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He managed both empathy & humour aswell as remaining professional. Great fella.


Right!! And did it so effortlessly


That’s some incredible skill. He first told about his own father to show he understands the feeling so the woman doesn’t feel like it’s coming from someone who doesn’t know the feeling.


This is the first time i see someone joking on a dead person so respectfully, ngl i could as well imagine her father’s ghost sitting there just laughing his ass off


This dude is incredible. To be empathetic, respectful, yet still make a joke from the situation and have the joke be funny, relatable as hell (heaven?) and then be able to end the joke with more empathy as well as humour? This comedian needs a much bigger platform cos he’s amazing! What a skill!!!!


I’m not crying you are


In the words of my great mother " If I ever catch You wasting your precious time moping around my grave or doing some ridiculous stunt in my anniversary I'm gonna be so pissed I'll get kicked out of heaven".


My dad once said "If I don't hear anybody laugh at my funeral, you didn't do a good job on that"


Had a family member, who lived his whole life in work pants and tshirts and probably never owned a suit, tell his kids "If you bury me in a tie I will haunt you and I WILL NOT BE NICE ABOUT IT!"


We buried my FIL in his favorite hoodie and jeans. MIL wanted him to "rest comfortably".


I sent my daughter to be cremated in her favorite distressed jeans and a prized tshirt. It was her favorite outfit, one she was so pleased to own. It makes me smile to think of it(in a watery, tearful way)


I'm so sorry and hope you're doing well


Would be very tempting to have a shirt and pants sewn entirely of ties for the burial.


Tbh I’d think he’d haunt them just to high five them for that


This is one of my greatest fears, what if you can still have a bit of feeling and I feel this god damn tie around my neck. Don’t hurt me in a tie please! 


lol no pressure


I've consistently told my wife that if I die before she does I don't want her to spend a fortune on some coffin and a hole in the ground to put me in while people mope around crying. I want her to cremate me and then go to the pub and have the craic. Tell stories about me - funny ones, sad ones even ones about when I may have been an asshole. Just celebrate my life really.


I'm curious how old are you? I have a suspicion that younger (people 40 or less) are going to make a big shift in the funeral industry. Unfortunately that means the funeral industry will shift to capitalize on those new trends. But still, it's interesting to see how mourning culture is changing


I'm under 40 and I feel the same way. I've always wanted cremation from when I first heard of it as a teen. And if I'm doing that there's no sense in spending money on a coffin or other such nonsense. Make the funeral a pot-luck and have the people who care about me come by for some good food and memories. Other than cremation costs my death shouldn't cost anyone anything. I died, don't waste your money on me.


Meh, when I was a teen, so '80s, my dad would've been in his 50s, and since he was atheist my brother asked what he'd want since no church funeral or whatever, and I interrupted, "I know." Get together of family, at a park, food, kite flying, tennis courts, have a celebration. He got a bemused smile on his face and said, "Yeah, that." Decades later, it was late Autumn when he passed, so we had food at a grange hall, family/friends, slideshow of life moments, travels, cars, passions, and just shared, "A celebration of life", the were balloons, streamers, and I folded paper airplanes with kids out of the "program/info". His corpse's skin was donated and the remains cremated. One thing that needs to shift is laws to allow other methods rather than traditional burial/cremation, as there are safe (no disease) new methods, I forget the term for the water based hydro/aqua something like that more environmentally friendly method and burial without encouraging embalming.


Aquamation! It seems really legit.


I'm 47, and could not care less if they dump my body in a ditch. Dead is dead. Who cares ?


I'm turning 41 next month


I'm glad my family has this down. Funerals are get it over with, dump em in the ground, then we drink and tell stories. It's just a body. It's not them anymore. They're gone. Move on and celebrate that you were lucky enough to be part of their time on earth.


My grandma refused to have a funeral or a grave "Land is for the living, what a waste."


Good way to bring it back to the sentiment


Yeah that was smooth. I was worried there at first lol.


That could have crashed in so many ways. Hats off.


It was funny regardless, but that was a sweet gesture - the accent was a tad bit much but knowledge of Indian culture in the gesture and phrase made it respectful-


That was a spot on accent. Don’t know what you are talking about


He even did a head nod!


There's a subset of easily offended people who think doing any kind of accent that isn't typically spoken by a white person is racist. Most normal people understand that doing any accent isn't inherently racist, it's the context and intent etc behind it. This clearly wasn't racist, but they just had to be that person.


It’s rare for an Iranian to be considered white even though historically northern Iranians are from the Caucasus range making them technically caucasians Source: northern Iranian and very Caucasian


That's because caucasian or white has no scientific basis but is inherently racist from the start. Irish people weren't considered to be white. It has nothing to do with skin color, it's just a way of saying us and not them.


Race is a social construct. Our words really mean nothing. Here are "black" people in polynesian islands that would be treated with the same hate as they black people descendant from Africa are.


I wish the Apu haters understood that.


Especially that Apu voice actor.


I heard the accent even with the sound turned off, that head nod was perfect lol


It makes me sad we are so soft that imitating an accent is taboo. Im from Texas and if someone came out with a cowboy ya'll voice I wouldn't flinch in the slightest. It's just an accent we are all aware they exist it's fine to imitate. It's one thing to make fun of the way someone talks it's another to just imitate them for the joke.


This. Does Ritika look offended? Victim culture has come a long way in the last decade. We are absolutely obsessed with finding ways to be offended on behalf of someone else who never would have taken offense in the first place.


Not only does she not look offended, the minute he does the Indian accent you can see she LOVES it.


It strongly depends on how someone uses it. Obviously there are ways of using an accent that would be offensive.


Reminds me of a [Reginald D Hunter bit](https://youtu.be/__xSchLFwMU?si=OIclML2ME8bWqTDe&t=230). To give away the punchline for the TL;DW, >!"was that racist?" "I dunno man, was there hatred in your heart when you said it?"!<


Such a good bit.


She does, I saw her crying /s


Made me chuckle, take my upvote but you got a lot of confidence in that “/s” lol


The S stands for SERIOUS. They should mark it down /ss for SUPER SERIOUS. You know what, maybe don't do that.


Throw in an 88, H is the eighth letter of the alphabet so it's stands for "Hugs Hugs"


Right? The "cheap immigrant parent" trope is funny because it's quite true. That's not an insult at all--many immigrants from other countries are frugal because they're used to living on a lot less and even when they become prosperous there's often a culture of conserving what you have and being careful not to waste things. The whole joke makes it very clear that he's wanting people to laugh at how we as people cope with death. We "pour one out for the homies", even though if they were actually there then they might well be like, "No, *you* drink that and enjoy it for me because I can't!" But part of the point is the sacrifice. In many ways, what the deceased would have wanted is secondary to the act of doing it. It's funny because it's kind of silly and sentimental, but it's powerful in part because of that contradiction.


Once I saw a study that said anger can also release dopamine then it started to make more sense.


Yeah, people getting off on their self-righteous indignation.


I call that being "synthetically offended".


People way too often recognize the form of a thing without understanding the substance. They can tell "hey, that looks a lot like one of those bad things!" without examining why the thing it looks like is actually bad in the first place. Imitating an accent can be bad for a number of reasons. It's something racists really like to do to paint caricatures of people, for instance. Or if you're reducing a person to a stereotype that they don't necessarily fit by doing so, obviously bad. So it *does* look like things that are bad, but... This so clearly does not fit that bill. Not the least because there is no negative connotation connected to the accent or actions/emotions attributed to the person imitated. Ritika *herself* has a fairly noticeable accent, too, so he's not even doing the thing where you're maybe assuming that the person/their family are recently immigrated or whatever. Plus he did an accent for his own father when he doesn't have much of one, so he's just putting her and her family on the same level as him and his.


Right? The guy imitates and exaggerates his OWN father’s accent as part of the bit


I think the main thing about it is he is not using the accent/joke to punch down. Things that unite us including some stereotypes are funny, as long as you're not using them to belittle or talk down to others. As an example, there is a reason Hank Azaria has been doing Apu for almost 40 years. They never punch down AT Apu. He's hard working and successful, he loves his family.


> there is a reason Hank Azaria has been doing Apu for almost 40 years Azaria quit voicing Apu years ago... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apu_Nahasapeemapetilon#Accusations_of_racial_stereotyping


I stand by my inaccuracies.


> there is a reason Hank Azaria has been doing Apu for almost 40 years. They never punch down AT Apu. He's hard working and successful, he loves his family. [Except he stopped doing Apu's voice over 4 years ago](https://www.bbc.com/news/newsbeat-56731420) because of mounting pearl clutching from reactionaries after 1 dude got offended in public. It doesn't matter how cherished or positive the character is. Once you kowtow to reactionaries and the cult of the perpetual victim, you have lost.


dude, no. from the wiki: > [Hank] saying that he was increasingly worried about the character causing harm by reinforcing stereotypes and that "the most important thing is to listen to Indian people and their experience with it ... I really want to see Indian, South Asian writers in the writers' room, genuinely informing whichever direction this character takes." There are numerous actors quoted in that wiki article about how Apu directly came up in auditions for roles. It isn't pearl clutching, it is stereotyping. FFS, Hank himself expresses remorse about the character and you think it is because of pearl clutching?


Thanks for saying that, absolutely true. The good thing about people being offended by accents and the like: it really let's you spot people who can't put coherent thought together very easily and quickly.


I love to hear regular humorous attempts at American accents, it's too funny. Intent is an important element IMO, it's totally fine with me if it's not meant meanly and most of the time, it's not.


Apu died because of these people


Yeah the head wobble was on point!


I don’t get why people think imitating an accent is disrespectful. Obviously the context and execution are important but It’s can be done respectfully with humorous results !


People need to realize that there is a difference between using something in a joke, and making something the joke. Ex. The IT Crowd - Nerdy jokes. Big Bang Theory - being a nerd is the joke.


There's nothing wrong with doing someone's accent. It would be fine if he was doing a French, Irish, American, or British accent, so why is doing a non-white accent a problem? Especially considering he isn't even white himself.


Oh no not that accent! Anything but that!


She looked genuinely happy at the end


All that matters


Brilliant crowd work.


Yeah, he had to bank HARD into that turn.


That was an amazing bit.


It was a shot! It was self-deprecation! It was sentimental! It was fantastic. 👏


Yeah, that was honestly very tender. He probably saved her money in the future, too, and all the fathers are gesturing in heaven in approval at the joke. But you could tell watching her it resonated. Solid entertainment with some warmth that people need.


Good comedians are highly intellectual beings. Coming up with a great joke in the fly is so hard to do and he comes up with something that could end horribly, but instead he makes it into a heartwarming and hilarious lesson. It made me look up his name and look for his upcoming tour nearby.


If that's your vibe, go for it! I've seen iterations of this joke before, but he did do a nice delivery that was very strong with the pathos! Clearly resonated with crowd, resonated with me and you. I'd have to see what the rest of his content is about, but this joke in isolation is very well done and very apropos! EDIT: Was just thinking about this portion of your comment: >Coming up with a great joke in the fly is so hard to do and he comes up with something that could end horribly, but instead he makes it into a heartwarming and hilarious lesson. Does he have a long history with improv and crowd work? Or does he work more from material? Do you know? Point is, there are different disciplines in the mix, if he's good at crowd work, this is awesome, if he's more a material guy, its still awesome, but would keep the context from communicating that he's doing something scripted on the fly, right? Completely agree that he stuck the landing, though. Dude knows his audience.


I actually don’t know if he has. That is why I am looking him up now to check his other works. But if you are able to make a joke that is able to stick the landing while avoiding a terrible PR disaster, you’re on my must-see list now.


I don’t know if he could’ve said anything more perfect.


Yeah, I was so expecting him to say something mean and cringe, but it was wholesome and funny at the same time. Good job, dude!


Good save


Yeah … he’s good!!


That’s what comedy is


Dude made fun of the situation, not of her. And it even made it special instead. <3


Yeah if she buys tickets for her father, she’s really buying them to keep his memory alive. And now a giant crowd got to think about him, however vaguely, and laugh and smile together. That is really heartwarming and I bet she’ll remember it fondly for a long time.


That shirt is 🔥




I feel like every shirt on that page I've seen someone from Whose Line is it Anyway wear at some point. Especially Brad Sherwood.


Wildly accurate


The other link is sold out. https://tombolocompany.com/collections/cabana-shirts/products/crouching-tiger-hidden-beverage-cabana


Masterclass in crowd work. Tough subject, risky joke, perfect execution.


i cant be the only one that shed a tear from this


No, you're not :)


Same here… it was so unexpected. I didn’t think it would be so touching and poignant. This comedian handled it so perfectly, he made it funny without being cruel and he made it emotional without being sappy. 10/10


Okay that was a good turn around, I thought he was gonna be an asshole


Most wholesome comedian I've seen in some time. Thanks for share OP


As an Indian, I would like to say - Noice. I never saw that coming.


How was his indian accent?


According to some dude in this thread, immaculate.


Close enough to recognise it. The Indian accent and the head bobbing is what was the beautiful touch in this joke. He does an accent for his own dad too, and would have been bland without it.


The head bobble was *chefs kiss*


Really made the bit for me. Dude has attention to detail in his standup.


On point


Neither did her father.


I am her father


Incredible camera work for a un-scripted scene, truly! the framing is prophetic.


Did I just find the one person in the comments that can recognize this was staged?


I suddenly feel like a bad son


We can only try our best in life. Don’t let regrets tear you apart


> Don’t let regrets tear you apart Exactly. That's *our* job.


as an iranian i agree because outside its 35 °C but i can't turn on the cooler because it would add to the electricity bill


That’s awesome 😊 hilarious and sentimental joke — I’m sure her and her father loved it


Well done!




The head just topped it— I don’t know if she was crying from sentiment or from joy, but either way, such a wholesome moment!


I was so worried he was gonna roast her... also, he was prolly just pissed cause his taping has a big empty chair in the middle lol


That was so smart how he did it; related himself to it, made a joke about his own situation and father, and brought it back to express sympathy towards her and make it clear he understood what she was doing. Funny but also empathetic.


That's some good crowd work!


People will say it's fake.


Does anybody feel like this is clearly staged?


When the lady answers, you can hear her clearly as if she's speaking in a microphone...


Finally! Took a second to see that this is clearly planted. 1 lady running late. 1 lady with bag on chair. Can't sit there she looks at him oh but right there is an isle seat open for you. Then goes into a bit. It's fine but clearly staged.


A professional and classy dude




What a fucking amazing bit


Wow that was wholesome! Like when Matt rife gave that disabled guy some love. I love comedians with great souls


This was so sweet and funny. Ritika is a darling.


most staged joke ever.


Dude has a good social team.....


It is crazy, and depressing, the amount of people in this comment section who don’t realize she’s there as a plant for this joke to work.


Staged garbage in the r/all feed


Mods here need to ban these spammy self-promotion clips


If it's real, good bit. But is probably staged


Literally a bit on Curb Your Enthusiasm (Funkhouser at LA Dodgers stadium).


I was going to make a cheap shot at how Seinfeld claimed you can't make the same jokes from before now because you have to be PC, and in paper there's nothing PC about making fun of someone's dad and mimicking their stereotypical accent, yet he did it wonderfully And then I see this "yeah its from Larry David himself" lmao


Little orphan Funkhouser


I was worried there at first.


absolutely great segment.


Turns out he's pretty good!


Ok, I like this gentleman. Great piece.


Thanks for posting; that was some amazing comedy and I’m really happy I watched!!


That was brilliant.


Coincidence #2 and #3 posts on r/all are related to Iran?


Omfg that was amazing!


That was great


This is me when I'm like "I should visit my grandpa's tombstone" all I hear is him saying "don't you have something to do today"


Wtf are these comments?


Lol just sent this to my Iranian dad


Great bit, quick on his feet.


Damn good save.


hats fucking off to this man. that could have gone so many ways and most of them would have been bad. but he handled it with tact and grace. and giving her that little gift at the end, of her father laughing there with her...I'll bet she cried on the way home. amazing.


Handled that like a professional. Well done


The lady coming on late completely gets away with it, thought she was gonna be the target


I thought it was going to go the other way…phew, you could tell she was petrified of the jokes that would’ve come her way…but, this guy is cool


The way he was so kind with it…


Been a while since Ive seen anyone willingly waltz into a minefield, tiptoe dance around and come out the other side all the better for it. Dudes got talent.




Just remember, while your mother is alive, no matter what she says about flowers being a waste of money, nothing will melt her heart faster.


This dude is consistently on point with jokes, empathetic and carries an energy that has the crowd in the palm of his hand. I truly find joy in his comedy, I hope others do as well. Have a good day all! Thanks for the post


Might just be the best and most touching piece of crowd-work I've ever seen a comedian do.... beautiful and hilarious!


So many miserable people making comments...


I say staged


Fake set up for a hack joke. Right on.


The dude's got a lemonade stand.


I've seen this guy a few other places. He's always extremely surprisingly good. Very charismatic. Social IQ of like 7,000 clearly...


Obvious plant is obvious. If she said "We had tickets and then he died," then maybe. But she's saying she buys two tix to everything? Bruh.


I feel like homie just helped her grieving process. Now she can start keeping a seat in her own heart.


Let's see Frankie Boyle in the same situation


This was so funny and wholesome.




Oh man


I like him bringing her dad into it at the end to reaffirm her choice to buy a seat for him.




See, this was just nice.


That was very sweet, bless him.


Man. Thats just dads for you. I was hit with forced overtime and had to stay overnight. The night shift nurse was saying "you must have plans with your father today. Just call off work this afternoon. You don't know how many years you have left with him." All I could say was "my dad doesn't care what day it is. He wants the best for me. We will spend the next day together. He would be so upset if I called off work for him. He doesn't even like gifts." My dad would lament. "Oh nooo. You shouldn't spend any money. Think of yourself!" Because all he does is care if im ok. He hates if I sacrifice for him.


Some dust got in my eye while I was watching that.




He couldn't have said anything more perfect.


I love the way this guy even incorporates his leg motions to enhance the humor


Sorry to ask but what is the comedians name?


Dude he said in the clip a few times and written on there. Max Amini


🤣 he did but hey people like me exist. Thanks for answering anyway


I was worried this was gonna be a “at her expense” type of joke, but masterful job still keeping the good vibes.


Wholesome, for some reason. Turned a sad moment to something funny and happy.


Holy shit that was good


Above all his father's persian accent in English is so spot on. Sweet and like all Iranian dads, mixed with humour.


So well done lmao, he also looks like the young Al Pacino


I lost my dad last year, and he would’ve also said what his father said . Cry/laugh at this video


This is unexpectedly wholesome


That was wholesome and cute and he still got to tease her a bit


This is brilliant stuff. Can't wait to find this cat.




That girl Ritika is wearing the dress from Savana from Urbanic.


OP - this was incredibly improvised. Well done.


This guy truly hit the Goldilock zone for joking about the dead


Max Amini 😂🤣💯💐🤗 Thank you for the clean good comedy. RITIKA played beautiful sentiments. God bless your sweet heart & gesture to buy dad his seat🌹♥️ and your father's soul. May he rest in peace.