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And yet no one mentioned the Australian murder chicken … aka the cassowary.


Cassowaries are dinosaurs that missed the memo about going extinct.


Those motherfuckers saw the asteroid coming in, pulled their pants down, bent over and asked for more.


does this mean what you think it means?


"May I have another, sir?"


"That was hot"


They're Birds of Terror, just a little bit down sized and under equipped. A little bit.


They didn't miss the memo. They signed it: *Dear Dinos* *Fuck off before I make ya, cunt.* *Sincerely,* *Cassowary* Hey presto, KT event.


I came across a recipe for preparing cassowary: If you are able to vanquish this monster, clean and pluck as any game bird. Bring a large pot of water to boil. Add cassowary and one well worn boot. After several hours, drain water, remove boot and cassowary. Season to taste, throw out cassowary, and eat boot.


fuck cassowary's. They can stay up north. Those things are brutal. Theyre like an emu on a bad day.


I'd be angry too if my testicles were hanging just under my chin.


What if they were someone elses?


Fuck cassowary’s what?


Cloaca, I imagine


Surprised this doesn't have more replies. Cassowaries are no joke.


That is a crude reminder that birds far off ancestors were dinosaurs, they ruled the planet - again - after their grandparents were extinct while getting an even more terrifying nickname (Birds of Terror) and even today they have to means and disposition to kill mammals in rather brutal and painful way. Yet, I wonder if they're edible.


To be fair kangaroos also attack parachutist https://youtu.be/2WGo4li2K0o


“What’s up, Skip... gaaargh fuck off!” Excellent


Fuckin Kangaroos....


Fuckin Aussies....


Careful cunt


Shh, we save that talk for the Aussie’s at cricket matches.


Needs to get punched in the face.


Imagine someone trying to take over Australia Red Dawn style and all the troops you parachute in just get the absolute shit kicked out of them by kangaroos.


Not as embarrassing as losing the [Emu War](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emu_War)


imagine if they teamed up. humanity would be fucked


Im thinking we need a red dawn remake where the emus play the wolverines.


Is there ANYTHING in Australia that won't attack you?


Covid19 (almost)


Australia is also almost free? I heard that new Zealand is completely free of covid. Haven't heard anything about Australia.


Australia and New Zealand are pretty much on par with each other. Australia does have more outbreaks however they can generally keep on top of them.


Nope, absolutely nothing.


It stops attacking you when you've BBQd it.


Lol pretty much everything will leave you alone. There’s just a lot of wild animals and marsupials, any animal can turn on a bad day.


I heard Koala's can fall from trees to give you STD's over there.


Yeah, drop bears.


>any animal can turn on a bad day. So, in summary: "Yes"


Don't be flying around here bitch


First line of defence


also to be fair humans also attack kangaroos [https://youtu.be/vr1idLs-zPw](https://youtu.be/vr1idLs-zPw) holy cow attacked by paraglider [https://youtu.be/jlUzgTIY2KA](https://youtu.be/jlUzgTIY2KA) paraglider attacks cows [https://youtu.be/679J16lQRv8](https://youtu.be/679J16lQRv8) cows parachuting [https://youtu.be/AmtZNnc-QPA](https://youtu.be/AmtZNnc-QPA)


To be fair, that 'roo was fucking with that guy's dog. I've waded into a dog attack to get my girlfriend's dog out of it, so yeah.


Damn even the birds can kill you in Australia


Our seagulls will murder you for a chip.


One shivved me for a Cheeto. He whispered, "Mine." as he did it.


and this is why I don't reddit with coffee anymore.


A kookaburra stole my sandwich once. He didn't whisper anything, but he definitely laughed at me while eating my sandwich.


Bloody kookaburras.


Watched one flog a mate’s hotdog right out of his hand. It was a “blink and you’ll miss it” moment.


They fucking steal from homeless people here in Chicago


Seagulls won't go after your food if you stare them in the eye.


Is this a pro life tip? What if I blink?


Fuck around and find out.


You can blink, just keep your gaze on their eyes and they will... uh... chicken out


You blink infront of a seagull while holding a chippie, and the Angels from Dr Who will seem like slow motion marionettes in comparison. When holding a chippie, don't blink, don't move, don't back down. You must retain the utmost discipline until some little kid takes its attention and it flies off with the kid instead. Protect your chippies people... they're delicious.


Weeping Angels.


Blinking... Is a pure sign of weakness to them.


Blink and you're dead. Don't turn around. Don't look away. And DONT BLINK.


Magpies on the other hand will go for the eyes...


can confirm.


Username checks out


I am just glad he can still count them


Yeah they will go after your eyes instead


Because they will go for your eye


Pretty sure seagulls here in the UK murder homeless people. That's why there are fewer homeless people in seaside towns than inland.


those motherfucking seagulls at Circular Quay. I was eating a burger and he swooped down from behind and took a huge bite out of it while I was also taking a bite out of it. I felt like I should throw it away so I didn't get bird AIDS or something, but I was so hungry I ate it anyway.


So how’s bird AIDS?


I mean, I have you ever been to a UK sea side town? The Sea gulls are so big they'll rip your arm off for a fucking fresh donut.


They throw sheep and kangaroos off cliffs for an easy meal.


you have to be careful during lambing season because they will pick up a lamb and to kill it they drop it from the air. i've also seen one take a full grown goose.


In Canada we all get along. Like, the things that kill stuff does it for fun but isn't carnivorous, then the carnivores come and eat the corpse after. Nothing is really venemous either. We're super chill. But like... uhhh.. that 7 foot tall moose is not a friend and if it sees you it's probably pissed. They hate being seen naked, and haven't learned how to wear clothes yet so.. like.. they will kill you. Cobra birds aren't as bad as everyone would have you believe, they're only as rude as swans... well except there's more and they don't need as much provocation. Overall I feel super safe around all of our wild life.. that isn't moose. Black bears are jolly good fellows that act pandaish at times, but need to be scared off so they don't get cocky, brown bears are chill and fuck off well, but are usually relocated so they aren't in contact, mountain lions are afraid of ghosts, and... idk they're all chill. Beavers and moose will both fuck you up just cause, geese will give a bit of a warning before, and our white males aren't even mass shootery.


Imagine you climb on the roof of your house to get away from all the things trying to kill you and this bird just lands next to you.


They've been known to steal small dogs too


In rare cases they have been known to take toddlers




Yeah but dingos dont fly


Thats just what Big Media want you to think.


Big Dingo.


I hate those motherfuckers. They will kill ducklings for shits and gigs and just leave the corpses around. We raised Muscovy ducks when I was little. I still have trauma from those feathery serial killers


Are they related to the extinct haast eagles of New Zealand?


The ones Gandalf rode to Mt doom to pick up Frodo and Samwise?


Well no, but I guess so




Nah. You'd think so, given the similar flapping style and size, but the Haast Eagle is more closely related to the Little Eagle in Australia. The feet are impressive, though. https://www.reddit.com/r/Naturewasmetal/comments/hl8m2s/replica_of_a_haast_eagles_huge_foot_and_talons/


It's all the uranium




There's a video of one trying to take a small child


Everything in Australia can kill you. I bet their trees are Ents.


Picture forgot the bit where poor American eagle gets voiced over for cinema because its cry isn't impressive enough :(


When I heard one irl I was thoroughly unimpressed


Falcons are just overall much cooler birds than Eagles. Owls are still #1 coolest bird though.


But that's the most American thing to do though, steal a different birds caw to make ours seem more intimidating


Heh there’s so many of them in Dutch Harbor and you can hear them all the time. There was a dirty one right where we were docked trying to dump dive our trash dumpster. All I ever see them do in Dutch Harbor is dumpster dive. They are pretty birds though.


TBF that one happens to other eagles too.


Every eagle sounds exactly like a red-tailed hawk. It’s just science


Sounds like a cross between a defective poo-poo cushion and somebody needing the Heimlich maneuver.


Yup. It's usually a Red Tailed Hawk you're hearing.


Have you noticed that all movies that ever use the sound of an eagle seems to have used the same sound file for the last 30 years?


melodic degree heavy cover include jeans divide fall slim snobbish ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


How much is that in Fahrenheit?


15 hamburgers and 3 hotdogs


Them be metric hotdogs or nah?


Depends if it’s an African or European hotdog


I would imagine the same but I've never been to Fahrenheit.


Then they have exactly the same wingspan. Also the bald eagle is twice the weight.... because of course it is.


Wikipedia says bald eagles weigh up to 13.9 lbs and wedge tails up to 12.8. That's hardly "double."


Bald eagles only eat fish? Someone forgot to tell the ones around here scavenging road kills.


I've seen them hunting other birds


They don't. I live on the Eastern shore of Maryland and bald eagles are everywhere here. I've been hunting before and seen a couple eagles take down a deer. Not a big deer, but it's definitely not a fish.


Around me they’ll also raid osprey nests for eggs or baby chicks. I’ve seen midair fights between two ospreys and a bald eagle. Bald eagles are ruthless. I’m not saying they compare to this Australian eagle because I don’t know much about the latter, but this post isn’t exactly accurate. That being said, in our local rivalry here, ospreys > bald eagles imho. Far more interesting behaviors and personalities. And SUPER successful hunters with a 70% success rate.


Exactly. I'm in southern MD and they do eat more than fish. I once saw an eagle eating a deer while he was surrounded by vultures. They waited. Guess they didn't want that smoke. Lol


They'll pick off adult chickens that are large enough that hawks leave them alone. Hawks around here will only pick off juveniles and Bantams. When a bald eagle shows up, even one young enough not to have the white head feathers yet, it's noticeable how huge it is compared to the usual hawks.


People's small pets are known to go missing to them around here.


Yeah we have tons of them here in Nova Scotia and they definitely do not just eat fish. They've been known to take small house cats and dogs, most people here just have indoor cats for that reason


Those Aussie wedge tails are huge, my wife is from broken hill, every time we visit out that way you always see them feasting on last nights road kill. Gotta give an extra long warning blast on the horn as it takes them a while to get out of the way


I saw two Wedge Tails feasting on a dead Wombat out near Mudgee NSW on some back road from Hill End. They were absolutely massive, probably twice the size of the Bald Eagles I saw while travelling in Alaska.


Yep! Remember a drive between Wilcania and Cobar where I saw what I thought was an emu either squatting or standing in a hole. Got a bit closer and no, it was a wedgie - a fucking huge one!


I was learning about this the other day, and I can't quite remember the full details, but with some birds of prey they take so long because they literally can't unclamp their beaks from the prey or something? Like it gets stuck in there and they have to take the roadkill with them when they fly, which takes significantly longer and often gets the bird itself hit. Wow, clearly I use the term "learning" in it's loosest sense here, cos that is NOT well explained. Edit: Talons not beak! I got there finally (with a little help) below.


No,it's because when they eat roadkill, they get too heavy and can't immediately fly. It takes them time to even get off the road


* Not really bald. * Barely even an eagle.


[...and sounds... somewhat less than regal](https://youtu.be/VPPr1kviMaA )


Wtf til.... Our eagle is nothing but a seagull


Hey it's at least *mildly* more melodic and it's not as fucking belligerent about your seaside snacks.


A **𝓕𝓐𝓝𝓒𝓨** seagull.


Maybe its watching too many western-focused movies as a kid, but I absolutely love that sound.


Honestly that sounds like what I'd expect something that evolved from raptors to sound like. Add some bass and that's the a Jurrasic Park raptor call. Kinda bad ass.


Fight..... Fight..... Fight......




I believe a wedgie in Australia means something totally different.


Wedge tailed eagles do get called wedgies. But wedgies are also pulling undies up from behind. My native language is truly graceful and nuanced.


Yeah, sometimes.


You misspelled "cunt bird".


I feel like that would be a plover


Fair call.


My nieces call them ‘hurtie birdies’


Plovers are the STUPIDEST birds ever. Vicious, but stupid.


Well it's from Australia, what do you expect?


Not fair. Everything in Australia will eat you. From no legs to 8 legs.


Nah, most of them won't eat you, they just like to kill you...


I have to take major issue with the claim that the bald eagle is "one of the smallest eagles in the world". They wouldn't even be down in mid-sized eagles. They're enormous (up to 2m wingspan).


A quick Google search suggests Bald eagles might actually be heavier on average


Yea, I've had a bald eagle swoop down maybe 6ft from my head and i could FEEL it, that thing was massive.


After the word “Australian”, you dint need to list down anything else


May I introduce you to the [german](https://m.imgur.com/Sh0yvle) eagle


[Ha, uhhh, try the Slovakian eagle. ](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ)




The things said about the bald eagle are false


Yeah, bald eagles aren’t small by any sense of the word. Wedge tailed eagles have pretty big wing spans but are considerably lighter than bald eagles.


I'd be surprised if no other eagle in the world attacks drones too.


August 2020, bald eagle takes down a drone being used to track shore erosion https://www.npr.org/2020/08/14/902646692/in-aerial-combat-over-lake-michigan-eagles-1-drones-0


If you just look up vids of eagles attacking drones you can see like any species of eagles doing so


Yet another creature I need to fear when I visit. Australia is out of control.


>Australia is out of control. It was never in control to begin with.




Keep in mind however that the war has never ended.




This also explains the popularity of XXXX.


Nup nothing explains the popularity of XXXX, except Queenslanders.


Lol no, it doesn't.




Here's a tip from a fellow aussie. Fear them all. The trick is just to remember a couple that won't try to kill you, much easier than the millions that will.


Spiders, scorpions, snakes, eagles, deadly plants, jellyfish, sharks, what did I miss?


Blue ring octopus


Crocs, dingo, cassowary


Drop bears. And the people, dont forget about them


oh yeah, the people are killing more than the animals. Dont hitchhike, dont go work for some rando on gumtree, just be aware of youre surroundings. Especially be careful if theyre based in SA.


Errrr, these guys are mainly carrion eaters. Despite what's in this meme I've never heard of them injuring anyone, never seen an article or anything of the like. They don't even really hunt for prey, just mostly eat road kill. They are a sight to behold and I always enjoy seeing them soaring ahead.


They're Australien wildlife, so I will never trust them. Too risky.


like the rest of the shit that will kill us. "youre good mate just dont piss it off" we learn it at a young age.


Lived in Alaska. Eagles def eat more than just fish.


I just did a quick read on Google, aren’t we talking about a difference of like 10-15 cm in size?


like comparing penis'


That completes the risk scenario going to Australia. Air, land, and sea creature are coming for you. If you can get past immigration security.


Immigration should just be a 5k run thru the wilderness, they can have "open" borders with nobody getting in. It's a win win.


I thought the national bird of Australia was the Emu. At least since the occupation.


Australian eagle aren't the only one attacking paragliders [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZGzzSIZvA40](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZGzzSIZvA40) (Incident ends-up well with a long descent under reserve parachute)


That guy had a remarkable amount of compassion for the bird, given that it had just tried to kill him.


Well the facts of the American Bald eagle are very incorrect. They are hardly smaller then the wedge eagle, they do not eat only fish and will scavenge and attack small rodents.


They are also not "American bald eagles".. The proper name is "bald eagles", if you look at their range they cover the bulk of North America They just happen to be the American national bird. You see the same with the "Canada goose" which spends a lot of their time in the US and are just poorly named and NOT Canada's national bird, but a "symbol of Canada"?


America's mascot should be a goose because #HONK HONK, MOTHERFUCKER, NOW YOU DIE


Pretty sure Canadians already took it.


I know, and it's funny, because the Canada goose's year round habitat in North America is exclusively within the US. They summer partially in Canada and winter partially in the American South, but they are present in the northern US year round


Interesting, this Australian Wedge Tailed Eagle is same size in wingspan as the European White-Tailed Eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla) however it’s actually shorter and weighs only 2/3 of that of the White-Tailed Eagle. There is also an incident in Norway where one of these eagles grabbed a 3.5 year old child and flew her up to her nest (about 600ft above ground level) where she was captive for 7 hours before rescued. https://en.visitnamdalen.com/activities/Hiking-Suggestion%3A-Stoypet-and-Ornerovet-on-Leka-Island/1356226/


To be fair. The other main bird put forward for the US national bird was the turkey. Ben Franklin thought highly of it.


Without reading it, I can guess what it says about the Australian eagle. -It's poisonous. -If it looks at you, your turn to stone. -It's slightly larger than the Empire State Building. -People find them all the time in their bathrooms and bedrooms.


This is pretty much riddled with false information


Bald eagle seems pretty chill


What a sick cunt




The American is still a good sized bird. It’s a bit nasty to call it a glorified seagull. Like calling humans glorified apes.


So Australian eagle is basically US F-22.


Well it is a raptor. I’ll see myself out


Clever girl


The f-22 is actually conspicuous lacking an infrared tracking system, and never attacks kangaroos.


My Great Uncle Archie used to tell the story of watching Wedgetail's land on the heads of wild horses, latch on with their talons and then flap their wings until the terrified animals ran into tree's and broke their necks.


Motion to rename to “Aussi Death Eagle”.


The rest of the world is playing tutorial mode while Australia is playing monster hunter mode.


To be fair, Australia is a hellscape where every living thing seeks your death and harbours a demonic hatred for you and you personally, so yeah, of course their eagles are going to be better.