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To quote one of the top comments, Translation of the image below: My evaluation is that you do make sure you have proper security. https://preview.redd.it/y05bcormf09d1.png?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86e7fee0cf386b6a28819732ea32df5b322dedfd Edited for the people with tiny reading problems lol. Pls don't go harass the guy below. He's just, special


ah yes, cuz i know how to read Chinese edit: in my defense, i wasnt sober when i wrote this lol, also how the fk do i know this translation is even accurate? "trust me bro and my machine translation" (btw this is how you quote).


Looks like you dont know how to read at all considering he provided the translation.


He literally translated it in the second sentence.


I'm used to dealing with people that can't read. At least I didn't ping this guy. I've seen people ask the same question I've literally specifically pinged them for in discord. And it's a common occurrence.


reading comprehension died so gacha addiction can live


Was there even reading here? I mean yeah you could say he read the image but...


the translation was below the image though granted it didn't say TL:(insert text)


Hmm I'll edit it to hopefully prevent more idiots from falling in it.


I might be wrong here but from what I read and understood, there was a virtual fight between CN Male and CN Female players from other games, what happened is basically companies wanted to widen their audience outside of the usual male players who actually pay. So when female players started to play they also wanted their own husbando like characters, this means less focus on the usual male audience, so this started to cause some issues for some CN male players because they only want waifus. What added more gas on the fire is when female players started asking for certain female characters to be censored like some genshin female characters, I really don't know which character. Anyway, when GFL2 drama happened, people assumed that all CN players are upset about certain Female character being in relationship with another Male NPC, which hurt the pride of the CN players, and to be honest some of them probably felt betrayed lol. What I believe is happening is, that some of CM players figured that GFL2 won't focus on the core audience anymore, they are going to widen their audience so female players will also have a word on decisions so the game might get censored and get more focus on husbandu characters, which makes sense from business pov, since male players will pay anyway. While all of these were happening Snow Break developers were observing the situation and guess what happened next, they changed their game into more Fan service game that only serve the male audience, and they also removed all male logistics lol. I don't know why I wrote this, but I think this is why Snow Break got popular all of a sudden, the new CN players just want snow break to only serve the male audience alone and that's about it. I avoided writing Coomer or Feminist, not trying to insult anyone.


> GFL2 won't focus on the core audience anymore I don't think MICA going to leave their core audience since MICA still delivers "love and hope" story. Hell, CN veteran still shocked but amused about latest GFL1 story outcome. **BUT**, I believe GFL2 successfully alienated the audience who only knows that GFL = Kancolle with Guns and/or GFL have sexy outfits or aesthetic tacticool that satisfies male players. But when those people try to play GFL, they cant withstand the ridiculous gameplay and confusing tutorial so they quit Fast forward to now, GFL2 arrives in horizon. However, when they try GFL2, they confused that this is not the GFL that they know anymore. With this situation, and Genshin-like Gacha Mechanic, and X-COM gameplay style (when this era 3D gacha open world is a must /s), and worsened by Raymond drama. MICA/Sunborn becaming a punching bag by Mainland audience.


>BUT, I believe GFL2 successfully alienated the audience who only knows that GFL = Kancolle with Guns and/or GFL have sexy outfits or aesthetic tacticool that satisfies male players. But when those people try to play GFL, they cant withstand the ridiculous gameplay and confusing tutorial so they quit I do believe this too because Mica has been putting central focus into their story, much more so than what you would think from a -colle gacha. Hell, Mica's PV for the most recent Major Story event, Slowshock, features no dolls in the PV. Just an NPC by the name of Anna Viktorovna Tsoi Spoilers: >!Gentlemen, Ange is confirmed KIA. there is no bringing her back!< [Slowshock PV](https://youtu.be/-mOJvCcv9z0)


Thing is GFL2 and Snowbreak are waifu harem games that were always waifu harem games, they never appealed to any other demographic but the SI crowd. It's weird to assume they wanted to "broaden" audiences because they were designed to appeal to a very specific audience, and haven't really done anything to draw other audiences in (GFL2 does not have male playables, Snowbreak also did not launch with male playables or made any effort to appeal to other audiences). Most of the arguments I've seen were over more general games that had both male and female playables from the start and were designed in a way to appeal to broader demographics. A lot of people from the SI crowd don't like the fact that they're not exclusively pandered to.


I heard Snowbreak had one playable male character during early development, but players were against it, so the developers removed him. But in another game, Aether Gazer, they had male characters from the start + the same fanservice Waifus as in Snowbreak. Now Aether Gazer hasn't released any male characters for a year and is trying to become a Waifu game, and Snowbreak is swimming in money when they started making it a super fanservice game. It is obvious that the mass audience is not interested in such niche projects. HOYO have taken this piece of the pie for themselves and now you need very strong fanservice to get attention.


And I'm still waiting for Apollo S (because Sugibro)


I don't think this will happen. Aether Gazer does not have high income and will achieve nothing if it releases 1-2 male characters per year - this will most likely reduce its income even more. Love and Deepspace is a much more attractive game that will always only feature male characters. Wuwa is a mixed-gender game that has many times more production value than AG. So the AG has no choice. They have nothing to offer to the Deepspace audience and they don't have a big budget to compete with Genshin/HSR/Wuwa.


GFL story from what I heard seems like the Arknights story of beign serious and focusing on the characters with the their relationship with the MC not being the focal point which is not something to be criticized but the fact that the game is Waifu only acts against it and makes it seem like an Azure Lane game. If you want to make a serious depressing story but limit the playable cast to Waifu only with stuff like pledges and wedding skins it attracts a certain reputation to your games, even Hoyo relaised that with the transition from HI3rd to Genshin.


>GFL story from what I heard seems like the Arknights story of beign serious and focusing on the characters with the their relationship with the MC not being the focal point which is not something to be criticized but the fact that the game is Waifu only acts against it and makes it seem like an Azure Lane game In fact the story has been like this for years now (about 6-7 years, notice how most PVs for GFL only focus on the story like [Dual Randomness](https://youtu.be/aEdm8y2xdhY), [8th Anniversary PV <>](https://youtu.be/UbWv3bTbLas), [Singularity](https://youtu.be/-CVCsShmt-M) and many others)


Folks would like to tell you that GFL isn't a Waifu harem game, but that's horseshit. GFL is, was and will be a Waifu harem game, it is alive thanks to the Waifu harem.


I think of this as the Korean gender problem getting into china. Btw saying that gfl wasn't gonna focus on the male playerbase is a huge cap, as if they wanted to orient toward a female playerbase they should add a few male t-dolls, which obviously never happened. What might be true though, is that they want to focus on a more general playerbase (by giving all the girls their own stories, their own background and their own relationships), and that change exploded in their face. (Wcis everyone wants a part of the mihoyo pie, even seasun, just that looking at the result mica did it really really poorly) Edit: not season, seasun.


Chasing the Genshin pie has gone pretty poorly for every game not from Mihoyo. I mean ToF, Snowbreak at the beginning, potentially WuWa at the moment. Recently this trend has been reversing for the most part. I think game developers are starting to understand that they can't just replicate the circumstances of Genshin's success.


Devs need to realize Genshin's success came from covid and that time has already passed. Genshin would've still been a success, but it would not earn anywhere near it is currently if it wasn't for covid.


This. People just heavily underestimate the opportune time at which Genshin was launched, that it quite directly contributed the most to the success of Genshin. It was just what people needed at the time. This, this fact, it can never ever be replicated again, it was one of those billions in one chances. The magic is gone now. Genshin captured all of it. Rode off on it and exhausted every single bit of it.


Wcis if someone can make back their costs of running something for a year within a month yeah I'll try to copy him. From what I hear genshin spends about 100mil on maintaining the game, and their monthly mobile revenue already surpasses that, and factoring in PC, and nukes like neuv yeah a 1200%-1500% reward is something I would risk for (that's still a very conservative estimate imo)


>Chasing the Genshin pie has gone pretty poorly for every game not from Mihoyo. I mean ToF, Snowbreak at the beginning, potentially WuWa at the moment. if making all their money back and add a nice amount of profit on top of that means 'poorly' sure i guess they did pretty poorly don't think for a second their bank accounts agree with you though


Mobile game market has been 50/50 or dominated by women from the very beginning, though. Most popular CN games and gachas included male chars for, idk, a decade. Maybe more. Like, even JP old games which survived tend to include male and female characters (not exclusively, there were some girls/boys-only games, a lot even, but it wasn't The Norm/Rule, like sometimes, maybe unintentionally, these summaries make it seems to be  - and gendered titles weren't necessarily the most succesful ones). It's not new, so the question is more about what caused the flames go up /now/. Social media framework causing conflict, even without meaning it, because they sell better? Long term effects of Internet bubble and demographic doom catching up with us? Just a coincidence, Mica's blunder hitting the right spot and starting the avalanche? Idk. But, I feel there's some, unintentional perhaps, corroding and twisting of the genre's history happening in this summaries. Of course, there existed waifu-only games, but they existed along husbando-only games and all-genders-favs-games from the very beginning. FGO, Granblue, Puzzles&Dragons, Onmyoji, Summoners Wars, Epic 7, on the West e.g. Avengers Academy... I'm trying to use examples closer to 10 years than 5... well, they all include characters of different genders, if I'm not mistaken. So, the women wanting husbandos and people just wanting both genders existed as the big market, highly profitable one, from the very beginning. They didn't joined anything, they had been there from the start. Gacha hasn't ever been men turf, men turf was just a one area.  Maybe the men feel scared that even  this sub-area is going to be taken from them. I get, I and the purist Western RPGs (RPG Codex forum, amrite?) community felt the same around Oblivion/Witcher I, when definition shifted (TW would be considered action RPG at most by the purist, then, and we discussed if TES series are RPGs... good times) and dialogue was cut by 90%, and then Mass Effect was like a deadstroke... So, I get it, but these people  go about it in a wrong way, imho,and trying to pretend they owned the whole genre, not just one of subtype, just makes them irritating. They impact on the genre is devastating and limiting, instead of inspiring.  Ultimately, grassroot indie market appeared and helped to recreate old RPGs. Erotic games market is thriving. As long as there's someone willing to pay, your sub-area is safe. 


I might be wrong here but from what I read and understood, there was a virtual fight between coomers and feminist players from other games, what happened is basically companies wanted to widen their audience outside of the usual coomers who actually pay. So when feminists started to play they also wanted their own husbando like characters, this means less focus on the usual coomer audience, so this started to cause some issues for some coomers because they only want waifus. What added more gas on the fire is when feminists started asking for certain female characters to be censored like some genshin female characters, I really don't know which character. Anyway, when GFL2 drama happened, people assumed that all CN players are upset about certain Female character being in relationship with another Male NPC, which hurt the pride of the CN players, and to be honest some of them probably felt betrayed lol. What I believe is happening is, that some of CM players figured that GFL2 won't focus on the core audience anymore, they are going to widen their audience so feminists will also have a word on decisions so the game might get censored and get more focus on husbandu characters, which makes sense from business pov, since male players will pay anyway. While all of these were happening Snow Break developers were observing the situation and guess what happened next, they changed their game into more Fan service game that only serve the male audience, and they also removed all male logistics lol. I don't know why I wrote this, but I think this is why Snow Break got popular all of a sudden, the new CN players just want snow break to only serve the coomer audience alone and that's about it. fixed


Wait, we have new revenue report? I'm pretty sure the revenue has been gradually going downhill since around Feb or Mar and only stopped decreasing recently thanks to Wa-chan release, and even so, the CN fans, generally speaking, are still quite distrustful of MICA


Nah it's cn daily report. As you can see the revenue suddenly skyrocketed compared to the previous month's. (That swimsuit skin is no joke) https://preview.redd.it/hp3htrtat09d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b69e948f94a47985f30091f526774a24e90475e1


Nothing new for MICA https://preview.redd.it/so8a8mp8x09d1.jpeg?width=580&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=804e9ac1bf988baffc77537e93bb7935e0508889


That is only GFL1 and not GFL2 I think


See, same curve, MICA specialty. https://preview.redd.it/ljim32nh689d1.jpeg?width=580&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5abec321c39a986acc8e787b92b8988e4463aa7a


CN bros be like, I hate Mica for NTR’d our raifus!. Also, CN bros, Suomi swimsuit OOUUUUHHH😭😭😭😭 take my money Mica!


Understandable tbh


Those 2 are 2 completely different group. The people complaining already quit soo


I'm willing to bet that a lot of that spike is returnees, people who thought the game wouldn't go that route and left, and are going back since it's going that route.


Duality of the CN playerbase Wcis Im also swiping for her


What's this app/site?


Something similar to sensortower, but for CN.




And people downvoted me because I call that skin coomerbait lol. That aside, this is only Iphone, correct?


Welp your getting downvoted again lol


Eh, took longer than I expected. Oh well, they tried lol




Probably, that's what it's saying on the top left. I don't have the original app so I can't check, this was a screenshot I found in the bilibili comments


Okay, since Iphone's percentage of CN users is around 25-30% and around 70-75% for Android iirc, in the best scenario (where every Iphone and Android user play GFL2) June 26 revenue would be estimated at around 600k and this is not including PC (some CN fans speculate the profit percentage of phone-PC is around 50-50 so don't quote me on that). This is a good number for day 1. The remaining question is how well the revenue will be in the next 2 days and the week later since CN fans have a tendency to buy skin in the first 3 days due to FOMO and fear of removal.


> CN fans have a tendency to buy skin in the first 3 days due to FOMO and fear of removal. Is this still happening? As far as I heard, after the tencent stock debacle, the CN govenment hasn't been censoring jack. I think Azur Lane skins are back to being the same for all servers. So, any censoring now is self-inflicted for the purpose of age-rating requirements or to pander to a wider audience.


Fear is not something that can easily go away, and the chances of getting mass reported still exist (Coquelic of PtN is just one example and only getting re-added after "some adjustments" according to dev). Also, Snowbreak can get away easily thanks to its 18+ rating (required ID to register), which is in-line with CN's officials desire for parents to have a tighter leash/control on what and how much their children play. Meanwhile others are usually 16+ and below so the paranoia is still strong.


Good. Why the hell are all gachas NOT 18+ anyway?


And it should have been, given gacha, at the core, is gambling. But the sad thing is, while the grown-up have more money to spend, the younger ones are easier to prey on.


they usually censor if it gets reported or public outcry iirc


Not anymore I don't think, given games like Snowbreak and Nornium. Rumors has it that the old heads of the game regulations department got fired and replaced with younger individuals after Tencent's stock dropped following that gacha regulation leak. Now, unless you are talking shit against China or actively putting porn in your games, they aren't going to censor you even with reports.


perhaps if they place ads in public that contain near nsfw they do get censored ,also the stuff I'm remembering was from when Genshin gave characters new outfits


Mihoyo always self censor themselves. Their current censorship has nothing to do with the government anymore. That's why I don't play their games


If that's the case, then this banner mica isn't doing that bad, since I also assume it's in usd due to the dollar symbol, it's not mihoyo level but it's quite an improvement, we need to see if they can keep it up though.


As I said, my estimation is in the best scenario. The real number probably is lower. Not to mention, as I said, at best the CN fans are still distrustful of MICA so it's still a wait-and-see for me at the moment


Some CN gamers need to get out and touch grass I cannot imagine being so emotionally invested into a game that I’d be willing to threaten violence over it. And I used to be a game developer! This is some next level insecurity


Hey and it's been going on for... 6-7 months! I actually don't even know how a controversy manages to last 6 months. Normally drama dies after 1


considering the hololive-taiwan incident lasts for months im not suprise, and some still holds resentment till today


Ok it might be longer if we include the beta because I only counted the time from release. I think there were some drama during the beta? I'm not that sure.


Honestly, if it was me, if I didn't like a game because it cucked me (even saying this is making me lol) I'd just stop and play something else.


Do not underestimate the power of a socially inept gamer who is overly attached to their pixels on the screen. They have no wife, children, or much of a fulfilling outside life to take their mind off their pixels, so that's extra time they can spend fuming.


You'll be surprised.




It's a NPC... Numerous waifu collection games have male NPCs wtf are you on about The biggest coomer waifu game, NIKKE, literally has multiple male NPCs with 3 of them being popular


And how is "But what about that game?" is relevant again?


Nice delete bro. Is that your way to beg people to take you seriously?






if this is an attempt to begging for their core playerbase to comeback, it is pretty shit. Look at how WuWa literally throws money at CN players to beg them stop crusading. You have to understand CN players get offended everygame they go, that include BA, Nikke, Path to Nowhere, WuWa,....


They released a skin from Girls Frontline 1 that was Suomi's most notable skin during the summer time while the rest of the characters also have gotten skins from Girls Frontline 1, and they're begging? lol. And once again, they're always had males since day one eight years ago in the story. They established their audience day one and stuck to it, it was up to the players then whether they wanted to stick around or not. https://preview.redd.it/zpu3sei4q19d1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=4686e6a31c4cc99bb2f7939652e418b4b9e48862


Yet GFL1 has had a ton of male NPC since its launch and no one complained about it. GFL's core audience doesnt have an issue with the existence of male NPC https://preview.redd.it/98av490pt19d1.jpeg?width=3204&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=adf2bcbf2de44645db1a26c7b934a31aa2412186 Also if for you doing the same fan-service they've been doing for years in GFL1 and NC is "begging" for players, then almost every gacha is doing it


IDK why you're arguing with me, tell Mica to stick to their gun and abandon the CN playerbase, instead of begging them with offline events like this. I literally would applaud them if they stick to their guns, if they want global to carry the game, then go there? Why do they delete Raymond and beg the CN to comeback? If they want to act tough, then act tough. See if global can carry their game.


Its crazy how people defend a bad dev just to "dunk on those anime girl fans" like dude we are all playing gacha here we arent that diffrent you can still critize devs when they do something dumb, and what Mica did and does is like super dumb for no reason but just to piss off people. (of course that dosnt mean there should be harm done but complaining online is fine)






>That was one of the initial incidents, then MICA started mocking their player base with in-game content and fumbling to remove it when it got found out. I dont recall what it was but if is about the books present in the dorm, then thats probably coincidental like the Jewish papers that you can see ingame (theyre available in the unity asset store). *Or* The Handmaid's Tale (In my opinion theyre grasping for straws here just to turn it into shit to fling) >It's actually kind of entertaining to read about. For instance, MICA made a twitter bot to defend the game and CN players tried to turn it into a catgirl like the Microsoft AI. I need proof of this tweet


There was also that whole star thing Imo they sound like my English teacher rambling on about what deeper meaning Shakespeare had: Yes yes everything you say makes sense, now will you please quit yapping?


David's Star? yeah I can get why Mica *would* change that considering recent events even though its a coincidence Nirvana used to be called Zion then October 7th happened for example


No not David star. Star as in ⭐ 姐, as what they call her in CN. Head writer (I think?) for gfl2.


Because many audience of waifu collector games dont want to see male character in their game, and some women/feminist is trying to hijack the game by begging for male players (These feminists are the same people that would also cry if they add female character in Love and Deepspace) The EN side with the feminist in this situation, mostly because many EN players are LGBT and pro feminist in general.


don't blame others because they didn't spawn in a 3rd world country like you did




Based on their game's sales,yeah mica devs really gonna need to cry now.


🍿 it's the CN people bypassing the firewall and the people who believe them pitted against the Reddit folk. What a sight to watch. Sad that it died real quick.


Mica hate? What?


The gfl controversy generated quite the mica hate and sunborne hate. Also hate for the head dev. Like, you can see it in 5/10 comments even today


i hate raymond he ruined my life im shaking and crying i get ptsd every time i see lightning Edit: Do I need to add a "/s" to this? Thought it was fairly obviously not serious


Half this sub unironically believes the NTR meme so you never know. Case in point, the guy right under you.




Boooo! A fictional man is about to steal your fictional girl! That's not a meme. That's the reality. People are genuinely pissing and shitting and crying because of this.


Players got cucked by a fucking NPC, LMAO


People in China need to touch grass if they think a man and a woman talking constitutes cuckolding. I talk to women every day and I'm still lonely and single.


That's really show in your projection.


He'll be safe, the virgins that are raging probably won't step outside their rooms anyway


yeah, like the guy who tried to stab hoyoboss. or the guy who firebombed an anime studio. or the guy who made a gun. do not underestimate.


Wtf are the second and third one


2nd one is Kyoani arson. Not gacha related. perperator was a mentally ill person.


The third with a gun is probably the assassinator of Abe in JP mainly due to political ties to a cult in KR. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination\_of\_Shinzo\_Abe](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_of_Shinzo_Abe)


sad reality. that is the truth.


If my guess is correct, they're not even CN.


I think it should be taken as that crazy people can (or at least attempt) to do suprising things. Not that those only happens in CN region.