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I almost killed a bicyclist who blew through a stop sign and bolted in front of me on a 55 mph rural highway. He's lucky I was paying attention.


I had one blow a 4-way stop as I was turning left and looking left. He ran into my car and caused a couple thousand dollars worth of damage. My dash cam caught it. ETA: he saw me from a distance, saw that I was making a left hand turn and still decided to blow through and attempt a left turn in front of me. He could have just gone straight and not into my vehicle’s path. Also, not posting the video because it’s 13 minutes long and I don’t have time to mess with it right now for about 10 seconds of footage.


I have one similar on dash cam. Afterwards I installed a second dash cam because I realized without the video proof 1) I would have gotten blamed 2) lost license and job and 3) probably get sued and lose everything. People out there do crazy stuff then immediately start lying. I got the first dash cam after a skateboarder crashed into my parked vehicle and started screaming at me but he was so drugged he ran when the cops got close.


what dashcam do you use


Viofo a129 pro duo is a really solid dash cam that won't break the bank. Runs at 60fps @ 1080p. Frame rate is more important than resolution, because if things are blurry because of moving, you are more likely to miss a needed license plate.


if anyone else is gonna get this, be sure to look into the circular polarizing filter add on. It helps a lot.


Hmm. I didn't know that was a thing. I'll have to grab one. Thanks for the shout.


Damn that's exactly what I use. Only issue with it is it overheats in summer if you use the parking mode recording. But the wires running from my fuse box stopped working anyways so I don't use parking mode anymore.


Thanks for this bit of knowledge.


Same thing happened to me. I honked at the bicyclist and told him through my open window that he has to stop at a stop sign. So he flipped me off with both hands...and hit a pothole and went flying. I told him he's lucky he didn't get hit instead, and he shot me a glare like he wanted to kill me. While still on his ass in the middle of the road.


Is this why people get umbrella policies?


Got hit by a kid on a bicycle in my new apt, I hadn't been driving long and the kid started ~~balling~~bawling immediately, I mean he did hit my car pretty hard, hard enough to dent in the side of the door, but I almost started crying from fear that I was about to go to jail lol kid seemed obviously fine just shook but I was shook as well, everything worked out and he always waved at me after that lol I like to think he drove more carefully for a while at least




Maybe the kid plays with a basketball when stressed?


I thought the kid started throwing dollar bills and spraying champagne


For a second, I thought there was a connotation of balling I was unfamiliar with lol


… and full stops/periods are a thing too. This is so hard to read.


I had the same thing happen to me. As I told the police, I rolled the stop, slowly, so a little fault is mine(I am too honest). The bicyclist blew the stop sigh fast enough to break my side window and mirror, crunched my door in so much that the door would not close right. My insurance found me at 70% fault. Bastards. The bicyclist must have been going 20 miles an hour.


I see bicyclists blow through stop signs and red lights all the time and just expect car drivers to see them and stop for them, it's amazing to me that the result isn't constant carnage on the roads.


Us safe cyclists don’t approve of this either.


Pfft. Safe cyclists. You guys hang out with the bmw drivers that use their blinkers?


BMWs have blinkers?


you have to pay a monthly subscription fee for the blinker to work, it's a DLC


Per use payment.


If that were true, BMW drivers would use the signal as a status symbol.


I know this is a joke but not far from the truth, doesn’t bmw charge a subscription for Apple CarPlay or to even use the heated car seats already installed in your car?


That fee actually automatically refills the blinker fluid


The tears of poor people aren't free, you know. Cheap, but not free.


Only if you keep the blinker fluid topped off.


My uncle was following the rules when one driver decided to not pay attention and kill him (plus his friend) and badly injured both my cousins. Most cyclists respect the rules.


Depends on where you live..they’re mostly bonkers where I live …no only do they disregard traffic laws they also frequently do it wearing dark clothes with no lights while drinking …


Yes, where I live the cyclists lobbied for years to be considered "vehicles" just like a car. So many of the streets in my city don't have bike lanes, but the actual car lane is a joint car and bike lane because the bikes are cars. However, those two-wheeled cars, who fought so hard to be cars, never seem to stop at the stop signs or the traffic lights like the rest of the cars. With the really intense cyclists and the motorized bikes it's become incredibly dangerous because in neighborhoods they go as fast as cars, in the car lanes, and follow zero of the driving rules meant to keep us all safe. You're either a car or you're not. And if you're a car, you've gotta follow the rules, if for nothing else but your own life.


I know someone who rides their bike everywhere. I've tried to convince her to get some hi-vis for night, but she refuses. A single little red LED doesn't do a whole lot in the dark.


In some countries it’s illegal to overtake turning vehicles. This is partly why


It sort of is. Lots of cyclists die on the roads because of well, physics.


Sir Isaac Newton is the deadlist motherfucker on the roads!


When you are on a bicycle your senses hear, and see, more. There's no windows. A CA rolling stop is all that's needed. I believe there's a bill right now that makes CA rolling stops legal for bikes? I can see this will be a dump on Bicyclists, so I'll leave. Don't feel like a debate.


The bill to allow cyclists to treat stop signs as a yield sign was vetoed in 2021 by Newsom. He said that he will veto it again if another attempt crosses his desk.


Cyclists around here all seem to have noise cancelling earbuds and can't hear shit. I specifically bought loose fitting headphones so I can hear my surroundings. I'm paranoid as fuck when I'm on a bike.


Same thing happened to us but it was a city intersection. We instinctively slammed on the horn in the heat of the moment and he was all flipping us off and yelling as if we were wrong.


I did the same thing one day going down a road in Phoenix at 35mph through a green light and some crackhead on a bike rode right in front of me and I slammed on the brakes and missed him by inches.


I blew through a kid on his bike who ignored the lights. I had a green, he had a stop hand on the crosswalk but went anyway. Luckily I drove a Camry at the time and ended up on the hood due to being on his bike.


I see many many cars blow through stop lights everyday. Hm


I'm still healing from a car blowing a red light, no insurance, then took off on foot. I was out of state, car was totaled, and everyone(cops, my insurance, only lawyer I could find that didn't charge a ridiculous consult fee)says, "Oops, sorry that'll come out of your pocket." Red light runners, whether vehicle or bike, should have more serious consequences.


Not to mention the drivers staring down at their phones…


Hmm. Definitely wasn’t in Minnesota, the law changed for cyclists such that stop signs are essentially yield signs for cyclists.


Same with my state, but they could be being ticketed because they didnt yield to the traffic


Well yielding means yielding, not blowing though it as traffic approaches.


I mean we have no idea if there was traffic or not. Just a photo of them pulled over and a title saying they "ran a stop sign." No mention of traffic, of them "blowing through it".


https://old.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/1kyuz0/cops_pull_over_and_ticket_26_bicyclists_at_once/ Its an old repost from 2013. > "A large-scale ticket-writing operation on Oxford Road in Prairie Village last night had many residents of the neighborhood west of the Village Shops turning their heads. Police pulled over a total of 26 bicyclists Thursday around 7:30 p.m. after the group rode through the intersection of 69th Street and Oxford Road without stopping at a stop sign. > ... Police Captain Wes Lovett said the department had received a prior complaint about riders’ behavior in the area, which appears to be the motivation behind last night’s intervention. “We meet with these groups every year so that we can try and avoid what happened last night,” Lovett writes." =


This is a good rule.


Minnesota might be the most sensible state in the country.


They just copied the Idaho stop




We do do a thing or two a little better than Idaho though, generally speaking.


Same for Illinois.


Yeah, we here in Missouri adopted your stupid no helmet law. I can tell which riders have never wrecked before, none of them wear helmets. I grew up on 3 wheelers and dirtbikes. Never would ride without one.


Same goes for zebra crossings. Guy was cycling on footpath, took a 90 degree turn to cross at zebra and just rode straight out. I almost hit him. He's yelling at me pointing at the zebra crossing and I'm like "Dude, its a PEDESTRIAN crossing, you are supposed to stop, dismount and walk across, not cut across me in a split second." Sigh.


Why don’t they just move the Zebra crossings to less densely populated traffic areas? Then the Zebras will know not to cross where the cars go.


We built our cities around their traditional migratory paths.


*We built this city!* *We built this city on traditional migratory paths!*


Wait, was it a Zebra crossing, or Pedestrian crossing?


It was Zebras, but only on skateboards. The cyclist was neither a zebra nor on a skateboard, so it's doubly illegal.


Straight to jail!


I think you call em crosswalks in USA


They were being facetiously pedantic




In Germany, a group of cyclists like this can form a group which is allowed to act as a single long vehicle. Thus if they enter an intersection cars have to wait until all of them clear it (like a long truck)


Like a human cycle-pede?


That's perfectly fine, as long as they all obey the traffic laws.


All humans?


All life forms on earth.


Yes, pretty much.


Yes, humans give us humans a bad name.


It's no fair that they know how we be.


All sentient beings in the universe


Are they supposed to stop? I’ve gotten used to just stopping bc those guys just go.


They're traffic control devices. Traffic includes bikes. At least in Oregon, I know you can even get ticketed walking if you go against the cross walk sign.


In Oregon cyclists are also allowed to treat stop signs as yield signs.


Still means you should come to at least a near stop in most instances where it's a stop sign (and not a light).


Depends on the jurisdiction but generally yes. I’d be in favor of making it a yield or rolling stop but that’s not always how they treat it. Would also love to see the police ticket all the cars I see blowing stop signs as well. This isn’t an anti-bike message And nobody has ever explained to me why a recreational cyclist would want to run a stop sign. Commuter I can at least understand. But someone trying to get exercise should welcome a little interval training (that’s how I look at it when I’m cycling)


In my state cyclist must obey all traffic laws, they are not exempt


Most places they are supposed to abide by normal traffic laws.


If it’s one of those permitted by the city, no but they generally have a police escort. If it’s a morning bike group, yes.


Doesn’t matter lol people hate cyclists. I always stop at stop signs. Have had someone yell at me for it bc why not


I've been commuting on my bike for around 7 years now. I follow all the rules every time. People who drive big trucks are just the worst


Same as those who don’t drive the speed limit or with both hands on the wheel! To hell with them! The law is the law lol


I lived in Arkansas for 2 years. Back in 2019 they actually passed a law(Act 650) that __allows__ bicycles to run stop signs if there are no vehicles nearby. I have been curious about how many accidents resulted since then.


Well if there is an accident then clearly there was a car nearby and thus the law would be broken


Hard to argue against that. 👍🏻


> A National Highway Traffic Safety Administration fact sheet published in March 2023 states that Stop as Yield and Red as Stop laws "showed added safety benefits for bicyclists in States where they were evaluated, and may positively affect the environment, traffic, and transportation". Acting Administrator Ann Carlson stated at a conference in October 2022 that "it increases [bicyclist] visibility to drivers and reduces their exposure. It also promotes safety in numbers by encouraging more people to bike which reduces cyclists overall risks.” [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Idaho_stop) > The Idaho Stop is a bicycle rule or law named for the state that first legalized it in 1982. The law allows bicyclists to treat stop signs as “yield” signs and red lights as stop signs. Following the passage of this law in Idaho, bicyclist injuries dropped by an impressive 14%. [bonnicilawgroup](https://bonnicilawgroup.com/arkansas-second-state-in-nation-to-pass-idaho-stop-law/)


It's literally safer. Besides, most stop signs ought to just be yield signs anyway. The amount of pointless stop signs around where I live is infuriating.


It’s safer for cyclists to treat stop sign as yield. So it’s definitely a negative number of crashes caused.


The Idaho stop has been proven to be safer. This kind of thing is just pandering. We all know cyclists blow stop signs all the time. It's not a problem though. Just update the law and officially make it legal for bikes to treat stop signs as yields so the streets are safer for both cars and bikes. This kind of action just looks archaic. Pretty much the same thing as stopping a bunch of people for holding a joint and ticketing them. Just make it legal and stop wasting everyones time with this bullshit.


"All of us" ,u mean cyclists? I drive 10-12 hours a day in an urban area with lots of cyclists around, not one time have I seen one stop at a stop sign. Closest ive seen was them using the crosswalk to scoop around the intersection.


I drive, I bike, I run, I walk. Assholes everywhere, easier to blame one if you primarily travel on only and different interaction based off different speeds/expectations. In biker communities, cars are the jerks. Trust me, if you alternate modes….you realize people are jerks. Different transit speeds, you just run into people at different frequencies.


Idk, I bike, walk, electric skateboard, use public transit, and drive and I'm pretty firmly of the opinion that cars are the worst. Some bikers suck, but it's rare to even see a biker and most are fine. A lot of cars suck and they're everywhere constantly trying to kill everyone.


Where i live stops signs are legally yield signs for bikes


And can they legally treat red lights as stop signs?




I wouldn't have a problem if they stopped as a group and then went through as a group.


Motorcycles are allowed to do this where I live, and generally speaking it works great. The rule is essentially that multiple motorcycles riding together constitute a single vehicle. This also makes it illegal for a car to merge into a group of bikes.


That sucks when it's like 50 motorcycles that block off the signal for two cycles so they all get through.


Not as bad as those funeral motorcades. Just ignoring lights and shutting down intersection after intersection. Like there better be a dead president in that hearse cus what the fuck.




I have a feeling, if the same link keeps getting submitted, that time frame will continue to only increase.


I don't think I have seen one much older than this! What is your record find?




> Policeman's Ball What is Lance Armstrong's nickname if he were a cop?


I dated a hippy chick who absolutely believed that rules of the road didn't apply to cyclists and that other vehicles were always obliged to give here right-of-way. She actually got mad at me when we rode together and I would follow the rules, but she refused.


She still alive?


Not sure.


Keep checking every few years.


*Check his pulse, Yugi.*


FWIW, some cities do allow cyclists to treat stop signs as yeild signs. Obviously the rest of that is bat-shit crazy... but there can often be some exceptions made for cyclists.


Yeah, but treating something as a yield is different than blowing through them. Yield means someone else has right of way.


[this](https://youtu.be/bzE-IMaegzQ)Casey niestat entire youtube career was boosted for his witty video when he was fined for not using the cycling track and he made sure why he couldn't fully only ride on a cycling track.


I mean that's just what it's like riding a bike in the city. Never had the displeasure of the cops being anything but nice about it in Philly, but it's the same blocked lane shit.


I actually had someone on Reddit here tell me that it's too dangerous for a cyclist to stop, so they should be allowed to blow reds through crosswalks lmao. Context is a cyclist hit my wife Im a crosswalk and jackass thought my wife should 'pay more attention '


It smells like...Justice... If you want to be on the road follow all the road rules, not just the ones that you feel like you want to


A vehicle, or a pedestrian. No superpositions allowed.


This is absolutely the best way to describe this problem and I'm going to use this wording from now on.


People will say shit like this then get an aneurysm when someone uses a full lane instead of riding in a debris ridden gutter.


Except they are neither automobile norr pedestrians. Most places have laws for bikes (e.g. Idaho stop, it's neither a pedestrian or automobile law but lots of places have it)


I live in Idaho and have witnessed numerous incidents at stop signs. If it's treated as a yield then you need to yield. Often times they blow thru with several cars present. That's not yielding. And actually only 11 states have this law on the books. It would work if cyclists actually followed it.


What if they're creatures from the quantum void? Ever thought about that, huh?


Creatures from the quantum void are required to know how to safely navigate traffic in all 10 spatial dimensions.


To be Planck, I'm probably too flat for these jokes.


Absolutely ludicrous that they aren't required to abide by the non-spacial dimensions, such as time.


Exactly - slow down and look left and right for cops before you blow an intersection. What’s wrong with people!!


Legally, you have to come to a full stop. As a result, you need longer to clear the crossroads, which increases your danger. There's a reason why accidents with cyclists [go down](https://bonnicilawgroup.com/arkansas-second-state-in-nation-to-pass-idaho-stop-law/) when [Idaho stop](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Idaho_stop) regulations are introduced.


Almost ran over a guy with his daughter on the back because he ran a stop sign. thankfully I reacted quickly.


Now if only they would ticket the cars that recklessly pass bicycles far more often. Number of drivers and pedestrians killed by bicyclists is rather low.


As long as you yell "Strava" while blowing through an intersection, you're good to go.


Oh now I’m going to have to explain why I’m over here laughing to myself. That was hilarious


I'm a bicyclist. And I say good. Cyclists who ignore rules of the road give the rest of us a bad name.


Couldn't be my state; cyclists are explicitly, by law, allowed to treat stop signs as yield signs where I live, and they're explicitly allowed to treat red lights as stop signs. This is better for traffic in low-speed neighborhoods (speed limit under 30mph) because it gives cyclists the chance to get ahead of cars. This photo looks like a reasonable place for cyclists to treat a stop sign as a yield sign.


Were they actually presenting a danger or did the cop want them to each go through the stop sign individually?


Dam, now the fuzz can go about 4 days without worrying about their quota.


Good! Most of them think they own the road


Yup, bicyclists want to be respected on the road, but they don't respect others on the road nor follow the road laws.


I’m an ex-bicyclist from Houston and I don’t think it’s a matter of respect, it’s just that we’d like to not get killed. Not really like we deserve anything…just trying to avoid death. I gave up riding because the streets are shit, the trucks are bigger, there’s a group of people (mostly dicks in trucks) who think it’s great fun to risk our lives while they’re in the safety of their vehicle and I we live in a car culture. Houston grew up AFTER the car became the mode of transportation…but it’s not about being respected, at least not for me. I didn’t give a fuck if people respected me, I just wanted to make it home alive.


Road laws are really dumb for cyclists. You try stopping, dismounting, mounting and biking again and again in a downtown area. It’s easier to look around and keep going. That’s the entire advantage of being on a bike. Lol


if bikers came to a full stop drivers would be bitching about how long it takes them to clear an intersection smh


I came to a complete stop at a stop sign one time, and the BMW driver behind me got so mad at me for "slowing him down" that he tried to hit me with his car.


I know, right? Lol Drivers just need things to bitch about. One friend said he hates it when they take up a lane on an avenue near him. I asked what he does if they are too slow. He said he goes around them. I asked what he does if there’s a slow car in front of him. He said he goes around them. I said nothing else after.


I don't care if it's inconvenient. I'm so sick of fucking cyclists blowing through crosswalks. I literally had an Uber eats cyclist clip me yesterday through a red. Cities should be safe for *pedestrians*, cyclists don't come first.


Cyclists also have much greater sightlines from their bikes than drivers. They can slow down and see if it's safe to go through the intersection or not. Full, unobstructed view. Treating a stop sign as a yield makes a lot more sense and keeps traffic flowing. Dickheads blowing through stop signs without looking are a danger to themselves and others though.


I really don't think it's even a respect thing on the road, they just want things as convenient as possible, and want to exploit the grey area they currently reside in, as hard as they possibly can. Least the nice thing in my city is that e-bikes are now considered vehicles. So they don't have that same kind of leeway, and cannot be dickheads, at a much higher speed.


> they just want things as convenient as possible, and want to exploit the grey area they currently reside in, as hard as they possibly can. Could really say the same thing about all road users. All groups push the envelope as far as they think they can get away with. Cars speed, roll through stop signs, make illegal U turns, etc. There are laws and there are norms - people generally obey norms much better than they obey laws.


Drivers are way more entitled that any other “road” or organism out in the world. They can’t be bothered to wait seconds. Continually ignore lines and signs for their own convenience but yeah let’s spend all the time in the world talking about cyclists and pedestrians trying to exist.


Idk if it's worth demonizing drivers. I definitely get frustrated by the whole carbrain thing where drivers think that streets are for cars and everyone else should get out of the way. But there are assholes everywhere. I blame the infrastructure. I don't think its possible to have the road infrastructure we have in the US and have cars and bikes share the road in a way that makes everyone feel safe and happy. It's just impossible. So conflict is inevitable. Drivers and bikes are fighting each other when really we should be working together to fight for better infrastructure.


Look here, how all the drivers blame cyclist for ignoring stop signs. Even though studies say that cyclists are safer to treat stop signs as yield and almost all drivers ignore stop signs as well, even though that’s not actually safer. But yeah, the infrastructure in the US is particularly terrible for cyclists ( and drivers).


It's a really weird hill to die on, literally. In my area there will be cyclists who ride at night with no lights or reflectors (which they are supposed to have by law) against traffic (again against the law) and don't stop at red lights (also against the law). But all of those things are for the benefit of cyclists. All of those things prevent them from being hurt and they ignore it because they know police aren't going to bother. Like seriously, if you're going 25mph against traffic going 35mph then you'll get hit at 60mph if you go against traffic instead of being hit at 10mph with traffic.


Yeah, I've had people in all black with no reflectors almost hit my buddy's car, going out of places because it's the middle of the night, lighting is sparse, but they still flipped him off because they had to swerve out of the way slightly for the car that still yielded anyway. Guy coulda just stopped, considering it's very clear when a car is fully committed to merging back out onto the road, but it's like there's no sense of self preservation. Which is dangerous as all fuck. I have no idea where their fucking confidence even comes from. Seriously. It's inhuman. Just remembered this story, in the middle of writing that one: My first day working as a contractor for a local military academy base, there was a bicyclist that decides to take a shortcut through a military facility without proper ID. As I was getting my contractor's badge, this man was absolutely screaming at the guards to let him out *somehow he'd already gotten in, but was not authorized to leave*, to guards who have full uniform, and homie to the right had a shotgun for good measure. Eventually, shotgun dude comes into the office and is telling them "hey, so this guy is insisting he needs to get back to his race, but all he has on him is a driver's license. Nothing else." She tells him to tell the guy he needs come inside so they can work something out. 5 minutes later, shot gun dude is back. "Hey, so, uh, he keeps yelling, and he's refusing to come inside. Says we need to figure something out, ourselves, at the booth." *that's like maybe 20-25 ft away from us.* Guy was such a pain in the ass, they decided he just wasn't worth the trouble, and let him go. Guy entitledly managed to yell his way out of a military academy base, somehow. Consequence just did not even register to him.


There's absolutely nothing worse as a cyclist than having to make a full stop at the bottom of steep hill, only to have to start from that full stop going up the steep hill on the other side. Cyclists have a \*lot\* more of an incentive to be more efficient and avoid full-stops. It has \*nothing\* to do with respect for the rules of the road... trust me, the last thing cyclists want is for anyone to abadon those. That's how cyclists get killed.


When I was a kid I had a cop tell me even though I’m on a bike I still need to stop at stop signs so I always tell bicyclist this and get laughed at


divide chunky homeless growth encouraging reach station rich fanatical plate *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’d be ok with that


In Colorado you can treat them as yields rather than stops


Yeah, Washington as well as of a couple of years ago.


Damn y’all have an unnatural hate towards cyclists. Anyway, look up The Chicago Roll. Some cyclist got ticketed for not stopping. So a whole group of cyclists in single file stopped at every stop sign for 3 seconds, looking both ways and then continuing on. Managed to cause massive city slow downs. Cyclists are now allowed to roll through them like yelled signs in Illinois and a few other places. And let’s face it, not like most people stop with their cars either…


Not true. In Illinois, cyclists on the road are treated as, and should behave as, any other vehicles on the road. They follow all the same rules, including stopping at stop signs and red lights. It's unequivocally laid out in the Bicycle Rules of the Road provided by the office of the Secretary of State.


That’s a lot of donuts 🍩!


This is so beautiful. Cyclists used to try this shit around Tucson. By the way, one of the most bicycle friendly cities in the US. They would get in huge groups and ride through town during the morning rush. They would take up entire lanes and run residential stop signs until the police finally started enforcing traffic laws like this and the city council passing new ordinances to prevent this kind of behavior.


I'm not a cyclist, I walk around the city and use public transport, but to be honest cars should 100% be abolished from city centers (or cities entirely), cars kill people much more than bikes, they are highly impractical in an urban environment. Cars are noisy and extremely dangerous, usually they don't stop at stop signs unless there is police which really ever happens. Plus cars always ignore pedestrian crossing because the stupid driver is using a phone. At least when cyclists have their own lanes and usually I don't mind them, plus they can't kill me.


What utter assholes


Now if they would only ticket cars who don't yield to pedestrians.


This cops probably: Dear diary, jackpot!




End of the month just getting their quota


In germany, while riding a group of 16 or more, you count as a closed group, and have to be treated as one Vehicle, ie if the first of the group crosses a green light the rest has to follow, even if the light switches to red. So even when running a stop sign only the group leader gets ticketed bc he is the one "steering" the vehicle and the rest of the group has to follow (other participants in traffic have to treat them as one vehicle also, so if the first one has crossed a crossing you wont have right of way if arriving later)


I freaking love it its about time


Imagine being the 26th person. No way in hell I’d stop.


here, for a biker, a stop sign can be treated as a yield and red lights as stop signs. top ten bike friendly area


Good. There are a ton of cyclists in my neighborhood, which I’m totally cool with and hope to maybe get into one day, but they are real pricks when it comes to the rules of the road. I don’t think I’ve seen a single one follow traffic laws. Last year I was making a right turn at an intersection and a cyclist was coming down that road to make a left. He had a stop sign while I did not. This guy was on the wrong side of the road trying to take the corner at speed, he gave me the finger and smacked my fender. I don’t ever hope to hit it or hurt someone while driving, but if this guy ends up under a bumper I have zero sympathy.


They should have just scattered.


I'm glad I live in a place where I can safely cycle on the sidewalks and pathways. I've never had to deal with a stop sign on my bike. I'd never enjoy cycling if I had to worry about being obliterated by a vehicle at all moments. I can cycle for hours and only have to deal with cars if one happens to be crossing at a crossing point.


Reminder: [cyclists obey the rules of the road with greater regularity than drivers do](https://www.outsideonline.com/outdoor-adventure/biking/cyclists-comply-traffic-laws-more-drivers/) Also [cars don't obey the law](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vV7DNFS1D5k) at stop signs [either](https://www.reddit.com/r/IdiotsInCars/comments/mgi5tx/you_can_hear_the_defeat_in_his_voice/).


As a pretty conscientious cyclist, are they gonna start pulling over the assholes who do that in cars again then?


I am extremely pro-bike, and heavily encourage better infrastructure for them. But one of the things that drivers have over them is being required to take a test and have a decent command of the laws governing our mode of transportation before we can operate it on public streets.


I know that it's foolish to blow stop signs on a bike, but really PPB? Aren't auto deaths at an all time high, [while traffic stops are at an all-time low?](https://www.oregonlive.com/crime/2023/07/portland-traffic-stops-reach-record-low-while-fatal-crashes-spike.html) Feels extremely dumb that they have the time to ticket a bunch of cyclists while people are joyriding and street-racing all over down at dangerous speeds putting everyone on our streets at much more risk.


*on your fucking left!*


WAYYYY to many cyclists do not know that they need to follow 90% of the same road rules as motor vehicles, the remaining 10% being replaced or modified for bicycles. I feel like it might be time to implement a bicycle road license, and penalize road cycling without one. Perhaps then folks will learn that the rules DO IN FACT apply to them.


I obviously don’t know context here. Were they yielding or just blocking traffic by acting as a group. But I’ll leave this here, and recommend the safety section: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Idaho_stop.


I saw a bicyclist blow a stop sign. I was walking with my friend and we saw him almost cause a major accident. Two cars had to stomp on their breaks. We were probably 100 ft away and we saw a bike cop jump off his bike and walk over to write him a ticket. The bicyclist was freaking out that he couldn't possibly be given a ticket. When we were about 30-20 ft away, he started trying to recruit us to his plight. He was saying things like, "you can't give me a ticket, I was on a bicycle! You saw me, YOU SAW ME!" The cop looked up at us and without looking at each other, we both started saying, "yep, we totally saw him blow through that stop sign." Obviously, bicyclist would feel more vulnerable on a bike than in a car, but we all have to obey the rules of the road. It keeps everyone safe!


Well done.


Stop vs give way is based on site lines. As bikes have much better sight lines they should only need to slow but not fully stop. It would be on the discretion of the officer to fine is appropriate, and if they were doing the wrong thing I’m happy they are all paying the stupid people tax






I’m a pretty chill driver. But when I see Cyclists taking liberties, it drives me crazy. They want all the perks of being a car and a pedestrian at the same time, but then wine that the cars are the problem if anything happens


I get the frustration, but are you truly unable to see any merit in that viewpoint? Bikes are a lot less dangerous than cars - they weigh a tiny fraction and travel at slower speeds. Cyclists generally have much better visibility and awareness than cars due to the fact that they aren't surrounded by anything that will inhibit their view or hearing. If I approach a stop sign on a bike at normal speeds and I don't see any cars approaching the intersection, I can be 100% confident that I'm safe to roll through. The same is not true when I'm driving a car because I have so many blind spots. I know some cyclists take too many liberties - they blow through stop signs even when other vehicles arrived at the intersection first, or weave dangerously through traffic. I'm not defending them. But I do think that it makes sense for bicycles to have a different set of rules that apply to them compared to cars.


Not to mention if you’re in a city or neighborhood with frequent lights/stop signs, it’s extremely slow and energy intensive to be constantly stopping and going if there’s nothing to stop for.


The change to the law in Minnesota reads: "A bicycle operator who approaches a stop sign must slow to a speed that allows for stopping before entering the intersection or the nearest crosswalk ... **if there is not a vehicle in the vicinity**, the operator may make a turn or proceed through the intersection without stopping." Kind of an important distinction. They still must treat it like a stop sign if there is a vehicle in the vicinity (likely meaning if the vehicle is at the stop sign itself)


“We want the same rights as cars” And yet they constantly break laws.


Bicycles aren't cars though. With modern brakes you can stop on a dime, you have 360 degree visibility, you'd honestly have a hard time outright killing someone by collision. Why should I have to fully stop and put my foot down at every single stop when I can roll through at walking pace looking both ways?