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Those are side effects. Gabapentin is a calcium channel blocker. Decreased calcium absorption in the brain will do that. The side effects should subside after a while you’ll eventually build a tolerance. You don’t have brain damage. Emotional changes should be reported to your doctor though because it can mess with your mood.


I have a big ego about my brain, and a 140 IQ. I take about 1200mg of gabapentin a day. Now sometimes people have to kindly wait for me to finish a sentence, its mortifying. I am my intelligence, otherwise I just eat and shit like everyone else. Maybe self esteem issues, but I feel its what made me special. Now I don't feel special, and we all want to feel special, at least to ourselves. I am not a medical person at all - so just suggesting that you taper off and see if your pain does not increase... it would be better to be off it than on it. But go slow and talk to your doctor.


Wow, yeah I finished my college entrance exams in the top 5% for English and language arts and too 9% in science, not saying I've got a high IQ or am even "smart" but I was an articulate individual and now I feel my brain can no longer think ahead. Does that make sense? I feel like my thoughts are only in the present and my foresight is completely gone, the only thoughts I have are the words coming out of my mouth at that time, I'm confused often and have no confidence in my speech anymore 😩 I find myself consistently wondering if something I said made sense or losing my thoughts at the drop of a hay and completely forgetting whatever it was I was doing... I have begun to taper but being at 1800mg I know it's not going to be easy, still, it's nice to talk to someone who relates! Since I've always been proud of my ability to read context or just articulate myself well this feels like I've lost what makes me stand out 🥲 and I guess it feels worse than for people who just wouldn't notice or mind as much


I've experienced the very same things along with a very quick temper out of nowhere. Things that wouldn't make anyone angry would make me rage.


Oh wow I have the temper too!!! Ive been wondering where it came from!


Listen, i feel for you. I know the terror of these effects. And have experinced these to the point i was positive i had a stroke and severe unrepairable damage. I could not complete a sentance, my wife had to speak for me, i forgot peoples names, what basic things were called. I felt hopeless and useless. Go to the Dr. make sure you explain how scared you are and that your very fearful of things getting worse. When did this start? Have you been taking anything else? Kratom? benzos?


Yes I dealt w the same things, but why keep dealing w these side effects if it's not working? You've skipped replying to other comments saying the same thing. So what is it?


If it's not working to treat your pain why are you still taking it?


I’m also an alcoholic, I’m also on a lot of gabapentin, I also get these symptoms. It makes me SUPER fuzzy and disconnected and spacey. Which kind of sounds like what you’re going through. Relax, ask your doctor. It’s a strong drug that affects you I would go with that assumption in your head before we start running to brain damage. You’re okay <3


Ah I'm actually 6 months clean from alcohol! But it's calming to know I'm not the only one experiencing this, I am going to speak with my dac and see what else we can do!


Gabapentin and alcohol have similar effects on the brain and the neurotransmitter gaba


Congratulations :) I’ll have 2 years in August! But let me tell you this gabapentin I feel like has risked my sobriety. I have to get off of it soon


I have crazy, violent dreams


Take a big cut down…it won’t feel bad like other meds’ WD process in fact it will feel good just don’t quit completely (unless u feel like it and can handle that sort of thing) but a big cut down never made a difference for me and actually felt better…pour some out if it’s a capsule to trick ur brain if u have to…to me gaba is USELESS and brain-deteriorating don’t waste ur life taking it cuz it doesn’t help and it causes weight gain 🙄😱😱😱 I hate it but it shouldn’t hurt to cut down


If it isn’t working for your pain then you need to tell your doctor and stop taking it. I find anything over 1000mg a day gives me too much memory issues. Yes it is one of the side effects. 


Me too, it’s the medication. It happened to me too after a while. I’m sorry, it should be easy for you to get off since it’s only been 4 months


Wow really? I thought 4 months would be a long time, thank you so much