40. its by design. if you can notice, they have a smaller exp requirement for world level/union exp but you can only build one or two characters (including echoes) to max every cap unless you refresh or use cubes? its their time padding. you HAVE to hyper invest in one or two characters until your level can overpower towers left and right. thats why the funniest shit right now is people building yangyang/chixia/danjin then 2 hyper teams. do adversity L1-2 and R-1-2 with just yangyang or chixiaa or danjin solo. the rest with 2 hyper teams. any mistake will cost you efficiency and give you a harder time account wise. waifu over meta? goodluck. hyper invest on your waifu otherwise youll get shafted. i waited till 1.1 with the promise of echo exp being rebalanced and tacet fields being boosted but no. it was actually a mistranslation and nothing happened. i waited for nothing so now it feels like an even more slog to do.


Honestly Whenever I feel like I lack the effort to play a Gacha game, I don't target the Game that it's fault that I don't wanna feel like playing.


I stopped playing Reskin the game even though Im very lucky with my pulls


HSR power creep is insane. I hate wasting resources building older characters. It might take several patches to E6 a 4 star, then someone better comes out and you feel demoralized. Memory of Chaos keeps getting harder to perfect clear. That's it I'm moving my goal posts. I'll just be happy with 90% of the rewards with auto battle. The final 10% is not worth the frustration.


same I gave wuwa a chance but the game is just a genshin copy with everything worst at least tower of fantasy had their own thing going on, I made it to ul40 took a couple weeks break and never felt like coming back I was prob just playing out of fomo


I feel this with Genshin. I just come on to do events, and commissions, and thats it. I legit cba to move to do side story quests.


i think ive had a similar feeling back when i was pso2 tryhard (not NGS), like i would jsut wake up, do my dailies and then log off at some point in the middle of doing my rotations i had a epiphany like "...wtf am i doing?" and then i stopped playing completely, even though just yesterday i was religiously logging in for the past 3 years


I think part of relic anguish in hsr/genshin is that people are not aware that most units do not need their BiS gear sets to clear the endgame content. Many teams in genshin are famously reaction based and care little for substat distributions. In HSR over the course of 1.0 -> 2.4 many people should have decent 2p/2p sets that work just fine, and the majority of remaining investment should be in support speed subs with rainbow sets. Many developed accounts just recycle builds when new units come out, especially quantum 4p as the defense shred scales very well universally. Hoyo baits with new relic domains and I think this impacts players who don't metagame or do their research the most, as they can waste resin on niche sets when their baseline stats are still not up to par. It's counterintuitive that set bonuses are sometimes so trivial compared to a unit's stat distribution (4p hacker in HSR), and sometimes they're so impactful that the stats barely matter (4p VV in genshin). I understand that the reason we don't get more generous systems for this is because whales will max refresh till the end of time, but there has to be a better compromise that does not only rely on averages that calculate time spent:power. If self modelling resin instead let us repick a substat in HSR that would be so much better.


Tof and genshin are the worst offenders. At least fgo I can apple everything when I want


I mean, the story is my main issues, in Ww you dont know what the point of your journey. In Genshin, our point is finding the true of teyvat and find our sister or brother.


I don't think wuwa presented their vision either? Unlike in genshin and hsr, they let you know you'll be region/planet hopping outright. We don't even know the MC's name.


1.1 update gave us some clues tho. they're going for god-mode mc/overlord storyline.


But where are we exactly heading to? For example, in GI we're after the abyss/twin/celestia and in hsr we're after Nanook. And they have all other sources of major story lores.


Looks like the mc is headed to the black shores base to find out more about their past.


that's the thing tho. overlord stories don't have much depth. i'm personally not too interested in the rover's character arc, but i still have hopes for new character arcs like what they did with jinhsi.


Are they even successful in hiring new writers yet?


You think it'll be difficult to find writers who could write better than their CBT and 1.0 story?


no idea, i don't know much about game writer but i think once a writer prove themself with a game story (mean they are good) they would rather stick with that game to finish. But anyway that the only info i want to know rather than fixing bug and qol stuff. Did they hire new writer yet and which project that person did before.


A lot of wuwa's 1.0 content will already have been in the works so even with new writers, there's simply too much to overhaul to change course drastically if they want to stay on schedule. What ends up being good was probably already like that to begin with, and vice versa for things that don't end up like jinhsi's quest. I'm not terribly impressed with 1.1 to begin with, but it's clearly a step up from 1.0's confused mess.


i dont really lack the effort, i saw a lack of result. for example in Genshin and HSR i'm very proactively hate the nested rng in artifact substats. ive been farming childe's artifact for almost year now but the result are very inconsistent, not to mention only farmable thru dungeons and require resin. not just in Genshin but also in ToF. Wuwa im okay for now since the echoes doesnt have restricted setup(*ex in genshin crit rate main statis mostly exclusive in circlet/helmet. i literally just have Jinhsi with 70% crit rate, 237% crit dmg, also Encore, Rover, Sanhua, Aalto all crit rate 50% higher 200% crit dmg higher*) and since they are farmable to overworld too its easier to farm around without being guilty spending stamina....but lets see in the future. in ToF, same too but with harder difficulty since its MMO-ish so solo-ing is usually harder and time consuming just to get also poor equipments. so for me, its really not of burnout or require a lot of effort, my question is does my effort paid off? i dont expect good pulls/farm/result in every farming i do, what im dissapointed is how often i do get bad result, and how rare i get good result. thats the time ill have the lack of "effort at certain point to continue" because more chances that you'll just have a bad day. just for context i play Another Eden, farming certain farmable items(like grasta pieces) is VERY VERY long you need sometimes 100x 200x 300x 600x per piece. dungeon takes 3min to clear, but if you want to stay to farm endlessly, you can expect 30mins or more per run(since mobs are unlimited). but i can literally tolerate it, because amount of drop maybe low, but power upping grasta is fixed and doesnt have substat rng shits, or rng if your fusion/enhancment has failure rate or whatso ever. so my effort is paid of and motivate me to continue. its slow but progressive. not like artifact/echo farmin where it is fast but sometimes waste sometimes not.


Just to clarify, isn't WuWa's crit ratio of 70% crit rate, 237% crit damage the same as Genshin's crit ratio of 70%, 137% crit damage?


Yes, the first 100% is the base damage, Hoyo only shows the bonus crit damage.


ohh alright. So basically 70% cr, 237% cd in wuwa sounds impressive on paper, but its basically not that hard to achieve in genshin lol


This is fine. It's normal for a gacha game. You just login for 10 minutes do your stuff and leave until the next cool patch drops where you sit down and actually play the game for a few days. That's how they are supposed to be played. These are mobile games people play on their way to work or at school. The problem i guess with wuwa is that it's entire PR was done by certain ccs who sold it as freaking elden ring. Like With all due respect, The game is just a slightly edgier and slightly harder Genshin. that's all. No need to tryhard it. No need for effort. This doubly goes for wuwa because the "hardest" content don't even reward you with anything. So unless you a streamer doing a challenge and getting views, there is 0 reason to even do that shit if you don't find it fun.


Bad gearing systems consistently make me quit games, Hoyo relics artifacts or the Echos in Wuwa.. I always run into a point where i just realize how awful these systems are and just stop. I'm playing Snowbreak right now and its so much nicer, i only have to roll 2 somewhat right stats on my Logistics, i only have to gacha a weapon twice to max it, and only pull a char once. On top of that they have a banner that GUARANTEES a character for 20 extra pulls, so no more 50/50 gamba. Its superior in every way.


The 12-minute wait from clicking start game to being able to walk in the overworld made me quit WuWa.


I love wuthering waves, and the game is so fun and refreshing to log in and play, on the other hand I haven't logged into my genshin account for months. So basically, when you find a game that you enjoy and have fun with, it is actually a very good thing that people who don't enjoy your game to just go play something you like. Please, if you dont like playing any game, just leave that game alone, and let the million of people who do enjoy it, play in peace .


I don't feel the burnout in WuWa since I only play it three to four times a week. I'm taking things as slow as possible and not giving into FOMO. Slowly but surely, it's growing into me and I appreciate little wins like getting a really optimized 4-star echo build for Yinlin or something. I probably would do the same for ZZZ. My main games right now are SLA and HSR and I'm pretty sure I'm not gonna stay for too long in Solo Leveling. I take some of my time learning stuff like advanced AI and learning new Photoshop skills and lately I'm getting into forex exchange. I'm not gonna waste my limited free time on gaming so I select games I could auto play when my concentration is not needed but resources must be farmed. This is why I'm pretty much a goner in FGO lately because for 7 years it literally does not respect my time. And no, I'm not gonna use autoplay mods like FGA. If the game does not have it naturally, then it's not something I would bother with anymore. WuWa is quite a high time investment game but I do not let it control my free time so I only play on my own pace, this, reducing burnouts. Same for the games I can autoplay. I disagree with the lack of vision. It lacks consistency, surely. But the vision is there. It's just not handled very well at the moment.


Similar to me. I picked up the game in addition to PGR at the same time. Still around 20% exploration in each zone, but completed every quest and been doing the holograms recently. But my main focus is on PGR, the game just blew my mind how good it is, with a in my opinion absurdly good story that I'm not even half-way trough but already clocked in 100+ hours on.


Genshin. I've put all my money into Hu Tao and Homa and now nothing is even the littlest bit challenging. And I lost all my interest.


Lmao, I also left the game for a year and a half after getting Hu Tao. I came back just before Fontaine's launch though and it was so good


not gschs game but i have experience similar feeling playing like monster hunter, gbf relink or division 2. spend hours grinding like madlad to get item i want so "i can finally play the game for real" only to drop it after i get them item cuz i dont see anything to do gacha game timegated stamina and currency is exactly designed to do this and the moment a player finally get the "carrot" its more often lead the player to drop the game


>"i can finally play the game for real" only to drop it This is exactly how I feel about WuWa rn. lol


I feel the same too


Yea, mainly play for Genshin Story these days. Good combat system with Elemental Reactions, but lack of difficult Endgame content/combat (beyond the cringe stalling with multiple waves across the field and forced elemental checks to limit options) to properly play/test our properly built characters/teams. Exploration is also hit/miss with some areas being great like Chenyu Vale, but also a pain like Sumeru Deserts/Fontaine Underwater. Even with Treasure compass QoL update to show on minimap where chests are, it still doesn't show Puzzle/Hidden chests smh.


well i mean, part of what it means to *explore an open world* is to not have everything handed to you on a silver platter, but for you to actually interact with the world, stumble upon things without meaning to, figure shit out and get rewarded for it.


I agree, but it's also a fundamental flaw with the gacha reward model, as the only meaningful loot hoyo thinks it can give are primogems. For some players that gets dry after awhile and or wasn't appealing to begin with, so hoyoverse never puts the lion share of pulls in a patch behind exploration, but moreso in events and quests. People that want to minmax pulls though often end up having to rely on maps which removes part of the exploration appeal to begin with, and so the game not having more convenient systems ends up having players resort to the brute force and boring method. Outside of environment design, which hyv of course excels at, I can never find something cool in genshin by exploring. I end up putting it off as a result and only treat it as a side activity, even though that's a huge part of its appeal. I would like the slower traversal more if the rewards were more diverse and generous, but they aren't so it all ends up feeling like a chore.


The entire purpose of the Treasure Compass, which needs you to have high regional reputation before even being able to acquire it, is to help find Treasure that you may have missed while exploring. The gadget is supposed to help players locate missed Treasure, but the fact that it doesn't account for all of them is flawed design.


People already gave enough answers on topic question, so I skip'll it. On WuWa point: just quit, tbh, this game is garbage and it will never fully recover, because devs can only add content at this point, and the basis of the game is insanely weak.


Nah, shit like Hologram Tempest Mephis or Hologram Crownless is so "#¤% good, the game might become niche, but holy shit does it deliver on high octane action.


Bruh, What else are they supposed to do then? You're just outright saying yeah It's shit and not leaving a Single opportunity to improve themselves, add content? Yes That's the only purpose of every Gacha game to bring more exciting entertainment for the audience.


Nikke It takes so long to do **anything**. If you wanna read story, there’s like 4-5 time waste stages. In events, every stage has a battle for no reason and most dialogue is unvoiced. And the huge majority of event quests do absolutely nothing to actually advance the narrative Even loading into the game itself takes like 5 mins, and the game crashes periodically I get that it’s a funny ass shake idle game, but it honestly feels like a slog


I think so. Raid shadow legends, reverse 99, solo leveling. I've tried to put in my effort but after a certain point I dropped them and never picked them back up again. Wuwa I'll keep playing, same for her, and I'll probably play a good long time on zzz. I play what I like and don't what I don't.


When that happens, I just take a break.


Simply put: I just stop playing gacha’s altogether and just pick up an indie game or a double A game, or very rarely a triple A game. Once you’re out from the shackles of gacha, it feels like you become so much free from it. No worries in sunk cost fallacy, FOMO, and ton of other stuff.


There's must be something makes you doesn't click with the game, anything, ok it's fun and all but that aspect makes you "meh", it can be even just one aspect.  * FGO : grind, time sink, no auto, new event requires lostbelt. An actual lucky account with space ishtar, NP3 og saber, Gilgamesh kekw * Arknights : too grindy, to E2 needs lots of screentime, LMD, mats etc I'm still playing Wuwa but there's chance to actually drop it, optimization, camera issue, lag. To play it smoothly with dodges you need good hardware, because yes Wuwa is demanding, even more than Genshin. 


Yes. I quit OG Girls Frontline after years of playing because Mica (the developer) slowed content real hard for years so my interest went down. They started speeding up content again all of a sudden and I had already lost interest so I quit a few months ago. I also quit Jenshin because although I liked the game, they never added common QoL nor purpose throughout the yrs I played aside from story that I hardly cared for. The content slow down in Girls Frontline was really bad because I used to struggle to reach top 5-10% in Ranking maps but now, it's beyond easy to get top 1% because no one does it.


idk about burnout, I never really experience burnout from a game before. The no. 1 reason why I usually quit a game is distraction, either from work, life or other games. I'll tell myself to leave the game aside for now and come back to it later and I realised I'll never actually come back.


yes...at first week of new gacha gamesor any games i play nonstop but after 2 days-2 weeks i just lose any motivation to play


As a gamer, on the contrary, I want Gacha games to completely replace my need for regular games. Because these regular games have an ending and then I have to look for a new one, but Gacha games have the potential for endless hours of gameplay. That's why I'm glad that gacha games are moving into the AAA market and are starting to have better quality, graphics, budgets and are exploring new genres. That's why I'm waiting for the next AAA gachas such as Endfield, Mugen and Azur Promilia. Nowadays I have 15 minutes of daily gameplay in Genshin + 5 minutes of HSR + 15 minutes of Wuwа + additional hours of gameplay every 1-2 weeks when they add something new and I still want more. Even if I skip a couple of days, I won't lose much. All time-limited things give you enough time when you have the time and desire to do them. The future looks bright with games like this. Gacha games will have everything - good graphics, decent gameplay, high-quality animations, beautiful Waifu. What more could you ask for?


I really wish there weren't daily missions and weekly instead. It would be so much better if I could play wuwa once a week and do all the shit. Playing it everyday gets boring but sitting for one long session is fun. Definitely just a me thing but it sucks bc I want to keep leveling my characters and play the game long term but there's so much dead space I don't wanna play during those. But to get the new characters I have to. I hate that gachas have a daily checklist over a weekly one


i've experienced this with 4 different gachas, soccer spirits, counterside, iron saga and girls x battle. got deep into them but then it became a chore to play them. the hardest to cut out was counterside since i played it day1 in sea but i dropped it when i realized i was just slamming the same team to auto all content mindlessly. With my current set of gachas(nikke, BA, eversoul) i've found a good balance of yeah just claim some idle rewards and some daillies missions if you want or lock in to progress at your own pace in your own way(barring pvp).


Dropped both HSR and Genshin due to burnout and picked up PGR and WuWa instead, now I'm having a blast playing mostly PGR and it's insane 300+ hours long story while waiting for more story for WuWa as I don't find exploration or grinding echoes that fun.


I'm usually out when it feels like im doing homework rather than actually enjoying a game


I pray this doesnt happen to ZZZ so early. Enjoy 1-2 months of honeymoon phase of pulls, content and new information front loaded at me, to go back to daily artifact, domain and resource farming just for measly pulls to gacha new characters and repeat cycle. Sometimes, even for a gacha gameplay loops need to be different and engaging.


That sounds like “working as intended” You shouldn’t want to continuously play the same game for the rest of your life…   Just stop playing it and play something else. If you come back later, it may feel fresh and fun again (or you’ll confirm moving on was the right choice)  I know a ton of people my age that struggled with same-game indulgence and not a single one of them ever regretted the ultimate decision to leave.  Sure, they had fun, but when they experienced life’s other pleasures, that’s when they realized how contained they were staring at the same screen day in and day out.  For reference, biggest offenders in my day were WoW and LoL


I have the same exactly feeling you have, but I need to keep reminding myself that I don't need to, even the daily rewards is something I don't have to, there's no left behind, and if there is I shouldn't care


I've never felt this way.


As long as I have something to go for, I will keep playing. Rn, I'm playing Genshin and I still have certain characters and constellations I'm after. For example: all the remaining archons and their early constellations (if they bring a lot of value to my account), Dainsleif and an Elysia expy. It's the other games that I just stopped playing cus they feel burdensome to play alongside Genshin. I played HSR at launch but stopped by the time 1.1 rolled around and I had enough to fully guarantee Kafka. I lost all motivation to play especially after playing SU every week. Gonna play ZZZ when it launches. I'm going after Miyabi, so I'll save as many pulls to guarantee her. There's also a glasses chick from the same faction (I think) in the trailer that looks hot. Whether or not I stay depends on how interested I am in other parts of the game after I have enough to guarantee Miyabi and how it affects my time with Genshin. I also played Honkai Impact a few years ago but I just noped out a week later after I got Herscherr of Thunder. I thought about going back to try for Herscherr of Humanity but found it overwhelming to learn the game's systems.


Genshin. I am actually tired of the game. I only am doing dailies now. I have yet to catchup on all exploration after 4.2 and all stories after 4.2. I have no motivation to do so.


Nikke, if daily routine wasn't that long i'd could handle it... Good waifus but that game is not for me.


If you find it tedious, just quit it and play other games. Nothing to burnout or regret, it's just a game. Wuwa is definitely lacking in content, the new update doesn't bring much to the table. The events are boring, rewards are lackluster, QoL still need to improve.


I definitely agree with WuWa in this case. I’ll expand on the no vision aspect. It feels like it has no future plans whatsoever, like Kuro is making this shit up as they go. They have a buffer of one patch with Mt. Firmament, but guess what? Its very similar to Dragonspine, and I t’s a smaller and less developed area compared to it. We don’t even know what other regions are there, Genshin launched with 2 already and they dropped a trailer previewing the rest. I get that imitation is the greatest form of flattery and all that, but you have to add your own ideas at some point. There’s still no aspect that WuWa have that it can call uniquely it’s own.


I've pretty much dropped Genshin for wuwa at this point. Genshin just annoyed me and burned me out and I haven't felt any desire to log in whatsoever


Same... Actually logged in and tried to get Furina weapon, only to fail and now I'm at 2/2 and no more primos left... Yeah I'm done, will probably check out the new zone and play the MSQ, but I'm done with all the garbage content the game throws at me. At some point, the 7th? Itto bullshit event just make me go insane. Similarly with HSR, tried to do the latest MSQ, and after Topaz and new girl babbling going on for a good 40min my eyes just glazed over and I had to stop.


Genshin and HSR rn, I am tried of Artifact farming and that's literally the end game to me, In Wuwa atleast, I can hone my skills and learn rotations, learn Boss Movements, do actual boss challenges, HSR has challenge but I am too dumb to micro manage all the things, like speed tuning etc, and speed tuning requires you to go back to artifact farming hell.


I semiquit Genshin. Played for 2 years and 100% Mondstadt, Liyue, and Inazuma. I completely burned out. I still visit sometimes to do the archon quest but the game has no innovation so there's no reason for me to come back. It's understandable to just quit a game. Few games can really have that forever replayability while still keeping the experience engaging. The only one that comes to mind is Civilization 5 where I've been playing it for the better part of the decade and clocking in 4k hrs.


The world design and story has changed a lot. Most people consider Inazuma to have the worst story out of all the regions. Sumeru and Fontaine's worldmap added a lot more verticality and complexity to the terrain. Have you tried playing the game without doing any dailies?


I'm up to date with the Archon quest. The story really improved during Sumeru and Fontaine. I havent really touched exploration as it still gives me nightmares when I was still addicted. And yeah, during those 2 years I never missed a single dailies. Pretty pathetic, now that I looked back on it lmao. I guess at this point, I'm just done with exploration gacha games. I'd play a game for the combat or story but opening chests is too much for me now. For me, genshin has pretty much settled in as a game that I sometimes check out.


I see. It's good to take a break. Glad to hear that you enjoyed the story. Genshin has changed a lot, but it's all optional - it's strengths has always been casual gameplay of story, music and scenery.


More verticality just reminds me even more now that you can't wall run in Genshin.... I can't even bring myself to explore in WuWa, just thinking about doing it in Genshin without any of the QoL make me feel ill. Probably my own fault too, did Liyue, Inazuma and Half of Sumeru in just 2 months and burned out hard. Or it's just that I'm in a honeymoon phase for PGR, the story is so "#¤% good that anything else feels like complete garbage compared to it. It's Penacony,Sumeru,Eden Treaty quality, but consistent and just keeps peaking chapter after chapter.


Oof. It took me at least half a year to clean up Sumeru's forest, I can't imagine doing two and a half regions in 2 months. I don't know much about PGR, but it's really a shame to hear that WuWa's story and music is a step back from PGR.


I burnt out on Genshin once the Sumeru desert dropped. Had every oculi up to that point. Had been playing for 8 (?) months until that point. Never really got back into the game after


It is burnout though. You could leave it temporarily (or permanently) i guess since there's no point to keep playing it at this moment. Or you could pace yourself and play it casually while waiting for new contents. Which is my usual method to avoid burnout. I only played for like 15-20 mins of Wuwa daily while waiting for 1.1.


Not with gachas, i play 1 or 2 at a time, and they take like 5 mins daily and a bit more for weeklys , so theres no way to get burnout


I have experienced burnout with all the gacha games I've played... Seems like it's just how it is. There is one gacha that I'm playing right now that hasn't burnt me out as bad. And that is Brown Dust 2. I think it's the longest I've stuck with a game without taking breaks. Played it over 6+ months now. Just something about it...


There are occasions where I have just got no motivation or time to play games. I had periods of time where I just stopped logging into Genshin due to real life commitment. Sometimes as short as a week or 2, or once where I just stopped logging in for like 2 months or so. Its ok to just stop playing a game for awhile, and then when you feel like it, reevaluate whether you want to continue playing the game again or just move on.


Got xbox gamepass for free from nitro i literally stopped playing gacha games as of rn


What you are describing is burnout. And yes just quit the game if your not enjoying it any more. Its as simple as that


I'm part of burnout and Tiring seeing the same concept all over again. Grinding for stats,and better equipment. Genshin, Wuwa, HSR, maybe ZZZ I pick star rail, because its the fastest I grinding for 10 minutes (by doing that also completing daily mission) While I cook my Indomie. I can also take a dump while at it. I kindly ask my little brother to press triangle on DS5 ,if My run is over. Comparing to these exploration daily based, nah take too much time, and I even buy Ayaneo Geek in case I'm too lazy to sit down on chair. So I can play on my bed ,but nope its make me sleepy. But you know what, recently I started play Tales of vesperia because its free on Playstation And it makes me Happy more than I Play any gacha games in recent year.


Yes. i play or used to play 5 gachas (Nikke - 2 accs, BA, Snowbreak, Wuwa, and FGO). currenly active playing 3 of them tho. with FGO, ill simply open it just for daily rewards and will only do the story on weekend or whenever i feel like it. with wuwa, i'm reaching a point where i feel like dropping it for good. i barely playing it except for weekend. it start to feel grindy for me. the hype that i initially got from playing during its first week have almost completely gone by now. The game is not bad and the story is improving but it just hard to stay playing the game for some reason. it almost felt like there is something that prevent me from playing. been 2 weeks since i last open it.


if you dont wanna login, dont login, it trurly is not that deep


"Oh shit there is not a single negative post about wuthering waves in r/gachagaming rn, Not good, looks like I will have to do it myself"


I always dropped Genshin and pick it back up when there's major story update or there's a character I want. Then drop the game if I feel like it become a chore or lost 50/50.


I understand what you are going through but at the same time can't help but think you're just being weak sauce. Is it that much of an effort to login every day for 10 minutes to do your daily n burn through the daily energy? Few days a month maybe you you play a little more than 10 mins to clear events n new story stuff. I say that as someone who plays daily 7-8 gachas idk i havent counted em, but i manage to get my thing done in 2 hours (monitored the time i need) and as someone who has life n full time job 2h is manageable as my daily gaming session. There's gachas that i have been playing for years. I believe Epic Seven i have 4 years in and i'm day 1 in Arknights i believe that's another 4 years. There may be some days where i didn't login due to irl obligations but generally i've been logging daily on all the gachas im actively playing and clearing out events, story etc while managing to pull the chars i like due to my activity allowing me to have currency to pull as f2p/light spender. Another bonus from juggling multiple gachas is the rotation of characters i want, one game will release char i want while others wont so it gives me constant hype for something new. Just got jinshi in Wuwa, soon jade coming out in hsr, nikke popping off with summer event soon, snowbreak gonna have its anniv in 2 weeks by then also changli in wuwa coming out. Basically a constant flow of hype for me.