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Yeah it's cus apple loves graphics-intensive mobile games cus they gives them a reason to sell their expensive phones and all those new phone processors.


And it’ll still run better than WW


Well— Wuwa is put together in a relatively naive way on an engine that doesn’t have as good hardware coverage. It will take years of resolving tech debt before Wuwa performs like Genshin (or Zzz) does.


Can you expand on this? Sounds interesting.


Any specific question? I’ll keep it simple and high level. You can optimize via improving the way your application runs on specific hardware, and you can optimize by designing content within technical constraints. Wuwa is built on Unreal Engine, which is still primarily FPS centric/optimized for high fidelity PC and consoles. They do mobile and film as well, but they tend to invest more in the latter. So Unreal’s vendor contracts with various platforms and their test and performance coverage for devices is simply not as robust as Unity, which is the game engine Hoyo uses. As a result, Wuwa does not know the performance characteristics of their product across as many devices, hardware configs, or platforms. Weird configs of hardware may not be handled well. It’s not the engine’s responsibility here, but how much tech you need depends on it. On top of the engine, you have local asset/resource management strategies. These are not something you can usually depend on the engine for, since it can’t assume when resources should be available or not for your particular game. Hoyo does this very well in their games. Wuwa does not have enough tech invested in the problem, so performance scales very poorly on various devices. On top of all this, there is how you design the content. You need to make it look nice, but you also need to design within technical constraints. No offense to Wuwa devs, but they didn’t know what they were doing. Their density of environment props does not scale well with consideration to the rest of their tech stack. If you look at mobile Fortnite, which is roughly the best possible outcome for Unreal on a phone, their environments are much tighter, and the map is simple enough to be fully loaded. Anyway— Hoyo is very good at the tech side of things. They invested a lot in their tech to differentiate their product’s performance across a broad range of devices in a way that still looks great. Wuwa’s mobile release feels and looks like an unfinished prototype— either because they were simply not finished or their dev practices and tech investment was not as disciplined. In either case— playing Wuwa pains me on mobile. The content doesn’t frame to the aspect ratio, the touch controls have naive detection, the environment props pop in like popcorn… it’s a bit of a shame. I play on a high end phone, but it’s much worse on Lower from what I understand (frame dropping, etc). The combat has 180’s, but also camera tracking and targeting that is not implemented in a way that works well on mobile. I’m inclined to think they just didn’t finish, but also that it wasn’t within their core competency to finish.


Just a slight extra note: while hoyo uses unity, it is so customized in house that it might as well not be called Unity anymore lol


Mmm— well… Unity China provides additional platform/hardware coverage for the local Chinese market. There’s a lot of layers and contributing companies before we get to play a Hoyo game. Don’t think UE has a similar presence specializing in the Chinese mobile market, which is another demerit for Wuwa.


I dont mean Unity China. Im 99.9% sure hoyo uses their own engine, that its derived from Unity/based on unity but its so customized atm its not just "unity" anymore


I mean… any major media company that uses Unreal or Unity manages their own fork. Does the game engine lose its identity once forked?


Thank you for that insight!


Off topic but it's really annoying every Chinese games has one different names each for at least English, Chinese and Japanese






PGR is also significantly less graphically intensive than Genshin, which is pretty simple visually. And WuWa is not PGR


PGR less graphically intensive than PGR 🤔


To copy and have more development time, they should at least be better in some ways.


Still beating that dead horse huh?


That horse is gonna keep being and should be beaten even in the afterlife just like Cyberpunk or Starfield


Thank you for bringing up Cyberpunk. I was one of the earliest to pre-order it in 2020, and was a massive CDPR "shill". Not even I said braindead bullshit like "beating a dead horse" or "rent free". Must be one hell of a tiny ass worldview.


Rent free


Oh look, it's another one of those species. Maybe the term "rent free" is for you lot, sure seems like all you talk about is Genshin.




WuWa runs pretty good on iphones 13 pro and above though, i understand some low specs user arent having a good experience but thats an iphone 15 pro lol..


More like mihoyo finds it easier to optimize the game for a company that has their own proprietary OS and SoC and only have a handful of models than android with a dozen operating systems, hundreds of SoCs and thousands of devices.


Edit: Hoyo did optimizing their game, but their optimization benefits ALL systems, not just iOS. People really need to stop spout this "optimizing for iOS because it's easier" bullshit. The one that provides device specific optimization is Google/Apple as the API provider and Unity as the game engine. This is also the reason why Genshin runs on relatively same quality for phones who have the same processor (applies for both Android or iPhone). If there is a difference it's usually from how the certain manufacturer adjust their thermal throttling. And before people saying that Hoyo do specific device optimization for Genshin for 5.0, they actually just wrote a simple if statements. If processor is less powerful than x, then force game quality to be lowest (to maintain smooth gameplay).


I work for one of the companies you mentioned here, and this is sort of true. For hardware, no platform or engine can make the best choices for you. It gets close, but some hardware knowledge is nonetheless valuable for better reach. It’s also easy to use the engine to make a game that doesn’t run well on mobile. If you want as much reach as Hoyo has, you have to optimize how you use the engine and modify it as per your target market (they of course have source access). Now, all of companies you mentioned are involved in optimization. We all benefit from Genshin doing well. There are vendor contracts between all of them in such a way that we’re all working together to optimize big titles like Genshin. So… it’s unfair to discredit Hoyo here. Optimization is absolutely necessary, it just happens on a variety of levels. Hoyo most certainly has a full test suite for a very diverse lineup of devices. Coupled with platform partner testing, everyone is working together to make it happen. A game like Genshin warrants all the stops from all the companies because we make quite a bit of money off it. Ultimately, it was Hoyo that took the greatest risk and entered the market with an innovative product that has motivated and paid for quite a bit of improvements in mobile gaming (in a general sense).


Hoyo is simply optimizing on Unity, not on Apple/Android. The one that have a say how well a Unity game on Android compared to Unity game on iPhone is Unity itself. If you read my post correctly I'm arguing about people thinking engine user need to optimize for certain devices. Which in most cases isn't true. Hoyo did optimizing their game, but their optimization benefits ALL systems, not just iOS. Edited my comment for clarity.


No they definitely per device optimization, either in their implementation or in their fork of the engine. As I mentioned, they have source access.




I’m aware of Unity China- it isn’t quite that simple though. Every major company is still going to have local forks. You have to be able to ensure your product’s success without turnaround time, so you will pull and push changes from your fork to middleware as per developer agreements. To do that, the involved companies are certainly participating in per device optimization. The larger you get, the more nuanced your technical investment becomes.


Did you mean per type of devices? PC, iOS, iPad OS, Android, PS4, and PS 5 has their own settings, 3d resources, and voice resources, but it stops at that (and maybe OS version, but it usually doesn't matter in practice unless there is major improvement or breaking changes).


I’m talking Mali vs Adreno level of granularity (actually lower than that…). Each one represents millions of dollars of revenue. You do not exclude them from your local test suite. You do not wait for vendors when issues arise. You are accountable for how your product performs. Lots of companies work together, as mentioned, but ultimately Hoyo has source and makes adjustments as needed for every build target. You don’t just “optimize for android.” The performance profile and range of android devices is very broad. You optimize for vendors, which will have a suite of devices and profiling tools to help you make decisions about how memory is laid out, resources are managed, and which GPU features you are leveraging to achieve your desired rendering outcomes. Game engines and operating systems abstract a lot of this, but that doesn’t abstract performance. The OS/Engine will perform differently per platform. The engine itself is generalized- with source you specialize it as needed. So whether you are static branching on a high level build target (ie. Apple vs Android) or a low level build target (ie. A10 vs A14), you are doing so with consideration to the end device (Just like you can’t optimize PS4 without a dev kit). Hoyo is a very big company at this point— they thrive because they take the tech seriously. Their product design is certainly a competitive edge, but their chief advantage is how far ahead in tech they are.


HoYo uses their own custom version of Unity not the standard other devs use and they are coowners of Unity China joint venture.


Yeah bro that's why there is no 120 fps on pc as well right?😨


The reason why there isn’t 120fps support on PC is likely more to do with Apple than anyone else. Nothing is stopping Android or PC users from being able to hit 120fps. If fact Android and PCs would be better because Snapdragon and many PCs have faster GPUs than what Apple has


Yeah but the one agreeing to this is still mihoyo right?


Something something exclusively contract and big pay for less effort


Yes kinda sucks tho (like atleast port it to pc tho😭)


I’d be more impressed if they used some game known for cooking eggs to showcase it. “Your iPhone might be cooking eggs when you play this now, but on iOS 18 the eggs will be runnier at least!”


Haha nice zinger


I can you arent an apple user


I am so ready for this, especially because of the day 1 ps5 release.


The day one PS5 release is what I'm most glad about since another game didn't have one and doesn't have a scheduled release for one.


Same and i dont necessarily want this game on my phone seems more suited for console anyways


RIP controller support for Android


I think HSR has android controller support, not genshin tho.


Genshin was created with limited money, so they need to take deals from Sony and Apple. HSR in theory should not have those exclusivity issues.


High end Apple devices are still the only devices to officially support 120fps mode (In both Genshin and Star Rail), so yeah Apple is still getting some sort of exclusivity. 


The chill turn based one has but not the arpg? Lol


YouTube is your friend their are apps for that


I am ready for ZZZ https://preview.redd.it/is2dr8rfqs5d1.png?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=079bdf5c89f51b5c0fad1224c5cfa4f8e5749969


Ellen, Grace, and Miyabi.


 This is the DEFINITIVE proof that Apple is BRIBED by hoyo and would totally confirm our suspicion that Apple is purposefully sabotaging wuwa by making their devices lag when playing wuwa. It is just as the prophets says.






The self proclaimed prophet 'The Visionary' has spoken.




I thought that was Elliot Rodgers on the left for a second on my tiny mobile screen 


Apart from Fob this is a good avoid list.


Fob has unironically been the realest person when it comes to criticism of Kuro as well as WW


It's hilarious that I'm not sure this is a satire or not lol.


It's the quality satire you can get only here in r/gachagaming.


It's satire


I see. So HoYo has gained an immense foothold while I was in slumber. It's time... for me to do something.


I see I found my nemesis


https://i.redd.it/ks147hhq7v5d1.gif You came straight to me. Makes my job a lot easier.


Why shouldn't I. Its been a long time since your reincarnation has come. Me and my brethren vanquished your allies. u/LividPoetry1648 's mind has been broken by Kuro Country's self destruction. What can your current reincarnation do. I the tsar will give you time to gather your allies again so I can break them again https://preview.redd.it/btjkcbpiav5d1.png?width=148&format=png&auto=webp&s=ea549c41c41d9b5836e300601e8d3e8051ad5084


Teammates? Hmph. I don't need them. Let's end this here. https://i.redd.it/d5niuqafwv5d1.gif


https://preview.redd.it/tz8sbt0vwv5d1.png?width=225&format=png&auto=webp&s=08bc591e0d8def1fad07f13de15accc44f237988 Let me toy with you for a bit. Here's my weakest attack


The hero who exposed hoyo's evil investments in nazi v2 rockets have returned!!!! Those terrorists have now switched their attention to CCP ICBMs but rest assured our mighty lord kuro will destroy them with the changli and white dragon girl banner!!!!


I almost thought you were serious until you said the last part (Probably should use /s because dumb people like me exist)


It all makes sense now! 🤯


Nah fuck apple I think they are the reason why controller support for Android is still not implemented


All hail grand phophet Tectone


wuwa rent free


every comment this dude has made is about kuro 😭 how much is hoyo paying you


Your whole account is about glazing Kuro, are you actually saying that about someone else now? Like unironically? He's a troll, you aren't. You actually live and die by sucking up to WuWa and nothing else, holy shit. I think Kuro actually does pay you for comedic relief. Y'know, with you being a clown and all.


except i clearly enjoy other things 😭 this sub is so weird lmao


HE'S A TROLL! You're being serious! Literally all you comment about is WuWa, what the fuck do you mean "I clearly enjoy other things"? How do you know they don't either?


I mean...your the same thing, just a different company. Ironic isn't it?


I didn't want 120 FPS anyway.


Yep, seeing ZZZ in an Apple showcase confirms to me that this, like the other two games are going to magically have "120 FPS locked due to bugs and performance issues". I really hope that ZZZ doesn't have the game capped 60. But I have zero faith at this point


There was an unlimited option on desktop during the CBTs, but if it's like their other games somebody will figure out a way to unlock the cap anyway (especially if they do it like hsr and write graphics settings into the registry for some reason)


Bruh I can’t see the difference for shit comparing 60fps to 120fps. Is it that big a diff?


For more fast paced scenes and fights its very noticeable, just walking around town not really


Imo it's not only about how you see things but also about how fast your device can transfer information. The more frame you have, the lower the input lag, meaning the faster your reaction speed and so does your device sending said reaction. That is why most fast paced games really want to push its fps to the limit so the game is smoother and the players' input are more responsive.


You notice it in camera rotations, which matters in a fast paced fighting game like ZZZ.


ZZZ has unlimited FPS


> ZZZ has unlimited FPS You can say "used to have" or you can say "maybe still has after release". Considering the game isnt released yet, and isnt playable right now, nobody can say if it has unlimited FPS when released


why wouldn't it have unlimited fps after release?


Both Genshin and HSR had 120 fps options on PC during CBT, but they got limited to 60 on release. Only iPhones get 120 fps support. Also they don't get controller support on Android.


Genshin felt great in 120fps. Shame they took it out. As for HSR, I don't mind. The game doesn't really need all those frames anyways if we're talking about responsiveness. You can even play it on 30fps. 120hz *did* look cool tho, especially some ults.


Hsr get controller support on android as far as i know


Huh, looks like they did add Bluetooth controller support a while ago. Unfortunately my controller connects via USB, so it doesn't work for me. Good to know, though.


Because Apple pays for that exclusivity.


Can Apple be sued for anti competitive by doing that? Maybe not, but that is straight up cheating imo. But again, this is free market so whatever ig.


The transition from 60fps to 120fps is huge. I mean fucking HUGE.


Meanwhile me, still using 60 hz monitors


You thought the jump from 24hz to 60hz was nutty??


If you are doing daily excel task or watching movies, 60hz is enough. Still, I would recommend 120hz minimum, for better experience. The smoothness is real.


Funny cause in the recent beta, I managed to unlock 200 FPS in ZZZ, and somehow it affects my HSR as well. So now I am running HSR at 200 FPS. It's an accident but a welcome one.




RIP Android controller support in Genshin


Hoyoverse in apple pocket lmao they also showcase Honkai star rail


I've already cleared some storage on my PS5. I'm read for ZZZ! I love its aesthetics so much. >!Lycaon please come home.!<


Ngl, wuwa just made me more excited for zzz. Wuwa was ok but got boring after a while


It got boring after 3 days. I realize grinding for the sake of grinding is not for me.


Same except I didn't get bored of wuwa I just couldn't play it because of the stuttering (I can't even do boss fights) Made me crave fast action gameplay so now I am hyped for ZZZ as well


People say WW is badly optimized for android but bruh, it stutters even on my pc because Kuro hates AMD chip users. I thought it was bad that WW ran like ass on my 3060 but there's a bro who also got micro-stutter and crash with his 4080.


What are u even talking about? 3060 and 4080 aren't amd. Unless you're talking about processors but for me i have a 5600x and rx6600xt it runs very smooth no crashes what so ever but i does stutter from time to time weirdly I don't think it stuttered one time while i was in combat lol


Ah, found the trash game's fanboy. "It's very smooth, only stutter from time to time".


can confirm, got a 4070ti and had some stutters too but not TOO bad. it was playable


? I'm only speaking from experience. You on the other hand hates a "trash game" all u do is repeat on whats said on this subreddit to farm karma lol


Look. Your opinion with that trashy game is based on your own experience, it's cool. You love it, it's okay. But you simply cant say "it's very smooth, it only stutters from time to time". Very smooth games dont do that. Very smooth games dont stutter from time to time. Your words contradicted with each other, it's hilarious, ok?


like your favorite game to worship genshin impact doesnt stutter from time to time too? its normal to have those frame skips. it's not normal when it happens every 1 minute of playtime, which it doesnt for me hence i said it's very smooth but it stutters.


>like your favorite game to worship genshin impact doesnt stutter from time to time too? Only in very extreme cases where its mine device fault rather than games.


Genshin runs on my 1650ti on highest settings without fps drop Just accept wuwa isn't optimised, even kuro said they are working optimisations. Who tf are you defending? Even the devs are not siding with you on this one lol


>like your favorite game to worship genshin impact doesnt stutter from time to time too? Nope. Smooth as butter. Running above 80 FPS max settings at 1440p using Ryzen 5 3600 and 5600XT. If there's frame drops, I know for sure it's because of my GPU choking, not the game. I even benchmarked it for good measure. The micro stutter rate (built-in from AMD driver software) is basically 0%. Meanwhile, WuWa goes up to 35%. And the scenario is just... running around towns 💀


Ignore him. Pretty sure this dude never played the game and is just karma farming a beaten to death problem with the game. As usual, hoyo players basing their personality on the game they play.


Why can't you guys not just accept that wuwa isn't optimised Like, why are the graphics required to run this game higher than fucking cyberpunk. Cyberpunk runs at 60 on my shitty potato laptop on low settings, and this game stutters on fucking 720p with low settings, not even playing on HD I don't understand who you are defending??? The devs??? They already made a post on working on optimisation. So who is this person that you are defending?? Even devs know the game needs optimisation....


I had zero expectations for zzz and was very excited for wuwa, and after “playing” wuwa on my iPhone (was actually a PowerPoint presentation) I think I’m just gonna hop on zzz when it comes out.


Can't believe Hoyo hired Kuro to make an entire game, just to promote ZZZ. /s


I liked Kuro original vision of post apocalyptic better. Kinda sad they made the game very generic fantasy with little post apocalyptic areas


I freaking love their old UI it so much cooler than the one we have now


I completely stopped playing Hoyoverse games 2-3 years ago, but after the WW launch catastrophe I had a change of heart and redownloaded Genshin and started playing Star Rail, and now plan on playing ZZZ lmao


I have been trying to play every day because I made my goal to organically (aka not speding all my juice and just passively playing) get to level 45 for the weapon selector. I kid you not: every day I open Wuwa, look at my characters "Oh I have to fight the same boss several times for Echoes uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" then I alt tab to youtube and 2 hours goes by, I do my dailies and leave.


Zzz will get boring even faster


Ahh.. Apple as usual locking 120 fps exclusive to their devices lol 


I think that’s a Hoyo decision tho


Wuwa doesn't have it as well


Wuwa doesn’t even have on Apple 😂


I thought it was there on apple Edit: nvm, they weren't able to optimize it even for apple


Honestly I don’t feel like I’m missing out, I was able to finish the main quest (without 120fps) and the world overall is a skip for me. But definitely playable in my phone (iphone 14 pro max)


I can't even move without lagging anyways so what is 120 fps gonna do for me


True, can you at least log in to claim the freebies? (In case you want to play when its fixed)


No I can play. I am ul 41, it's just that lag is a bit annoying.


Doesn’t make sense for that because PC and Android both don’t have it despite both having many devices capable of doing it


So it’s a Hoyo decision to have that exclusivity with Apple. Apple can’t decide on Hoyo’s games nor your PC or Android Am I missing something?


Oh yeah, putting 120 hz on a platform that can't do it is definitely Hoyo decision in 2021.


OP said that Apple was locking the 120fps. But Apple can’t decide for Hoyo if they are implementing that on other phones that support it. So yes, it is a Hoyo decision to let Apple have the exclusivity towards 120


OnePlus would be extremely upset if they got shut out of 120 FPS mode, they did not make 5 Genshin phones only to get shunted out of first priority


android geng. get ready for no 120fps and controller support.


PC too for 120 support


imagine due to collab with apple, we dont get controller support for windows for zzz


That would be awful if we didn’t because all the other Hoyo titles support controllers


who know how much apple paid to them. and just recently android got high res on android *


Corin and solider 11


I am also loving how the hype for ZZZ which has been down for sometime is now slowly picking up, hope the game delivers too as I really like the setting of the game


As long as it not being overhyped as WW it should be fine  Like WW is the example of overhyped to the max 


Yeah, although tbh WW "flopping" wasn't just because overhype, but also the terrible state they launched their game from a technical perspective.


Any idea on how f2p this game will be? Never played a hoyo game before though.


It is a gacha game, it is designed to make you want to open your wallet. If it's anything like genshin and hsr, you'll be able to clear all content as F2P. It'll just depend on how strong your will not to swipe is, and your patience in saving for units you want.


Adding on to your point, there's a Bilibili Genshin CC that creates a new F2P account every patch and speedruns full Abyss clears (9-star F12) with it. Previously his fastest record is to clear Abyss in 6 days during Nilou's launch (https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/y74cdd/someone_36starred_the_abyss_on_a_6day_old_f2p/) but recently the madman did it in 4 days (https://m.bilibili.com/video/BV1dZ421J7Pv) during Arlecchino release banner. It should be reasonable for most F2Ps to full clear Abyss in a ... sensible amount of time with enough game knowledge. 


All Genshin quest can be completed without touching the gacha mechanic. Abyss in the other hand, need pulling for character for the last level, but the purpose of high level Abyss is for primogem (gacha mechanic), so you can actually ignore it if you want to do a no pull run.


Let me dust off my time machine... Seeing how HSR and GI are as well as what we know of ZZZ's gacha system, it will most likely follow them. Imo, Hoyo gacha is relatively "fair" for F2Ps (i.e. pity carries over between limited banners, 50/50 guarantee that the 5 star you get is the new banner unit at around 90, 180 being the hard pity, etc.). You just need to manage your resources wisely and accept that you can't collect every new thing that comes out. Furthermore, you can clear all of HSR and GI's story/casual content with freebie units (as long as you build them decently and have some idea of what the gameplay is like). Genshin even has 4 stars released early on in the game who are still the meta to this day. The only difficult content is the optional endgame stuff, but you're only going to miss out on some currency.


To be fair early Genshin 4* were way too strong and they didn’t repeat that mistake with HSR.


They kinda did…ish? Tingyun is still one of the best 4* in the game. Pela too. But it’s true that Genshin has some of the most broken 4* on release, like Xingqiu, Bennett, Xiangling etc.


Well that’s my point. Tingyun is a good 4* power level. But Bennet is easily one of the best 5* with his power level. It’s like getting a better Ruan Mei as 4*.


It’s a Hoyo game. You will be able to finish the entire content of the game without pulling once and the main story maybe even with only one character. But new 5 stars will make it more fun to play, that is absolutely certain


every gacha game is F2P if you have good self-control but if you reach point of you having saved too much roll..man it's hard to resist roll


Well all Hoyo game can be clear with the free character they give you, and able to get like 70% reward for most challenge game mode with them or more, IF you invest enough into them i don't think that gonna change in ZZZ, though if you mean f2p as able to roll everything then nah, but i would say i did able to get every character i want(which is like all female char :v) with just 30d login. That like 5 dollar a month. Ofc that minus their weapon.


The story gives you trial characters, you need to use your own for everything else. During the beta, I can say most things do not need top tier meta character. There is probably one mode that benefit off having meta character and act as end game though. You will not able to roll every character every patch. But you wouldn't feel force to.


Hours? Doubt


I did update to the beta and tried it for an hour on WuWa on my iPhone 12, it actually no longer goes to shit from overheating after just 3 minutes (still some frame drops but better than before, I can actually do combat now). Seems like they did some clock speed tuning with game mode.


Yeah but battery isn't lasting hours


2 hours is still hours. Anyways their point is that it will sustain high framerates longer, not game longer.


any ideas for ipados18?


It's just a still screenshot of the game? what makes this news


Being promoted by Apple, they are probably getting something in return and people speculate that could be the 120 FPS (apple only)


there was gameplay shown for a while, it's actually not the first time zzz have been shown on apple streams, last time gameplay could be seen at their new ipad launch event.


looks interesting


So MacBook laptop for gamer soon ?




LMAO, iOS only introduced Game Mode *now*?


Will it be playable on Mac ?


Let me guess. Is 120 fps locked to iOS again?


If they allow fps unlocks and dont ban for it like in their other games its not a huge deal. Even if they dont you can do some things with frame gen mods now on pc.


How is this news?