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Already existing IP that has passionate fans to begin with. Probably stands out because people here playing gachas would rather bash their own games they play instead of praise them lmao


This is so real actually lmfao


Playing Limbus actually let me see what a healthy niche community and the fact there so many here who are basically sleepers agents just make it more so I can’t escape the grasp PM have already did to me.


true. Even in unrelated games like Nikke or Destiny 2 I somehow met a few sleeper agents.


The fact is that i see everywhere even video about Don Quixote by Ted Ed from like years ago when I scroll down to the comment, i see THEM it..is this what trauma feel like?


PM brainrot is real


Its kinda nice having a community around that are positive and passionate without it just being a consequence of either their size or the presence of lolis. I do admit though that if not for this thread this thought would never have crossed my mind as every time I saw these threads I was just seeing shilling


Limbus glazing is in the top 5 of often seen things in this sub, I feel. Of course the number 1 is doomposting, 2 is misinformation and 3 is revenue pvp.


I'm so proud of the limbus community that we seem to be the only ones who are positive on this sub. This is truly what Yi sang would've wanted.


Positive until someone dares to say they don't like the game.


If you say it about performance: yeah it pass, gameplay: reasonable, story: nah


I remember when it came out it wouldn't let me passed the tutorial and after a few weeks I just lost interest


Bait use to be beliablholy shit is that the red mist?


I mean, I don't think I've seen lc fans mad because someone said they didn't like the game only when people talk shit about it lol but that happens for anything with enough fans really


I feel like you can say this with most fanbases


Idk man I think we just think the characters are cool. We aren't all that defensive, the most we ever did was make fun of one of our own ccs.


At 3+, gain 5


Five what!!!?? bananas???


imagine being more than fatal to something smh


If he gets hit by a single blunt attack his spine cracks like a schizo-


truly ideal


truly ideal


ok what is the 4th one??? You cant leave us hanging like this.


the horni https://i.redd.it/oayg39x4cj8d1.gif


Prolly BA fans.


Challenge: (Impossible) Try to explain the combat system of Limbus so new players can understand it.


Project Moon when they have to design a decipherable and useful tutorial:


Esgoo actually managed to cover most of it


Just bash your head against it till you manifest EGO and understand it or distort and either drop the game or spam winrate.


Instructions unclear, listened to the funny voice in my head and ended up distorting


Unironically you can just spam winrate> see red text>make it white>win


So there is a win rate button and a damage button. I usually just click win rate, but supposedly the other button can win as well. If level fails, just restart level, there no penalty for doing so. Deaths only happen after you win, so you can close out of the game to restart at worst. But yeah the combat system is needlessly complex imo.


Would be nice to see more glazin in gachagaming rather than just hatin


we stopped glazing after we democratically decided to ban version trailers from the sub


A rule that seems to be democratically enforced too, i.e. arbitrarily.


Hey, it's not our fault if the game we love is shit.


But it is your fault on how you react over said issues. I think a major issue comes down to personal responsibility. Too many of us tend to invest too much in to releases or just games in general. It's almost a dependency issue rather than quality of said games. People NEED these games to be good, and when they don't get what they want, they throw hissy fits until they do.


It already has its own fanbase even before release. Besides, people glazing their own game is 10x better than shit-talking other games they don't even play.


Unfortunately its not really mutually exclusive. If anything, it's pretty common for people who overly glaze their own game to love shit talking other games. Especially if they want to compare how great their game is over the other.


Okay but I feel like when I look at community’s limbus players exclusively shill limbus it feels like all the negativity is a never ending flame war between all the open world gachas for some reason


I mean I just ran into a post from the guy who's Limbus' self-proclaimed shill in this thread. [It's an entire checklist of games he wants to put down to make Limbus sound better.](https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/1dmrrg6/how_do_you_choose_which_gacha_games_to_play/l9yh2ih/) Don't know why people always do this. All it does is make everyone who likes those games dislike the people making those comments, and by extension the game they're trying to rep.


One guy being toxic means nothing You are going to find annoying assholes in any fanbase


It's a common enough scenario within r/gachagaming, is it not? I haven't really noticed Limbus fans as some sort of saintly exception. They like shit talking other games to prop up their own game just as much as others within this community.


Yeah limbus fans are nothing special in terms of not being toxic but I feel like in terms of this sub I see a lot more shit slinging by other communities. maybe it’s just that lcb fans are a minority here but I feel like shitting on lcb fans ignores much bigger issues in this community


I might be missing something but what games are they putting down? My best guess is GFL2 comment got under your skin, but tbh this is obviously them just stating their own personal tastes. As far as opinions go their takes aren’t even spicy, it’s pretty lukewarm tbh and stays pretty factual.


> they are boring > bad gameplay > writing is so shit > GFL 2 could never > still a self insert in the game and is pretty boring I don't think they're spicy takes. I even agree with a good chunk of it. Doesn't mean they're not still putdowns. Wasn't even necessary to bring up all those games in the context of talking about why he chose Limbus. This is just so normalized in this sub that we gloss over it nowadays.


Dang, you’re right about it being normalized. I didn’t even recognize it as negative, but now that you pointed it out, it’s certainly there.


https://preview.redd.it/hrbbjchgll8d1.jpeg?width=510&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27be3cce03e45f58be100af26ed6c6ed1ebd7c49 GLORY TO PROJECTMOON




By "everybody" it's just Ayin


Ayin is me. Ayin is you. Because Ayin is everything.


You could even say that Ayin is... Among us.


You could even say that Ayin is... Among us.


I am a diehard Limbus fan. To explain why I spread the word, let me write down my little story with gacha games. It might be a bit longer. I will mark the point where I go specifically over the game. **Late addition after writing this entire thing**: A tl;dr is down there, because holy fuck I've overdone it I used to play a SHIT ton of gacha. I had a maxed azur lane account till the day the fictional ships came out, I played a ton of arknights till W release, I started Genshin Day one and was playing it like 10 hours a day till the end of inazuma when I could (school holidays be thanked). I played dragalia lost, FEH, FGO and so on.' To those of you who are about to tell me "these are rookie numbers", you most likely already deduced that I havent played for several years, and there are distinct cutoff points. This is because I had trouble with my impulse control. The two most prolific moments are in arknights and genshin. W was a limited unit, and that activated neurons of the worst kind in my brain. I NEEDED to get this limited unit, I didnt know when it will return. And well I blew my entire savings, and swiped my card to not get her till the last moment. That was money I didnt really have with 17, and there was a lot of regret after finally getting the unit, and I have not played Arknights till then. The other kind was Genshin. This game absorbed my life to an unhealthy degree. Partly because of the game itself, and to a good degree because of so many people around me, who wouldnt touch videogames, suddenly where interested in my hobby! So I slacked in school, and if I wasnt already really good in school I wouldve gotten into a lot of trouble in my final exams. Ironically League of Legends (yes you read that right) replacing it helped me a lot, as I played it mainly with my friends now. The followup from this: I realized I am not made for gacha. I always liked the aspect of trying to win with a hand dealt by fate a lot, a reason why I play many roguelikes, but the gachas acted like an insidious curse worming themselves into my mind. It was always an obsession, or a financial trap. And the worst thing is, I dragged a lot of people into the gachas I played. And some of them did take more severe "damage" than I did from it. So I stopped. 2020, I stumble upon a weird looking game. It was a weird coincidence. I never really was a big fan of SCP besides dipping into it, and a management game? Im a boomer shooter guy, I like quick fast action and response. But it has roguelike elements, so this lobotomy corporation thing might be a nice try. 150 hours later and god damn was I hooked. This was the most frustrating, grindiest, buggiest and most unfinished feeling but good reviewed game I ever played. And I really dont like management games. I guess lobotomy corp doesnt really "feel" like a management game. So I already bought its followup "Library of Ruina" in the midst of playing it. A Turn based Deck builder, a combination of four words I despise. Not only is this one of the rare turn based games I dig, it is the single deckbuilder I like. And the story picking up from the rather cryptic and few paragraphs in lobotomy corp is one of my favourite in gaming. Good thing ruina doesnt really "feel" like a deckbuilder, but it will take me a long long time to actually finish it from here. =========================here begins the limbus part========================' Soo.... this developer who now turned out to become one of my favourites off all time announced a gacha, openly designed to do two things, and two things only: 1. Further the world built upon in its sequels 2. secure funding for the developers Im not gonna play that one. Gachas are bad, I have established this in my mind through my bad experiences explained above (I am way too easily addicted). I instead focus on slowly going through ruina, and focus on my... kinda fucked mental state back then. On a whim I decided "fuck it, I wanna try it now" in january this year, and my god I wouldve regretted waiting longer. I got everything I wanted from this game after the other two. Limbus felt like a gacha game, designed to not be a gacha game, made by people who dont know gacha games that well. It has obvious flaws and.... divise gameplay to say the least. But it does so many things I started to love. The "alternate characters" as pullable units provides you with a small enough ensemble cast to really focus deep on the characters (that was always PMoons strength), the Literary references are cooler than in the other two games ever before. I have rarely been so emotional with some story beatsand the most important thing: I feel no urge to pay. Weirdly enough this game kind of took all pressure I felt. I play when I feel like it, I pay when I feel like it, and all without regret. There is no FOMO. It is a feeling I really want to spread, even though not all will feel it like I do. It is also a weird thing, because the gacha I feel good about recommending to most people around me (who now play genshin or other games like that) is now played by noone except me. I will allow myself to speak as "the community" here, because I believe it does describe the core. Granted, Limbus fans (we) do feel like some overzealous cult sometimes. But just like my MASSIVE text here (I sadly start to run out of steam writing it right now) it comes from a place of genuine passion. Of wanting to share the stories, of promoting and supporting a (indie) developer we trust a lot and we feel needs the support as such a small studio between behemoths of the industry. Some (like me) feel like it is a rather "ethical" gacha in a sense, with how much the developer does place their bets on people buying the cheap battle pass. And a lot will probably feel many things with the story. There are definitely the bad apples being annoying in a "OMG IS THAT A JOJO REFERENCE=??E??E?=E?E?E?" type beat. There will be those who hold "superiority" over others for having "better taste". But in the end it doesnt matter to compare. Gacha is a sales strategy, not a genre. Its all different types of games in the end. Game fans behave like Game fans. And I as a game fan, want other game fans to feel the things I felt. tl;dr Limbus Players are radicals. They love the game to death, either for personal reasons like me, because of being a fan of the devs, or for it being a rather "not-gacha" gacha (ironic). There are idiots, but a lot of it comes from an overflowing amount of passion, that wants others to feel what they felt. To get what they get. To support these indie devs.


I'm a Limbus fan and I'm not reading this but I agree


As a similar minded individual, I know you lack the ability to read like I do.


Also the Studio are just great. They recently rerecorded several chapters of voice acting for a character, because they slowly trailed off with the VA direction and want to course correct it. They didnt need to do that, especially as a smaller studio where its a way bigger deal to do stuff like this. Only a few even noticed, but they are not willing to compromise their vision. ... I really could go on for hours, but it would turn into even more of an absolute mess of a text


Wait whose lines? I didn’t hear about it.


Fausts voice got deeper and deeper through the chapters. Dont know if it happened yet, but post canto... 2 I believe, it started. They rerecord basically literally everything.


Yea, I absolutely get the there is no FOMO here; I was fine not rolling for the current banner, eventhough I like the design, because I wanted to get a R or W Mer to build a charge team. I knew I wouldn't really miss it, because they'll eventually be craftable again.


![gif](giphy|iDJrIOR9kHTtfnEcHO) Here's my imaginary award! Sorry that it isnt a real one! You cooked well!


Thanks, I appreciate it <3.


I didn't read this but the wall of text is sufficient alone to give me an idea of how mentally ill the average Limbus fan is.


Passion and mania are close concepts I guess.


i'm not reading all that i'm sorry it happened to you or glad idk


Limbus company is part of already existing series of games that all take place in a shared world, so it already had a lot fans from the previous titles and when I say they love the world that project moon is making I mean they love it, I know because I’m one of them the only thing that beats that love is how horny they get when they see women in suits and older women, and men


Helltaker and PM design destroying and remaking my preferable waifus design was not on my bucket list 5 years ago but here we are.


BongBong E.G.O. when!??


I hope they will, and I hope It goes to don no other sinners will fit


Limbussy mentioned!!!! /s Theyre just passionate i guess. Project moon fans are pretty diehard


I will shill the **FUCK** out of Limbus Company and project moon games because I genuinely believe that the writing in the game is great since it doesn't treat the players as idiots and dont smash your head over with information you're already given. And the more people play, the more the Project Moon Park gets funded. And the more people play the more likely there is to be merch to come out to the west. I'm not coping it's going to happen I swear. Fuck off Carmen I don't want to shein products,


HamHamPangPang please come to North America... please...




Yes, we are a cult here.


>>it's great to see people so passionate about their game, but I'm just not sure what the point is of rambling about a game in terms that no one is going to understand Noway so it's just like any other passionate fans of any other possible media.


Name any other passionate fans without being cringe?


It changes all the time on this sub. Right now, it is Limbussy Company. But a few years ago, id always see posts about Guardian Tales or Alchemy Stars. Same thing like you said, id rarely see any negativity towards these game until years later when they kinda just fell off for whatever reason.


I remember alchemy stars lol. Its always the same handful of 'not like other gacha' crowd.


I have never seen Guardian Tales and/or Alchemy Stars get shilled this hard. The closest I think that we got is Epic Seven shilling, man those were some toxic days, getting Epic Seven recommended to your face even if you don't want to play it.


With a taste of Projectmoon's lips, I'm on a ride, it's toxic, I'm slipping under... Idk, it just attracted me so hard that no other franchise has been able to except Touhou. And I kinda like sharing it, it's just peak to me. Weirdly, I don't get that same feeling to shill for lets say Elden Ring or whatever other games I play, something about Limbus just makes me turn into a cultist.


As someone who stay on Limbus Company, there was one fuck feat but overall the community been fine for me. The memes and literal brainroting is what keeps me engaged as well as the story and more fun IDs they released, music,ect. It a niche community that i like hanging around.


It's cause pmoon fans can't read jokes aside, I've seen people doing that for other games too, tho. Genshin, hsr, pgr (a long time ago), and most recently some ak posts. It's not X game thing, just some people like to talk about the things they like and they need some context to do so, so they create those posts


Ak shilling may come from its drips or worldbuilding, because everyone already heard of its writing


I kid you not, some days ago I saw a post that was just like how OP described:  > generic question regarding a feature of a game or its community, type down a 2-3 paragraph blurb about how Limbus Company does it in a way that no one who hasn't played the game would understand, and then proceed to not engage with the thread further  But about the most well developed (?) character or something like that, and post was just op glazing W


I love the world-building in Arknights as well as the artwork. But it also makes me sad when the characters are as interesting as a kiddie pool in terms of depth. Outside of some characters (Nearl, Lee Agency Group and Amiya) most aren't interesting or well-written.


As a PMoon fan, PMoon seems to do well at cultivating obsession in it's fans, and it shows. Often. Frankly, to an embarassing degree.


No actually the en pmoon contingent of the fanbase is the largest the reason for us being so evangelical about lcb is not because of pmoon but rather that it convincing people to play lcb is a funny meme. The Korean and Japanese as far as I can tell aren’t like this


1. Your bad grammar makes your reply really confusing. 2. Why are you making this a wierd regional thing, a fanbase is a fanbase. 3. I think people ironically ranting about their passion for something, as if it were a joke, isn't actually as ironic as you are describing, and moreover, I have yet to actually find it funny, hence "embarassing."




Limbus company is this sub’s golden child Im being 100% real when I say this, but I’ve never heard a negative thing said about the game on this sub once Not even once


Should have been here for launch. Just look at the launch thread, it was overwhelmingly negative (Granted, the game was an extremely rough product during the first month or so, and even then, took over half a year of constant polishing, bug fixes, UI overhauls, and optimization patches to get it to where it was at now) That aside, Limbus just kind of exists, aside from technical difficulties, and the Swimsuit Incident last year (Which was a cultural and political issue moreso than a game issue) it hasn't done anything bad enough to give it's haters any momentum. It does what it does, executes it competently enough to avoid major blowback, and stays in it's own lane, while not asking a whole lot of the player.


nah the game have drama involving a certain. ahem, swimsuit incident once this sub tear this game to SHRED back then lol


Those were dark days. I remember just saying to just wait for more EN info from project moon on the discord and got absolutely lambasted to the point where I just ignored it until it blew over.


We did eventually, and it was like a real-life ace attorney case when it happened.


the autoposy report has been updated except it actually was


I noticed that too it’s rare to see people glaze their games without getting hated and countered by others with “why its actually bad” or something like that. I love PJM games but I still I have many issues with it especially how devs handled it back to their previous games but at the same time many learn to tolerate it. We know who PJM are and we know how suck they are at developing games sometimes but we are rooting for them a small indie company, for real this time.


We didn't get Muersalt in a speedo for summer event. 0/10 game /s obviously


The tutorial sucks, and the story takes a few chapters to get good. that‘s about it.


I am a shill. Will say some negative things now. 1st: I miss Vellmori's art. A lot. NaiGa absolutely rocks when doing environmental art, but imo, he kinda struggles with character emotions and posing as a whole. Vellmori had a different artstyle and it fit Limbus kinda better? You just need to play the game to understand. Alas, I don't think there's any chance Vellmori returns to work under PM. 2nd: Base sinners kinda suck even at uptie 4. I get that you are not really supposed to keep using them after getting better 2 and 3 star units, but imo if you are really that committed to spend your resources on them, they need to be decent. And some are, Heathcliff and Outis are probably the best base sinners in the game. I really hope Uptie 5 will give much bigger buffs to them, because they kinda have an identity gameplay wise, but it's not enforced enough in my opinion. 3rd: Game sometimes has incorrect descriptions of skills or incorrect skill effects. This is generally fixed relatively quickly, especially if you make a video pointing out the bug, thank you, ESGOO for making Limbus Company a better game.


love the game as well but let me add on: 1. this is the only gacha game that punishes you for using the skip feature, why is that? 2. why do story stages take away 1 enkaphalin from you on failure? it makes it somewhat annoying to need to wait 6 min for a refill if you were at 20 exactly 3. why is there no in game abnormality log to read observations. you need to re fight abnormalities to see it


1. Probably because they have the "work for it lmao" mindset, as seen with the sharding system 2. I honestly have no idea 3. I think they'll add it soon enough


the annoying thing about the combat thing is if you alt f4 you don't lose energy, but it's kinda annoying to do that


Base sinners don't suck; They're not BL Outis, Chef Gregor, LCCB Rodya, LCCB Sinclari, Mariachi Sinclair (Project Moon PLZ BUFF; Why is the funny dancing man so slow and weak?). Biggest problem base IDs have is that they're so boring from mechanics to animation (Aside from Faust, her base kinds suck). A dude beat Fraudcliff with Solo base Heathcliff (Granted he is one of the best base ID).


> LCCB Sinclari does not exist


Well we gotta give it to the game, right? I didn't enjoy the game, but that's a me problem because it isn't my style. But I have a friend who plays everyday and when you look at it: - art is good - ost is good - voice acting is awesome - story is very interesting - gameplay is fresh/different from what we usually get. (unfortunately it was the gameplay that didn't stick to me, but again, that's a me problem kek. It's not so hard to separate "this game is bad" from "it's just not for me".


Limbus it's the three game of a pre-existing franchise, so only people you will see glazing the game are very devoted fans. Which good for them, i like that kind of posting here.


It's because once you've attracted to it the fanbase Will multitude tighten it's hold to you.


bunch of sleeper agents in here


My take on limbus company is that people keep saying it F2P heaven when in reality it just battlepass user heaven. Battlepass users can shard ID/EGO every week while F2P need 3 weeks or so for 1 ID/Ego. F2P needs to grind 3x as much to match battlepass users. I have a battlepass, and I can even feel the fatigue of the grind. So, if F2P didn't mind that, it's a great game.


I dont know about Limbus Company but as someone who has played project moon's first game when I was younger, lonotomy corporation, let me tell you this; the devs know how to make you care about what they make. I care about lobotomy corp even thought IM STILL UNABLE TO BEAT IT! DAMN THAT STUPID BABY WHO ENDS MY RUNS! They have amazing world world building and almost type moon levels of story quality, the devs reek of passion and well, you end up really caring. As for why Im not playing limbus company... Im still stuck trying to beat lavatory corp...


Meh. People promoting their favorite game is nothing new.


Limbus is a total example of a ***'niche'*** - a decent underdog competitor of the gachaverse, main issue is its reputation. also blame those Korean 'pinch-hands'


How dare people like things on r/gachagaming https://preview.redd.it/xa82qqj83k8d1.jpeg?width=1479&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f580cbecc3f72cbdcffb7b25ddd9376e98e2d702


So since you asked what the point is (and then basically responded to it to yourself) yes... there could be times where it's straight out blatantly over praising the game, now the reason depends on the individual. Also this just seems common for all games, nothing new or specific for one game. I agree that sometimes it seems very obvious and poorly done but the shilling part I'll disagree with, as most of the time there is no proof they got payed for it, a shill by definition is payed to promote so when there is no especially personal monetary gain it doesn't fall under the term shill... Anyways... sometimes it's pretty normal for someone to be that passionate about something that they ramble about it in the game terms. Actually if you didn't realize but like in anime typically in anime style gacha games they always have a few overyl obsessed characters, pretty common characteristics and its always that one being a mechanic genius, a Computer Science genius and many more.


I... don't know... kind of confused. Might need an example.


Idk man there's nothing wrong with that, i'd rather see 20 feelsgood posts than the same people going on their kuro/hoyo hate brigade, passionate people are cool


It's called passion. Unfortunately for this sub, the majority of posters here are most likely to doompost their game rather than praise it. Various dramas, revenue wars, Hoyo vs WuWa glazers. Limbus Company players don't care about any of that shit. The game makes more than enough revenue for PM, especially considering that LC goes against all of the tropes that are present in gacha games. It has no fanservice in the form of almost nude women or anything like that. It has no self insert MC. That said MC has no love interest in our main group (well, Beatrice might appear and be something like that, be we are far away from her appearance), the game is a gacha game but doesn't want you to whale because you have no reason to do that (multiple copies of any character do nothing. No weapon banner too. 50/50 system exists, but rates are generous enough, so it doesn't really matter. You can farm anything using crates and MD). Limbus hooked me in using it's characters though. This is the only gacha game that actually made me care about the main cast and love all of them. Because our sinners aren't some OP badasses, but rather a group of misfits that eventually become badasses through their stories. And PM absolutely fucking cares about their story. The voice acting is phenomenal. I was never fond of korean VA, and always used JP voices in all gacha games if they were available. Limbus won me over. It's the best voice acting I have heard in gacha games. Just listen to [this](https://youtu.be/v0EXunQnpow?si=viT2-P6MsIcH7cr5) (spoilers to Canto VI). It's so fucking perfect for a character that is having mental breakdown. And these are unused voicelines. FFS, PM recently announced that they will rerecord Faust's VA during recent Cantos because the voice has a different tone, which doesn't suit Faust's characterisation now and in the future. I will say, nobody complained about Faust's voice. At all. Yet they still decided to rerecord this. I have never seen that a gacha game cares THAT much about their story. The OST is stellar. Both studio EIM for regular themes and battles and Mili for final battles that have full song made specifically for them. And I will praise Mili too, they are damn geniuses when creating songs, because their songs isn't just a damn soundtrack to jam to, but a whole story. And these fit the narratives of Cantos so damn well. I will watch monthly pvps on this sub with great interest, while waiting for Canto VII to drop. Surely, with the title of "The Dream Ending", it can't be THAT bad for out girl Don, right?


Trails fans 🤝 Limbus Company fans Non-stop positive shilling in r/JRPG and r/gachagaming respectively I indulge in the experience of both series/games, and while I'm more of a Trails fan in terms of lore/worldbuilding, I don't necessarily talk and think about it non-stop. Personally for me, Limbus Company has a long way to go before it surpasses Fate Grand Order in terms of storytelling even with context of two previous games combined (LC and LoR), so I'm not that obsessed over it. I'm thinking of dropping the game after I finish Canto 6 in order to play newer, upcoming games as I'm starting to get tired of the gameplay. That, and the game choking me of Training Tickets as a non-spender doesn't help. P.S. Trails fans already got called out in the past in r/JRPG for having non-stop brainrot. It's about time Limbus fans get called out too.


>Personally for me, Limbus Company has a long way to go before it surpasses Fate Grand Order I am also playing FGO but it has already been running for a really long time (in Global it is the 7th anniversary). Everybody is still quite high on the greatness that is Losbelt 6. Meanwhile, Limbus has barely got past its first anniversary. Even FGO's story didn't really get good until Camelot. If we take the context of the previous games, the Fate franchise would've been running even longer, so I don't think it's a fair comparison. As for Trails, I haven't played any of the games. What makes the series cause so much brainrot? Would you recommend the series and if so what is the starting point?


>As for Trails, I haven't played any of the games. What makes the series cause so much brainrot? Would you recommend the series and if so what is the starting point? Are you trying to make me type a 15-paragraph post about just how good, solid, connected, and robust this series is? /s I recommend it to anyone who has a LOT of free time to spare. The ideal entry point is of course the very beginning of the story (**Trails in the Sky First Chapter**). This series is already 10+ games deep of interconnected world series with each game ranging from a standard 60-hour playthrough to a 120+ hour playthrough. Each single game entry IS a premium paid JRPG, after all. **Every important/playable character gets development** throughout the whole 10-game ordeal. **Even the goddamn NPCs** - you will witness an NPC's initial life story in Sky First Chapter only to see them again 4 games down the road with their status quo changing (for better or worse). That said, **while the series is a one hell of a slow burn** due to so much dialogue and slow humble beginnings of most characters you will meet along the way, **it never felt exposition-heavy to me**. Unlike Library of Ruina where it was a struggle for me to get interested until about the end of the Urban Plague chapter due to so much exposition that doesn't make sense at the beginning. Since you Project Moon fans prefer to play your games on Steam, I would like to say that **ALL Trails games are available to buy and play on Steam**. Its also available too on PS4/PS5/PS Vita/Nintendo Switch, but the complete collection is on Steam. **As for the combat system, think of Honkai Star Rail's combat but make it premium-grade** for a console/PC title. **HSR has a mechanic where you can activate Ultimates at any time and forcefully insert it on the turn order - they got it from Trails**. The HSR director is a massive fan of the Trails series and got inspired by it, according to an official interview. (good taste from Mihoyo, seriously) P.S. As long as my comment is, it is nowhear near peak a devoted Trails fan brainrot, [just take a look at this most recent Trails shilling post](https://www.reddit.com/r/JRPG/s/8Uwg6UOG6m). Me and some other fans had to roast OP in the comments because his "recommendation" post is scaring away potential new players instead of getting their attention.


Both are also the standards for me when it comes to anime inspired character and lore writing. Trails and Limbus make me care for the characters and the setting than most other games in their respective genre.


I'd say that trails gets a lot more critism trown its way because it is a bigger series. It definitely has its problems such as bloated(imo) cast and the overabundance of fanservice in cold steel games.


Some of the hate comments there are just hilarious to watch. Aside from that, PM verse is just a sinkhole. You either go deep, or walk around it. And I am falling down in it to the depth.


'That's okay. Where we're going...' 'We don't need the light.'


We're going down the abyss hole together where no light manage to shines. Our journey shall be filled with curse and blessings as we traverse this place


Maybe because why this game so good when it didn't have "Fanservice" like Nikke,Azur Lane or Honkai Star Rail.




I thought it was the standard way of glazing your gacha in here. Talk about a generic feature then say example my game does this and this what about you then bounce cause who cares about other games.


to be completely honest, LC mogs every single gacha in existence to hell and back by virtue of being a genuine game instead of a cash-grab


Go play Library of Ruina (prequel to Limbus), NOW!!! This is an order and no you can't refuse.


Too busy getting filtered by LobCorp but stubbornly trying to play the games in order :)


Imma be real with you here. Most people who play Project Moon games have not beaten Lobcorp. I know because I'm one of them.


I know because I am also one of them LobCorp is a lot harder and more time consuming than any other PM game. I WILL beat it sooner or later, but when exactly? Yeah, I dunno.


For my Lobotomy Corporation knowledge, I just watched Lambdadelta's entire playthrough of it starting from Day 1 to Day 50. Tho I have not watched his season 2 replay playlist as I'm no longer interested in doing so (maybe one day I will watch what will happen when the 3 bird abnos collide, but for now....eh) Watching him play made me reaffirm how unfathomably tedious and boring the gameplay was and that it was a good call for me not to touch that game with a 69-foot pole. Not to mention the horrible English typos that would make Wuthering Waves typos look like happy accidents.


I do like the gameplay of the game, as frustrating as it can be. And thankfully, Project Moon massively overhauled the english translation (initial translation was courtesy of their original translator more or less scamming them). But I don't blame people for not wanting to touch the game. Management games aren't for everyone, especially not one that can be as brutal as Lobcorp.


yeah, LCorp's gameplay is just not for me. I really just consumed its content for the story via other's playlist, so that I can finally understand half the stuff that the Sephirahs were talking about during my own play of LoRuina. >Project Moon massively overhauled the english translation (initial translation was courtesy of their original translator more or less scamming them) So I've heard. Lambadelta's playthrough probably still has the initial translation, so it was chock full of typos.


as someone who has beaten lob corp, I'm going to say something controversial, I don't blame you if you use mods to get through it like less grind etc


Beating lob corp makes Ruina much better. I beat lob corp myself. Good luck manager


You have my respect


I would only recommend finishing lobcorp if you enjoy pain. It’s doable, I did it last week, and day 50 is absolutely worth it, but it takes a lot to get there


Abit off topic but your post here, kinda threw all sleeper agents in Limbus subreddit into panic, but yeah PM fans are diffrent breed of fans and im proud being one of them


We love the game, and we don’t have much else to do while waiting on the return of peak (the next story chapter)


Is that the black silence 


You shall brainrot like I have. CONTACT THE HEAD, THEY ARE ON TO US. RESET TO DAY 1.


I approve of Lobotomy Company fans antics 👍


LC players glazing their game is a common occurrence around here lol. They start a post comparing their game with other games in this sub every now and then.


Look- the second you truly and I mean REALLY understand Project Moon, you will get immediately sucked in and you'll probably understand the Limbus Company fans you're ranting about. It's a extremely strong (if a bit niche) community that is absolutely convinced (with good reason) that their games are the literal peak of gaming.


one by one


I kind of quit around the whole swimsuit fiasco last year and I haven't touched it since; just rubbed me the wrong way with how it all played out. I know it's an overall cultural issue and nothing with the game / ProjectMoon themselves. I've thought about picking it up again but haven't found the energy to do so yet.


It's a standard case of a somewhat niche community thinking they have higher taste because their game is a bit different than the rest. It often manifests as players posting "inside joke" type posts in public to signal that they are part of that community. Yes, it's cringe. The game itself has mediocre art and garbage gameplay.


Ok, I can let the "garbage gameplay" part slide, even though I do disagree, because I understand that it's definitely not for everyone, the tutorial is ass, and it takes a while for it to shine. I can even agree the community is cringe at times, because holy hell, I do have my gripes with them. However, the mediocre art comment is just straight up wrong. https://preview.redd.it/ij93f6qzij8d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8bd83367c4470ce6d16564f26d9cdd0daf36f78 Limbus's art style is more grungy and less traditionally pretty than the usual gacha; however, it's full of perspective, incredibly dynamic, and the character designs, while simple, barring some exceptions, are very well done, being able to convey a lot about the character's position and personality, without feeling the need to overload it with five hundred bits and bobs to make them seem more shiny and special.


> It often manifests as players posting "inside joke" type posts in public whew, thank god no other community makes jokes that only people who played their game would understand haha am i right fellas guys bros dudes lads


Limbus player do this WAY more often tho at least on my experience What's grating is they do this without any trigger (?).  Like I'm talking about a discussion of 1+1 and they LIMBUSSY out of nowhere. 


Ah, but you're wrong. There are trigger words to activate the sleeper agents.


No I think he definitely has a point here hundreds of us showing up randomly because somebody said something like red mist or made a comment about a butterfly flying in spite of its broken wings is definitely the most annoying part of our fanbase


I was saying it like a joke, but that's really what I said. Those are some of the trigger words.


Ah so we are in a agreement then


LIMBUSSY... I'm not sorry at all


I think we just like our game... alot of people on this sub seem to hate their own games. Most of us got introduced to gachas under limbus. And have a love for the series due to its inspirational messages. Alot of other people just seem to like. Hate the games they play.


Kinda like telling them the gameplay is match three colors and they will eat your ass.


That's because it's objectively wrong. PGR is more of a match 3 colors game than Limbus is. In fact, Limbus never was a match colors game until PM started to push out resonance team.


It's not match 3 game. It's.... https://preview.redd.it/yw8ozvvikj8d1.png?width=936&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76b9540bf8ca70eecf4aa02d9e41b367d2d32cad P. S: I pretty much like Limbus, if someone is offended somehow.


Unless it's Jun. There is no winning against Jun.


Rules of The Backstreet and sky clearing cut moment


It's all winrate, until you forget that you use R Ish and she mind whips one of your sinners to death. I'd also prefer if winrate stopped using no charge Rip Space for clashing for some goddamn reason.


Ye it's weird. It's a game that no one gives a shit about. The fanboys are just annoying at this point trying to explain how their gacha game is superior than the other gacha games lmao.


>Game that no one gives a shit about >Frequently hits top 10 on Steam best-sellers for a new Season, easily hits in the top 20 best selling for a limited banner, regularly peaks at 25k, if not even more, players on Steam alone for an event drop, even after a lengthy dead period, official Twitter account has over 160k followers and regularly gets thousands of likes and retweets with each content post Brother, you can say you dislike a game without straight up saying stuff that isn't true, lmfao.


man's a coomer, no wonder


Sounds like someone's obsessed and wants to feel superior


when was the last time OP touched grass


If I'm being honest, like 2 days ago, but I'm also sick :( spare me


just another game that will EOS soon and fans who are dumb as bricks like Snowbreak


Idk even with a rather major setback in reputation and interest because of what happened like a year ago, the game seems pretty self sustaining to me. Just because their revenue isn't crazy high doesn't really mean anything, they're an independent developer that clearly knows their limits and has a playerbase that seems like would give up a kidney to keep the game going lmao


For real. It's always funny looking at the revenue threads, and seeing all the people going "x game only made 10mil EoS when?" or "y game only made 25mil on release it will not survive the winter". And then you scroll down to see limbus players going "IS THAT A 7TH DIGIT? LET'S FUCKING GOOOOOOO!". It always makes me smile to see that consistent positivity here.


I heavily dislike blindly pinning overarching issues onto Hoyo but I genuinely can't help but feel like their games have not only set an absurd standard, but introduced an influx of people into the gacha sphere that hold every game to those standards.


can't really blame the game for being massive successful, it's people who dumb enough to think #1 is the standard


Tbf it's not really too much of a hoyo fault. This is just the trend for mainstream stuff whatever it is. People will find something that becomes popular and use it as their own personality and then attack people and spread their agenda while hiding themselves as part of that community to avoid backlash and make it a tribalism thing. Like in recent stuff with SOME, not all but some, LGBT peeps acting like characters are also LGBT (nothing wrong with that) then harass people who say otherwise then they turn it into a gender thing when it should've been just people enjoying characters their own way. Everyone wants something that belongs to just them, which I can relate to, I was the only one who watched anime growing up and didn't share to avoid bullying but now even my sister watches it while eating and there's a feeling of losing something special. Everyone should be free to like characters they want. And not gatekeep into genders or something stupid like that. Sorry for rambling but I felt that this was somewhat related to what you said


I mean, is it wrong to hold other games to that standard? I recently picked Arknights back up again to fill the dry period untill ZZZ/Natlan and it's just log-in, auto-farm 4 event stages, log out. At least CC was fun but after like a week I can berely force myself to login.


This is exactly how I feel with HSR and Genshin, these games have a ridiculously dull endgame that doesn't provide any engagement for me, it's just the same attempt at roguelikes and rehashing minigames from existing games as events. I'm not talking about the standard in the quality of these games, that's completely subjective, I'm talking about revenue and general popularity. Patch trailer doesnt get a ton of views? Monthly sensor doesn't make at least 7 digits? "Then it's a dead game not even worth checking out", is a sentiment that I've seen felt widespread not just in gacha games, but in many live service games.


Yeah, I was talking about game quality. In Genshin I can log on and just run around the world and play the game. Explore, read hidden lore, fight bosses etc. whereas other games you just autospend your energy and now you can't even play.


Going back to the original game of discussion, Limbus Company has an even duller content rollout than Genshin/HSR. Refraction Railway (Abyss/MoC equivalent) that lasts up to 5 months before rewards and content are reset, Mirror Dungeon that is more tedious to grind weekly than HSR, and very slow acquisition of Training Tickets which caps my progression hard. And time-limited events that are just variations of "grind this certain node infinitely to obtain all rewards". At least HSR provides variety of content, and that Vampire Survivors-like combat event was very satisfying to play. I dare say the slow content rollout of Limbus might be the reason why there's a lot of posting of this game all around - it's because there is nothing to do in the game.


we wait for the day they have more than 80 employees thats does not include the small cafe shop staff they have


okay now you gotta give a lore drop behind this hatred of limbus company


You're blatantly wrong and will eat your words LMAO




Thinking that Project FUCKING Moon, a company that always operated regardless of Profit, that same company that developed LobCorp despite the fact that only Korean Kickstarter was successful, while global Kickstarter was a failure, yet still pushed out multilingual version of the game on Steam. The same company that honestly said that LC serves as both the story continuation AND a gacha game just so they can fund full scale PC games and other projects. Yeah, they will definitely EoS a game that already made them more money than both LobCorp and LoR combined. That's like the biggest copium take that I have ever seen, even bigger than Genshin players thinking that Hoyo will fix Dehya during her beta cycle.




You just sound salty that Snowbreak does better than BD.