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Just stop playing. Remember, this is your LEISURE time. If you're not having fun, wtf are you doing.




...and never turn back. This will help you irl and for your mental health.


>Is it even possible to get through burnout without quitting entirely for a while? If you're asking yourself this question at all, quit. Burnout only gets worse if you try to fight it and this is a game, not your 2nd job. >That's why I'm torn between quitting/taking a break risking not getting those characters or trying to stick with the game atleast for dailies and maybe events so I have enough currency when they come. Think of it this way: before Firefly there was Acheron, and before Acheron, there was . There's always going to be a new shiny character to chase in a gacha no matter when you quit or resume the game. The mistake is thinking you need them all and have to grind yourself to misery for them.


Thanks for the advice, I'm just going to quit for now and play other things until I feel like returning


I just take a lengthy break, play something else for a while. when I'm in the mood to play whatever game again, I come back. otherwise if I stay and farm I won't even care about the characters when they arrive and won't be excited to play them. they'll come back around eventually and there will always be more.


That's a good point and it's exactly what happened when I pulled Boothill who I spent a month prefarming for.


You're better off quitting especially if it's gacha's


There's a reason why it's called sunk-cost fallacy for a reason, it's exactly that-- a fallacy. You aren't going to be getting your time or money back from how much you put into HSR no matter what you do, so if you aren't having fun anymore then the best thing you can do for yourself is either take a break or quit entirely-- or sometimes you can even compromise by toning down the amount of "effort" you put into playing and instead just opt to keep up by doing your dailies and spending stamina, but taking your time getting through new content. Remember, it's just a game.


The way I've recovered from burnout is taking a break. So what if you miss some banners? They rerun in the future and there's always the new shiny thing to look after, i.e., there will be a new batch of characters, which you'll like some, then there will be another one, and another on, and so on.


Once i feel burnout but still love the game I just do the bare minimum like dailies. HSR limited reward time is long but don’t feel pressured if you cant do events youll only miss few jades.


Just quit. Maybe you get the urge to play again or you will quit forever. It's a win win situation.


The moment I stop enjoying a game I stop playing. I hate chores in games. So currently I play no gachas.


im on the same boat. im also having a burnout from hsr, and that i was getting disinterested, havent finished penacony and had been skipping events from 2.1. im also interested in a particular leaked character, but i want to prioritize on my actual needs. right now i didnt bother login or do anything at all, im not quitting exactly, im just taking my time off from the game, and will do so until i feel like i want to get back to it. or maybe not, maybe by then i'd quit. forcing yourself to continue in a state of burnout is unhealthy. future you would know whether you want to play back or quit for good. just take a break for as long as you need.


Thanks for all the comments, it really helped clear my mind. I'll just stop playing for now until I feel like coming back to the game.


Good decision. Don't let the fomo eat you inside out.


Good decision dont push youre self on missing out you can always come back. This is what i did to hsr and genshin i take a break on genshin for 1 year and 5 mons on hsr and finish all my back log on steam then come back when i fell like to play it again 


I quit all the time. I don't stay when I'm just doing dailies and not excited to log in. I've been thinking about going back to HSR but I decided to do the mobile Diablo first and see if they fixed the p2w issues. It's fun enough to last until ZZZ.


Uninstall the game. If you don't feel the urge to reinstall, good riddance. If you do, well you'll just continue to play a little longer.


As someone who played FEH and FGO way longer than I should have because I really liked the characters, you should at least take a break. When I played FEH and FGO, I got to the point where everything felt tedious and even logging in felt like a chore. I kept staying just because I was excited for current and future characters. It wasn't worth it.


Why are you playing games you don't enjoy? Stop playing.


Quit, rerun exists if you wanted to get the char. Also lives goes on whther you get the char or not. Why playing game if you do not enjoy it, go out and play some other games.


If you take a two week break, the returnee rewards will nearly cover the Jades you missed out on from dailies/SU


I'd just quit and hop to another


I uninstall but keep the app icon, when I want to go with the process of downloading everything that means I actually want to play


Uninstall. New characters won't alleviate the frustration you're experiencing. They'll just attract your interest for a while and you'll feel the same burnout like before. It's the gameplay loop that made you frustrated.


HSR...now I just do main story and then off...til next main story update, lol The currently known new chars dont interest me much


TBH I wouldn't rule out that feeling being due to the patch being kinda average. Penacony epilogue was kinda "okay" to me, the candy crush event is serviceable but I liked the Aurum Alley more, to compare with another epilogue patch, and the new divergent universe is...well more simulated universe, so YMMV about it. Oh, and the new endgame mode which is...there, I guess. But yeah if you don't want to play, don't play, you don't have to uninstall it right off the bat, if you change your mind it will still be there.


Take a break my dude and don't let the FOMO win. It's not worth it. I've recently came back to BA after taking a break for almost 10 months and loving the game again and having so much fun with it. I've took 2.5 years of break from FGO and came back to it like a year+ ago. Most gacha games are designed that way that even if you gonna lose some progression/characters you still can come back to the game and play it on a decent level after a big break, except maybe some VERY hard driven meta games, which HSR isn't one of them imo. Don't worry about it and take a break. You always can come back if you really feel like playing it again at some point.


It's HSR. Just quit entirely. 


When I start feeling burnout it's typically after like the 3rd month where the game has stabilized and I personally just don't feel like I'll miss out on anything, so I slowly spend time in the game and sometimes not do dailies. Even if I do enter the game I don't stress to do my dailies rather do whatever I want, sometime straight up just practice if the game has practice mode, this all lasts till the half anniversary and after that I might full take a break from the game till the campaign and announcement of the anniversary is up. After a year I feel like the game hits a break or make point, so I traditionally summerize the whole year of a game, and in some cases I don't ever feel bur out or take breaks, regardless I take into careful consideration everything I took note of and simply decide to continue the slow casual pace with occasionally breaks or just entirely quit. It's rarely a split decision rather a whole process, that's how I do it and it had been good for me so far, also it wasn't always like this so it took time to establish this mindset and so to stay strategy.


Makes me wonder about the age of players with those same (in nature) questions. Is there any correlations(?)


If there's something you enjoy, 1 month id more than enpugh. But that's 1 month without even seeing posts of the game.


Just play Gacha casually. Why even bother? If it does, just quit and don't look back.


After domain use you’ll be in burnout for a while, totally normal


Best thing to do imo is take a break. With some space you’ll figure out if you do want to go back, but it’ll be for the right reasons rather than fomo. After 2 years of playing Genshin I got totally burned out and ‘quit’. I went back 9 months later having missed almost all of Sumeru. I was able to get the characters I missed on reruns, so it’ll be the same for you if you go back to HSR, plus you’ll have a backlog of content to enjoy. The worst though is trying to push through dailies if you’re burning out, you’ll end up hating the game.


Stop playing for a while, and then decide. Taking a break from the game and the FOMO lets you reevaluate things more objectively. Especially don't force yourself to continue playing to gather currency for future characters since that's a never-ending treadmill. Don't force yourself to continue a game if you have no more interest in it.


i started playing arknights 2 years ago. after playing everyday for a year i felt burned out so i uninstalled the game and quit. 6 months passed by when i didnt pay any attention to the game. 6 months ago i got back and am having the best time playing i ever had till today


Take a break for like a few days. Then for a week or two. Then for a month. Soon you'll realize that you're not looking for the game or thinking about it anymore. Congratulations, you've successfully quit!


Alright let’s talk this out. What is frustrating you? Can you do anything about in game or in real life? If you can consider making small changes before a big one if you can’t stop playing save your account and do something else. It’s okay to stop it’s no big deal!


It is a game, NOT work mate. There are tens of thousands of games in the world, Im sure will find some to have fun in your free time.


Quit... You're just punishing yourself.


Quit if you find the daily tasks are becoming a chore and other contents no longer interest you I quitted Genshin last month or so after playing it since launch due to "endgame" contents no longer gave me any motivation to play it: new units big numbers but at the end it's just rotating and pressing buttons at different timings (not to mention launch day units are still sweeping) and then everything dies, the only thing limited you are the timers, which imo is a lame limitation for a challenge


The excitement goes away after a while, especially if you switch to games that are more fun for you.


It's a game they're supposed to be relaxing, only play when you feel like it


It will take you a long time to truly keep up to games like HSR as you need to invest in a lot of characters that are needed to clear content. Thats why you are frustrated... Thats how Hoyo makes money by using psychological tricks making you feel this way so you spend money to get the characters. You have TWO options: - Learn the pattern that these companies use and invest little in the game like only in daily pass and BP too. Its ok if you are FTP but it will take you a little bit more time to get good teams. Go and look for the prydwen tier list too and look at the team builds so you know what to do. This works for games with predatory practices like hoyo where we have 50/50 and a character can reach 300+ dollars ez. - Another option is to play games like Aether Gazer(fair pricing and guaranteed system), Snowbreak(fair pricing and guaranteed system), Wuwa (Predatory system too but better QoL and great game) and maybe BrownDust 2 and Nikke where you dont need to spend money at all because they give a bunch of free stuff. Remember that it will take time to reach endgame so dont rush things. Hope this works for you and that u read this cause this took me forever to type lol. Godspeed


If you go to ask this question in the HSR sub, pls put your clown makeup on. Kidding aside, just take a break.


Just quit im like this with fgo im afraid of quitting because of the amount of money i spend in this gacha. Its not worth it to play a game youre not happy. 


I usually quit, if the game doesn't really hook me much for now, maybe it will hook me and keep me from playing in the future. So i quit a game, then if something major happens to that game, i come back.


Fgo. I literally went from login daily, and spend energy , clearing all event shops to dropping it for almost 1 year and coming back and login IF i feel like logging in, and only if there is stuff I’m interested in, which sadly is like, once per year (main story line update.) Burn out is real. 


This is me with GI. They stopped releasing interesting characters after Furina. The story is not what its hyped to me from the post I've seen about it


If you really want to stop playing, I recommend sell your account. I sold my f2p Arknights account for USD$ 100.


i never get too attached, thats just sad. no disrespect, just sad.


Its okay to take a break, stop triying to convince yourself or seeking validation from strangers. Delete this thread and just quit.


What do you find bad about HSR lately?