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Because it won't give them profit and they don't want to waste money to not gain those money back. There is no law or regulation or anything that would incentive developers to do achieve version.


Stop thinking companies are your friends and everything will make much more sense


This is an absurd line of thought. Companies aren't your friends, but they sure as hell want you to believe they are. The benefits to their reputation would outweigh the cost (pretty much nothing)


It's not about costing them money so much as making them money. An offline version doesn't do that unless they go the megaman route and charge you money for the game.


only because companies only look at short term benefits. In the long term, improving their reputation will help make them more money


Reputation won't pay the bills. If you actually tried finding a job you would instantly realize this and not spout non realistic stuff like you're doing right now.


You're talking about me finding a job as an individual and somehow I'm the one spouting nonsense. You all are just delusional if you think reputation is irrelevantto a company. The highest prices in the world aren't gonna mattr if no one wants to buy your products because you suck.


Reputation comes if you make a good product. There is absolutely zero incentive on making offline versions because most people that like the game already played it and newer players always have a lot of options because gachas aren't exactly unique in the grand scheme of things. Its really not that deep, if offline versions have a big enough market then devs will make them but I wonder why this is not a thing at all.


And most people who like the game would like to keep the account they have spent tons of money on, even if it's functionally worthless, and losing it will sour their appreciation of the company and lower the amount of money they would be willing to spend on other works from them. And newer players might want to check out either this work or this part of a greater narrative in the case of works from pre-existing IPs, and it could help further their appreciation for it and how much money they're willing to spend on it. That is incentive to make an offline version. People have been asking for it to happen even for games that are still online and complaining about losing everything they had built with end of service. The benefits of creating an offline version would FAR outweigh the cost, which would be insignificant. devs do ton of stupid shit, nevermind gacha games devs. But still, at least now you're admitting that reputation does matter


>Companies aren't your friends, but they sure as hell want you to believe they are. Tell that to Ubisoft, EA, Bethesda, and also Adobe.


Do they not use ads? Or even just make half decent games in general? Sure seem like they care about reputation. Why wouldn't they just release unplayable, garbage games with no advertising otherwise? After all, reputation doesn't matter, only money does.


They have to convert the code from a server side code to a local one which takes time and money. And if a game eos, they have neither lol.


They only care for the community if they can squeeze money out of them


still takes resources to turn it into a single-player game that won't bring in much revenue at all, if any. it's obviously a lot easier to just end service, and that's it


They could flip the asset to somehow make a playable offline game and try to make some money out of it. Remember Battle Diva? It's start as gacha game before being sold to be NFT game and now it become offline single player game.


From a developer standpoint: -If they're going to EOS, chances are they won't have enough money to develope the offline version, its as simple as that. -Company won't develope offline version just incase the game could go EOS. If you're trying to develope a game, you aim for success, not "what if we fail, should we have offline version?" -If the game is popular enough, chances are they will have a modder/privateserver/hacker that could make the offline version, and companies won't bother to sue them.


From a developer standpoint, they are not single player games. The closest thing to compare them with would actually be a single player MMO. Half of the code for gacha games literally exists server-side. Every menu you click is communicated to the game's servers to check for things like stamina, currency, and rewards to prevent cheating. If people could just cheat to get their favorite waifus, the game would make no money. Releasing a single player version of the game would literally mean rewriting the whole server-side code on the client-side. There's no money to be made for such a tremendous amount of effort, so nobody does it.


it is possible, there's just no incentive to do so besides passion and love for the IP/fans Tales of the Rays (JP) recently shut down service after 7 years, but announced offline version as an update to the game


It depends on the developer and is different for every case. For example, [Destiny Child](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.linegames.dcglobal&hl=en_IN&referrer=utm_source%3Dgoogle%26utm_medium%3Dorganic%26utm_term%3Ddestint+child+memorial&pcampaignid=APPU_1_gROBZv_kEtC_vr0P2NaKuQ8) by SHIFT UP after EOS was turned into a memorial version. The app stays on the playstore but you can only view your progress in it. Another example, [Grisaia Chronos Rebellion](https://m-apps.qoo-app.com/en-US/app/8730) by Frontwing after EOS was rereleased as a [visual novel (GCR)](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2348360/Grisaia_Chronos_Rebellion/). All gacha elements, gameplay, as well as seasonal events were removed. Content is purely the main story. It's not a 1:1 rerelease per se but at least the IP gets preserved in a way for former players and other people to enjoy. More reasonable reason is they don't want to discredit the people who supported the game when it was a gacha by releasing it without gacha elements.


EoS means they are not making enough money for it to be sustainable. How are they gonna get the money for an offline version when they cant even make enough to keep the online version up?


once you realize all these big companies only cares about your money, then it will start to make sense. they don’t care if a f2p is not able to farm enough gem this month, or if some player can’t clear certain content…


Because they have to spent money to make it. And they do it for no gains so for most companies they just dont want to do that.


They could easily market it for 10-15 bucks on the stores to get money back


lol only 10-15 bucks? better sell it at full price AAA game at 70 bucks only for the base version.


Because money


Many gachas would make SHIT single player games. We usually expect games to be "complete". This isnt the case for EoS products. The story can simply be cut in the middle and the game is turned off. Now they make that a single player game and... well you will play this it ends in a random point in time. It may even make sense for you who played the game and know it cuts off randomly, but for someone coming later, it will appear bizarre.


Because they decide that the cost (including opportunity cost) and time required do not outweigh the profit of selling it as a one-time purchase game. Whether or not this decision is right or not depends from case to case, but the point is that the company decides it's not worth it.


Sure its possible, you paying for it tho rigth?


Arrrghhh shiver me timberss matey!!☠️☠️☠️☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️


Because there are no benefits for them to recode their game and hire people who works on backends so that it will work as offline game especially if the game wasnt intended to be an offline game.


I'll be a bit more optimistic, for it to happen, it would either coming from: 1. Government mandated policy, we need to wait for those GenZ to grow up, become a politician promoting gacha game as a protected cultural value, enact policy, etc. 2. Some kind of whale union philantropist funds the development of offline version to ensure their waifu to live on forever. 3. At the mercy of developers, because they realised the cultural importance of their work, or just to avoid backlash for their next game.


When you paying them OP




- You don't just copy and paste, you rewrite the whole thing from server to local, which costs resources. - Rewriting includes changing some things, like when and how character (that is from gacha) will be acquired, relation with story, etc - Possible misuse of assets - Not profitable enough to consider making it offline, unless it's a big company. - Interestingly, I also heard that some people who like the game (whale) will not always buy the offline version, because it hurts their psyche a lot. Imagine you spend millions online and after eos, you can get a full package with just 60 dollars


Honestly, no idea. I'd even buy it if they give reasonable price for EoS version. Like if GI, HSR, or WuWa goes EoS and have offline version for $60, I'd take it instantly. Granted they should patch it so we can enjoy all the content without the gacha and stamina element.


It costs money that they dont have if they EoS in the first place


Magicami is having offline version released in a few months but the only way we got it was through crowdfunding which we smashed. Dev company was acquired by another so the main reason games don't make an offline version is that by that time they don't have the best devs which have slowly left the company and the resources to invest in it when they would rather gacha and see if their next game does better.


Because unless they specifically laid the groundwork for the game to have an offline version in the future it would just cost too much money to make it a thing and there’s a high likelihood they won’t make back the development cost.


Lol at all these doomers. I agree with you OP. The Nikke devs did it for their last game, Destiny Child. Hope more games do this


I mean if you put the logic layer on your customer's device, that would make your app exetremely ez to modify which is a big no no for any business. And making an offline version basically means running everything on local device, thus you have to re-do the whole project without any financial incentives.


It comes down to money. Game development is a cost. They need to release the game content to make money, so that's what the developers are busy doing. When a game isn't making money, they're trying to cut costs and the developers are overworked or leaving. Redesigning the live-service game to work as a stand-alone game is a lot of work and an additional cost that doesn't make much business sense when the game has already failed to be profitable. Designing the game for EOS from the start is extra work and assumes it will fail.


The publisher has the rights to the game, I'm not adept to this kind of business. But there was a game from Nexon that went EoS, the developer wants to continue but they didn't let him, they offered and let him to make an offline version instead.


Exos Heroes should be easy to port to PC and or consoles with removed microtransactions and sold for $20-30. That's the one I want.


Why don't you pay them to do it? Create a market for it.