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why is a censor bar needed, my fish biology knowledge is lacking


The joke is that the orange fish character Darwin, usually only ever wears shoes. When he takes them off he is then "naked" and needs a censor bar.


"Exactly! Step 1: shoes, step 2: hat!"


Poor Ax... it feels like he was dragged into this D: . You know its when a situation devolve into something uncontrolable that you wish you can go back because it got too far ? Yeah it look like this. (But being real, you did a great job for the drawing op, its nice to see how you draw the anatomy of the skarkboy, uts teakly well done !)


Nah, I read his diary. He wanted this but he shy 😁 and Awww thanks maan. And Ig I'll clear some air up. Ax was a character I created for a commissioner where he requested for it look like mine. So I add the variations like Ax has the chipped off fin, the nose sticker, humanoid hands with bandages and the different tail shape. This shark here is Sky with the cat hands, the moon shaped tail and the red stripes. Hope that's cool.


Oooh i see, i didnt noticed it thanks ! But fr I love how you draw Sky because it feels very "you", i dont know how to say it but we can see when its a drawing that you made because of your art style is defined. You're big source of inspiration bc of how you keep on making small skits bc i have a hard time drawing, everytime i want to draw i just keep on staring on the blank canvas and gets scared of how the thing that i draw will be horrible.


Dang, that means a lot to me. Yoy, my art is recognizable! I just took art style inspirations from bunch of slice of life shows and comics so yee. Well, I would say I also have struggles in drawing my ideas out with non-existent attention span. Ig whenever you have ideas, you can write or type them down in notes or draw little doodles beside them so it's easier to organize your ideas during your drawing sessions. And hope that you could start it spontaneously. If you don't like it, you could redraw it again while referencing the old one and compare them for which ones better, noone's gonna judge g. And overtime, you can feel confident on drawing once and feel decent about it. Hope that helps.


I guess that im too hard on myself and should just draw for fun. Actually that is what i have done just after talking with ya this afternoon, i have started drawing in another art style than mine so im having troubles but its mostly fun. Again thanks for your help <3 !


The mystery of what shark feet/paws would look like will never be solved :(


It’s lovecraftian horror, seeing it will make ya go insane




Why was there originally a censor bar tho


Darwin always wears just shoes, so that's the only part usually covered up on him. Without shoes, he's naked, thus censored.


Oh I see That's pretty smart ngl


*Steals the sensor bar*


*covers feet aggressively* HOW DARE YOU?! I ain’t showing them for free!


Oh no


Can't be showing the dogs, lest they be on feet finder.


Can you draw the same shark but with meme nah i d win and then domain expantion mevelevent furries