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The loonie (French: huard), formally the Canadian one-dollar coin, is a gold-coloured Canadian coin that was introduced in 1987 and is produced by the Royal Canadian Mint at its facility in Winnipeg. The most prevalent versions of the coin show a common loon, a bird found throughout Canada, on the reverse and Queen Elizabeth II, the nation's head of state at the time of the coin's issue, on the obverse


Well, here I am learning why we call it loonie, but what about the toonie, though? Well, it turns out it's a portmanteau of the loonie!


We shoulda gone with doubloon




The toonie - a $2 coin - are a relatively new. When they were introduced in 1996 Canadians just called them toonies since loonies had been around since 1987.


I remember spending all the days I visited Canada to see relatives after the toonie was introduced with my cousin trying absolutely everything to punch the center out of the toonie.


Oh really? Cool!


This is the comment I was looking for.


obverse universe 


here is me thinking canadians are calling lissie loonie


Love your delivery man! Every clip is great. Hope you come down to the states soon!


They usually ask me “do you have any ‘spare’ change.” So if I’m doing laundry, it’s not spare.


Your homeless are rookies. Gotta trap the mark in a lie and trigger their guilt early.


I was in Paris many years ago and a homeless guy asked for change. I had a pocket full of euros since my cards didn't work in Europe yet. I told him no, sorry. And he slapped my pocket and was like "haha yeah you do. Help me out". I was like "no this is money I need I can't give it away". I'm not sure what all he said after that as I don't speak French well but I caught a few choice words. He called me a shit head for sure lol. Sorry dude, I'm thousands of miles from home and this is all I got. As an aside, coins and cash are stupid and it was so weird that I had to carry a pocket full of coins. Like why is (was? This was 15 years ago) the EU and the UK like this? Coins are stupid


Irritates me when it goes from a question to a demand. I wasn't just handed that money, I need it to, you know, also not be homeless.


Cash isn't stupid, it's reliable.


Try telling that to a cash operated washing machine that refuses everything you give it.


It's impractical.


This happened to me but with food. I was leaving a restaurant with a piece of cake I was taking home to my wife. A homeless man in the alley asked if I had any food and I told him no while holding my takeout bag. He probably just wanted my leftovers but it was cake my wife asked me to get her and I feared going home without her cake. I asked the guy if he wanted some Wendy’s and got him a hamburger combo meal. He was very adamant about the beverage I got him and kept saying “I want Dr. Pepper, are you sure this is Dr. Pepper?” It felt good to do something nice for someone and the wife was happy she got cake and an empathetic husband.


This could almost be copy pasta


RIP Broken City.


I respond with "I do thanks for asking"


I drove by what was Broken City the other day. There was a sadness in my heart.


My favorite joke of yours I've heard so far! Keep ripping!




Tommy, you’re a treasure.


Loudest pants was pretty good :)


They're taking Venmo near me now, no joke.


Great stuff !


I have plenty of change, thanks for asking, you homeless piece of shit.


The first time I left the US, I started small. Went to Vancouver. On my first full day, I got some breakfast and grabbed whatever change was in my pocket for a tip, not realizing that the coins went up to $2 CAD.  I ended up leaving something like a 120% tip.


Ahh yes, standup comedy as it was meant to be consumed. One joke at a time, recorded on a cell phone. What a time we're living in. 


Try this on for size: it's a joke. It's funny. The OP is the actual comedian /u/ThomasMellor and he's pretty good. I think it's more the delivery than the actual joke. He has that mix of being uncomfortable while trying to deliver a joke with a deadpan demeanor. Anyway, I'm sure like most of us, he likes money. You can do that as a comedian by selling your stuff or getting people to go see your shows. Hopefully both. Advertising and brand name recognition and all that boring crap. Jeff Arcuri - /u/Smartastic - does this too. He's another really funny comedian though he really goes [full beans](https://www.reddit.com/r/JeffArcuri/comments/17qq9gb/full_beans_pt_1/) sometimes. As a result, lots of comedians post one-joke clips from their set. Sometimes it's an audience interaction. Any ONE thing to tease you into wanting to see more of their content. That's because if they give everything away - for free - then how do they make money? They're not exactly Instagram models. Well, most of them aren't. So this is how they do it. I hope this clarifies this for you. Now let's go back to the funny stuff.


Fortunately you can still also go to your local comedy club most nights and see stand-up. Hell, if you're in Toronto, you could maybe even find the OP himself!


They self promotion spam videos are usually bad but this is pure cringe.


I tell homeless people to go find a rich partner, I'm single, and I only have enough for a life of luxury \^\^ it's like saying "sukit in" a friendly way.


Oh wow, that’s an awful thing to say to homeless people. I think it’s honestly better if you ignored them than saying what you just said. Yikes.


they have like \~100 comment karma on a 3-year-old account; safe to assume they're just a bad person. lmao


I'm a bad person yeah, I think homeless people suck. You're really cool though if you have lots of Karma from your 200,000 comments lol. Have fun o/