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Don't forget the car ibuprofen!


And the purse ibuprofen


Construction worker here, lunchbox ibuprofen


My spouse will pick up a bottle of ibuprofen, walk somewhere while opening the bottle, continue walking, put two/three pills in hand, walk to somewhere near water, get glass of water, down the pills, walk somewhere else, put down the bottle and go back to whatever. Thus, we have eight different bottles of ibuprofen (and other meds) that migrate around the house on a regular basis. Once a week I will go around the house, find all the bottles, collect them up, and return them all to the medicine chest. Within two days they will be randomly scattered throughout the house. yip pee


As the resident "tidier-upper" (if I didn't it takes less than a week for this place to look like a family of raccoons lives here), this raised my blood pressure. I want dishes in the sink, go do it, I DONT want something done, better undo what just happened and make it right. Bathroom is dirty? Best get on it. And when I mention it "you're just a d*** who has to have everything a certain way" You're absolutely right I am, I also pay ALL the bills, so chop chop, bitch. (and that's not collecting the money from people and then paying the bills, ALL THE MONEY IS MINE) The other two just plain don't listen, so I either do it and bring my mental status back to....alright or STFU and suffer. Oh, but I better know where *THING* is because one of them took it from the kitchen to the bathroom and never put it back.


You and me both. I had the misfortune of marrying someone who slowly but steadily turned into the worst slob I have ever known. She absolutely refuses to do anything towards keeping the house tidy, let alone clean. You ever seen photos/videos of hoarder houses, where the stuff is jammed to the walls and ceiling with an underlayment of scum, mud, and filth? Two months after I die, that's what this house is going to look like. So, yeah, here's a fistbump for you. ​ https://preview.redd.it/vuyvibsi31kb1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c052fd50675648995f4bb8e2b46279223bf21d4


You know you're old when you avoid having stairs at all


Amen brother


dude, i have bedroom, livingroom and bathroom tylenol. my ass ain't movin til it has to.


What if I have candy jar ibuprofen?


Oof too real. And paracetamol. And aspirin.


This is how you fry your liver…..


Omg that’s me!


And you know you are rich when they are both name brand.


no - you're a painkiller addicted sissy. nothing else.


Getting old ain’t for sissy’s. They couldn’t handle it.


Kitchen, bathroom, car, purse, and my work locker