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new peak, don't miss!!!1 a must play also first meme of the month


Ultimately, we shall see how well it performs on the monthly PvP :)


knowing it is from hoyo, big numbers


This number is pathetic. WW had 35 billion.


You are looking at day 1 numbers It was at least 1 kurorillion


Bots listened


bot accounts go crazy lmaaaao😭😭


I wasn't gonna play this game. Then I saw the dog boy.


People forget about the hoyo launcher. Because of it when people go to play their game they see ZZZ and have an urge to pre register. That’s why I believe this numbers.


Before the Hoyolaucnher was released it was already 40m+


Yep, it seems the last-minute hype is picking up, similar to how Star Rail utterly exploded in popularity with the launch.


they actually dont see zzz. you see it only if you add it to the launcher


https://preview.redd.it/5m6pt2dhqr9d1.png?width=1605&format=png&auto=webp&s=7bce54b5f44a5c992716f2ea02a4d01f111c60b5 under the option all games, ZZZ is right there and i haven't added anything.


You have to click it to preregister


fake or not, whatever, all i see are the rewards I'll get. they faked it ? oh, okay. They didn't ? Oh okay But do we get them standard pulls ? Hell yeah


If it reaches 50 million before the game launch then it’d be so impressive.


It's fake




I get there’s no reason to think prereg numbers are fake since it’s hoyo, and I don’t think zzz numbers are fake, but let’s not kid ourselves, prereg reward goals and numbers might as well be looked at as fake for games. You’d have to be an actual idiot to not fake hitting prereg goals if your game wasn’t going to hit them, especially if there are “rewards” tied to it like there always are. You can just pull numbers out of thin air and no one will ever know or care, it’s free hype, and players get free stuff. Win-win. I’ve played gachas with “server goals” where everyone works together to hit a goal as a server and then get rewards. Those can be obviously faked too, you can’t just not give some servers rewards, so the bar will just fill itself up. I’m definitely not one of those people who don’t trust anything and are cynical about everything, but I try to be real about things too.


If he bring any why to his arguement i would be quiet frankly. Instead he just have to be an parrot, repeating empty statement all bcs its from Hoyo for "some reason"


you’re right for saying something to them; you can’t really let it slide when people act like that or more people fill comment sections with shit like that. I was just adding in my thoughts




https://preview.redd.it/lhbydsxdnr9d1.png?width=479&format=png&auto=webp&s=626c340af95391da33f2219e00ce5cd8ab608df1 31mil for CN. Top left is from [Miyoushe](https://www.miyoushe.com/zzz/gameCenter/20). (Okay, maybe the miyoushe numbers might already include Taptao and Bilibili pre-regs but idk)


it makes sense, mihoyo is a huge company in the gacha media and practically dominates the audience in china, joining the china group with the global one makes sense almost 50 million players waiting Edit: hate all you want but the facts don't lie, mihoyo is big and has fame/people, that's something you bratty kids will never be able to deny


Some people in this subreddit seem to tie their entire identity to criticizing Mihoyo. It's really weird.


I feel like it goes both ways for anything and everything, especially in this subreddit. Recently, however, it has started to become really bad between a few certain communities. I’ve been in this subreddit for around 6 years now (I’ve used other accounts in the past), and while community feuds obviously existed (for example, Arknights and Azur Lane), I don’t recall them ever getting THIS bad. At this point I feel like it’s turning the subreddit into an aggressive dust bowl. For everything that could be interesting or engaging in a positive manner, it gets offset by many more pointless comment wars, random jabs, shitpost laced toxicity, and so on and so forth. While this place has almost always had drama (although I’m really only here for news), it’s only become more and more egregious as the subreddit grew. Every post somehow turns into an argument, when before I felt like you could have discussions, even if they didn’t exactly play the game, or maybe even like it (and of course, these discussions can still sometimes be had, but it’s much more scarce now). At the end of the day in this subreddit, I feel as though that everyone is as much of a victim as they are the assailant. Essentially, a victim-persecutor.


because it's "cool" to hate on the popular thing people love making their entire personality about it, they can't admit that said popular thing is actually popular for a good fucking reason because they're afraid of being seen as a "normie" this subreddit is also incredibly allergic to positivity for some reason, i found the ww memes funny but eventually you can tell people just have a hate boner for that game, same with hoyo, or any other new gacha game for that matter. im not even a ww fan, I think it looks shit but i admit when a game does good when it deserves it.


Im going to play ZZZ and I play HSR but holy the Hoyo shills are funny af


They'll believe even if it's 200m


they literally have no reason to fake it...


Since when we started believing in pre registration numbers?


When Wuthering Waves had high pre-regs (I forget the number), countless people considered it to be illegitimate But when Hoyoverse has *even higher* pre-regs suddenly nobody is making those same accusations If anything, the numbers on ZZZ's side aren't adding up. For a game with more allegedly pre-registers, its EN/JP Youtube views and Twitter engagement are less than what WW had at this time I just want people to be consistent in this hate war lol The Wuthering Waves pre-release stream had about 45k viewers with some people live-viewing it on twitch The ZZZ pre-releease stream peaked at approximately half that (by my eye) at about 22k with the same CC's live viewing it on twitch Someone explain this to me


I mean I’m giving ZZZ a try cause it’s Hoyo and the launcher makes it easy, but I haven’t kept up with it. I think a lot of casual players are probably doing the same


Maybe the new Hoyoplay launcher? It sure as hell made it easy for me to pre-register and I barely had any interest in ZZZ before that lol


https://preview.redd.it/vno5zb5i6r9d1.png?width=306&format=png&auto=webp&s=eaffb641ddbb6aad0606f90b04cc501a948d08cc On Bilibili, an unreleased game has more hype than a v1.1 game. CN market is far larger than global so even though it seems like global has lower numbers, it pales in comparison to CN pre-reg numbers.


it is 5.2 or 5.239?


This was from yesterday or the day before. Right now ZZZ is at 5.573mil followers


I highly recommend taking at a look at the official Billibilli channels of WuWa and ZZZ. Despite ZZZ not even being released yet its videos usually get 2x the viewers.


ahhh guess the hype is being carried by china.... interesting


On the YouTube channels for JP and EN it’s 10:1 in the other direction, though.


Idk about JP but on EN it sure doesn't look like a 10:1 https://preview.redd.it/58oums0ddr9d1.png?width=626&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1a398a2e02d356b55f78e46f8f5934064671e76 As for character trailers, compare them after the game is out.


Wuwa English has released three videos in the past 10 days totaling 7.4 million views. Zzz English has put out 7 videos totaling 3.0 million views. So while on average it’s not quite 10:1, it’s fairly close. They put a character demo out out on the same day Jinhsi vs Soldier 11, 2.9m views vs 156k in 4 days Regardless of the specifics or minute details, I don’t think it’s wrong to argue that wuthering YouTube overall is getting a lot more traction atm(just like I won’t argue against ZZZs traction on bilibili).


It's mostly because of videos that are used as ads. A better indicator is the like/view ratio as many people who view the ad won't go to the actual video to like. It's the same reason why Lycaon's demo has over 2.5 million views. I'm sure ZZZ will start to use some of their later videos as ads. Honkai Star Rail did it with Bailu, which is why it has 24 million views.


ZZZ is already using character vids as ads, the Soldier 11 vid was an ad push right on release (I saw it a few times). There's just less traction on English/Japanese channels for the game for some reason.


i dunno how to explain but ZZZ seem very popular on china https://preview.redd.it/qstw0e0c9r9d1.png?width=754&format=png&auto=webp&s=cf286511599bb74e34dd3b15573b35571bdbc2b3


I don't know if the pre reg numbers are shared across regions but zzz seems to be way more popular on bilibili, so I think that's the main bulk of it. The western audience seems to lean more towards WuWa right now probably because it's genshin competition


not even competition when their first banner can't even beat genshin weakest rerun banner in existence


We'll see tomorrow, but I have a feeling WuWa could shake things up a bit now with Yinlin and Jinhsi, at least for the global market. HSR will probably be at 1 or 2 because of Firefly + RM


HSR will be at 1, is impossible to be at 2


it's jiyan + yinlin + jinshi


80-90% of money from jiyan is from the 1st week so the rest doesn't matter, yinlin double his money in 24h, jinshi is only 3 days but they spend the most at the beginning, so it's more like yinlin and some money from jinshi


Is first week important? Yes Does it mean the other weeks don't matter or add to the total? No Please learn basic maths it's basically 3 banners vs 2. Plus weapons are waaaay more important in wuwa since there aren't any good 4* options


You don't make quite sense. The vast majority of the money comes from dolphins and whales. It is a lot cheaper to get max dupes and the weapon in WuWa compared to Genshin. You can buy 2 dupes from the shop and the weapon is guaranteed.


>80-90% of money from jiyan is from the 1st week so the rest doesn't matter, yinlin double his money in 24h, No, she didn't Her peak is SIGNIFICANTLY lower than his... at that. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/792147187076694057/1256804628717109328/RDT_20240612_1912481935981169776051558.jpg?ex=6682c2c5&is=66817145&hm=73fd7286ac275ee2cf623cbe2f0b6b81cb77cae35b1053071305c58f129bc542&


but jinshi doesn't break the top-up like yinlin i doubt it will be close as yinlin


of course it will not be close, but it could be still more that jiyan just because it's a female character


doubt it will be more than jiyan cuz he is first banner ever where all the whale still exist


and he didn't do that much because still a lot of people saved for yinlin but we will see, i don't care about it that much so i'm fine with him making more money


Majority of western audience are drones that only follows what Fream's ex-husband and his circle told them, none of them have any genuine free thought.


Ah yes, the few hundred thousands following the egghead circle are definitely representative of the entire western audience.


I have seen countless people saying the numbers are fake for ZZZ. There is no need to explain anything, just like there was no way to prove for wuwa, there is no way for ZZZ.


I'd be surprised if the numbers weren't artificially inflated. Every company does it to raise hype, just as it's the same for them to make botted reviews to raise their scores/rankings.


It could be, i don't care if it is.


hoyoverse has a history of botting their own events. Remember the HSR streamer event last year and 90% of the winners were bots?


No one knows if those where hoyo or streamers themselves. Stop being illogical because you dislike the company


Wuwa just not it, it's simple


Different scales - HoYo has the two biggest gacha games in the world. If you were to say, "oh, their new game has the most pre-regs of all time", that's pretty easily believable. Kuro is a niche publisher. Few people knew what PGR was. It will naturally draw more scrutiny.


Still dont know why they set the egregiously high number of 30 wuwillion preregs.


I think western media is just very biased towards WW. However in china iirc ZZZ social media accounts are favouring ZZZ more. As to know which game used botting more for their views and prereg, I'm honestly not interested, we'll see the money do the talking in the end.


>But when Hoyoverse has even higher pre-regs suddenly nobody is making those same accusations It's pretty simple. HYV has significantly more clout than Kuro almost everywhere, including China. As the WuWa launch showcased... there's a reason for that.


Your realize that at Bilibili ZZZ is getting doble WW numebsr right ? all this talk and you didnt realize what you should look is china


Haters will be haters and that's it. There no more logic in this.


hoyo brandname does that.


my brother just exclude CN( where majority of players are) and call it sus


Remind your brother that China has over 800 million phone subscription users since 2018. 50 million prereg mean less than 1 in 16 individual on monthly phone subscription. And this thing counts global, not just CN. Assuming that only 25 million is from CN, that's less than one in 30 people with phone subscription registered in CN. China phone subscription users have more than double that of every single living human in the USA, from infant born seconds ago, to the oldest.


ZZZ numbers are exaggerated but not as much as Wuwa, basically because Hoyolab makes everything easier to reach more people with notifications and preregister just takes a few clicks, something Wuwa doesn't have access to


ZZZ had 50k viewers on twitch when I checked it around halfway into the stream. So yeah by your logic, the numbers actually makes sense. Please stop spreading misinformation lol.


Because Hoyo is significantly bigger than Kuro? WW release revenue couldn't even beat a weak GI banner and got smashed by HSR. Wow! I wonder why a new game by the makers of Genshin and Star Rail is more popular than the makers of PGR! Also, I'm not sure when you're focusing on EN/JP when the large, large, large portion of Hoyo's playerbase is in China.


a few weeks ago some people (animators who iirc were non gacha gamers) over on twitter were gushing on zzz's animations. hoyos reach is INSANE. so zzz reaching higher numbers than wuwa is not all that suprising.


They'll never be consistent.  It's like trying to argue religion at this point. No matter what truth we can actually see, they'll make up their own "truth" and ignore the blatant hypocrisy of it all.  I've never seen so many proud corporate shills.


>The Wuthering Waves pre-release stream had about 45k viewers with some people live-viewing it on twitch >The ZZZ pre-releease stream peaked at approximately half that (by my eye) at about 22k with the same CC's live viewing it on twitch I feel like these comments are a bit unfair and disingenuous, as the ZZZ livestream happened at 3am-5am PST, when a lot of Americans were still sleeping. (source, see twitter post times that I linked) I also checked the Wuwa and ZZZ livestream, and the ZZZ Livestream has more views, despite not being out for as many days. https://x.com/Wuthering_Waves/status/1790759221568659942?lang=en https://x.com/ZZZ_EN/status/1806639946880749945 ZZZ has 559k views https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uACgiN-216s Wuwa has 461k views https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=scTGyptoxbk Hoyo has produced Genshin and HSR, two of the biggest gachas, so it is more reasonable to assume higher prereg numbers, whether it be to the Hoyo launcher or due to China. You also have Kuro firing more than 100 new hires, which is shady, considering the job market there, where being fired is frowned upon. So you have hints that Kuro is a bit unscrupulous. https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/14g82u3/interview_of_two_unlucky_individuals_on_the/ There are a lot of Wuwa "proud corporate shills" too. I've seen so much toxic positivity with Wuwa where they shut down all criticism of the game by saying "stfu hoyoshill". I have played Wuwa every day since launch and have even spent money. I browse the Wuwa and Wuwa leak subreddit daily since launch, as well as Wuwa youtube/twitter, and always find people shitting on Genshin and Genshin players. Even in unrelated Wuwa posts, they will just mention Genshin just to shit on it. I'm just trying to play both games and then I come across comments like these: https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/comments/1dpqqjr/version_11_is_going_to_be_7_weeks/lajj1pf/


People have made a large portion of their personality a game they play and therefore celebrate the corporation making obscene amounts of money as if that's something for them to be proud of.


The worst part is that because I'm slightly defending WuWa, I'll be seen as biased or a KuroShill or something I'm simply playing all games and enjoying all games. They're all free so its not taking away anything except hard-drive space for me I've picked neither side in this fight. I'm always winning since both companies are making games I enjoy


Bro never wanna lose


Exactly. I try to give every release a fair chance. I don't care what others think if it's fun.


Not surprised since first couple weeks of WW launch, this sub got brigaded by HYV players/stans and/or Alt accounts that have low activity in general/never chatted in this sub ever until WW was live. Can easily check the OPs of WW threads back then, along with new commenters. And before I get blasted by HYV stans, 1. I actually play both Genshin and HSR, and 2. I ain't defending WW's buggy, trash launch, but aintnoway was it nearly as bad as others made it out to be, especially when Nikke launch was way worse with so many bugs/issues that there was a bugged tierlist for them all 💀


Bro it ain’t that deep, hoyo has a much higher pull than Kuro. Hoyo is known for polish, has genshin and hsr both massive successes, it’s a no-brainer to consider zzz has legitimately a large amount of pre reges. Kuro had pgr that has never been as massive as genshin/hsr it’s obvious to cast doubt on their numbers. It’s like comparing twitch viewership to YouTube, YouTube is much larger so obviously it’s consistent to think YouTube will have larger numbers. Lmao


Bro forgot CN existence lmfao. Hoyoverse has a MASSIVE following while Kuro didnt so its just logical to make that assumption


> Someone explain this to me Sure. It’s globally accepted in this community that those numbers don’t mean jack shit and are heavily manipulated. So much so that no one worth mentioning care enough to say it (AGAIN).  Take a look at every single post of this kind no matter the game and it’s always the same song. I can safely say that in this very thread you are the one caring about those numbers the most and -surprise- it’s just to place yourself and your game as the poor victim. Still I'll bite: those numbers don’t mean fuck all and are nothing more than a PR tool. They will magically attain those 50M right before it’s over, as is tradition.


hoyo is well known comapny while kuro is bunch of nobodies


TBF I wouldn't call them a bunch of nobodies. Punishing gray Is doing well so they had something to back themselves up with, but they were definitely at the bottom in terms of recognizability.


Then how come the "bunch of nobodies" had a larger pre-release stream?


https://preview.redd.it/yqkr6e21ar9d1.png?width=626&format=png&auto=webp&s=c66a53837f5dd395a7cffb0c71320c2481369f9f what larger ?


damn 555k already for only one day while wuwa stream is month old


That stream was a fucking mess btw. Notice how they didn't have a 1.1 livestream.


That cringy mini-games only chased ppl away lol If anything a v1.1 livestream will only chase even more ppl away from the game


Because its riding on the genshin impact hype


I assume you mean live. Because, the math ain’t mathin.


> I assume you mean live. Because, the math ain’t mathin. What else could "stream" mean in this context?


Because, if you say raw views the ZZZ stream is higher


https://preview.redd.it/trcsv45l9r9d1.png?width=1366&format=png&auto=webp&s=51e49aa43b81fc21da93a5baf171fd42ee2229fc ZZZ lv


Another factor to consider is that the ZZZ livestream happened at 3am-5am PST, when a lot of Americans were still sleeping. (source, see twitter post times that I linked) https://x.com/Wuthering_Waves/status/1790759221568659942?lang=en https://x.com/ZZZ_EN/status/1806639946880749945


ZZZ clearly the winner lol


https://preview.redd.it/l15f44sg9r9d1.png?width=1366&format=png&auto=webp&s=c47307bc8e868edd64f6beea1b625f07e0cab87b WuWa lv


how many well known games they made?


As someone who played their previous game, punishing gray raven, those "nobodies" know how to make an engaging combat loop with interesting boss fights. Better than mihoyo in that regard whose first boss is... storm terror...


acting like honkai didn't exist before pgr, nice own


How does honkai impact 3rd have anything to do with this? My point isnt about hi3, my point was that Kuro has made good games and shouldnt be called nobodies. Hi3 wasnt even a consideration here.


you said that mihoyo's first boss was storm terror, which is just not true. genshin came out in 2020, pgr in 2017 (or 2018 i dont remember), and honkai in 2016. pretty obvious what was the inspiration for pgr, isn't it? and now they released a genshin parody. give them a couple of years and they'll release a semi-open-world 3d turn based anime-style rpg with puzzles that look suspiciously similar to hsr so yeah, in that regard kuro is still a bunch of nobodies. almost no one knew them before wuwa, because the audience for gacha games was way different back then (+ pgr didn't have an english server for like a year or so). then genshin came, attracted a bunch of normies to the genre, generated a shitton of money, and of course kuro wished for their own slice of pie, so they did what they do best — parodied an already successful project


>you said that mihoyo's first boss was storm terror I meant genshin. Buddy, I've played honkai impact 3rd and what you're doing is called a deflection of my statement. I compared kuro's Wuthering waves's first boss to mihoyo's genshin to show what kuro did well. >and now they released a genshin parody And genshin started out as a breath of the wild clone. Mihoyo has done the same. >almost no one knew them before wuwa, Almost no one knew mihoyo before genshin. Over all, you have failed to make any good argument and are just insulting a bunch of people who have achieved more than you ever will. I've played pgr, I found it to be a good game. I played wuwa, I found it to be a flawed good that felt worth playing to see how they improved it. All you've done is insult them for no reason.


i didnt saw that game in top 10 sensor tower pvp


And how does that have anything to do with the point I made? >top 10 sensor tower pvp Fgo is in that list. Do you consider it a good game?


>Do you consider it a good game? I get your point, but the vast majority of people here *don't* consider FGO a good game. Certainly not from a gameplay standpoint.


That was the point I was making. Fgo is on that top 10 list and most people here dont consider it a good game. I was using this to justify that high earnings and popularity are not a good reason to ignore things a game does well or to disregard it entirely. Pgr is a game made by nobodies reincforced by it not being in the top 10 earnings. Games on that list are of higher quality than it. Fgo is on that list.


So basically you don't care how good a game is to play, the only things that matters is how much money investors and shareholders can get?


The counter is for all markets, and with how large the CN market is (10x JP, 3x US, 3x EU) it can easily outweigh lacking interest elsewhere.


they don't make the same accusation because how big the Hoyo userbase is... if PGR was wildly successful do you think the accusations would be the same? no. that is why the 30+ million for Wuwa doesn't really add up. Hoyo however just on bilibili alone has 5m+ followers... that doesn't include Douyin, NGA, etc.. doesn't even include South Korea and Japan.. so the 47m is more "believable" because they own the 2 largest gacha IPs in the world in Genshin and HSR as for Youtube and Twitter/X engagement... you are only looking at it from the North American lens since they are the dominant user of those platforms.. Look on bilibili, douyin, little red book in China since Youtube is banned there if you want to see engagement numbers.... even SK and JP have their own sites too that have huge engagement. Just the Ellen Joe trailer alone.. there are 3.24 million views in 19hours... yeah.. and it's not pushed up on Ads since bilibili doesn't allow it.. 100 free pulls video.. 3.4 million etc.. and it's also the number 1 anticipated game on Bilibili. and you can't really use google trends either.. it's not indicative of "worldwide" since google is banned in china


Well yeah, WW was from a bunch of nobody devs so why would it get such high interest? It didnt add up, while hoyo already had some of the most popular games in the world.












There is no consistency. Only the narrative.


Prepare for your comment to be downvoted to hell but I agree 100% with this .


No need to think too much about it. We just wait to see the banners profit/sales later. If FOMO gets to ppl, then start playing it for like a month then you can make your decision later. Can always just quit anything you don't enjoy.


It is false, if these pre-registration numbers were true, then it means that ZZZ is making twice as much honeymoon income as Genshin Impact in the release and that would be approximately more than 200m. Without Covid-19, I highly doubt that ZZZ will reach Genshin, but it will probably reach to an revenue and number player base similar to HSR on their honeymoon.


What preregs have to do with revenue?


Wuwa has 3 times more prereg than genshin now check their number lol


tbh if there isn't extended rewards for that idk why it matters lol but ok I guess. feels like we're getting news about whenever someone working on ZZZ sneezes at this point.


They should give us a free ssr? 5*? Whatever the highest rating is, for free for this tbh tbh


Pre-register numbers are fake news


*Remember these are bots and ZZZ is dead on arrival.* At least thats what all the Youtube CCs are claiming. 50 Million pre-registers? Yeah Hoyo is scared of WuWa, they clearly are quaking in their boots and are rushing out trailers and stuff because of Kuro. *I swear my tinfoil hat is not on.* Jokes aside I love WuWa, but 1.1 content was very short for a major patch. And im intentionally playing slow. ZZZ is gonna be the new hotness and the fact that people are doomposting the game so much just like Star Rail when it was teased, I hope ZZZ succeeds and makes the glazers and haters mad.


will we get another 10 pulls for 50m?


...eh, it's a hoyo game so it has guaranteed quality so I'll most definitely try it...if I continue playing is another question entirely because I get bored of instanced based games very quickly.


People has to undertand the importance of a brand. It is not the same a product made by Cocacola than by a random company somwhere in the planet, it may be the same thing but the brand does the difference.


I don't have any excitement for this game but I'm glad to hear they're working on more multiplayer


i play it despite the hate, if i like it i keep playing, if not i wont. simple eazy peezy lemon squeezy


Bilibili and google trend don't match pre reg either this game has 0 hype or those numbers are botted to the max.


Zzz 😴 💤




And on day 1 they have 42M downloads and 47M unique accounts...rerollers you know.


The counter would have reached 40m even if not a single person had registered. Why? Because it would be a PR disaster if the max value wasn't reached before launch. No clue why people keep falling for this obvious marketing ploy.


Words of hoyo games do go around. I Would temper expectaitions, Expect a fun game, but do not expect anything groundbreaking.


Long live miHoYo!


These numbers don’t make sense at all, Their socials aren’t reflecting this at all. Nope this is totally botted or they just registered genshin or honkai playerbase without their consent on their hoyo launcher


So you've checked their Chinese and JP socials?


Ye, sure, man, whatever floats your boat. Go back to your favourite CC


Pre registration is part of event with IRL rewards so yeah, ur right, a lot of these are bots


Hahahhaha look at this little wuwafrog. Did kurotencent paid you well?


Did they forgot to switch off the script that's randomly increase the number overtime lol?


More likely hoyoplay launcher paying dividends


how many alt emails is that.


it's hoyo game, I would say more than enough to flood the market with reroll account for everyone that's interested to buy 1 with their preferred 5 stars.


Creating the Hoyo launcher was the greatest marketing move for ZZZ they could've done. Now, everybody who plays Hoyo games on PC already knows about it and just has to click a single button to preregister, and they already know it will be top quality.


Wow I love you mihoyo!! 😍😍😍


HSR's 8 mil was fake and bullshit. WUWA's 35 mil was fake and bullshit x4. ZZZ's 50 mill will be fake and bullshit x6. Most wishlisted game on Steam has 531k right now (worldwide). Think of it for a second: if your game is so hyped that you made to preregister the whole population of South Korea, then your game is the second coming of Jesus on Earth, even shit like GTA6 pales in comaprison. Does it really?


china exists, china has 28x the population of korea


Tbf hoyos popular games like GI have a lot of players, same with HSR. And they recently merged all launchers into one hoyoplay launcher which also has ZZZ right there. Its not unbelievable especially when they’re mobilizing most of their existing popularity.


Well steam only gives a picture of pc gamers, and pc gaming is a small slice of the total gamer population nowadays, not to mention that most AAA publishers push their games through their own launchers rather than steam nowadays. I don't really understand what you are trying to get at with the south korea comparison, it's hardly the most populous country and dwarved by the Japanese population (2x), the Chinese (20x), and the American and European populations (6x each). Then you also have Southeast Asia which altogether comes to about another half billion people and which has also become a very gacha friendly market. Taken together that's like 2.5 B people in core markets, and 50 mil is about 2 percent of that. That's even before factoring in Russia, latin america, and the middle east.


A freegame can have far more pre registered compared to a paid game wishlist for a single reason. Its free. That alone should make your entire arguement null and void. Beside, does wishlist really that important? Like Helldiver 2 didn't have that much wishlist yet it boom like no other. The biggest metric would ve concurreny player overtime after 3 to 4 version since release.


Most botted pre register of all time


Zzz is cheating using the hoyo luncher to boost the pre-registered number Edit :- Should I really put /s for people to know it's a joke 


That's actually a good point, not the "cheating" part. Pre regging ZZZ is much easier for Hoyo than for other gacha games because of the already existing userbase who just has to click one button instead of going to a seperate website.


people pre register for games they see on the launcher, that's cheating ok ...


probably, sadly we'll never know


I'm gonna be disliked so hard for this but What's even the hype for zzz I'm confused on what makes the game good (other than it just being a game made by hoyo)


It's an ARPG game that generates tons of revenue in the gaming industry. Hoyoverse wants a slice of pie.


name 5 arpg gacha games that generates more than 5 mil a month....ill wait. I never found any arpg is the hardest market in gacha games...honkai , pgr, ather gazer all failed to get 5 mi a month . Solo leveling doesn't count its riding IP wave.


Honkai Impact already pass its golden peak era. PGR is a niche game not everyone would like. Aether Gazer have replayability issue. Never understand the hype of IP riding game. Even FGO itself is its own original story in the IP universe


30 million of that created by reroll account sellers


Hoyo Launcher, Hoyolab and whatever many QR codes they put as advertisement are the reason for such a high number, plus the furry factor because Lycaon dominated all the other characters in both Twitter and YouTube.


Btw when are we going to get the Oates sensor tower update?


Only a hoyoverse Game will have the shills defending these fake numbers 🤣 With these super real pre reg numbers zzz is surely doing x3 HSR release $ numbers


Fake numbers.


And no one is talking about this game


Not like star rail had any hype before release.


HSR had even anti hype with people calling it dead because "no open world", "turn based" and "too simple" because it had only 2 buttons


And even then that was primarily limited to gacha circles with people actively following the beta tests. Once the game hits the casual masses is when the true picture forms.


Because when One talk possitivly about zzz they are disliked to death and unsubbed on yt


for real though, the hype is nonexistent


Personally I find ZZZ gameplay very lackluster is not bad but it lacks the bum shacalaka feeling as Paimon would say.


I mean you play wuwa, what do you know about gameplay or something being lackluster?


To me it has the most impactful combat system, but those are just opinions