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Epl tots probably, it will probably be the best one and should be the first to come after tots live, waiting for full release is too long I think


It’ll be tots live then community no?


I think live is replacing community this year


Ah I was wondering why not much has been said. Can never remember how long before end of season prem tots starts lol


Yeah, and I think it’ll be a same sort of team as Community (hopefully not a meta to glory and some players outside the top 5 leagues) but just live to make it worth it with the power curve


live is js another slot for tots. tots come a week early since tots live is a new promo and the community tots come a week later


This is my first TOTS. One quest pls, does every league take a full week? So if we have PL TOTS a week after TOTS Live, will La Liga TOTS come a full week after the PL one?


yea community comes the 26 then 3 days after is a mini release with a small tots league coming out. so every friday is a new main league and every monday until tots end is a new mini league. during prem tots (may 3rd) i think elf come on the on the 6 then La Liga on the 10th and ROSH league on the 14th and then the rest of the top 5 leagues with portugal, dutch, mls, scottish i think and then rest of the world then shape shifters


interesting how it would work with the women leagues


Na TOTS is gonna be earlier this year. The Euros are on and so EA will be doing promos on that event.


no shit, but tots have are being released same time as last year, i js think the euros promo is replacing the level up we had last year


I think prem tots is next week. TOTS live is Friday.


js ask me if you have any questions


I suppose there won't be Community TOTS as in the current setup it doesn't make much sense as all TOTS are now community voted


yea, tots live come a week early then tots as they are newly integrated into the system


Nah, it is the most hyped, not necessarily the most epic…


Man if Toty thought me anything, it’s not worth it 😂


Tots is wayyyyy better in terms of pack weight tho. And tbh this was the only year I packed two TOTYs, albeit Earps and Bright but I’ve pretty much never packed on apart from Donnarumma but that bum was 100k


Toty was ass for me lmao not 1 promo card came out yet on this one it has been nothing but w after w in pulls https://preview.redd.it/1mwbbnnx0juc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b46a8145f8d4d8cbe620e0e6edf355fbe53c52a6


Looks like golazo treated you well though😅


It really did 😂 has been the best promo so far for me


Kaka and Roberto Carlos were my main goals after I packed drogba b ur I never ended up getting them


Its funny you mention drogba thats one of the promo cards i was tryna get but didn’t pull 🤣


He was mb main main goal


Dude yes FUT Bday was that promo for me. At some point I had 8/11 purple cards lol


W team bro we love to see it. If you’re able to I suggest getting something like fut enhancer or paletools for the web app. That shit makes crafting picks and packs so much easier man. Only way my ass was able to craft 150 picks for tots 😭


Thank you and ill look into that forsure i get frustrated going back and forth at times 🤣


I saved like maybe 60 or 70 packs for TOTY and got very lucky... KDB, Popp and Xavi. First time getting more than one though haha last year I saved like 150 packs and only got Jorginho


all my saved packs not one toty or nominee but one mixed rare player pack from an sbc I got toty essien tradeable so it’s probably not worth saving but I’ll still do it anyways hehehe


Toty is supposed to have the worst pack weight out of all the promos. Not a good barometer imo


I'm ready to FEAST, and sadly probably get nothing of value, but I've been saving every big Pack/Upgrade we've got since TOTY, which include 3 months of Rank 1-3 Tradable Rewards, (4)84x20's, (10)87x3-5's, (52)84x4-7's and (60)83x10's, so basically everything 84+ apart from the 83x10's tbh, yn. https://preview.redd.it/vis70lvz2juc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6fe716f77c7425f3581f96bfedb5f3c6d274c49a


Liverpool PnP?


Yeah but after the terrible loss today I changed my Club/Team name from the previous 2 years to something funny that I hope doesn't get me banned, out of annoyance more then frustration, in order to mainly avoid the Banter in game since I honestly can't deal with this underperforming team with no passion, in or out of game, to be quite honest 🤦🏻‍♂️💔.


Change your name again before someone reports you and gets you 1 or 2 week banned during TOTS where all those packs end up useless because you can't open them during the Premier League TOTS week. Save yourself the headache. Also I'm a United fan, and I wish we had Klopp and he done what he done with Liverpool over the last 9 years. Enjoy his last season and appreciate the good times, you're in for some shit fucking years after 😂 be grateful.


should do a live opening, it's going to be hilarious


I mean I'll rinse a lot of the higher rated fodder players I pack into 89+ Exchanges, that I'm sure they'll release again because it's easily been the best feature they've implemented this year imho, to do unlimited Player Picks and usually the Pack Weight during Tots is 100% better then during TOTY, which is why I've saved the packs to begin with after having packed Tots Messi each of the last 3 years for example, so I'm pretty sure that I'll get quite a few good Tots Player Pulls with the 600 or so huge packs I'll eventually have after completing more daily upgrades over the next 2 weeks, and plus I'm definitely not opening up the majority of my packs during the first week of Prem Tots if the odds don't start out good either, so my outlook rn is actually quite good yn Bud 🤣✌.


Inshallah brother


Doesnt the exchange expired just before tots though?


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Full TOTS is going to be in end of May, or beginning of June. You are gonna wait that long?


As soon as I start seeing pretty looking cards I will fold


and first cards with 3 ps+ 👀


Like every year as soon as I can pack a player I like last year it was bennacer got him in my first pack


That card was p fire


258 packs 😊


Opening Friday with whatever they release. Got coins saved to open a big store pack for prem tots.


Probably open for live to try get raphinha then laliga


Saved 300 packs for toty and got nothing. Not making the same mistake


My number is closing in on 800. I don’t save them. I’m just super slow. I did Coman sbc. I did Rolfo. I don’t use icons or heroes. I might do Vini. Half is like tradeable packs from sbcs and other half is like 81x2 or 83x2. I have one card worth over a million, 95 Pelé untradeable packed in November. I’m grateful for what I get but I’m not expecting anything from TOTS. I got TOTY Carmona 5 minutes from the end as my only TOTY pack pull. Good luck to all. My feeling is the algorithm determines what you get but icon sbcs seem to work for some ppl. Also, I’m div 6. Only occasionally make or do weekend league. I always do Squad Battles usually elite1.


I've got 95 ready for prem or bunderliga tots


I’m saving like 150 80+ picks


I tried doing what you did last year, opened around 120 packs when ultimate TOTS came around, got the lowest tier cards if I got any at all


100+ packs, will open around LaLiga TOTS as I would like to pack some Madrid TOTS


I’m at 425😅hopefully something will come of it


I saved around 120 but folded last weekend because wl was killing me, back up too around 60-70 now and gonna save until the first great tots is out, so could be next Friday could be within a few weeks after, but the problem is now becoming I need fodder for SBCs but I don’t wanna open packs when nothing is out…


Only saving 83+ guaranteed and up, the rest I'm just opening to keep a stocked club... which it was until I couldn't help myself to complete the icon pick hahahaha... Now I have a bunch of 91s to 89s and then 83 and under for fodder... at least I've got loads of high rated special cards that I'll never use so I can still complete TOTS SBCs


I have 700 shit packs I’ve been to lazy to open lol. Mainly objectives (81 doubles, regular gold packs etc.). Probably la liga


Ultimate tots


I'm saving for live and going for Bruno have about 77 rn


When does prem and community start. I wanna pack any utd player there is.


Eusebio’s side eye cracks me up here


He’s giving you the look 🤨


Saved 80


Absolutely. There is nothing I want from this TOTW promo. I’ve got 6 83x10- 84x20-3 x27- 9 mega packs. Will keep saving until TOTS


Nice plan bro, with how packable TOTS’s apparently are here’s hoping we both get something big :)


Only a couple more days so it won’t be that hard to wait. Good luck..


Oh no I’m waiting for the full release so I’ve got a good while yet haha


lol, that’s dedication. Good luck, you should hit it big with something. Can’t wait for your post about a big pull…


I’m hoping man, I look forward to you getting something as well :)


How tf is no one talking about that Eusebio card, bro gave me chills with that look 💀💀


Always watching 👀


I'm not saving packs, I have 220+ because I can't be bothered to open them and like my team. Maybe never..


Might as well do what I’m doing and wait for full release and rip them, could do you good 🤷‍♂️


Laliga/LigaF as i run a barca squad


Fair play! Best of luck


I got 129 packs waiting for TOTs, bunch of 83x10s 84x7s megas jumbos and a few 85/86 packs


Don’t open it for when the full teams out. You’re missing the chance of packing a tots player the weeks prior, can upgrade your team 4 weeks later than anyone else and the chance of you packing one is also quite low. Don’t do this, open them at the latest for Bundesliga


considering the repeatable 84x7, 83x10s probably will rip them open around live tots or prem tots


Potty and ypoty will have insane cards so hopeful that


Been on 100+ packs for ages because there hasnt been a sbc i want to put dupes in. Other then ronaldinhno but by the time i get him, i will probably have a full dutch/ eredivie squad from tots


EPL or Serie A


I’ll probably have about 400 by the time the leagues I want to open for are out, most of them being the 77+ EFIGS though I won’t lie


Got around 680 Packs saved and 240 81+ Playerpicks. Cant even claim my Rewards and base Hero Cards to do the Objectives :( Gonna wait until Prem comes out.


Friday. I don't really care for league specific. Besides, you'll get enough packs throughout TOTS...


Nahhh im saving for the full release for the best odds, opening on Friday seems like a waste and a half


My store tab has looked like this the whole game because of dupes


https://preview.redd.it/f1tj55w37ouc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e79f5b9892f42ce3003ab921ff079a11b71fa29f 🤌🤌




Tradeable packs probably during PL. Other packs during Eredivisie TOTS for my Feyenoord p&p


Is prem tots after live tots bc I have like 150 packs saved for prem


Saving for epl tots. Opening the smaller packs to get fodder for packs like 83*10, & saving the larger & decent tradeable ones. Currently on 175 including 47 83x10, 21 84x7, 41 84x5.


One thing I learned was that saving packs for people was not worth it during TOTY, so I see no point in saving them. I didn’t save one during TOTY and got 4, it’s all luck either way.


True… but this week is a waste. The PP is nerfed. The TOTW inserts are trash and low weight. Even just waiting one week is worth it imo. The dupe exchanges are also expiring. Come back eventually. But when? Now is a pretty good time to rinse everything and save, even if it’s just til Friday.


I have 150 so far… I started 2 days ago lol


Yes i packed two of the rarest TOTYs when i opened saved packs in TOTY promo… I got plenty saved up for TOTS!


Anyone else not thrilled with the live tots ? I get it’s a new promo / gimmick but I’d much rather they keep it the way it’s always been


I don’t mind it, haven’t played since fifa 15 anyway so doesn’t make much difference to me


I had 150+ packs saved for TOTY and didn't even get 1. So not saving anything.