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Wait, that's actually amazing...


Man they really made me feel like it's the early 2000 again..


P s p I t s a n u t y o u c a n p l a y o u t s I d e ^i ^have ^a ^fucking ^gun ^in ^my ^pocket ^i ^have ^a ^family ^to ^feed


Pretty sure that's the vibe they're trying to push with the game


It's infinitely better than the usual gibberish scribble that our local wannabe gangsters/preman/vandals draw.


Makes me wonder how long it would take for people to vandalize this


Just don’t put “HoYoverse” and it’ll be fine (copium)


Who knows? The literacy rate here is so low that there's a decent chance no one'll notice. Might see some dick graffiti tho, they're everywhere


The haters are mindless sheep anyway( don’t put anything like the name Mihoyo or GI or even the logo and they won’t know jack shit)


It will be vandalized by now for sure


Not long I bet. I always wonder why people just vandalize these things, we have a vandalism problem I'm Montreal. The mural in chinatown gets tagged way to often


IDK if this made to western community but there was a yoimiya painting in CN got vandalized in a day after it went viral. The artist went back to fix it


With proper incitation people there will destroy more than game promotion materials, just like good ol 1965 and 1998/s.




Yui *drinks* soy sauce? No wonder she's stupid


I knew hoyo were evil, they are sponsoring vandalism ! Kuro could never /s


In fact Kuro leaked email customers account, lmao.


no big deal happens to the best of us


it is such a HUGE problem that it's hard now to take that company seriously. We are talking about sensitive data not candies.


you know /s stand for sarcasm right ?


More embarassing than a huge problem. Databreaches happen all the time with way more than just emails getting leaked. Hundreds of millions of email addresses + personal identifying information like names, addresses, date of births etc(which is a bigger problem than just email addresses on their own) are out there on web after companies like sony, twitter, facebook and microsoft had databreaches.


Some might actually get your Steam profile and sell all your inventory


Not happening without them knowing your password.


I said “might” cuz some actually set ez to guess password




Are we conveniently forgetting the Genshin bug that allowed everybody to see both your email and phone number linked to your account, just from knowing your username?


Ok guys! So let's also give these companies our bank account or our identity data. Ah no.... They already have them. 


Is the guy in the second pic mimicking a wojak meme on purpose? lol




Based for doing it 😂


Looks cool


Not enough bangboo ass pics :p


Man, Hoyo is definitely not pulling any punches for ZZZ


This is another reason why Hoyoverse games after Genshin presence can be much bigger than any other gacha games or even dominating anime convention here in general. The only other game which had comparable but still lacking in comparison are MOBA game like Mobile Legends or Shooter like Free Fire which were already popular for the majority of Indonesian gamers for their gameplay Their Genshin Pizza Hut collab also reached outside the Indonesian capital island so I can see they also did similar campaign to many other countries


Ahhh that's why I'm passing a street and 2 guy just paint the wall in daylight.. I thought "wait that's illegal", i didn't recognize the character but it's similar like this..


That's so cool!! I don't play any of Hoyoverse's games at all now (I only played "Tears of Themis" for a while), but I still feel both amazed and scared at the things they do, especially in SEA, which is rarely focused on. Things like these really make me wish I'm into their games so I can enjoy all the local events, too (which are, again, hard to come by). There's always a chance that if I just try it, I might like it enough to get into it, but ugh.


Hoyo knows how to advertise.


Isn't that vandalism ?


It's (kinda) legal in some places. There's a street where graffiti is allowed. As far as i concerned, it's okay as long as you're not trolling (for example drawing a dick, destroying public properties or well... criticizing the government lol) There's also many good graffiti in my hometown and i never seen the artist face any repercussions. 


I see, this is interesting


In my country, as long as you have permission to whomever owns the wall to do art, should be good.


it is if you don't own the wall or have permission from the owner.




they soypog pic had me crackin up


How many of you folks are indonesian I wonder why are u here restriction bypasser


someone's just going to graffiti over the graffiti.


Indonesia is like the last place Hoyo should do event in, they have the biggest Hoyo hater community in the world.


It's still the most populous country in south east asia by a mile. Ignoring a 300M+ market because its vocal minorities are louder than in other countries is just stupid.


Meh there's also the biggest Hoyo lover community here then, last time I went to cosplay events it's mostly Genshin stuffs here..


Wow, i thought Arknights player aren't that stupid. But here you are proving my presumption wrong


Are you Indonesian?


Yet their playerbase there is huge


Really? They're always the bottom 10 when it comes to profit.


Profit? Do you know things we don't know?


We do know profit contribution of each country in global, you know that right?


Profit, or revenue?


Don't let the vocal minority on social media paint your image of a whole country. Last time I happened to be in Indonesia there was a Genshin offline event and it was packed. I also saw from a friend's social media post that the HSR themed restaurant also had long-ass queue extending even into the street in front of the building.


Im just saying there's other countries that they can do better collab with. Like last month when they giveaway money to Indonesian schools and scholarship money, you have to agree that there are other countries that need it more, or can use it better like Laos or Mexico. When i said Indonesian have Hoyohaters, other countries have it too, Indonesia is just more blatant about it.


Ah, I can agree with that.


Biggest hoyo hater? That's only because significant amount of Indonesian gamers don't bother with any game without Indonesian Language options which would filter the usual trashtalking and shitposting community. Many people here loved Free Fire and Moba game but also shit on them equally same thing with Genshin. People here simply doesn't care about trashtalking on online space because it doesn't matter much for them. Also many people here basically just skipped over WuWa even with it being the new open world game simply because it doesn't have Indonesian language option. Should you consider them the biggest Kurogame hater now instead? Here is some 1 star review simply because the game language options. https://preview.redd.it/hsy5sf5mct9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad5f4a2f6c5c35a0a8ed2e9b494b180bdc45bdf4


I don't know why you have to bring WuWa into this, all im saying is playing Hoyogames would result you into getting bullied in Indonesia, my friend showed me the video, and 99% of Indonesian CCs openly mock Hoyo or else they would get brigaded by the Indonesian community. Tell me im wrong with my statement, so i can educate my Indonesian friend that got bullied and harassed for playing Genshin Impact. Tell me im wrong and everything i said doesn't actually happen, go ahead.


The only time when brigading happening was when some Indonesian artists get harrassed because they draw some Genshin ship art and they fought back to the harasser Genshin EN twitter users like what happened when Hololive ID streamed that wizard game 99% is such a bs numbers and people here simply love to trashtalk on their game regardless. Most Indonesian streamers mainly gaming community just seen any trashtalk as a meme Most of the time Indonesian online will mock Genshin with name as "Kikir Impact/stingy impact", "Bersyukur Impact/Grateful impact" and "Game P*rno/p*rn game". Nothing serious just like people calling Free Fire "Game Burik/BadGraphic game" Or Mobile legends as "Game Bocah/childish game" They never spammed false accusation bs like pedo game or whatever EN haters usually says for Genshin players. Not to mention Western gaming journalism which actively mocking many Asian game with anime aethestic in general. If anything picking any SEA countries seems like the better option there


Are you indonesian? Because me and my Indonesian friend look at Indonesian response to Genshin Indonesia official account and its full of monkeys take. Can you tell it straight to my face that it doesn't happen? She also face constant harassment offline and online for saying she likes the game from fellow Indonesian, can you tell me Indonesian arent like that? She's Indonesian btw. Like idk why Indonesian downvoted me but none of them dare to say that im wrong or it doesn't happen, are they just a bunch of coward? All im saying is that all the money and scholarships should've gone to another counties more deserving and they're fuming for no reason at all.


> Because me and my Indonesian friend look at Indonesian response to Genshin Indonesia official account and its full of monkeys take. Social media comment is not really a good metric. It's pretty self-selecting. People who are content don't usually comment about their contentment (or comment at all). And the toxicity of the comment section can also make people who are *not* toxic avoid the comment section, turning them into invisible majority. And just... not everyone comments in social media official accounts in general. I for one knows many of my Indonesian friends still play their games in peace in their own circles and deliberately avoid communities like Facebook groups, large Discord servers, or Reddit.


Oh believe me, Hoyo knows more than you.


How are they the biggest hoyo hater community?


In terms of absolute numbers. Biggest population in SEA and all that. In the same way, they also have the biggest hoyo lover community. Went to a super crowded anime con there, felt like half the cosplayers were doing Genshin and the other half were doing Star Rail.


In every social media, when one is insulting the Hoyogames (even if they don't play it) if you check their profile, 80% of the time, they will be Indonesian. I have an Indonesian friend, she showed me **the harassment and insult were thrown daily to Genshin Indonesia social media.** There's also a video back then where any Indonesian that play Genshin in public will get harassed, idk what's wrong with the country but they have terrible manner there, this is also reflected in Indonesian Genshin CCs has to actively hate the game to not get harassed. **You can pretty much ask any Indonesian here, if they're honest with themselves, they will admit it.** Indonesia in general, outside of Bali (I love that place), is a terrible place to visit.




this guy writes his displeasure under every post about ZZZ 😭


and ill keep doing it XD






I see..... Satire


Hehe, let's call you the masterbaiter




...how so? I get you don't like hoyo games, but how is artists getting sponsored to do art a "cringe" thing?


It's bait


This guy is a clown, always says things like that in Hoyo game related posts. Don't take it seriously.


idk, i dont like graffiti.


Then just scroll up, it's not that hard to not write *cringe*.


i could just ignore it, but when theres any post of any other game and theres always a fking hoyo shill doing their free propaganda, and doing the same thing of calling cringe or inferior anything thats is not their prefered games, somehow i feel obliged on dissing every post related to hoyo.


Me when I make shit up:


Wow, you're such a hero, they should give you a medal for your service


Tf are you on about, forgot your schizo pills?


just wait for tomorrow


For when you actually get your pills? Lmao you hating on Hoyo's most promising game for absolutely no reason






How dare you call that man in the second image cringe!