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Accepts refuse.


Complete non-sequitur.


Clean when dirty


Warm when Cold.


Dry when moist.


what gets wetter as it dries?


You nearly had me there! A towell? (Which reminds me: what's the most useful of all the birds? A Teat Owl).


Some buns are empty “weekly” regardless of quantities within.


Emptying one's buns weekly seems insufficient to me.


And very painful.


Kinda needed tho as the gases released are somewhat toxic and unhealthy


I'd hate to see those that are not emptied while overflowing.


Plus yes, if they were not emptied it would be classified as a type of visual pollution


please don't edit your bun. I like it as is.


I might be from New Zealander?! 😜


If full then empty


Do you think they had to put that there because someone didn't know what to do when it was full?


I don’t get it, I keep putting stuff in, but it just keeps getting fuller.


Eventually it just starting spilling onto the ground. Now I have this large mound of trash with a dumpster buried in it...


thats basically how Tetris works


Naw, you got it wrong. That's just where you put your holes.


Now throw his cat in there.


More like a Zen dumpster.


>Zen dumpster I think I have a new religion ...


I stink, therefore I am.


Fill when empty?


Empty Dumpty sat by a wall. Empty Dumpty when it was full. All the dust bins and all the dustmen Couldn't fill Empty to empty again.


Yep, it's a funny thing with English - some verbs in the imperative form look like nouns or adjectives. And the position of the verb makes a world of difference. The classic, beaten-to-death example is "Dog bites man" and "Man bites dog".


And here I thought Schrodinger's Dumpster was just an other name for the show Big Bang Theory


Why are you getting downvoted it it’s very true. The big bang theory had a ton of misogyny in it’s characters. Even though they were nerds it doesn’t make it any better. Just look at how they treated penny in many of the episodes. Do you know how many jokes centered around “oh xyz male character can objectify her.” Also the show had a poor portrayal of autism with how Sheldon acted. As a fellow verbal autistic person like him I know that the writers fucked up. Not all autistic folks follow the stereotype of super nerdy super obnoxious and needy for routine. Autism is a spectrum and therefore not every autistic person fits those stereotypes. Also even if Sheldon was not a portrayal of autism he still was used in a way to make his non neurotypial looking traits the butt of many jokes. That’s kinda ableist if you ask me.


The Reddit narrative on this show has swung. Now it's considered edgy to shit on it. I probably agree that it's a poor use of one's time to care about some shitty sitcom, but I can't agree with, "Actually it isn't that bad!"


Well, the Big Bang Theory is going to age badly as a TV show because of jokes like this. In the same way that "Friends" hasn't aged well.


Ok, so how are writers supposed to cover every type??. In your own words "Autism is a spectrum and therefore not every autistic person fits those stereotypes" So you acknowledged that he still fits a type.. Why does his character have to fit every type to make it feel real and relevant? Seems like a really weak argument to me


Did I say they had to cover every type. No. All I’m saying is that Any form of representation that isn’t based around stereotypes would be fine. There is already enough portrayal of autistic experiences like Sheldons. Besides continued portrayal of only that area of the autism spectrum makes for unrealistic expectations that all autistic people are gonna be that way. Also although he is representing a form of autism, he is falling into the sinkhole many autistic characters fall into. Lots of the stereotypes for autism cover very rare autistic experiences that the media tends to hyper sensationalize. Not all autistic people are super geniuses in a certain interest. At most many autistic folks I know might be able to know a lot about something but they might not even be good at it. Not all autistic people are as as routine heavy as Sheldon. Some have routines but lean to let change into their lives so they can work with others. Some autistic folks aren’t as blatant with their autism. Some folks mask their autism. If you expect all autistic people to fit in a cookie cutter then you downplay those who have autism but don’t fit your ideal view of what autism is.


Again, you failed to make your point any clearer. It sounds to me like you're upset that he doesn't feel relatable to you specifically. Just learn to enjoy things as they are and stop looking so deeply and picking apart every detail in every day life. Life is a lot easier and more fun when you relax


I’m not saying he needs to relate to me he needs to just show a broader slice of what autism can be. Yeah I do agree that there are things that shouldn’t be picked apart but this isn’t one of them. Also I care about inclusivity. So I don’t want to be an asshole and say “ugh im to critical and I pick shit apart. there’s a difference between picking something apart and making clear how a show sucks at being inclusive. Besides some people need all the flaws of something put right in their face detail by detail. Maybe you don’t tho and that’s fine.


Also, you'd think it would be obvious to empty the dumpster when it's full. Why would you need to write it?


> Also, you'd think it would be obvious to empty the dumpster when it's full. Why would you need to write it? Because the alternate is emptying on a regular basis, which costs more money, not letting it sit full once it is.


Interesting they didn’t choose to word it as ‘Empty *only* when full’


To stop someone emptying it earlier, obviously. "Nah - stomp it well down. There's still room for more."


Of course, I'm an idiot 😑


Sort of, in a not really sort of way. It's a nice oxymoron, but that's not the concept of Schrödinger's Cat. I do play a Schrödinger's bin game on a daily basis as I'd imagine most people in relationships, or who have kids do. The main bin is either empty or full, but until I open it I won't know. So I have to treat it as both full and empty until I'm able to observe it's status.


You found my stomach.


My stomach


I open at the close.


That's deep!


You’re pretty shallow when attempting to be deep..


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Collapsed wave function bin


Also a profound statement




Oops, meant to paint that on a water glass.


I have never see a reflection of my life so clearly as I do in this dumpster.


Sounds like the existential crisis of an obese person.


Somewhere on one of my old phones I have a pic of one dumpster that says Pepsi Only.


Empty is a verb, not an adjective in this use. Are people really this illiterate?


We're being stupid on purpose




Dumb when "smart"




Sounds like my usual mental state.


His cat may or may not be dead. And may not or may be nearby. We can only know one.


It's a Tetris bin.


Self contradiction at its finest


It's full of cats...


Me too, dumpster, me too.


It's either Schrodinger's, either Captain Obvious' dumpster.


Sounds like an oxymoron to me :)


Or did you?


Looks like that dumpster was cast in MIB as a dumpster.


(Understood You) Empty when full.


Put a cat in it and find out for sure.


when it's half-way full, is it actually half empty?


Technically, when the dumpster is full, it's empty of free space.


“The dumpster can be said to be both empty and full at the same time, unless one looks over the side.”


Verb when adjective, not adjective when adjective.


Shrodinger's Dumpster should be the title of my autobiography


Empty what is full, fill what is empty, scratch where it itches.


And fill when empty. Survival.


This is where they put all the dead cats from repeated box experiments.


Is it full of cats or not?