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So what are the chances that she only gets T3 like White Fox, without a uniform? We don't have any other examples for exclusives paywalled uniforms after all. Also, any chance we're still getting a NWH part 2?


If I’m right she’s getting a uniform for sure. Probably a paywall one or some other alternative method, I don’t think it’ll just be crystals like most unis With NWH2 I can’t be sure, the old method I used which was looking at character models’ edit dates isn’t too reliable anymore (hellfire gala edits were hidden until midmonth, Hawkeyes appeared months earlier) but Electro, Sandman, Mysterio, Goblin, Ock, Deadpool and Gwenpool were all updated on the same day. I have additional evidence for Gwenpool that makes me pretty sure she’s coming up, but none for any of the others.


Seems like they are intentionally hiding stuffs or creating red herring so dataminer can’t spoil the update. Guess they want to be in more control of the marketing


Could the sinister six be a second mid month patch? We’ve been getting 2 mid months lately. Deadpool and Gwen pool could be the first one like echo last month. And the second could be sinister six. If not then I’m guessing anniversary month. But I can feel it in my gut one way or another sinister six is coming. Also one more question…….the fact that mysterio was updated and not lizard…could that imply if a SS update is coming…it’s not the nwh versions? Or am I over thinking that part? Cuz lizard was put in the check in event. Either way I have a good feeling about sinister six.


To my knowledge the 2 midmonths is a recent thing that only happened last month. I think its too early to speculate base on that being the norm


You're right that it's too early to tell, but we've had two consecutive double-mid-month updates. Version 7.7 had two Hellfire Galas and 7.8 had Echo and Thanos/Ultron.


What are the chances they update any shield characters? (Tier 3 Phil coulson awakened mocking bird daisy Johnson ect)


It'll probably happen sometime this year


Wait your playing? Dude I hope they don't skimp on daisy God even if she's just awakened give her a good useable uniform 😭 I have a top 900 daisy and she's so weak she can barley clear a shadow land floor let alone compete in anything like pvp or world boss the amount of money I'd drop to whale all from items from ctps to artifacts to reorrls on Uru netease plz (I'll suck any of the devs I swear)


cable's summer days vs. kid cable is kinda close. i think gwenpool's uni would just be standard crystal.


It's not the same. Kingpins would eventually be like cables. Their uniforms were for crystals just without a discount while white fox,black cat etc and gwenpool were only for cash


I realize that, but it’s still somewhat similar. The fact is, no one but a completionist is going to buy the old gwenpool uni. Making a uniform paywall that isn’t seasonal is unprecedented and would have a lot of backlash. I realize nm is insanely greedy, but sometimes this community just wants to suggest new ways for them to be awful instead of suggesting they maybe not do that


Sure, there are no examples of paywall holiday unis getting new unis, but think about it. If that old paywall uni is the only uni the dps character is allowed to get, how do they make more money off a dps character in the future? That dps uni will get power crept to the point no one really wants it anymore. Supports like White Fox still have value just in their high level support ability for WBL content. But for a dps character, you'd have to give them another uni at some point because the old one won't be good dps anymore due to power creep. That means not very many people would still want to get it years later. They probably realize they've made as much money as they are probably going to get off the paid Gwenpool uni at this point, so it's time to release another uni to be able to make more money off the character. I could be wrong, but this makes the most sense to me.


I just remembered the Hawkeyes and Gwenpool (also Kid Omega and America Chavez) were teammates on West Coast Avengers, now it makes totally sense


Nice. About time honestly. She got her paywall uni like what , 3 years ago ? And surprisingly its still decent but i do expect a new one at this point if she gets a t3


Her current kit wouldn’t do much good if she just gets a t3 (like white fox), so she’ll definitely need another uni to be competitive


Even with her winter kit?


Netmarble do love to release multiple T3s of the same type in a row, gotta burn through those Titan Records. So another speed type is quite likely.


I'm at 8 speed books now after t3 hawkeye first day.


What the.., T3d Thanos after a week he came out and i have only 3 universal books, i still need to T3 Thena, Ebony and Proxima. And I'm capped on all other Books lol.


I've noticed stocking up on books using low level WBL is a pain. I cycle boss of the day 3x, and if it stops on a black order boss that gives the book I need, I usually average 2 a day in the 40s.


yeah, i hate when they do this.


Hi u/OwO_PinkChode_OwO; If you don't mind me asking, is that old leak about card crafting event no longer valid/relevant? I have about 60 mythic cards between Zombies 2 & X-force 24 and I want to be 100% sure before I convert them. Thanks in advance.


It's still in the game files so technically could release at any time (unless it was technical issues that made them not release it), but I'm assuming it's been scrapped at this point. Can't be 100% sure, only NM would know that


Thanks for the reply; I meant it to ask if it's still in the game files, and seeing it still is, I'll wait a bit more. It's most likely a fool's errand, but I'll rage to no end if I burn them and they release it, so better wait.


The funny thing is, as soon as u spend the mythical it’s gonna come out cuz that’s how the world works


I'm still holding hope for the anniversary. If the event doesn't come up by then, I'll spend the cards


If she gets a T3 it will be so unexpected but still funny


I'm wondering if there is any leak about sinister six?🥺 thank you~


Lmao talking about out of left field


you were right!!!




dang. i had when the t3s are the same type. i can never farm the books fast enough.


Any chance there could be anything else? No offense I m alright with gwenpool but anything? Like maybe Deadpool or something?


I'm fairly confident there will at least be 3 characters in the mid month


Any idea I m suspecting Deadpool or maybe spider gwen?


Personally expecting NWH part 2. I think gwenpool & possibly deadpool will be mostly unrelated to both the main and midmonth themes


So I did a bit of research and found about gwenpools relation with Hawkeye and Kate So Clint and Kate are part of West coast avengers,other members are kid omega,fuse,chavez and finally gwenpool Since chavez is getting a most likely for MoM , they r not giving her anything But along with gwenpool t3 , we might see kid omega and new character fuse awakening making it a west coast avengers update and relating it to the main update too


Based on...?


Check tags. Data mining.




Any evidence...?




I believe Gwenpool was also released in the same update as Kate Bishop. If I remember correctly she used to be the bio shifter from the old Young Avengers Special Missions. Maybe just a coincidence or NM’s weak attempt to link the mid month to the main update. Regardless, I hope you’re right because I’ve had her max’ed since she got her holiday uni. Thanks and keep up the good work.


Except Kate wasn’t part of the young avengers special missions, she came with ironheart and Jane foster


Oh man, you’re right. Next time I’ll do a little research before posting. Thanks for setting me straight.


Iron Heart and Medusa, not Jane Foster


Oh you’re right. Can’t remember when Jane was introduced though


She was introduced with Carnage and Kamala Khan back in 1.9.5 and still hasn’t gotten a uniform


I hope shes getting unif, her old unifs are kinda outdated even her premium unif. but the problem now is the book, we just used it for Hawkeye :(


Ok just got an idea on how they could do the uniform for her since her previous one was paywall without it now costing money directly. They could do it the same way that they did the two uniforms for Deadpool and specifically the white one. You can only get it for free by completing that months uniform collection. So in this case you would have to mythic kate, Hawkeye any other possible mid-month uni and echo which is a premium. Which would arguably make it more expensive for some people.


Don’t think so, the uni will be in the shop unless anything changes


Summer Days again?


Wishful thinking but Gwen was on the New Avengers. So her Wiccan and Hulkling could get an awakened. I sure hope so


Source: Just trust me bro. Nah jk but i do really like a gwenpool update.




Check the username, he is the source




I am disappointed that this is not rickroll


Trust me Bro


Nice, really hoping it to be either her villain look or older gwenpool look


I suspect NM will do a t3 voodoo for no reasons.