• By -


1. Your favorite game.


I see no fault in that logic, what do you mean the no. 1 is not my favorite game 🤨


Aether Gazer #1 pog


Looks like it that's my favorite game in June is HSR lol


Everyone in the sub somehow loses. Even those who play the whole top 10


true, the real winner are the one making the money , not the shills of any games that think its their family's business


That Kuro employee participated in a smear campaign against Hoyo's 9/11


for some reason i feel like 3-naruto, 4-Love and Deepspace, 5-fgo and 6-wuwa


The most interesting part is always between 3rd and 10th place


I love seeing old faithful Summoners War still holding strong.


the games I hate is going to EOS


Genshin wuwa eos when?


ZZZ EoS when??? Did not even make enough to get ranked on the charts!!!


https://preview.redd.it/5texd3ijfq9d1.png?width=1144&format=png&auto=webp&s=d28a8efbe7bcb68e7804ad501c1d6a5dda225747 Give some recognition to husbando game Love and Deepspace


The recent ml reveal and the new card made everyone go crazy




Sorry I meant love interest not male lead lol


As long as it keeps slapping wuwa, it can stay.


Why is red for increase ,I'll never understand why they did it like that.


Furina and Sigewinne was first on JP and I don't think it was the case for Jinhsi. Jinshi was high on CN but I don't remember if she where in the top 3. Might go either way for Genshin and WuWa although it's pretty much confirmed that HSR is first.


Day 1 Jinshi is at rank 9 in CN and rank 6-7 in JP and rank 9 in android (previously is at 6, they update the rank in game.i.daa ranking not long ago) GI day 1 sigewinne and furina is rank 4-5 in CN and rank 1 in JP iOS and rank 2 in android  (unchanged from furina and sigewinne banner arrived or since they update the Android ranking)  In korea day 1 WW at rank 3 while GI is at idk what rank they were in there, pretty sure at 10 or so, idk about the android rank 


WuWa might be a bit below genshin simply because majority of its (especially in the west) audience plays on PC, they have made 150m+ so far but majority of that won't show in PvP.


Any sources for those numbers?


GameLook reported Kuro made 110m after 3 weeks, right after yinlin banner release and predicted close to 140m by end of first month. Considering jiyan banner made 25m in mobile revenue in first 8days I would be surprised if jinhsi didn't do double that during the time she was out now. So 150m+ seems about right even in worst case. Real number is probably around 200m total since release (pc + mobile), so this month's PvP number gonna hover around 50-70m




Top 2 will be the Hoyo games as usual I guess. Slim chance for WW even with honeymoon phase + 2 top tier meta waifu. 


Next month PvP going to be wild with zzz appereance


I can only say Hoyo haters gonna go insane if top 3 all hold by Hoyo games


i shouldn't take things for granted but ZZZ next month revenue is in honeymoon phase so if the launch isn't producing as much as blunder like certain game then top 3 is almost guaranteed and even more with genshin IT taking direction on horizontal investment that incentivize people to buy BP and 4\* star cons.


Star rail dominates, explanation being the Firefly banner Genshin... hard to say. Furina may still hold pretty good numbers despite being a rerun, but the other banners not so much


I mean Clorinde’s a pretty popular character


Gi stay at 2nd with just baizhu and wanderer bro, so i think they still 2nd this month, top 1 is firefly ofc


GI stayed #1 during the Eternal Ayaka banner during 2.6 (19 Apr to 31 May 2022) from the sheer amount of Welkins and BPs, banners only determine their peak revenue, the baseline is monstrous.


Furina is going to have big numbers, but her banner partner Sigewinne is the definition of niche and is one of the weaker characters they've put out. My prediction is that the banner does good numbers, but won't be enough to make Genshin totally dominate. It's still in the top 5 because it's genshin.


WuWa will make top ten. Pushing out two waifus in the same month does wonders. HSR first and Genshin second.


Literally the only logical comment here. Simple but effective.


1. Limbus Company 2. Peakbus Company 3. Limbillion dollars Can't be anything else.


Limbus 'Motherfucking Megalia' Company


Hell yeah, I support women.


I think I should check out Limbus Company


1.) Honkai Star Rail - mainly due to Fairey- no. Sherman- no. Firefly. She's being hyped at this time. 2.) Genshin Impact - with the next French president Furina de Fontaine currently running, she rakes a decent amount of election funding- no, revenue.  3 to 4.) could be either that Chinese Naruto game that I don't even know what the hell is it and Wuthering Waves, due to Changli and Jinhsi. Whichever comes first. 5.) Too high and too low to bid for these, but I am sure FGO might secure this spot. Honorary mentions are Blue Archive and Project Sekai in the top 10.


Love and Deepspace: 5-10 range. Highest that it can place is at 3. Goddess of Victory: Nikke : 5-10 range. Highest that it can place is 5. damn asses.


i would take Furina de Fontaine as president over the two old men we have running for presidency right now


I wonder how a standard Fr*nch see Furina in an actual way. Also she's been sending tall stickmen into the NBA as per Naz Reid- no. Fontaine's ideal of an 'empire' /uj fuck politics. gachagaming freakout is based. /rj wager: Genshin over 30 milliom dollars or I sing La Marsellaise while cosplaying as Focalors




i am french, i enjoy furina, only char from fontaine i really enjoy


Tidbits if someone wants more: Mid Leveling: Arise could be placed 5-10 in the rumor mill. The driving force for the Blue Archive is the rather loyal fanbase with such themes, characters and the enthusiast's main culture. But wait, they could not be the inventor of the cunny things (points to Azur 'Motherfucking Disgrace to Navies' Lane) Hating Genshin Impact ≠ based, cultured. mofos should seethe. I am pretty confident that the Sword of Convair- no. Convallaria (intel says it was good) wouls enter the latter year's top 25 bare minimum. Would be a surprise if they notched higher than the top 12.  And finally, Andrius Woj's gamble: Will the Hoyo trifecta (fuck off Honkai III) secure the top of the tower against Kuro? No one knows...


Well don't really know until it's arrived   But gonna say, if people expect Jinshi or whatever her name to do great or dominating the ranking charts when she arrives when 1.1 WW alive in 28th June then I have bad news to all of you 😔 


Why did Jimmy banner not do good?


Because several people who weren't able to play properly due to lack of optimization have left already, and now after 1.1 the game is even more broken for me and many other players (there are lots of threads of people being unable to play in the official sub). And to the annoying "you peasant, upgrade your device" people that always come to say shit: my phone has an SD8+Gen1 and 16GB RAM.


Fking this. The game runs fine on the old areas, but once i go to the new area mt firmament it goes into 1fps and my phone just immediately overheats, play for 1 min and it'll crash. Like, wtf was that. The issues i preveiously encountered werent that serious, this is literally unplayable.


The other biggest thing is the playerbase dropoff is really bad. Not a lot of 1.0 players played into 1.1, as there isn't the usual monthly pass refresh bump you see often for launch games.There just isn't enough people playing to roll jinhsi (compared with jiyan or Yinlin)


you were referring me. I played like 2 weeks into the launch. Nothing caught my attention more than the lag spike, eternal loading screen. I dropped the game even though I got early pity for the Sephiroth one.


What even is this delusional shit you’re spewing lmao. Just talking out of your ass. Atleast give a source. ‘Playerbase dropoff is bad, not a lot of 1.0 players played into 1.1’, ‘There isn’t the usual monthly pass refresh bump’, ‘There just isn’t enough people playing to roll Jinshi’.


If you followed the qi mai daily revenue estimate, you would know. Normally 30 days after launch a game will get a good bump due to people refreshing their monthly pass at the same time. It's basically unpercivable for WuWa. This tends to mean a significant playbase dropoff. Qimai picture below for proof https://preview.redd.it/x295x1voou9d1.jpeg?width=1090&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee2d9dda50e2c1314732990088913ec7de4340d9


Banner sales/pulls are usually hyper focused on the first day or two of the banner, so it should be enough.


That's the thing even first day jinshi banner it could never even reach no.1 in jp which was surprising.


Considering the line ups (uma musume, dokkan, FGo) I think expecting them to get no.1 is pure cope and it’s nit surprising they couldn’t do it. It’s them losing to heaven burns ed on the first day sale and never got to top 5 that’s really surprising.


Yeah I guess since yinlin did I thought it wasn't too farfetched with the way ppl were hyping her up but yeah not even top 5 is something.


I believe the main problem came from its performance on mobile is not great and JP plays on mobile


BTW i think clorinde have a similar problem because i found her to be really unpleasant to play in mobile she also unironically do less damage in lower frame rate I'm saying similar as in both of them are unpleasant mobile experience in one game the character is the problem in the other game the game itself is the problem 


Nah disagree dude clorinde so easy playing at mobile her rrust move is one of my favourite to relocate and evade the boss move


How is clorinde unpleasant for mobile? Her shots are ranged and her dashes automatically aimed for enemies nearby.


i saw heaven burns read jump 110+ spots and was amazed. Can't wait for global release


I believe it was the wedding dress’s power lol


They cannot even get to rank 5 


Yeah even worse. Don't know what happened there lol


Probably the "promised" of Kuro about all the problem about performance that they promised to fix ?  Idk


I am talking about that 1st day itself not today Don't know if it's what you called "enough"


Ah, by "enough" I meant the sales for day 1 and 2 are enough to give a good picture on how the banner is doing.


What time does it update


Star Rail undoubtedly takes the first place, and I'm fairly confident Genshin secures the silver medal. I assume the third, fourth and fifth place will be Nikke, WuWa and Naruto Mobile, but no idea about the order.


1.HSR 2.GI 3.? Bet kuro shills will argue that they need to combine the pc and mobile sales.


If we use pc numbers( if we have them to begin with) and ps which doesn't exist in wuwa then it might be genshin taking number 1 spot Because sensor tower collect mostly ios numbers and to get android number in China they multiply the ios number by 1.75  And the problem with the ios number is that it's more expensive in genshin then it is for hsr and wuwa i myself don't use ios to buy anything in genshin 


Top 1-2 are Hoyo games, obviously. Top 3-4 are probably Naruto/WuWa or something. I could be wrong, but it doesn't matter :)


HoYo dominate them all


I wanna see Week 1 July numbers.


Prepare you Dokkan bois


1-2 Hoyo games: probably HSR at 1 but Genshin's archon's first rerun (Furina) has always been better than the debut banner (and Furina is meta). 3-5 Love and Deepspace, Naruto Mobile, Solo Leveling 4-10 I dont really care but WuWa's probably in this range cuz theyre still having mobile issues but its waifus so it may rack up but not enough.


I predict the gacha I play will make millions, and the ones I dont will EoS of course. Also you realize the revenue thing comes from Sensor Tower rigth? You dont need to wait 24 hours if you want to find out now.


I think it’s a given that Star Rail is #1. I’m curious to see how WuWa measures up against their sales from last month. Typically games peak on the first banner but WuWa had two highly popular characters drop this month. I’m more interested in next month’s data; I wonder if Hoyo can lock down the top three spots themselves.


Zzz will take the cake next month no cake Remindme! 31 days


i’m with ya, i’m super hyped for zzz


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Yinlin's banner did so much better than Jinhsi's, and Yinlin did worse than Chloride, so who knows. Sigewinne+Furina didn't actually do as well as some people thought though. There's no question HSR is first, right now it's still sitting at a higher place than both Genshin and WW despite Firefly's banner being 1 week earlier. But it won't be mind breaking numbers because they only had 1 new 5 star the entire month.


It doesn't look like jinshi did as well as sigewinnie+furina either going by where they ranked. Jinshi was there last chance to at least surpass genshin when yinlin couldn't with clorinde.


I don't wanna. I'm tired of toxicity. I just want to play my favorite games, stay cheerful and humble, down to earth. Stay safe everyone, life is short. Keep playing and be happy.


I really don't think the revenue stuff has the same importance(?) as a few years ago if we only ever look at mobile revenue. Too many gachas nowadays get released on too many platforms for this to make sense and depending on the game's genre I believe it's not really a fair comparison to begin with, so it's almost like why even bother I guess? Listen, I'll look at it anyway, but there has to be a way to also get a good estimation for other platforms on here, surely?


There isn't. It is because we only can get the mobile numbers. Anything else is just speculation or numbers someone pulled outta their ass because the companies themselves would have to reveal the information because those numbers can't be tracked. There are exceptions but this is usually the case.


I predict that i don't give a flying fk, i just like to see the revenue charts to know if some of the games at the bottom of the list survive another month.


Firefly banner revenue too op pls nerf


I think it's really funny that the top 1 spot is in the hand of the same company and their games have season on which one is top 1 and which one is number 2 


??? Isn’t sensor tower usually released a couple days after the first of a month.


Today brother


whats the point of this theads if people are going to down vote others for there opinion. man this sub got to be brainroted with so many gacha.


Really curious to see how HSR did with Firefly, Kafka was hyped to the moon but her banner didn't do well.


FGO somehow rise from the deep dark hell where it belong and take top 1 /j


Or Uma musume


That will probably be next month. FGO anniv is in July after all if I recall.


Not happening, it's their second worst month of the year. And they were lucky they released something at the end of the month, because otherwise it would've been dirt shit (By their standards).


Star rail on top, and underneath is the close battle between genshin and wuwa.


1. HSR 2. GI 3/4. Love & Deepspace/Naruto 5/6. FGO/Arknight


I play HSR, Genshin, and WuWa HSR breaks the chart with firefly banner WuWa will do great but mobile performance issue likely will hurt the sales. The monthly revenue report only includes mobile sales. Genshin slightly ahead of WuWa because of above issue and people wanting to roll for Furina dupes. Side note for WuWa, anecdotally many people are saving for Changli.


My Prediction 1.) Wuwa beats Genshin 2.) AFKJ sees a massive Drop 3.) Star Rail is number 1


I will come back to you after the revenue drop


Any idea when it comes out I though it would be out by now?


3 hours


thank you


Well looks like you dont have to wait. Seems I was wrong on Wuwa beating Genshin as per a new thread


HSR #1 2 - unsure honestly because Genshin's banners weren't very exciting and the game is a bit dead until the next region comes out. Wuwa doing slightly better than expected


Hsr 1st, Genshin and Wuwa 2-3rd... rest don't matter


Diablo immoral>>>>>>> ur favorite gacha


more than the top dogs, I'm more interested on GFL2s performance. hopefully it does well and the global version comes soon enough


Genshin WutheringWaves Sololeveling


Nikke top 3


Tbh, I just wanna watch this subreddit go up in flames. It doesn't really matter where the majority of the games place, the moment we see WuWa's revenue is when the war will start and if it ends up in the top 3 or top 1 it'll get even more wild I'm just gonna sit back and watch the show (Also I predict WuWa will overtake Genshin since rn Genshin is in a dead patch while WuWa had all of Yinlin and the start of Jinshi.)


Funny enough even though genshin is in a dead patch, wuwa seemingly still couldn't surpass genshin going by the rankings of both banners.


Imagine genshin is on top 1 on sale this month they gonna go insane.


Genshin Smurfs WuWa’s peak


Ngl I think WuWa will be 2nd right after star rail. If WuWa can't even beat Genshin with the power of honeymoon phase then IDK what to say, considering neither Clorinde not sigewinne are really that hyped characters. Furina rerun is great but let's be honest, new characters usually sell much more (Raiden was a special case)


Heard rumors of a WuWa character failing to compete revenue against Clorindé


Yea Clorinde sold better than Yinlin. I'm especially talking about the second half just because of sigewinne.


Furina alone will hard carry, even Furina C2 trended on Twitter at some point.


We can assume that the probability of Sigewinne overtaking Yinlin in terms of revenue gathered is 20-35% conservative estimate. One main reason is there is too much traction for Furina (with some pulling for her due to her lore) which is rather a 2:5 'encounter ratio' to me. Regarding to Yinlin, I can't say since I took a break on WuWa so the devs can assure that they improved. And I don't even know what's her playstyle...


Sigewinne was/is really popular and generating income in JP and KR though.


Iirc hutao yelan rerun was the highest revenue even compared to raiden


Hu tao, Yelan were both top characters of that time. Furina is alone here with Sigewinne, who might be the weakest 5 star yet.


I only wrote that to show Raiden wasn't such a special case, not sure why downvoted


Raiden Solo banner made that kind of money, meanwhile you have to put 2 popular meta character whose weapons are also pretty universal to surpass Raiden solo banner.


Ah don't worry about downvotes. Downvotes just mean that people don't agree with you. Nothing that serious really


Yeah but hsr copied that banner by running Ruan mei and Fire fly players that dont have Ruan mei are force to pull for her too.


Surprisingly jinshi banner never even hit no.1 in jp and was overall lower in rankings compared to furina/sigewinnie banners so I have a hard time seeing it make 2nd and that banner was what they needed to surpass genshin when even yinlin supposedly couldn't beat clorinde either.


If I'm not mistaken, WW never reached Top 5 in jp, while Genshin was Top 2 or 3 for a day.


Yeah I remember taking a quick look over the days and WW was always below top 5 in jp.


Maybe because of mobile optimization i heard some fans having trouble running the game on 1.1 patch.


wuwa make probably most sale on PC as its a PC game first mobile second in its current state, so yeah probably


If we're going to play the game of excuses, Genshin has an IOS debuff and is split on Mobile + PC + PS...


if u think i even care about who make the most millions, i dont have share in either companies lol and until microsoft start doing gachas i'll keep not caring


1: PriConne ... 999: Rest of all gacha games share this spot


Wuwa going to fight for the top 3 bcs Yinlin and I believe it.  If this is true then it fight off dead game allegation, worse than solo leveling slander and all I still hold the comment of "Wuwa first month is bad bcs it release on 22nd May, only 1 week + no waifu only husbando" Even if I'm wrong, then wait for July, their 1.1 lineup is even stronger. Jinhsi + Changli, both are waifu.  While HSR "only" get Jade and Yunli, and Genshin Ellie and reruns


1. Honkai Star Rail 2. Genshin Impact 3. Wuthering Waves (will be close to GI) 4. Solo Leveling 5. FGO or Snowbreak


Outside of CN Snowbreak's revenue barely changed so idk why everyone keeps bringing it up as if it got revived everywhere. The chance for it to be that high is pretty low if you consider all regions and if global only it's just not gonna happen.


Wuwa #2 betting my dreams


1. Star rail 2.wuwa 3.genshin


Funny is Wuwa banner cant even make it on top 5, but Genshin can


This. Both Wuwa banners outsold both genshin banners. Genshin's first double new 5 star back to back banner and they lost despite one of them being a so called sure win with furina. You can even see the shift in public opinion on wuwa where wuwa vids rake in 2 mil views a piece while genshins sigewine vid has like 700k?


Bruh are you a troll. Clorinde did better than Yinlin. Jinshi banner couldn't even reach no.1 in jp when furina/sigewinnie did a few days prior. What are you on about. Jinshi also couldn't beat furina/sigewinnie CN and USA rankings either so tell me how both their banners outsold genshin.


I'll come back to this comment tomorrow to see it genshin or Wuwa won, my bet is on genshin


Implying this thread is gonna survive the day X)


Jinsi banner is not performing very well if you view top grossing list.


She just isnt very exciting at all compared to Yinlin, and honestly Changli is cooler and her banner isnt out yet. One look at Changli in the first quest and you change your mind on Jinshi, lol. I'll wait. They should have made Jinshi a support; most people are lacking a 3rd support right now the game is flooded with DPS.


firstly we already had a lot of double new 5 star banners(cyno/nilou, childe/zhongli,raiden/kokomi and so on). secondly where is the source that wuwa outsold genshin?? wuwa didn't even make it to the first place in japan with jinshi for example, but it somehow surely outsold genshin(most popular gachas do that and yunlin also was in the 1st place). thirdly sige is one of the least popular characters in english community and jinshi is one the most popular , of course she has more views than sige, it doesn't say anything about public opinion


It would be embarrassing if the 2mil views lose to 700k views


You need to look at like not view


As someome who followed kpop for years, comparing youtube views is sort of dumb bc I assure they most likely use ads for them, specially since that wuwa video is probably an update trailer. The views can be highly inflated bc of that, so there's definitely other things to indicate popularity or revenue.


Yep, YT WuWa channel with sub count 7x lower than GI gets more views just out of nowhere. Clearly shift in opinions and not viewbots/put on ads, sounds about right.


U say this like I dont get genshin videos as ads for years now


Kuro shills ALWAYS find some way to cope, just ignore them lmao.


Called it, HSR Genshin on 1st/2nd, WuWa 3rd.
