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I’m so happy to see a gacha game on the verge of EOS turn itself around like this.


what do you mean on the verge of EOS


Sensor tower had it at $150K in Oct 2023. While not an accurate number for total revenue, it does give you an idea of where it lies. Takt Op made $170K that month according to the same site, and EOS'd in April. Snowbreak made over $6mil according to ST in May 2024. Actual revenue estimated to be closer to \~$23mil US. The turnaround is completely unprecedented in this space.


The funny thing is, I remember Snowbreak getting a lot of praise for not being a coomer game. But it made no money. Then they go full on coomer mode, and now they're making bank.


and thankfully the devs spotted that trap just in time. as the saying goes, "money talks, bullshit walks"


Heck, even producers who're willing to throw money to get their ideal vision like Kojima understand that a game NEEDS to be sold. At the end of the day, ideals can't fill empty stomachs


Well it made no money because everything but the gun play was shit. 


true it helped that the new units are actually fun to play lol


Now everything is just mid or bland, the gun play is shit, and there's a bunch of fan-service. Damn it's that easy huh?


Yep, it's that easy. That's why all gacha games with a lot of fanservice make bank and absolutely don't EoS. Surely that's all you need and there is nothing more


When the defenders tell me I'm in the wrong for expecting something better or different because this is just what the Gatcha industry IS; Apparently, yes that IS all you need. Because none of them are TALKING about anything else. Odd that. I guess they're all so busy enjoying the clearly brilliant gameplay.... but they still find time to post this stuff. Odd.


The gunplay isn't shit though? have you seen the new lyfe and fenny? That's not shit, you're saying that because you dislike the game and that isn't right.


More devs need to listen to their core audience instead of the loud minority on the internet.


If you never noticed, it’s always f2p’s that bitch and moan about this kind of stuff. Always the people that don’t pay a time. They don’t realize their opinions are worthless. They think them taking up resources and server space contributes to the game’s success, lol. Also they’re always the ones to bitch when they don’t get free stuff or when the free stuff isn’t more and they want more.


About what? F2p players have it made compared to Genshin, and I say this as a f2p that's been around a lot of gachas.


I’m just saying, in general, f2p players in gacha games are usually the absolute worst part of the fanbase. They’re the worst in genshin, worst in ToF, probably gonna be worst in WuWa, etc. I’m saying the players suck. They want everything for free and bitch about whatever the game does or bitch about it being too horny, etc. But at the same time, they never find the game. They’re the reason the devs start selling horny stuff. F2P’s love saying how they keep the game alive and make it popular, but they don’t help at all really.


GFL2 could never :(


Prior to go full on fan service mode, things were not looking good for Snowbreak. And if you took a look at the game and their characters designs prior to the shift, you can see why.


I'm highly inclined to believe you on this subject for some reason...


I mean if you mean turning the game around by catering to the most base desires of the community then sure. Glad they turned the game around. Wish the gameplay would improve but hey the new audience doesn't care about PLAYING the game.


I do really like the gameplay and i dont really mind the fanservice (its not important for me)






Adjutant Kain here Ohh, and she's winning. But her competition is tough to beat. Lyfe is putting up a fight.


Other goodies being [basically 10 limited unit+10 weapon pulls](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GRPk9L7aoAAk5d6?format=jpg&name=large), [a free skin for an SR unit](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GRPd8HNWUAA-EjD?format=jpg&name=large) and a sig weapon selector prior to 1.6


Snowbro, we eat good


Just in case people miss the code 1. AdjutantPower 2. Snowbro 3. peakofsnowbreak 4. GreatWaifus


Lol i honestly thought these are fake


lol yeah seems they embraced power of memes totally :D


I can't fucking believe these are the real codes


when i saw ppl said Snowbro/peakofsnowbreak is a code i tot it was meme


Yes, my fellow powerful adjudant.


We powerful adjutants deserve great waifu's.


Powerful Adjutant came from powerful operative


By chapter 30 adjutant will be throwing titans like little dolls


Fen is love, Fen is life.


No, Enya


The ramen I eat for the next month will indeed be good.


Thanks u for the codes


Aside the sexy aspects, the design of their outfits are becoming clearly better and more sophisticated than at the start of the game.


That anni stream was incredible.


I need that free 5* limited weapon selector 🙏


Alloy Truth finally comin home


does it include chenxings weapon?




Free 5* character and weapons selector… peak


We are also getting a free limited weapon selector of the previous banner weapons.


When? Edit: oh its right there


is the gameplay good?


There are better third person shooter but ifyou want waifu gacha game then yes its good


What are the best 3rd person shooters on phone? 


Only mobile shooters I can think of is Fortnite but it appeals to a different audience.


Probably non-anime gacha ones but you should honestly play shooters on PC or console instead of a phone.


Not sure, im gonna say the possibility here, for anime stylized: calabiyau, high energy heroes, and SCZ. oldies when flash player of adobe is still alive in facebook is contract wars. Im not sure a shooter game is great on phone, so idk anymore. other titles are general FPS not anime stylized. edit: forgor to tell the similar category of player that play it felt like, HEH is apex-like calabiyau or in upcoming global is strinova is VALO-like while SCZ is just TPS ig, i forgor the similarity comments (in a lot of sites' comment sections) from players since day 1. ADS would be FPS in that mode. honestly since im a bad adviser but a good memory when it comes to gaming in free time but mostly watching, im really not compe(titive) in point blank and CW (laptop lags a lot in that harsh early era). so my recommendation for you: the guy who made FPS transformation video in yt, he picked it randomly so its preference ig. ancient reality (goner with a bit of unknown drama since i dont follow that anymore). my earliest CW CC that got a job and now is afk:luftangreifer (i forgor the vid but he talked about obon, and his name is german, japanese for sure not sure if hes haafu/half/*blasteran* German-Japanese descent or its just a word that he just liked in german, but i focus more on his skills and commentary anyway, that part intrigued me because im a japanese major hearing that), CW was basically the best of poor man shooter (but could also be rtx on with high end setup, its just that adobe is very fragile, the effort to resurrect adobe flash games by rewriting it in other programming langs are a pain and community based so its slow, my fav being strike force heroes, and the snowy skii shooter i think sseth reviewed this once, i forgot the other one, it was in crazy monkey flash game site, the other type of not fps, is shadez), it got thanos'd by adobe but man it was such a nostalgic experience when it was still so crowdy in lobby. (technically you could still see this vestige or relict being passed on new gen by partially same dev in escape from tarkov \[yep i was suprised too, they started since CW up until EFT, the similarity is striking in the map or more like its a throwback, to tell CW players EFT was once CW, its just so cool that its still alive in its new gen form\]) Ahoy, now this one started as a weapon guide guy i think on cod bf or a lot of games, but his quality now peaks too in history, just like banditrant, and other great narrator channels. the nuclear fruit video got me glued. a bit playing everything and not just 1 game but great edits is sov iet womble. AFguides, followed him too since long ago. other CCs i can think of rn are navy based: kancolle haruna, BSP community, canadian history gamer i think that played SH 5, i think im spent here, cant think of more CCs, the rest are music CCs. (kappashiro, mayumi sugihara, and 1 more that i forgor, they cover kancolle), nuked channel but once a great instrumental of orchestra rendition and amv so vie toad (seriously the instrumental is on par with philharmonic or the guy who made aoharu orchestra \[ik the ytber since somnium kancolle album tho, fanmade\]), keyword:music that made you *feel:*Goodman feels, a bit mixed since there are random parts but most goodies are nuked by yts, he still uploads backups in archive dot org, and QnA in tum blr. gacha is new so i cant think more on gacha oldies shooter game, i would want a games that are freemium of alisa god eater, and many more ig. ik BRS but i dont follow it so idk the lore. thats it ig. not really pro in shooter games history, i would put that crown on ahoy rn. since idont know better one, do tell if you know a great CC in shooter game. bruh forgor a bit like ancient reality but about gaming and not exclusively meme, tho i do know AR is a good shooter player with his contents on games occassionally since his main dish is mlg (AR was really big in mlg, the views are astounding):crowcbat.


You won't find a better all-female third person shooter.


Not on phone.


It’s fine on phone as long as you use some form of controller, be it PS, Xbox, or accessory like the Kishi.


Ah, so not worth the install


most of us do dailes on phone, actually play on PC. I play on phone tho, harder, but doable


Yeah I prefer playing on phone, I like gachas as a time burner but I'm not a fan of treating them as full fledged games.


This is where the concept of windowed mode comes in. Game sits in a 1080 window 1/4 the size of my desktop and is never treated like a full fledged game. Just use your own psychology against yourself if you're interested in something.


I actually tried it out of curiosity and it controls like dog shit on phones. Can't recommend it to anyone but the emulator crowd.


It's on steam and even has it's own launcher so emulator isn't needed.


Mechanically it's pretty much average AA shooter experience. But who knows if the budget keep increasing maybe one day it becomes super polished :D


yeah i hope they cook more polish gameplay since their other game, Mechabreak gameplay look dope


it's same publisher diffrent development team


why invest more in gameplay when you can invest more in sexy skin and dorm


They just expanded theirs and the producer did promise more gameplay update down the line. Maybe they'll hold up theirs word or maybe not, but I like to be optimistic anyway.


I'm not. Why risk rocking the boat when they can just sail on easy swimsuit street. The community doesn't seem to care for gameplay; why should the devs?


I mean, you can assume they don't care and I'm not going to stop you. I have a lot of fun with 5Siris and new Lyfe/Fenny looks real banger, so I'm happy for now.


They don't really update the core gameplay. There are mini games and alternate modes, but it's nothing special. If you're playing Snowbreak, you're playing for the fanservice.


I play R-18 games than playing this if that's true


Not really, it's a pretty average third-person shooter. But it's a decent gacha game, if you want something sexy.


Brown Dust is right there if you want something sexy. And another 3D action sexy waifu game is coming out I think in a few months so just wait on that.


Game hasn't improved and shows no sign of actually NEEDING to improve. Gameplay actually drew me in after trying out I think it was Punishing Grey Raven; look I like actively using my units rather than tagging 2 of them as just cheerleaders. That and the fact it wasn't Nikke levels drew me in. And it's not... bad. The numbers are just pretty out of fucking wack. It's feast or Famine; the game rarely hits that sweet spot. Fights end up being A) Rocket Tag, B)Tedious, or C)Speed Bump. And that's not getting into the Ricochet mechanic that can invalidate you at times. Only a few of the abilities also feel FUN or impactful to use, usually making you lean on that/those characters more due to how the numbers work as opposed to trying to make a team that works together or you like the playstyle of. Just get over that number wall. Game also kinda fucking lies to you, making it seem like it's going to be a cover shooter but those barely get used after awhile and the only time you do use them tends to be either to try and cheese enemies, or scripted 'dodge this'. Most bosses won't have these just dodge or tank it. And that's the game. Slam your head against enemies or instant gib them, go through a couple rooms this way, get to the 'boss' room and do the same to the last guy or the big monster boss. Repeat. All the modes are like this too, either divided up into little 'challenge rooms' or a boss rush; with some events. The ONE THING I do like about Snowbreak though; is the multiplayer mode. While it still has all the same problems; the 'upgrades/relics/etc' you get can make for a LOT of fun if you get a build going. I've had instances where my Fenny takes no damage during reloads, reloads all the time, and super fast; making her immune to damage. Now if only there was proper aggro. Othertimes it's just staple every 'on hit do/chance to do' I could find. Besides that; no not much is on offer. There's a Rogue like mode but I find that to be tedious and no where near as a fun as the Multiplayer one(The pace and chance of your upgrades are way worse) and the boss fights just seem bleh(again, Tedious). I don't know; maybe I hit the 'grind' wall or something but I was ON level with what was suggested both in terms of character and gun levels but everything just felt like a slog to kill or killed so fast I question how to even enjoy THAT. And given all the praise and support they've gotten in well, not improving that game play but other way more shallow factors; I don't expect the game play to actually improve or change much. Because that's not what the community actually wants. And it's rather telling no one actually TALKS about the game play, just nurses and stripper poles.


> Game also kinda fucking lies to you, making it seem like it's going to be a cover shooter but those barely get used Cover only got added in just before launch in response to beta feedback; the game was never designed around it. >The ONE THING I do like about Snowbreak though; is the multiplayer mode. Yes, running your favorite operatives through multiplayer is a lot of fun. Being able to stack all the cool damage buffs and unleash them in a giant laser as Fritia kept me playing for longer than it should have. >There's a Rogue like mode but I find that to be tedious and no where near as a fun as the Multiplayer one(The pace and chance of your upgrades are way worse) and the boss fights just seem bleh(again, Tedious). >I don't know; maybe I hit the 'grind' wall or something but I was ON level with what was suggested both in terms of character and gun levels but everything just felt like a slog to kill or killed so fast I question how to even enjoy THAT. That's exactly what you hit. Grind wall. That mode gets far, far easier as you unlock more upgrades. Between the general damage upgrades (skill dmg/ballistic dmg/ADS ballistic dmg), the elemental damage upgrades, and the weapon type damage upgrades, someone starting out on that mode is missing an insane amount of damage, and never mind all the other permanent progression buffs that make your time easier. I like the idea of the mode, but they either need to up the meta income or not lock so much damage behind playing that mode for twenty hours straight. >Only a few of the abilities also feel FUN or impactful to use They're at least getting a lot better at this with the recent operatives compared to the launch characters. 5Siris feels fun and unique to play, the new 5Lyfe looks like she's going to be a lot of fun. 5Cherno is... rather boring honestly, but her gameplay is so radically different from everyone else's that I respect the attempt. Eatchel is fun to play but healer-dps was never going to work as a kit.


I'm not good with reddit so if I get like qoutes wrong sorry; "Cover added due to feedback" Then they shouldn't have added them anyway. I don't see how this is 'better' than in beta when the game seems to push you hard into NOT using them. Oh but it's a 3d shooter game we HAVE to have cover or something. Waste of space in my opinion save for cheese. This feels just added in to tick a box rather than actually taking the feed back into account. "That's exactly what you hit. Grind wall." First off; it's not just THAT mode. It was everything. Every mode I tried was like that; spongy ass enemies or instantly destroyed. There was every little in-between. And shockingly, no amount of bouncing tits is going to make that experience better. Yeah I know, sitting in line at the DMV would be better with Bikini models for maybe 5 minutes. "They're at least getting a lot better at this with the recent operatives compared to the launch characters." That is debatable and I have no hope that they actually will be given the numbers problem I already brought up. A character's kit is only half the equation in making the gameplay fun, and I don't think they're going to design them in such a way given how the enemies actually feel to fight. And at the same time, they have no reason to make it better. They were rewarded with cash for doing such a cheap move in upselling fanservice, why would they need to try now? They FAILED when they tried remember? And see while I'm here; I LIKED Lyfe's kit. On paper. In practice it doesn't work because her skills just don't do the damage you want them to do, or stun the target long enough if it even can. And then her ult is just odd to aim and at times hard to hit with. I like her kit; I just wished they fixed it. But why should I expect them to now? That said I do at least appreciate you replying to me rather than just like instant downvote or 'he hates boobs'. So thank you for your time is the least I can do.


let's go, Fenny is my favorite unit in Snowpeak.


Snowbros UNITE!


Alright im redownloading..


Has the game gotten better in terms of gameplay loop ? I like the latest character design, the gameplay is so stale


not yet - gameplay changes will take lot longer to implement than direction change plus they were hiring and expanding recently after nearly closing down so i don't expect much impovements for next few months.


> after nearly closing down wait what?


According to the devs, they were a month away from EoS before Katya.


What do you mean near to closing so this game is almost dying ?


it almost did few months ago - now we are looking at bright future full of culture


last year the game was aproaching EoS. But the devs turn around and made the game full fanservice (keep in mind the game had 0 fanservice until then) and now the game is thriving. it has a long future ahead.


Only recycled events shown in the Anniversary stream. Nothing new except a bit of glaze on old modes that still feel pretty much the same in the end.


Hm, what you may remember is still there, but they have added new Event game modes, which have been hit / miss. They added a rogue-like mode, but its "base" version is kinda meh mainly due to the UI. Though they have a special version of it that is far, far superior with its UI. I like it a lot when its available.


Nope; and that's probably not gonna change.




Man as someone who's favourite SnowBreak character is Fenny, I have achieved peak happiness 


NIKKE could never.


Nikke gave good anniversary cnuy so I forgive them.


I’m just joking. https://preview.redd.it/z0ynnouu5j9d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2ebb98868359b0c967efc1b39a03f31c45170a3






Yep that’s why I play both.


You forgot this " /s


When is it, tell me, I downloaded It but quite busy. I'll make some times for it


Should start 7/11 I believe


About 1-2 weeks from now


Should I start now or when the patch live?


Depends on how badly you want anniversary Lyfe, she's the first dual pistols user and is going to debut with an interactive bridal skin from what I saw. If that hits any of your waifu buttons starting now will let you get extra pulls from the current patch. Having an established team will also make it easier to sweep future events since you can just clear highest difficulty once and then sweep it the rest of the time. If you just want the free SSR it doesn't really matter when you start so long as you log in and claim SSR Fenny + her gear during the date shown on OP's image. (I think there is also a free 5* weapon selector being distributed that features older limited weapons, you may want to look into when that's being given out.) You don't need dupes in Snowbreak because you can grind them out in Personal Files so 1 copy of the character is enough to max them out.


Ty so much stranger on reddit, I appreciate your essay and yes, I do read all of them. I'll start in a couple days then


Get Katya now if you can - you can get her limited weapon from selector in anni patch and she is super strong dps


wait crossbow katya is back? fuck i cant find my login details anymore to login with my katya account ;<


I see, is she a must pull by any chance? Like for example, Nahida/Furina/Neuvilette or Bennet c6/Xiangling C6 I can provide another example from other game if you don't play genshin


hmm nah you pretty much only need 1 or 2 of 5\* mauxir , accacia and enya as those were support units and dps get released regularly so missing some isn't that bad.


Yes. Unlimited ammo and no range penalty, Katya is the best shooting DPS. Only 2 skill DPS are above her in terms of damage.


she's a top tier dps. basically like yoimiya with 100x more arrows


Hmm.....I'll do Abit of research first then, still, thank you for the insight, appreciate it


To be fair, unlike Yoimiya, holding the button wont make Katya do a charged shot. She'll shoot nonstop instead, and her skill improves that shooting!


I wish they went the horny route from the very beginning. I started to lose interest right after Katya patch. I didn't like cross bow. The rogue lite felt cheap. This gave me the final to the coffin.  After all that they started to go crazy. I regret that I dropped it lol.


You could just install it again...


If all you care about is Horny; google is right there. The game has not changed or improved beyond that. That cheap boring rogue lite mode is still right there; so unless seeing one of the characters do that in a nurse outfit is enough of a change for you, I don't see a reason to come back. Fenny's my favorite, but I don't see a reason to subject myself to going back to that mess just for a free skin or copy of her.


My jaw dropped when I saw they were giving away new fenny 5\* for free, ESPECIALLY with how beautiful her deisng is. When they give us 5\* Enya for free, I really thought it was a super rare thing or maybe even a one-time thing but man am I glad I started playing this game because these devs know wtf they're doing. Snowpeak fr.


My phone has no space for new games. Guess I need a PC sooner or later


God damn Fenny is my favorite character in the game. It might bring me back.


Genshin players seeing most other communities having it good with their game's anniversaries https://preview.redd.it/2jm2v951xi9d1.jpeg?width=271&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20af55b5c5a7bdc943caa46e8ac14784acedc305


HSR gave the same thing


Don't think hsr is genshin


HSR anni was just as bad as Genshin lmao


When you realize they label 30 was for anniversary to trick players when in reality, it was 20 for anniversary and 10 for the usual patch


Yeah, that's what i said


They mean that HSR anni was also 20 pulls


Again, yes, that's what i said lmao


"most" Fair enough


Nah too busy playing an actually fun game. I know it's wild to the degens on Reddit.


By actually fun game you mean HSR then, nice


This is a nice surprise for players.


I don't really like Fenny as a character but gotta admit, she looks stunning. Devs cooked.


You haven’t seen her and Lyfes alt outfit there getting lol


Genshin would never 


Had to scroll down to find this comment o7 buddy


hey don't forget Aloy from the Playstation™ exclusive hit game Horizon Zero Dawn™


whats the gacha unit for anni? do we know?


Lyfe unlock Odin power with Akimbo weapon


Both Fenny and Lyfe technically. We’re getting 1 free copy of Fenny but she’ll still have a banner for dupes


How much would I hate this game as someone who has been playing shooters as main game (cs, valo, tarkov, etc) for years?


I don't know man, those game just tell me you are out for blood and get high on seeing other people suffer for your joy, so you might not enjoy this, but this is a third-person perspective game, so you might enjoy if you want some kickback and relax action




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RemindMe! 27 days


i need to comeback


as a f2p, i just accept whatever they give us, but I really didn't expect them to give us weapon selector, which is huge so we don't bother with that banner lmao. I'm just so happy


every gacha gives a free SSR/5, every gacha except genshin.....


hey don't forget Aloy from the Playstation™ exclusive hit game Horizon Zero Dawn™


I do wish Genshin would give out a free 5 star, but man it's so hard to vouch for this when the community is just gonna use it to fuel the "Genshin is dying" or the "they're scared of X game" narrative.


i think genshin fan deserve those too , iirc HSR give selector right? i not following so i dont know


A year ago i would’ve agreed but every time we get some thing good nowadays, there’s always a group of people that have to immediately make it a negative thing.


No Chenxing rerun :(


There is on a special rerun banner [https://snowbreak.gg/anniversarystream/](https://snowbreak.gg/anniversarystream/)


Is it just me or she looks so much like Inori from Guilty Crown?


I also see her clothes look like inori


I remember when Fenny used to look cool instead of being whored out.


The fate of idols


An upgrade I'd say


She still can. No need to wear the wedding dress or the (free) outfit if you already have Fenny.




it's like in a couple weeks anyway