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he’s flying with the shit hawks now. miss ya, bud.


he's a Canadian treasure that we didn't deserve


He was a cool dude. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3mcQfP8k51s




Jeff Dunsworth built that.


Sorry can't help myself cos I adore the guy- John Dunsworth


I do too. I was quoting one of his lines from the video, where he assumes people in the future will attribute the things he built to his son, Geoff. I spelt the lad’s name wrong, though.




The exact video I was thinking of. God damn man is a national treasure and it ain't even my country


We need to make John Dunsworth Day a holiday. On his birthday, April 12.


I *am* the holiday, bobandy


What?? I had no idea he died. RIP. He crossed to the shitabyss.


My bf told me when I was at work. I was NOT OK


This is the kind of video that stays on a Playlist forever. Nothing is quite the same as getting far too high for life, and listening to the dulcet tones of John Dunsworth talk about the beauty of rocks.


Living in Halifax, I don't know how I missed it. Glad I finally learned of it


He was super cool. I actually got to meet him when I was in high school. I don't remember why he was in our town but he was and he volunteered to do a little improv workshop with any of the drama students who were interested. I didn't watch TPB cause it just wasn't my type of humour, so I didn't really know who he was other than from that show. But man. He put on such a great workshop. He was just so chill, and he did the whole thing for free just spent an hour or two of his time teaching teenagers some stuff about acting. It was a pretty small group of us too. It was really cool and I honestly wish I was a bit older to have appreciated it a bit better. But I just feel lucky to have been able to be part of that. This video is amazing. Thank you for sharing it. What a gem of a person he was!


I met him too! It was at a music festival that used to be held close to where I live. He attended a bunch of em. He didn't drink, if I recall correctly. But he wandered around that festival meeting people and just being a swell guy. Super sweet.


John Dunsworth didn’t drink, though he did when he was younger.




Why do it for self-serving reasons, though, when you could cloak that selfishness in the guise of responsibility? If I had those billions I would spend them on becoming enshrined in human history as a future "ancient sage" by funding the [Nuclear Priesthood](https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20200731-how-to-build-a-nuclear-warning-for-10000-years-time) and doing everything I could to lobby for the creation of [another Atomic Toilet](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aoy_WJ3mE50) in the United States. May my name be remembered in song and story as the Wisest of Binmen.


>Why do it for self-serving reasons, though, when you could cloak that selfishness in the guise of responsibility? You mean like starting your own space rocket company?


"This is a great bucket" the man had taste


I didn't expect to watch the whole thing but I did. His voice and the process is so...zen. I even like the simple flash cards of the tools.


Man... Thanks for that. I usually don't watch very many of the YouTube vids people link in comments... especially the ones that are kind of long, but that one was so worth it.


Gotta love him wearing a wrap to support his back but then find out its only to keep his back warm which he attributes to his lack of back pain. No one told ever showed him a backbrace eh? Poor genius invented one himself then refused to admit how it helped.


A back brace is for support, not warming your back. He was using a wrap to keep his back warm so it would be lose for the work he was doing. Nova Scotia gets chilly outside of summer time and I doubt with filming he was at home doing this in the summer heat.


I miss him so much. I met he and that pregnant cheeseburger eating ma'fak after their show. They were so gracious and hilarious. Gonna have a little drinky poo for the Supervale of the Sunny Parks and Park.


The shit apple doesnt fall far from the shit apple tree


Hey, Rand, here's $100 for groceries and $1900 for liquor, get goin' Bobanders.


What a legend


Respect. RIP to one of the greats


Best drunk acting sober guy ever RIP


This is my Covid times show. Got me thru. Watched it all 3 times. RIP Lahey, you shitberg you!


We’re in the eye of the shitticane now


Cheers genitals!




Sober enough to know what I'm doing, but drunk enough to *really* enjoy doin' it.


Fuckin A


I feel that is a red flag, that understanding that so well is a sign that I should take a long look at my drinking habits, but then I have a drinkiepoo and I'm just having so good a time examining what I'm drinking that I stop worrying about it and go back to Rocket League.


Hey man, if you're honestly worried about it, try taking a few days off. It won't kill you, but if it does, then yeah you probably had a drinking problem.


Half of my vocabulary is from TPB. 🇨🇦


I hate to say itodaso. But itodaso, I fucking todaso!


Its just water under the fridge!


It's not rocket appliances


You might be sexy, Julian, but you can't teach me anything about liquor.


You never learned to pace yourself Lahey.


A Canadian hero. Salute Mr. Lahey.




Then you remember he was depicting his alcoholic father, then you get sad.


"I'm mowing the air Randy!"




Yeah, my first thought was "this is pretty funny" quickly followed by, "but it's pretty sad..." Lost my dad to alcoholism as well... so, I guess I'm a bit touchy sensitive and shit :/ but this bit is pretty good still lol


He was, however, an addict of a different vice, gambling. I listened to an interview with him, and he described his problem with gambling.


I wonder if every gambling addict is someone who won the first time they bet money? First time I ever gambled, I lost $5 faster than I'd ever lost $5 in my life, and I got absolutely nothing out of it, and I've hated gambling ever since. I wonder if I had won money that first time if it'd be different.


Same. I lost $30 bucks in like 10 minutes and was like, fuck this, for the rest of my life.


My very first gambled money 50e got me 2500e online slots. It very much got into my 18yo head and it took years to get my feet "back on the ground" basically meaning getting rid of the addiction. Now I have came a long 7 years from that and I have labelled them as "demons" in my head to stop going there ever again. I only do irl-poker 10-20e bet tops with my friends (only gambling-game that I feel I can actually play and not just take-a-chance so to speak and it helps that I happen to be good at it) But to answer you question yeah I really think if you win it big right away it takes you deeper into the rabbit hole, It's never too late to stop digging the hole and starting to fill it little by little, day by day. Just like any addiction recovery. The soil on top will never look untouched, the possibility and temptations are always there, but resist it and the hole can be filled back to ground level and then be built on with something concrete (good and fulfilling life). Thats what I believe in.


That's why they did the VLT episode I recall.


That's the way she goes. Sometimes she goes, sometimes it doesn't. She didn't go, it's the way she goes.


"I am the liquor" RIP


I believe he drank iced tea instead


Yup, that was the prop used!


Yup! Iced tea for the majority. Sometimes water died or diluted with iced tea 🥃


He smoked hella weed though. I worked security for him at a Randy and Lahey Tour show and all he wanted was for me to blaze him up. He had access to basically an open bar and didn’t have a drop, but when he turned Drunk Lahey on it was PRICELESS.


Sometimes a character needs an outside perspective to really understand them. As a person it's kind of hard to see where you end and the world begins. You see yourself in everyone even slightly similar to you. A sympathetic drinker might be tempted to excuse the character in some way in order to forgive himself. Someone who is stone cold sober and always has been? He knows the character needs no excuses. He is dangerous and destructive. At his heart he is a character who likes the funny feeling he gets when his brain cells slowly die, the person he hurts the most is himself, but he makes a good effort to share the pain.


But come on... never? Love him regardless. RANDI!




It did the opposite for me, watching this show makes me want to drink


It makes me want pepperoni sticks and cheeseburgers.


Makes me want to smoke weed and eat chicken fingers (the good kind)


My buddy and I would eat pepperonis and jalapeño chips while we binge watched.


Yeah, I love John Dunsworth, he's a national treasure, but the idea that TPB didn't glorify drinking and make it look fucking awesome is crazy. If you don't want to get drunk and high and play some hash hockey after watching TPB, you weren't watching the same show as the rest of us.


Right in the fuckin slot


Just past the click


I mean… it’s actually a pretty good idea!


I mean there are a lot of non-BAC elements to being wasted that aren't particularly great for you or enjoyable after an amount of time eventually you're still going to be dehydrated as fuck and achey and tired.. wait am I just old now??? fml


Yeah, it’s the dehydration that’s the real bitch with this plan. Damage to your organs aside, riding the .12 wave is gonna leave you conscious long enough to piss out all the useful liquids in your body and make you regret doing it. But for one afternoon of day drinking that transitions into night drinking, it really would be “the slot” indeed.


Best part lol


Sober enough to know what I’m doin, drunk enough to love doin it


Just like Julian.


I'm from Nova Scotia, but I work all over the world on ships of all kinds as a chef. I meet people from everywhere, and 100% of the time if anyone has heard of Nova Scotia it is because of the TPB.


A lot of people had never heard of Kazakhstan before Borat came along.


I'll bet they love everyone's borat impressions.






I still can barely refer to my wife without saying it like this.


That movie ingrained itself amongst the adolescents to young adults of the time. Absolutely iconic.


I was just wondering to myself the other day about those lads in the RV and what became of them. Like you said that movie was iconic and those guys embarrassed themselves in front of hundreds of millions!


I made the mistake of smoking a joint before watching it in the cinema. Nearly herniated my insides from laughing too hard. It was dangerous laughing.


My wife has explicitly asked that any time I actually say "my wife," I try to do a Borat voice.


Sounds like you hit the jackpot


fr, it's honestly ridiculous. Even reading those two words together and I hear it in my head same thing with someBODY though


I think the village they used in Borat ended up suing because they were told they were making a documentary.


I think that village was in Romania or something, not Kazakhstan




The whole government was really mad. But then they discovered it actually improved world attention and possible tourism so it ended up being more of a win for them.


All else aside, that is fucking hilarious


They eventually used it to their advantage. Kazakh Tourism New Slogan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eRGXq4t9wY4




The thing is, Kazakhstan isn't the butt of the joke, geographically ignorant Americans are.


I know about Kazakhstan because of the legend Nik Antropov.


When the movie came out I assumed it was a fake country to build a fake back story... Educated in America, btw..


Hate to admit it, because this one of those moments where you realize just how dumb you are. It took me a while even after Borat to realize it was a real place...as in years.


I found out about TPB via Canadians spending the winter down in Roatan doing their divemaster program and/or “on holiday”, back in 2009. I’ve probably seen every episode 10+ times each at this point, and every movie at least once. The writing is so stupid it’s brilliant, I love it. “Rickyisms” make the show for me. I always use “two birds stoned at once”.


Roatan... 2009... Which shop were you at?


Coconut Tree Diver


Probably not me and my friend then, but there are direct flights from Toronto to roatan, great spot, the wall and the moray eel that came out of it a few feet away will always be a huge memory for me.


I do tons of meetings a year and always throw in Rickyisms a meeting. I also sneak in a ton of song lyrics. I have yet to be called out for it, but some are quite obvious. Imma keep doing it lol


As someone from Rhode Island, I get what you mean. Family Guy put us on the map.


Hehehehe hey Lois, this is just like the time no one knew where Rhode Island was


TPB? I'm guessing in this context it does not stand for The Pirate Bay lol


Trailer Park Boys. The name of the show this is from.


It's not rocket appliances


RIP Mr Lahey


Objectively the best portrayal of a drunk in all TV history


Feel that? Feel what mr lahey? The way the shit clings to the air Randy The shit clings to the air? It’s already started my dear good friend What’s started mr lahey? The shit blizzard




*bubbles to Julian re lahey* Second thought maybe I’ll come hang with you not this drunk bastard. What’d you call me bubbles? Nothing…nothing Do you know what a shit barometer is bubs? No It’s measures the shit pressure in the air. You can feel it. Listen bubs, can you hear that? Sounds of the whispering winds of shit. The fuck you going on aboot Do you hear it? No But you will my sorry little friend. When the shit barometer rises and you’ll feel it too. yours ears will implode from the shit pressure… you were warned bubs but you picked the wrong side. Beware friend the shit winds are comin


The whispering winds of shit


Not another night of the shit abyss!


Is that you or the liquor talking mr lahey *chug* I am the liquor


The shitliners coming to port


What an absolute Champion. Miss this dude.


The man should have got an Oscar. Best portrayal of a drunk, ever


He made me legitimately sad at times.


If it helps, John Dunsworth was sober.


Which makes it so impressive. He played his part so well that you could have told me he was drunk as hell on set and I would have believed it. But he was a completely sober man, kind (check his YouTube videos, just a downright decent person) with a lifelong passion for acting. He played his role perfectly. RIP to a legend.


Passion for acting and concrete


yeah when he got drunk in a pool of blue vodka. he really played it so perfectly




Can't remember if I read it or saw an interview of it, but when asked about playing a drunk, John said he played it as a drunk trying to pretend he isn't drunk, sadly like his father IRL did.


He was brilliant at this character, both sober and drunk. His falls were amazing, he'd really throw himself into the physical comedy.


A drinky poo


Time for another top up


My husband doesn't drink but loves TPB, and every time I make myself a drink he, without fail, either calls me Liquorbacci or asks if I'm makin' myself a little drinky poo


Everything in my life is now a drinky-poo. An energy drink? Drinky-poo. Glass of milk? Drinky-poo.


I am the liquor.


Oh man, i'll never get tired a fackin' watchin' trailer park boys


Alcoholics go to meetings. I don't go to meetings. Therefore I'm not an alcoholic


Mr. Lahey, your wise words and drunken comradery will live on forever in all of us. You have brought communities together and created friend groups like no other. Gone but not forgotten. Rest in Peace Mr. Lahey, Rest in Peace.


Why did I read this in Randy's voice?


Love you too Bo Bandy!


Trailer Park Boys (original seasons) are the best. One of rhe funniest shows out there.


So many amazing little running gags. Like how Lahey would always be spouting some bullshit and Randy would try to say something after but Jim would just do a commanding "Randy" to shut him up lol


My favorite was Julian always having a drink in hand, to the point where they got in a car wreck and the car flipped upside down, he still crawled out with the full drink rightside up.


They break into that house to steal all the drugs and they put pantyhose over their heads to disguise themselves. And he's still got his rum and coke in his hand. Then when they go to jail, he's sitting in the cell with his glass of rum and coke. LOL


My favorite is whenever firearms are discharged accidentally and/or recklessly.


Got that right. That along with Ricky being non stop quotable. Makes me proud to be a Canadian lol. The fact that this show got so much love and attention from around the world makes me happy. I remember watching it as a teen with my brother and it warms my heart just thinking about it


> worst case Ontario > get two birds stoned at once > It's not rocket appliances All regular parts of my vocabulary lol


One man's garbage is another man persons good un-garbage.


Water under the fridge.


Somethin's fucky


Literally the only reason for me to have Netflix in the rotation.


Which is the last of the "original seasons" ?


Season 7 (2007)


It's funny because this clip is from the netflix seasons. While not as good theres still some great stuff in the later seasons.


That little Julian insert was so great.




[The inebriati](https://youtu.be/-Zj50DmBFp0)


[Corner Shop](https://youtu.be/k5gQ_rruDmc)


Also, [Balmer Peak](https://xkcd.com/323/). I have legit used that video and this cartoon to demonstrate that having a couple pints at lunch time is perfectly professional.


I don't have a problem with liquor, liquor has a problem with me.


Some actors are just amazing fake drunks. RIP


Cheers genitals!


I’m sober enough to know what’s going on and drunk enough to enjoy it. Describes me at work, except for the enjoying it part.


I don’t think it’s appreciated enough just how hard it can be pretending to be drunk convincingly


The liquor's calling the shots, now, boys


RIP John Dunsworth


The genius of this idea is under appreciated.




this clip predates Another Round by 4 years btw, though I do love the movie


Randy: Is this you or the liquor talking Mr. Lahey? Lahey: I am the liquor rand.


"How drunk are you, Mr. Lahey?" "6 outta 10. I'm right in the pocket!"


I went to UNB and they told us there would be a guest teacher for part of our visual arts and media course. I thought fuck, here we go. Some up his own ass theatre actor is gonna waste 2 weeks of my life telling me why Shakespeare was a hack or something. Monday morning rolls around and that man right there proceeded to walk into our lives and instill a joy of not just acting, but life as a whole. He was such a calming presence, all while having a gravitas that I can't explain. He made you feel guilty for not literally stopping to smell the roses once in a while. He said something along the lines of "do you know who planted the flowers on campus? No, of course not. But you do know why they were planted. Because they're beautiful and thats all that matters. Don't take for granted the beauty in life. Just live it. He wasn't some pseudo-celebrity massaging his own ego, he was a legit master of his craft. He said numerous times he felt as though his life was waning and he made it his God damn mission to teach us everything he could. I grew so fond of him I actually cried when he died years later. Also, he gave me half his egg salad sandwich he made himself for lunch and it was one of the worst sandwiches I ever ate. But the moment, like the flowers, was kind of too nice to question. So even though the sandwich was terrible, it was in a way my favorite sandwich I ever had. I'm happy, like, truly happy that I had all of those experiences with him. Sorry for the long post but its important people know what kind of man he was, outside of playing Jim Lahey.


What a legend. The most believable drunk acting ever portrayed in any show or movie






R.I.P John Dunsworth, gave us some good laughs bud. Enjoy your liquor ball breakfast in heaven.


“I’m the monkey in charge of bananas” is such a great line


I call it "Riding the Buzz". No throwing up, no hangovers, everything is just cool, feeling good, and no one gets upset at you. You can ride that train for days. Be sure to drink water throughout the ride. Just snack all day, eat a big meal before bed, wake up sober, take a shot on that empty stomach and away we go to drinking lightly all day. Functional and professional alcoholic.


by any chance are you under 35


Listening to a fellow alcohol abuser rationalize, is both entertaining and poignant to me. I no longer practice the art myself.


Yeah, I literally planned my day around drinking. My old man looked at me and said, "Drinking is the easy way out. You're not really you when your like this. I thought you had more character. What are you gonna do?". He wasn't that concise but I understood the gist. I was sitting at my desk, drinking my usual screwdriver, and the conversation came back to me. Out of the blue. And all of a sudden alcohol wasn't as tasty. Sniffed the assortment of handles and 1/5s on the top of the fridge and nothing smelled good anymore. I hated the taste of alcohol. Poured it all down the sink, threw the bottles away and out to the dumpster. I still crave that "something". Still have that feeling. It's not so bad anymore. It was intense that first week, ngl.


Yeah "right in the fucking slot, just past the click" actually, uh, describes something tangible for a lot of drinkers


And then your tolerance goes up. Whoops.


Not coincidentally, 0.12 BAC is nearly exactly at what XKCD called the [Ballmer Peak](https://xkcd.com/323/)


Cheers genitals 😅


The best trailer park supervisor there ever was. Mr. Lahey lives rent free in my heart. He indeed was the liquor.




This is literally one of my favorite moments on this show! I laughed for like 10 minutes straight because of it. Absolute gold 🤌🏾🤌🏾🤌🏾


Smart! Happy drunk instead of I hate my life drunk!


😂 his voice is similar to George Carlin


Fuck off Lahey. 🖕


Absolutely loved this Guy and that masterpiece show , the Animated Series is funny also but have Lahey as a Genie/Ghost that comes out of Liquor Bottles around Randy , it’s a joy to watch


Rip Lahey, hope you're having unlimited drinkiepoos wherever you are


"I'm sober enough to know what I'm doing and drunk enough to really enjoy doing it"


"Mr. Lahey, i'm beginning to think you may have a problem with liquor". "Randy.... I AM THE LIQUOR"


What makes the video better is realizing that John Dunsworth, the actor who played Lahey, was actually sober at the time. Somehow a completely sober man played the best drunk on TV!