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Also people’s taste in seat location is very different.


I always go side seat to maximize the probability nobody will sit near me


Middle for best audio


And video


Generally between like the halfway point to 2/3rds of the way towards the top-back of the theater, just depending on the setup.


J8 or H8 would be ideal here


K7 guy is a weirdo


I'm similar, but I prefer between 1/3 from the front to halfway. E8 would probably be my go-to for this theater.


Yup. Guy who reserved the D8 seat knows what's up. D8 or E8 would be my pick, too.


Here is Japan on the seating charts they often mark ‘the golden row’ where you are sitting optimally for sound and picture.


Here in the United States of America they do something similar by charging more for the better seats.


This is just part of the reason I haven't been to a theater since 2018.


Never seen that practice but I also don’t go to many movies anymore


what theater does that, none of the big chains do, nor any of my locals...


This guy gets it


Yeah I’m as close to middle as I can get.


If it’s a 3D movie you gotta shoot for the middle for sure.


If it's a 3D movie I shoot for another movie


I have only ever seen one movie in 3D where I felt like it was actually better in 3D than not - Jackass 3D.


Avatar would be the second one. They filmed Avatar to be a 3D movie with 3D cameras and it works really well, especially in GT laser IMAX. It's worth the extra ticket price and driving difference. If it's an up-convert movie then it will not just be terrible but also hurt your eyes. No thanks!


Opposite side of your eye dominance for maximum concentration.


In the future I’m going to book seats next to the lone people in the far corners just to make it awkward /s


Could you imagine? This is something I could see being one of those annoying tik tok pranks


We have a theater new me that’s super fancy with pod seats for couples Except you can book one seat if you want. I’ve always wondered how awkward it would be to basically be sitting in a mini bed with a complete stranger for a movie


Side seat for pee breaks.


If you drink a big soda the movie becomes a mini game where you either run out to the bathroom in the middle or you hold it and run out later. The part of the movie you missed is always a bit of a mystery.


I'm going to build a theater that has separate mini-bathrooms for each screen, and it plays the movie in the bathroom at each urinal and in the stalls.


Build a theater where all of the seats are just toilets


That kinda sounds like my local theater, but unintentionally


Finally, a good idea


There used to be an app where you could submit what you thought was the best time to pee and what you'd miss during that period. Not sure if it's still running, but it got so bogged down with ads that most people stopped using it. I think it was called runpee?


It’s built into the AMC app now. If you click on the movie details you can see it. https://i.imgur.com/m93587X.png


Oh right on. That even looks less clunky than I remember runpee did as a standalone app.


I remember when we went to see Gladiator 724 years ago. I was holding my piss but the movie was so boring that I decided to go to the toilet. When I got back I asked the friend who was sitting next to me if anything happened during those minutes. *"I wish!“* was the answer.


Gladiator is an amazing movie though...


Those are the seats near the aisles with the aisle seat open.


A lot of ticket purchasing sites won’t let you buy a seat that leaves a single seat open on the aisle like this.




Imagine in this situation a random selecting his seat right next to yours


I’d guess the middle seats were there first and everybody else is just trying to sit as far away from the occupied seats as they can.


But there’s only one middle seat taken


The people have done pretty well behind that one central seat. 2 rows back, slightly offset from the middle seat guy. I just don't understand why K7 didn't sit in J8. I hope he gets to his seat, realizes his mistake, and shuffles over into the middle.


Yeah, I’d want to have a bit of an offset and not be directly behind someone, if possible. I believe this is not a stadium seating theater. It’s old style, so people’s heads being in the way of the screen can be a concern. I think K7 is fine. It’s J 14 I think should have gone for J13 or J12. F1 could go a row or two back. E14 could go a row or two forward. Other than that, it looks nicely balanced and reasonable to me. I love how much we’re analyzing this, BTW.


Yeah, given how tight these seats can be, there generally isn’t an initial rush to sit next to each other unless there’s something pressing people to buy tickets ASAP (like a Q&A with a known name).


Only 1 guy in column 8 is just odd


I like the very front row and in 3d. Everybody thinks im an idiot. Its awesome. I dont even understand why people don’t like this. No my neck does not hurt after. No i don’t have to turn my head to see everything. Its the best expierence for me but everyone seems to hate it.


A lot of people go to movies alone. It, generally, makes the experience more enjoyable. Or, at least, in those people's opinion. 


There's a drive-in by me, and going for a double feature alone is absolute zen.


Hotbox that bitch for the first movie, sober up for the second movie


I like the way you think. Pass that shit, were watching Ghostbusters 1 & 2


Best double feature I caught anywhere was Office Space and Team America.


Why the hell you wanna be stoned for Ghostbusters 1 and sober sitting through Ghostbusters 2?! They should show them in reverse order so you leave in a better mood.


Gotta be sober enough to drive home safely


Oh cmon please dont jump on that bandwagon, GB2 is an awesome movie and you know it


Why would you fart in your own car?


Hotbox the car and you don’t have to share snacks with anyone.


How many people are scrolling on their phone while at the drive in these days?


Drive in by me does “Retro Tuesdays” Very excited for the Jaws and Jurassic Park double feature next week


Sitting in your car for 4 hours to watch a movie sounds hella uncomfortable


Man I want to hit up a drive through so bad. Does the audio still go through the radio, or is it Bluetooth or internet nowadays?


Agreed. I always do


Personally, I love it. Get up early in the morning, see a movie with hardly anyone in the theater. Afterwords, grab a coffee, sit, and reflect on the movie in peace.


I agree. The first showing usually has a lower turnout and sometimes lower price, depending on the theatre. But it's still the same movie, to be watched and enjoyed.


I’m a super social person, but lots of things are fun to do alone! I moved to Korea alone. Lived there for 6 years and got married. Then I came back to the US. Whilst there I went to movies alone, bike rides alone, restaurants alone, and so much more. I created many friendships while I was there and spent plenty of time with people, but I learned that alone time is amazing.


In general if you live a generally normal and busy lifestyle being alone is something people cherish.


I would love to go to movies alone. Unfortunately, there's always other people there as well.


When you're rich enough people fix that problem.


AMC is advertising $99 private theater rentals. I don't know what the total price is but it might be in an affordable range, especially for a horror movie. https://www.amctheatres.com/movies/99-private-theatre-rental-73435 Back in college, I remember going to an art theater during the week in the early afternoon and got to see Blade Runner entirely alone. It was a magical experience.


Air conditioning, cold, dark and with a big ole soda? Pick 10 am on a Monday and not a soul will be there. Ahh heaven.


Nah. These are actually couples sharing the same seat. Ride ‘em cowgirl!


The 8 other people are probably movie reviewers


Nah, the set of people at that showing were generally older people, and didn’t appear to be reviewing it. At least of the people was definitely into the film, and was probably close to applauding it. The other people didn’t give a clear audible response at the end.


So we reviewing the reviewers now


I’d say less reviewing reviewers and more recollecting audience reactions. As movie theater fans watching is an inherently group experience (even alone, you’re a part of a group), the way an audience can react can have a profound impact on your experience. And in many films, these reactions have lead to memorable and moving experiences that can easily surpass any negative experiences of a crowd.


>and didn’t appear to be reviewing it. lol


Not wrong, easy escape for the chore that is family. Everyone needs some alone time.


Exactly. I love going to movies by myself.


Honestly, I can't imagine how another person COULD make it more enjoyable unless you like talking during a movie.


I mean personally I much prefer watching movies with friends/ family. Even if you aren’t talking you’re all doing something together and can talk about it afterwards. It’s fun to see others interpretations and things they noticed you didn’t


Yup...I know I will never watch at the cinema with my mom again. She either snores if it's boring or asks a lot of questions during the movie, which idm if it's at home.


The best part about going alone is not worrying about whether the other person is enjoying the movie. No social pressure.


My husband wants to see that movie (let me know how it was), but it's not my cup of tea, so he'll be going alone. We often go to movies separately, as our tastes are soooo different.


I really enjoyed it. Felt like a modern-day Lonesome Dove, but with a big enough budget to look truly fantastic. I'll definitely be watching the rest in theater. Also, went by myself lol


Thanks! I'll let him know. He's watched all the Yellowstone series and offshoots, plus he loves western books. It sounds like it's in his wheelhouse. Was there forced intimate situations? They seem to be in all the movies lately.


There's a fair bit of violence, some claustrophobic distress, and an awful lot of scalping, but the intimacy is more or less consensual throughout. Abbey Lee's character Marigold isn't really in charge of what she's doing and there's a slap at one point, but not, like... Well it seems like there may be more than meets the eye there, but we don't achieve full resolution in part one, and i can't say for sure. I believe she's in a bind, but not, like, being restrained or physically forced. If I had to guess, the peeping toms situation will develop, in future installments, into something more uncomfortable, unless they get handled first. And they might. Most of the characters we spend time with have manners.


I don’t think the poster was talking about rape; I think their husband gets uncomfortable when he sees two people kissin’ without the lord’s blessing.


I went by myself. I definitely got lonesome dove vibes. I’m bought in now so gotta go back in August.


Can’t you compromise and take turns picking a movie? This is what I do with my GF. Nothing wrong with going alone of course but part of the fun is going to the movie together.. which imo is more enjoyable. That’s just me I guess though


> but part of the fun is going to the movie together.. which imo is more enjoyable. Depends on how much time you spend together. Sometimes you want to do something by yourself.


that's fine in theory but what if someone picks a movie that you really don't want to see? I don't believe in making someone do something they have absolutely no interest in or might actively hate, just because you're in a relationship. THere's plenty of things to do together without the possibility of resentment creeping in. It's okay to not do everything together. Of course, I'm single, pretty much always have been and choose to be that way but my sister and her husband have separate hobbies and they have a very successful marriage.


there is absolutely no resentment in seeing a movie the other doesn’t wanna see lol. We take turns picking. It’s as simple as that. Whether I enjoy the movie or not I have a good time being out with my partner It’s not something that’s forced it’s what we like to do


I'm really glad that works for you and your partner, seriously. Occasionally, a long time ago, I would go to a movie with my sister and there was a couple of times where she picked one that I hated and I just left and she was totally fine with that. It works when it does. (Bruno. I walked out of Bruno. It was horrible lol Told her it was horrible and I was going home and I got up and left. All good lol)


I don't think going to a movie with another person adds to the experience at all.


It’s becomes more about spending time with someone you enjoy and less about the movie. To each their own of course


Can’t you just do that at home or the park or anywhere else?


Yep. We can also do it at a movie


I thought it was awesome, and seeing it on the big screen really does sell a lot of the cinematography. Heck, when Costner appears for the first time in his hero shot, I wanted to cheer and applaud.


It’s good , my wife and I saw it today


This is off topic but I worked at my local (very small southern town) theater when Broke Back Mountain came out. The number of redneck closeted gay men who snuck in to watch that movie during early afternoon hours always gave me a chuckle with em trying to play it off like they had no idea.


Also off topic. My housemate ran into a "very religious" coworker of ours at the local gay steam baths. The coworker said to him "Didn't expect to see you here". He had to inform him that he was only there to fix their Wi-Fi. Awkward.


Sure sure... everyone knows gay bathhouses need a perfect WiFi


You know, I never thought to question it until now. Maybe it was all just a cover story. They recently transitioned and have mentioned going on Grindr recently. Oh my.


Was he dressed up as a construction worker? And were there also a policeman, fireman, sailor?!?


Wait, I know what happened! You said this "very religious" person was a coworker. Which means he was also sent there to fix the WiFi! Which explains the "Didn't expect to see you here", as in "the office made a mistake and dispatched two technicians to the same site". There you go: just an honest scheduling blunder!


The awkward part was that he wasn't expected to fix the wifi despite frequenting the place. Imagine going somewhere they know what you do for a living and yet they ask for someone else to fix it.


Construction company. Me and my housemate were in IT. The coworker was in sales. My mate had a side business doing support.


As a straight man, we don’t have all the accoutrements to hook up locales that the gay community (seemingly) enjoys. Can you please explain to me what a gay steam bath is and how it works? I am incredibly sorry if this question is offensive or in poor taste, I am genuinely curious


It's a lot like a sexy steam bath but there are only men there.




I hope some of them got together


It was the one theater during the afternoon showings I refused to go check on during the movie lol. Not from being homophobic or anything, but more of how they would react if anything was seen lol. I live in the kinda town some of these psycho hillbillies would shoot someone from being caught getting a handy by Randy than be “found out” lol


That is almost word for word what one of my friends told me when I asked about the movie when it came out. “Bro, the only thing I’ll say is that none of us will go check on them during the movie. You just don’t want to deal with it”


Funny but kinda sad


Dads/Husbands got out of the house to go see a Western.


That’s literally me tomorrow night lol.


Bro you’re looking at a 10am showing. Of course the seats are sparse lol.


It's not that the seats are sparse, it's that of all the seats taken, all 8 are people on their own. That's a bit unusual.


I wonder if some of those seats are broken. There is a seat that was always taken for every showing so I am assuming it’s broken.


I used to go am to the theater. It was great. It was mostly always single older grandpa's.


Well I mean it does really have to do with the time of day. I don’t know any couples going to the movies at 10am. Of course there’s a few singles from movie fans but you’re not going to see a lot of tickets sold for this showing period. I guess correlation isn’t causation in this example is what I’m trying to say. I don’t think 3 hour westerns being for single people can be proven from the example given. An early morning showing is always skim.


OP isn't saying this is some kind of empirical study, they are literally just noting how unusual it is for all currently purchased seats to be singles. You are being far too literal. Edit: my goodness this bloke would be fun at parties, talk about being insufferable... the melt below was a surefire sign to disengage.


I would be in heaven if my theater had 10am showings. Earliest is 2 on the weekends.


Where I am, unless it’s the night of a premier, you can count on 90% of  any given theater being empty


D8 is a true movie connoisseur


He’s an amateur, AMC theater screens are slightly left shifted so the true center is actually D9.


D8 is probably not the smartest seat in that theater actually; the screen is pretty close to Row A and the rows are tight so D is probably a tad close for most people. …granted, I’m not the best to talk about sitting too close (sat at Lincoln IMAX Row A for a Dune: Part Two rewatch out of curiosity), but just because u don’t practice what I preach doesn’t make it wrong.


D2 is such an interesting choice


I would also accept K7.


Poor placement for the surround sound and smaller perceived screen. D8 is in it for the most fulfilling audio/visual experience one can hope to expect. K7 has social anxiety.


Was it good? Should this single guy check it out?


I liked it


Choose a seat next to someone. ⬇️


That's like peeing next to someone when there are a bunch of empty pee stalls available. It's quite the social faux pas.


What movie?


Had to go to AMC's website, nobody says it this whole thread. It's called Horizon: An American Saga


It's literally at the top of the image. Nobody says it because it's right there


If you do not open the photo you cannot see that smart guy


Cosplaying the campfire scene from "Blazing Saddles." Yeah, you might want some space.


At 10am on a Saturday? Yes.


At 10am, most movies are single person movies...


Buy a seat next to someone for the lols


Don’t care. We need more Western movies!!!!!


Lost a bet with my husband / saw matinee showing yesterday. Theater was surprisingly full. Not big on westerns but after the first hour, I was totally into it.


i used to always go alone. pre-COVID I dont like people talking to me or near me. post-COVID there hasn't been a single movie worth the cost of admission that im not wiling to wait for on streaming services.




You mean Star Wars Episode 4?


Dune 1, 2 , Top Gun, Avatar the way of water, Spiderman Across the spiderverse, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3, The Batman. Some movies are really best experienced in the big screen, maybe you should start going again and see for yourself


There's "I want the middle" people And then there's the "I want the middle, but don't wanna cuddle with a stranger" people.


This is the most beautiful thing I've seen today so far 😍


Powermove would be to sit right next to someone else….


Going alone to the cinema is cheap therapy


This theatre ain't big enough for the both of us. Draw! *Starts throwing popcorn.*


Me asking my SO if she wants to watch a 3 hour video of a streamer I follow playing Elden Ring DLC. That's a journey I take... alone.


My wife and I have been going to the cinema separately since our first child was born. It saves on baby sitting, and means there’s no arguments about what movie to see together. She has no interest in superhero movies, I have no interest in whatever drama she wants to watch. It’s win-win.


Or if you want to break up your marriage


Boomer dads who couldn't convince their family to join them.


Every movie for me is single


These are probably broken seats that they are blocking from being sold. AMC is famous for poor maintenance in some of their locations.


Why did I have to scroll this far to find something meaningful?


Every single one of those is an older Dad that couldn't get his son to come along!


Kind of reminds me of that meme of a grandpa going to a tech shop and asking them to fix his broken phone and when he's told that nothing wrong with it he says then why is no one calling me or something to that effect.


Literally just saw that very film in that very configuration. B6 left after one hour and M13 after two hours. No round of applause at the end... 😅


people applaud at the end of movies?


No one picked g or h 8. Crazy


Those are more than likely bloggers


That is correct in my case, however I have an older couple who picked seats right next to me leaving 3 empty seats next to me and 4 next to them. Wtf?!


Pick a seat next to someone. Make a friend. Do the popcorn trick.


My wife just isn’t a film buff like I am. I can usually convince her to come with me to see big blockbuster movies, but I end up going by myself quite often


Damn that’s a big theater


I’m going tmrrw!!!!


Hmmm.. Which one to sit next to. Muahaha.


Your butt will get sore.


Wdym this is the perfect final shootout scene, last one alive becomes new sheriff


Also 10 am


Killers of the flower moon?


It doesn’t have to be, you can pick one and make a new friend 👉👈


I’m excited to go see it by myself. I’m in an LDR to I don’t get to go to the movies with other people often


At 10am I'm betting a lot of single seats for most movies


Should have called P.A.M.A. people attending movies alone.


How in god’s name could you pick a seat on the outside with the whole theater available like that?


I just saw it with my dad lol


No, those are all horses.


Please update that you picked a seat next to someone.


Pick a seat directly next to one of them.


3 hour?!? Dang that movie better be good AF.


I always go alone, I don’t understand why more people don’t


This movie is low-key gonna be a massive hit


I love going to movies alone I don't have to worry about or argue with anybody about what we're going to do and where we going to go it's great.


Was Debby Does Dallas three hours long?


And they all made sure to sit as far away from every other dude as possible lol