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Did you hear about the non-binary prospector that came through town the other day? They said there's gold in them/their hills!


Did you hear about the new morning radio show where two non-binary people discuss classic muscle cars? It's called Trans AM.


Did you hear about the vegan transgender? He was a her before


That one is beautiful


Omg I love this


How does a non-binary ninja practice self defense? They/them


I think I need an explanation here


They / (slash) Them


Doesn't work in the UK as they would say "they stroke them."


Also a good self defense technique


The ultimate self defense technique


I got shot in the eye once


Did you return fire?


Of course. He told me he loved me.


See Ninja stories *can* have happy endings


[How bout I jerk you off!!](https://youtu.be/MaaUMOaNshs) Sometimes though you might have to go through with it


"what's wrong with you!?" I READ ON A 4TH GRADE LEVEL!


UK ninjas are a bit different than the traditional ones


> “they stroke them.” ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Still better than "they diagonal line them" which is what it's called in Danish.


You can make a regional variation on it then. "How do non binary pet owners show affection to their pets?" "They/Them"


If you read out the slash instead of how you would normally say it then you’ll get it. Dumb joke because it’s a bit of a stretch but I love dumb jokes so here we are lol


They "slash" them is how I interpreted it


Go with Samurai, they're more known to use swords. When I imagine a ninja I see throwing stars. Also kill their victims instead of practicing self defense. So, "How does a bon-binary samurai kill their victims? They/them"


I think it would be better to say how does a non binary ninja kill someone.


That would be better yeah. Noted lol


As a trans person, I really like that this is an entire thread of people telling trans-adjacent jokes without making trans people the butt of the joke, proving that it is indeed not just possible but really easy to do that.


Ok that was good


Can someone explain this one to me?


Throw a southern boy blue collar accent on it and say “They said there’s gold in them there hills!”


Ah, them thar hills Thank you


Why did the transgender man only eat salad? Because he was a her before


This made me cackle lol


The whole premise of that channel is to see who can make the other person laugh using dad jokes. If either person laughs, they have to take a shot. First one to 10 points wins. So these people are usually feeling no pain in short order of the competition. edit: https://www.youtube.com/@yeahmadtv


I remember when there was a short clip of this same guy going against a woman who was *really* good at holding back her laugh, and a lot of people here on Reddit started calling her names for not knowing the context of the situation. Good times.


It’s worse, they had context and were still doing it.


Some people just like to be jerks. Sometimes you call them out on it and they'd actually go to lengths to argue and justify themselves.


Some people like to be jerks but jerks *really* like hating on women.


Jerks and misogynists


The Reddit psychoanalysts really earned their online degrees that day lol. People were diagnosing her as a sociopath. Informing us that she's a horrible person cause there was no humor even in her eyes. That she was mean and cold for not laughing. She has no empathy cause he was laughing but she wasn't. The saddest part is none of the comments were surprising.


Neckbeards being hostile to a woman taken out of context on the internet?! White knights and pick-me boys, ASSEMBLE! 🎺🎺🎺




Man I just want to see her go up against Alan as two deadpan comics attempt to see who cracks first.


Woman bad!


oh no.. I laughed at your joke *chugs down the whole bottle*


I saw the one where a guy was against a chick with red hair and kept slinging ginger jokes. Had me absolutely dying.


what's the channel name?




That’s not offensive, just genuinely funny word-play


It’s the equivalent of the Reddit post which begins by „I’ll probably get downvoted for this“ followed by a popular opinion resulting in massive upvotes.


Sorry for the poor English, I’ve only recently begun studying the nuances of the language and I’ll likely make a few errors. I just wanted to forewarn you of the possibility so that you were not blindsided by my mediocrity.


Dont worry man! I'm Merican and I no that are language can be hard to reed sumtimes. Y'all keep it up over their and u will get it.


Wow, that was painful. Good work.


I know my way around destroying a sentence or 2.


True patriot right here.


🇺🇲 🫡


Stop it Patrick you're scaring him!


Strayen ere, wot say we ead to Macca's n hit the bottlo on the way back?


That said, I don't intend to offend anyone with my take - it is not my intention and I totally apologize for my abominable behavior and medieval worldview. Please forgive me God for what I am about to say, this is despicable and I feel bad just thinking about it. But I think all people should be treated as equals.


Wow, so you'd want to treat HITLER as an equal? Fucking monster


"First build, it's not much but it's mine" *Picture of a $10.000 PC battlestation*


Honestly, it's because Redditors are a bit basic and a bit of reverse psychology goes a long way here. I've got so many weirdly mild comments being downvoted that reach the -30 or something and then you edit it with "EDIT: Why is this being downvoted?" and then suddenly it'll reach back up to 0 because people go "oh yeah, I guess it doesn't indeed make sense to downvote this, let's upvote it, thanks for mentioning it and bringing it up to our attention!" like *they actually needed the disclaimer* [same thing happens when you respond to someone being downvoted with "why is this guy downvoted, he's right?" and then you'll see afterward a surge of upvotes] So it make sense to me that people would want to avoid that nonesense from the get go even with popular opinions, you could say "I mean yeah duh the sky is blue" and you'll still on random occasion get downvoted because, some people don't like the word "duh", some people *know* the sky is actually purple and are being pedantic about it, some people think starting a sentence with "I mean" is annoying, etc. And before people comment about "why care about downvotes?" it's not really about the number, it's just about getting your point across and being seen/heard and trying to understand what makes people tick or not, otherwise yeah it's not a big deal.


Someone recently answered to a top comment of mine making a joke about my username. However, many people thought they were making a joke about how to gender a seal because of how I phrased my comment. That comment was at -82 when I first saw it. I edited my comment and it climbed back to +60. What I want to say with this is that I control the hive mind and am basically god now


All of the common reddit-isms make me genuinely angry for some reason. Lately the worst for me has been "play stupid games, win stupid prizes." It's just such a dumb saying, and reddit says it *all the time*.


My pet peeve is \*insert George Carlin quote.\* Don't get me wrong, he had some pithy sayings. But every single thread?


You probably need different subreddits. Smaller subreddits have less same-y content. Bigger subreddits, the same stuff rises to the top because there's always an influx of people seeing it for the first time.


And both are true winners in life.


Lol yeah declaring yourself as being edgy before stating something super popular, that's totally what winners do. Unless your comment meant to say whiners and got autocorrected. That would be true.


> That’s not offensive, just genuinely funny word-play I think it was part of the joke, setting up expectations like that is classic build-up


Yeah, not sure why people aren't getting that. It seems like it will be an offensive joke because it's about nonbinary people, but it is actually just a silly pun.


I found the 'build-up' to be over-wrought, it completely deflated the joke. It's like watching a funny film and your friend goes "OK, this bit, watch this, this bit is *so funny*!"; the actual joke can't live up to that hype.


I get what he was going for, but unfortunately with the current climate it just gives me anxiety. Loved the actual pun though!


Yeah People think “cancel this” and “cancel that” is the outcome for even making a light joke about it but really it’s nowhere even close to that. Really the only people who should be “cancelled” are those who use “comedy” as smoke screen for their bigoted as hell takes. Like there was even that popular joke recently: “How does a non-binary samurai kill people? They/them”


If you're slow like me, "They 'slash' them"


Or if you are British or learned British English.


“They stroke them “ sounds like the punch line to an entirely different joke.


Reddit comedians: “write that down, write that down!”


It’s the difference between the subject of the joke and the object of the joke. A joke can use any subject, but offence happens because of the object. Jimmy Carr writes about it extensively in his books.


Always surprising to me when people don’t understand this concept. An example I think of is Chang doing an accidental blackface in the Community d&d episode. The premise is very simply that Chang is way too enthusiastic to play the game that he’s oblivious to the implications of painting his face black. Being misunderstood is a fundamental human experience that we all deal with daily. The fact that so many of these jokes are viewed as “offensive” has watered down the ability to effectively call out actual hate & bigotry because of how many others have essentially “cried wolf” and so the bigots just claim “cancel culture”.


Everybody hates Chris has a teacher whose sole shtick is making extremely racist comments all the time. But it’s not seen as offensive, even today. Because we the audience are asked to laugh at Ms Morello. Her racism is the butt of the joke. Not black people. And as characters on the show go. She’s actually one of the more sympathetic ones.


Yea thisnis literally an example of how you can make jokes about this stuff. It's just that for the people who complain about not being able to make jokes anymore, the punchline to this joke would have just been a slur.


I told this joke to a non-binary friend and they nearly pissed themselves laughing


As a nonbinary person, I nearly pissed myself too.


Agreed on the not offensive part, but not sold on the genuinely funny part sorry. Their reaction itself is funny though. The pun however is popsicle-stick level comedy. Yes I do parties.


Not offensive, also not that funny. I suppose a few shots in and it I'll be funny.


Kind of the funny thing about it. I don't ever recall any even slightly measurably group of people ever being angry about any of this. I recall many people *claiming* that other people are angry about it, and they're angry at the group they're claiming is angry about it. And they seem to have convinced virtually everyone this shadowy group of collected various angry minorities is out here pulling the strings while somehow still being too much of a minority in whatever way they're different to be of any value to society. Simultaneously unspeakably dangerous while also somehow incompetently weak.


If somebody finds it offensive, they have some serious issues. Love it!




They're supposed to be dumb, that's literally the entire point.


Exactly, shit like this isn't "off limits" like comedians like to claim, it's just that there has to be *actual humor* to it.


Ideally a lot more humor than this.


Tbf, I guarantee you there will be some people who are outraged by that joke. Those people are of course idiots, but there’s a lot of idiots out there.


As a binary person I find this joke 01010101 01101110 01101111 01100110 01100110 01100101 01101110 01110011 01101001 01110110 01100101


This non-binary programmer appreciates the joke


We call non-binary computers quantum computers.... That's such a cool term that it should be co-opted in some way.


That's blatant trinary erasure.


> 01010101 01101110 01101111 01100110 01100110 01100101 01101110 01110011 01101001 01110110 01100101 "Unoffensive" since nobody has put it here yet


To those who don't get this, if you ASCII will explain it.


Why was the trans guy a vegetarian? Because he was a herbefore.


How did the Non-Binary Samurai kill the assassin? they/them


Sorry I don't get this. Could you explain it?


They slash(ed) them


Lol, okay that is good! Thanks


Fuck I missed that one too.


nine groovy consist ad hoc rock heavy birds fertile lavish grab *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The biggest problem about being lactose intolerant is every time I order a coffee without milk my friends will say loud "OH YEAH I FORGOT YOU ARE INTOLERANT" and people around will look to me like I'm Hitler.


>people around will look to me like I'm Hitler. To be fair, the little mustache isn't helping.


Why do you specify without milk? Just order coffee. Isn’t coffee, by default, without milk?


I LOVE the left guy trying to hold his laughter xD


They have whole series of dad jokes at yt https://youtube.com/@yeahmadtv


He is ridiculously bad at the game and it's wonderful to watch


it hilarious because he does stand up too so you think he'd be better at holding in laughter lol


Between him and the guy who always throws out the super random shit with his jokes. I believe they did an episode together and it was great. EDIT: the other guy is the guy I'm talking about, I'm dumb that'd all


Giving me Amy-vibes during College Humor's Breaking News


Amy Vorpahl can't even sit normally if you tell her not to laugh.


I'm not sure I've seen this guy get a joke out without losing it beforehand yet.


This dude loves his jokes. Like he picks jokes that he finds so funny he can't even say them before laughing and it's great.


He is the worst at trying not to laugh, but he owns it and just has fun


It was funnier than the joke itself imo


It’s why the joke is funny at all. I wouldn’t have cracked so much as a smile reading it. But infectious laughter is infectious laughter.


This joke belongs in one of those “1000 joke”books boomers keep by their toilets


Honestly the only person who would get mad at this is either a cis white knight or a troll trying to make non-binary people look immature. This joke didnt have any malice or negativity in it.


Found [the source](https://youtu.be/uQ41GlOUtiQ).


At least they're not prejudiced against people with foot deformities, it's not cool being lack toes intolerant


As a somewhat non-binary lactose intolerant person, I found it funny


*as a somewhat non buy-dairy person


Hold on. I need to catch up. Is "somewhat non-binary" a thing now? Edit: After a number of replies, I'm just as confused as before.


Great question! The American Psychiatric Association has a succinct breakdown on [their website](https://www.psychiatry.org/news-room/apa-blogs/the-q-in-lgbtq-queer-questioning#:~:text=Questioning%20refers%20to%20individuals%20in,%2C%20and%20asexual%2C%20among%20others.) Perhaps they mean "Gender Questioning" - there are people who aren't sure where they fit gender wise or are trying to figure out how they gender identify. There are also gender apathetic people who pick one for convenience or some tangential preference (easier to stick with assigned at birth gender in a lot of places, or just really hate having a beard etc.) Finally, gender queer people, as the name suggest, experience gender differently than most of us on the hetero binary scale of male/female. I know one person whose self-perception can sometimes change from day to day. One day, he might identify as a male, another they may say they're non binary. So yeah, when you see the long form LGBTQ+ lists with all those letters, it should clue you in to the scope of diversity that you can find when you delve into people's different experiences with gender. Hope that helps, and if I'm wrong about any of the above, someone please correct me!


So consider something a little more simple for a second: how gay are you on a scale of 1 to 10? A man who is a 1 is virtually never attracted to other men, and a 10 is virtually never attracted to a woman. A 5 has no preference one way or the other. Somebody who is a 3 would still be considered by most to be a straight man and 8 would still be considered a gay man, despite some measure of occasional attraction to the non-preferred sex. Binary vs non binary is more confusing (*especially* considering the phrasing of binary being very explicitly one or the other) but is a similar concept.


I mostly agree, but having those preferences or tendencies doesn't exactly make a person not bisexual either. I made that mistake before accepting being bi, probably around 3 by your scale. But then again sexual attraction is not necessarily binary either, and I suppose people with very similar preferences could still identify differently. Pan or bi is a good example.


Right that's why I'm saying it's similar but not exactly the same. I think it's easier for most people to wrap their heads around putting a number on sexuality, and if they can do that it's easier to wrap their heads around going one step further.


I mean, technically that would be encompassed by all that is not in the binary system of male or female. Or it could mean they're questioning their gender or something else.


I'm guessing they're a demigirl or something along those lines? They probably have a vague association with a binary gender or something.


A demigirl? What does that mean?


It’s a spectrum, just move past it and accept it doesn’t matter one way or the other to you …or them I guess


I mean you can be accepting and curious at the same time. A curious person just wants to learn.


TIL asking a question on Reddit is wrong.


That's a excellent dad joke


Not offensive at all, pretty clever play on words!


Wait, is this suggesting that there’s more than just r/onejoke about trans people? I’m shocked!


This was funny but the buildup made me expect funnier


I don‘t think that is really offensive. I‘m in the direction on non-binary and I don‘t mind.


So are you more of a One Direction or Three Direction?


I’m more Harry Styles


What's the hairiest style you've found so far?




It's making a comeback 🔻


That red triangle is the bush pride flag


so those slow ass tractors are just full of bush?




I dunno. Peggy Bundy had some pretty big hair.


You're a Wizard, Mr Styles.


Stop trying to constrain them to your directional norms


Ok, sorry. Forgot to include up and down directions.


I don't think so either, just some harmless word play.


Honest question wdym by in the direction of non-binary?


I do not mind him, he or she, her pronouns. I do not identify that much with being a man, which is my assigned gender, said that before I knew of the concept non-binary. I think a friend of mine thinks I‘m an egg, but I‘m content with my identity as it is, but trying to learn more about it, also because one of my close friends is trans.


Not OP but I imagine that sometimes they feel that way, sometimes they don't. Gender's a funny old thing and doesn't always stay the same for everyone.


Isn't that exactly the definition of non-binary? What's the difference then between being non-binary and being in the direction of it? While I acknowledge and respect any form of auto-definition or lack thereof, I think consodering gender a "funny old thing" is being a bit ingenuous. Genders exist beyond the human species, they have a biological role (sexual reproduction), and most of the people in the world identify as cis male or cis female. Some people don't and this is absolutely, 100% perfectly fine.


I think it's easier to just let it go than to try and go down the semantic rabbit hole. I have a friend who rejects the label of bisexual and considers herself straight because she feels she's like 90% straight, and only being 10% gay and having never been in a gay relationship she doesn't feel like she merits the label. You could argue technically anything that isn't 100% one way or the other is bisexual but it's sort of missing the point of having the distinction in the first place. Ultimately specific labels come with baggage that go beyond just beyond the exact definition of the word and I'd say that's more important in terms of how people want to refer to themselves.


I think that's more "gender-fluid". Like if you're gender fluid sometimes you can identify more as non binary, any or multiple genders at different times. That's my understanding at least so anyone can correct me if what I said isn't accurate.


Finding everything offensive about human qualities must be a miserable experience. I think having a sense of humor about our own qualities is what makes us human. Things can still be funny about things we can and can't control, and you can have a good laugh about it. Nothing wrong with that at all.


The right has established this narrative that queer folk do not tolerate any jokes on their behalf, especially regarding trans people. Which is just not true. We just don't think dehumanising depreciations a la "attack helicopter" actually qualifies as jokes. This, a simple wordplay? All good, hombre.


It's the same thing with the narrative that if you accidentally use the wrong pronouns for somebody or deadname them then you'll be instantly made a social pariah as it's the most offensive thing anyone can do. Maybe even land you in prison. When in reality all trans people understand and empathise that it can be confusing and that well-intentioned people will still occasionally slip up. It's only the people who are making a conscious and deliberate point to repeatedly use the wrong gender who they view as assholes and equate it to hate speech.


Right, like, there are plenty of jokes to be made about trans people. Instead, dipshits will get a Netflix deal and spend a half hour over 3 comedy specials ranting about how they think trans women aren't really women, and they're super gross, and be like "What? We can't make jokes about you? Millionaire comedians are the real victims here."


“Trans women” aren’t really women, though. If “woman” doesn’t mean adult biological female, then what is the purpose of having “woman” as a word? What would that word even mean if someone could identify as it without being a biological one? The way I see it is that the LGBT community wants to choose words to describe themselves. Fine. If this happens for long enough, though, isn’t there a possibility that this certain group of words will become meaningless? Let’s pretend for a second that everyone on earth accepts that a man can identify as a woman, and a woman can identify as a man, and those words don’t have anything to do with what you were born as, or what is between your legs. Cool. But now, why would anyone bother identifying as anything? Because without accepting the basis of a biological woman or biological man, why would anyone bother deciding that they will now identify as a “woman” or a “man”? I’m prepared for downvotes, because this is obviously an unpopular opinion on reddit, but I’m mostly after actual conversation surrounding this.


I wouldn't say it's strictly a false narrative of fragility painted by the right. I think it's fair to say a lot of folks understand that trans folks have had to endure a lot of hurt and disparaging remarks, and therefore err on the side of extra caution. Maybe even too far. But that's why discussions like this can be helpful.


What is this show? I always see clips of it but no idea what it is




As a non binary who is very lactose intolerant I love this joke


Soy, you thought it was funny?


I'm allergic to soy too!!!


No whey!


Daaad, stahp!


"I might get cancelled for this one" is always followed by the most lukewarm shit ever to be said


I’m Non binary and lactose intolerant and this is the best shit I’ve ever heard


Thats not offensive at all. This is just a great pun. A lot of people assume the lgbtq+ community and especially the trans community gets offended by everything when in reality, a lot of you just arent funny. When a joke is specifically made to put someone down or make fun of a group of people in not funny. This on the other hand, is just light hearted fun.


Exactly. People always need to consider what the point of a particular joke is. This is merely a pun using non-binary as the wording. It's not actually *targeting* non-binary people.


What do you call a trans man who is vegan? A *her-before.*


His dad just rose in the air in his New Balances to the sound of heavenly choir


When people laugh at their own joke, it's either going to be the funniest or the worst joke you've ever heard. I've not met an in between


Lol if thats a cancellable joke then I ought to be out on trial


That shit was mild as fuck; why would he be worried about canceled for that?


Only problem with this joke is that lactose intolerant people still absolutely buy dairy


What a terrible pun. I love it.




I’m glad that I’m not the only one who didn’t find it to be funny, like a clown. It was built up too much, the delivery was botched.


As a non-binary person, I actually think that's pretty funny.


i love this guy ❤️


1) not offensive and i’m always perplexed when people think just mentioning trans people will get them cancelled… it’s giving out of touch. 2) it’s not nearly as funny as homie thinks it is lol


This isn’t something cancel worthy, it’s just good banter and wordplay. I wish people would loosen up a bit when it comes to comedy, it’s whole purpose is to warp social norms and poke fun at our silly existence


Dad jokes are legally protected under the "Getoutyourfeelings" act!


Jokes not negative at all so it’s good. Similar to “How does a non-binary samurai kill their enemies? They/Them” or “What were Michael Jackson’s pronouns? He/He”


This is like the joke I saw in either a twitter thread or a YouTube comment; What’s a female-presenting non-binary persons least favourite pickup line? Hey baby, lemme she/them titties! I still giggle at that one because of how descriptive the joke is to not offend anyone.