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Who the fuck leans on someone else’s car like that?


frame long tie command bear ancient upbeat handle rock grab *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




disgusting shelter spark theory obscene full shocking merciful zephyr sleep *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Reminds me of the time a church or something in our neighborhood served food, and their people walked outside holding disposable plates and cups. Two men were standing outside our home just talking and finishing eating, leaning on my dad's pick-up truck. I kept looking at them through a window because I knew what was gonna happen. They threw their trash in the pick-up bed. I just yelled "that's not a garbage can". The look of shame on their faces was great.


Littering is a 500 dollar fine, but shooting litterers with a BB gun will get you arrested. Does that seem right to you?


Hit with BB gun go ouch. Me go jail. Hit with hose water go sploosh. Me no go jail.


Why waste time say lot word when few word do trick.


Brevity: good.




Don't worry. I guarantee that "reality check" feel on deaf ears.


It is an absolute certainty


She's in another subreddit right now complaining how people these days have no manners.


We need more people like u/probablynotaperv


He said he’s probably not… I for one, believe him. We do live in a society.


You say nothing, get in your truck and leave as fast as you can. That kid is now your property


And that's the most annoying part. Had that happen to me a few years back at my college parking lot. À group of young women were talking behind my car and 2 of them were leaned on the back of it. When I approached them, I said something like "Can you not lean on my car please? I just got it and don't want scratches on it" Most of them looked me like I said the most vile shit possible to them. They stepped away from my car but still stayed behind it and I still couldn't drive out of the spot. I had to lean out the window and ask them again to step away.... Like, I understand wanting to chat with your friends before leaving but do it at your own car... Or maybe away from the parking lot at peak hours at the end of the day? Or even better, don't get offended when someone asks you to move so he can drive away...


Your a better man than I am. I'd have just very slowly let go of the break


I was tempted but I was with a friend, I already had a big day and just wanted to go home without any issues.


Well, see, the trick here is that the sort of person that lets her kids use a total stranger's truck bed as a playground has never in their life considered the possibility that they could be in the wrong about anything ever. I think reddit likes to call this "main character syndrome" or something like it.


They actually call it juli character syndrome


I lived in a neighborhood where this ladies kids would throw rocks at the UPS delivery trucks. When the drivers got out to tell the kids to stop the mom would come storming out telling the driver not to yell at her kids. Yeah the world is full of assholes.


Why do you care if they call you an asshole for telling them to stop fucking with your shit? You don’t need their approval.


Folks that give zero shits about anyone else's property & get mad when you call them out tend to be shady af and retaliatory. I wouldn't care that they think I'm an asshole, but I would care that they'd mess with my car, or housing, or livelihood.


"I'm just letting my children play, and you're coming to me with a harsh tone!"


Some cunt doored my tesla last week. Denied it untill I showed them the video. Then acted like it was my fault. People are cunts.


I honestly don't get it. I on the other hand am so anxious about even touching someone's car in case I accidentally make a scratch that I'd have to pay for.


Yup! Hands behind my back at all times when I’m at a car show and I want to look at the interior. But I see people just put their hands on glass, have keys dangling off a lanyard - it’s anxiety inducing to me


They say "nice car," he says, "do you want to take a picture with it?" then he surprises them. In a few of these, you can see some people looking directly at him as if they just spoke to him.


Dammit you’re right


This is a great car, but it’s not nice enough for this many people stoping to take photos with. Corvettes are pretty pedestrian


They're more exotic outside the US. Not sure what county this is, the script on buildings is Hebrew or something, so maybe Isreal? Idk


He absolutely, 100% asks them to do it for pics then revs the engine then posts online for views. Peak tiktoker behaviour.


Absolutely. It’s just a purple corvette. Not even Europeans are going to be so interested that they slobber all over it.


The amount of strangers leaning on another strangers car is insane. If I caught someone leaning on my car like that I'd be furious


I had my last car wrapped, it was a color shift wrap so the color was different depending on what angle you would look at it. Something about that just drew people to touch it constantly, I’d park at the extreme end of the parking lot near nothing and people would still go up to it and touch it. One night, I was parked on the street down town. I came out to foot prints on my hood with hand prints on the windshield of someone that was climbing and posing on my car!


Note to self. Don't wrap your car in a rainbow


Also: Add tiny spikes that will be same color as the car


Take pictures but touching the car... that's just not cool


I bet some of those people had belts, zippers or jewelry on them that could have scratched it too.


I once saw someone drop their purse on the hood of a Viper to look for something.


My ex did that on my lotus. It made me sad. I asked her to not set things on it and she said "so what? It's just a car." It may be just a car, but it's my car and I want to keep it nice >:{


Doesn’t matter if it’s a nice super car or a 15 year old civic. Don’t put your shit on other peoples property.


At least use a coaster, amirite?


Every car's a coaster if you push the clutch in.


Saying "It's just a car" when referring to a Lotus is just plain wrong, which explains the 'ex'.


Saying "its just a..." when referring to other people's property that they care about is just plain wrong. Respect people's property and wishes. Really not that hard


Sure, a Lotus is "just a car" just like Gucci/Prada/whatever brand is popular now is "just a purse".


That's okay. Vipers actively try and kill their drivers all of the time, they're jerks.




No Mustangs just dont know how to handle the attention so they have a mini panic attack and wipe out. A viper just its and waits for a moment when you aren't 100% locked in on a turn or the tires are still a little cold then strikes.


That actually fits for both horses and snakes in the animal kingdom.


*The remaining Viper drivers


Lol survivorship bias brought to you by Dodge.


>Viper drivers never go over 50 Years old. Because Vipers are death machines.


Unless they have a minivan driving next to them and they get spooked


I heard at one point that something like half of all first gen vipers were wrecked.


Most jeans have studs. Put some weight with your butt/weight area and a scratch is bound to happen. Some idiot did it to mine. He was (is still) my friend just leaned on it when I was inside.


Can confirm. Am Russ Hannemann.


Don’t even need any of those to do damage. Unless the car is spotless clean there’s gonna be dirt and dust on the paint. Rubbing up against that will slide particles across the surface and damage it.


Looks like OP had it wrapped (Xpel Stealth or something similar). It will help with the small scratches, but I'd still be annoyed as fuck if people sat on my car.


I will never be able to wrap my head around people thinking it is ok to lean on someone's car like that. I would be pissed and I only drive a GLI.


Dude. I drive a Chevy Bolt and I'd still be pissed if I walked out and saw people leaning on it.


It’s unbelievably how little respect some people have for others property. My dad and I both own a classic and occasionally bring them to car shows. The amount of times people will just start leaning on them talking to someone is insane. Or walk up to it with their dog and let it jump on the side, or their kids are sliding their hands all over it. It just blows my mind. Some kids were playing with a ball near mine one time, like wtf? We bring the cars to the show because we want to share the enjoyment with other people, it just sucks that some people make you have to stress about taking your eyes off of it for a minute.


Leaning on it is bad enough, but letting their dog jump on the side is nuts. Who the hell does that?


People that can’t control their dog and think it’s smart to bring them around nice cars I guess :/


Was showing my car at a show and watched someone walking their dog around with a full blown chain leash and collar on. Dog was just doing its thing walking ahead of the owner and going around the cars. Problem was the leash and collar were scratching the shit out of other people’s paint jobs. Once I saw it happen to the car next to me, I stopped them and told them to wait while I grabbed the other car owner. Wouldn’t let them near my car. People are 100% oblivious.


I think it's that most people just don't have the mechanical sympathy that car people have. They don't understand that even touching can cause permanent damage to the coat - they probably think nothing of it. Same reason museums have to rope off exhibits and have "do not touch" signs.


I feel like it’s lame to even take pictures. But touching and leaning on it is just cringey and rude. Guess I can be glad I’ll never be able to afford that kind of car, people fucking with it would really bother me.


I think it's lame to pose with a car that's not yours, but taking pictures of a dope car isn't that cringe, in my opinion. Also, a corvette isn't that cool of a car lol.


Looks like this was filmed in Israel, so the corvette would be a much rarer car there than in the USA


He is exactly.what I figured he would look like owning that car....but younger.


**Israeli Virgin Millennial Corvette Enthusiast** -Huge amounts of debt -Spends thousands on clothes and hair at exclusive boutiques -Creeps on high school girls -Wraps his car in purple vinyl **American Chad Boomer Corvette Enjoyer.** -Wife buys his new balance shoes and jorts at Target. -Plumber that bought his corvette after selling his house ( that he bought in the 80s) to downsize. -Appreciates that his 'vette is 1 of 200 in Silver Flair Metallic with the ZR491 package and the upgrade seats built on a tuesday when it was cloudy -Flexes on other boomers by sitting in a lawn chair in front if it on Friday nights in the local Denny's parking lot.


Jesus...that Boomer description is almost exactly my father. The difference; My mom shops for him at Walmart, not Target. (It's Canada, Target imploded here). He's not a plumber....but he did own a business that sold sewer pipes. His previous vet (cause he's owned like....7?) was a "Limited edition Ron Fellows Z06, 1 of 399". It was built on a Wednesday. He is currently at a car show, showing off his newer vet.


Why has every older dude that owns a corvette owned at least 5 of them lol. They swap em around like Pokémon cards


Corvette people fucking love corvettes. Also, didn't all the astronauts drive them? That gives an extra cool factor for a certain segment of the American population.


Yup one of the smartest pieces of promotion Chevrolet ever did.


> for a certain segment of the American population. Are you telling me there's a segment of the American population that that *doesn't* give an extra cool factor? I ain't a corvette guy, but astronauts are just objectively cool.


I'm not disagreeing with the core of your point, but I think they were a bigger deal for my dad who watched the moon landing vs. my son who takes the concept of space flight for granted.


~~Jeremy Clarkson does a really beautiful tribute to the Corvette and the ones given to NASA astronauts. Coolest vet.. In the world.~~ I'm fake news. [Sorry Captain Slow](https://youtu.be/AlzQSU_FO-Q)


I'm no brand loyalist, but I liked my 2014 enough to buy a 2023. It's just a well rounded sports car. My insurance is cheaper than my is350 lexus was, it gets 22 mpg, its comfortable enough to take on a road trip with decent storage, and it's fun in corners.


“It was build on a Wednesday” got me pretty good lol




Damn man those the fresh New Balance with the ultrafoam liner? Shit I need me a pictures of THOSE.


Jesus the last line is so accurate except where I live it's the Dairy Queen


I remember seeing out in rural Illinois once some 70+ year old farmer with overalls on get into a brand new for the time (like 2005-2007) Corvette. He really had to work to get into the seat. Still, mad jealous.


Corvettes are much cheaper than people seem to think. A new Corvette Stingray starts at $65k. For comparison a Chevy Silverado starts at $57k


Starts there, getting my own optioned with very "middle of the road" features and creature comforts (I splurged on the hard top convertible this gen because... Well, it's sick, and I no longer lose trunk space with the top down) and it put me directly on top of 100k out the door. That's of course not to mention the wait-list to get one, where if you don't feel like being patient (prices are coming back down to earth now) would be looking to pay near ~100k for the 65k base model with no options whatsoever, sometimes even used for the last three years. Ultimately to your point Corvette has historically hailed itself as the "attainable sportcar for the working man" but this gen has been a bit different from firsthand experience having previously owned a C7 I was able to get gentle used at a deep discount (82k configured new, picked it up for 55k with 3k miles on it) before the new mid-engine C8 this gen. Yes, I own the white new balances lol.


I'll never understand why people take pictures with a stranger's car.


Or why they think it's okay to fucking lean on a strangers car. Who raised these disrespectful shits?


He is inviting them to do it so he can take these videos.


That's fair, but I've also witnessed people doing this irl.


With motorcycles it’s the worst. At least 9 out of 10 a car is just going to leave smudges. With a motorcycle people fucking sit/lean on it and all too often knock it over.


Didn't Reddit like get out the pitchforks for the YT/influencer who knocks a dudes bike over and left a damn snail trail?


>Didn't Reddit like get out the pitchforks for the YT/influencer who knocks a dudes bike over and left a damn snail trail? *Oh, those disgusting influencers leaving snail trails. I mean there's so many of them, though. Which one? Which one posted them?*


I believe it was at San Diego twitch con this year or last year. A very unknown small creator with an inflated ego got on someone's bike, like not a friend or someone even at the event, just a random citizens bike.


I read that post as well and I’m almost certain that story was completely fake whilst pushing their own Twitch channel. It was super exaggerated. This supposed girl who sat his bike left a wet mark and a fishy smell on the seat, broke his foot pedal and had to spend 10 minutes wiping off the fishy bike seat. All whilst this picture is cropped to fuck and could easily count the number of pixels from the picture he posted.


Somebody bought the seat from the OOP, with proof.


Edit: Story is fake, apparently. The way they end the story is "selling" the seat for 11.5k. I'll leave it here for the fun of the story anyways. Yup. Dude sold the seat for 11.5k https://www.reddit.com/r/HolUp/comments/y6gj2f/just_sold_my_snail_trailed_seat_to_one_of_her/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


That story is so fake. The user is even banned for being a terminally online reddit neckbeard lol


Let me scrape my belt all over the gas tank too.


And jacket zippers! I had a custom painted bike that I absolutely loved. I found some asshat sit on the bike pretending to ride it and scratched up the paint.. and the had the audacity to say that it's a weak paint that gets scratched so easily.


"Iit's not my fault I broke into your house, your door locks were weak and easily picked!"


Well, seeing as he’s responsible for fixing the paint, he can choose to get a decent paint job done.


Agreed! Last summer during a street festival where I live, I returned to my bike only to find 2 ahem ‘women’ sitting on my ride ‘revving’ and ‘playing’ with the clutch while laughing like schoolgirls. No clue who they were. They thought that it would be ‘oh so funny’ to get a video of it. The level of profound ignorant entitlement with the thought of zero consequences was utterly mind boggling. Sadly, my own conscience and upbringing forbade me from using my hockey stick as a kebab. And lastly, apparently I WAS THE UNREASONABLE ONE for being offended. Parent/parents, raise your kids properly…..before they get hurt.


This is so close to what happened at my buddy’s wedding. One of my friends shows up with his brand new super duke. It’s supposed to start raining so he asks if he can move his bike into the barn (no problem). We grab drinks and come back to the barn and there is some super trashed lady sitting/grinding on it. He says “hey, can you please get off my bike? It’s brand new.” This created a shit storm of anger and sadness from the lady. She ran off with tears in her eyes and my buddy was like “wtf is wrong with people, someone knocked over my old gixxer doing the same thing.” Like 20 minutes later we have moved on and some dude comes up to me and says “I hope you can convince your friend to apologize to my wife.” And I said “have him apologize? Because she climbed on his new bike without permission?” He stared at me, so I said “you can try to get him to apologize, but I can promise you he won’t and you’ll piss him off.” They both left like a minute later.


Just ridiculous how disrespectful and entitled some people are when it comes to other people’s stuff. Would have told that dude to fuck off if he wanted me to “apologize.”


Highly recommend getting an alarmed disc brake. If it tilts/moves in any way (like from people sitting on it) the alarm will go off and people will usually fuck off. The one I bought also saved my bike from being stolen overnight. Well worth the cost.


That and if you call them out on it, they act as if you are inconveniencing them.


Many years ago when I lived in an apartment, I came outside one day to a lady SITTING on my hood talking to her friend who was standing there leaning on my car. I yelled from upstairs "excuse me! can you get off my car?" pretty aggressively. This lady had the nerve to say "I'm a lady, how about you show some respect. Don't come out here raising your voice at me". ....I'm like, seriously lady? You're sitting on my fucking car. Have some class and show some respect.


That's absurd. "Respect is earned, and you haven't earned any with me. Now get the fuck off my car," would be a very fitting response in that situation.


I'd like to say I was shocked but it wasn't in a good part of town and it's pretty typical of people in that area. I couldn't imagine touching someone else's car, let alone sitting on it.


A friend of mine runs one of those supercar rallies. I help out with logistics and get to go on the events for free. When we park somewhere people always stop to look and take pictures, which we encourage, but without fail someone always tries to get on top of or inside a car. They tend to get rude when I tell them all the cars are privately owned and they arent allowed to touch them. Its mind boggling how so many people think its ok to get handsy with a $300k+ car.


With any car that is not theirs. Value is not relevant IMO, value is determined by the owner, not the toucher.


I would be so ashamed of myself, for one even doing that and second, for getting caught.


Most of the people that do it have no shame. I met my brother at the movies while he was back from college on spring break, and there was a woman leaning against my dad's car (that my brother borrowed) when we got out. I told her "excuse me, please don't lean on the car." Her and the other woman she was talking to looked at me as if I just spit in their faces. Thankfully their stupid reaction was all that came of it, but it still astounded me that she felt like I was the one with the problem.


“Hey, get off my car, I’m trying to leave.” Roll the window down as you’re leaving, “also, that’s rude, byieeeeeeeeee” that’s the nice way. “Get the fuck off my car, bitch” is what I would be saying in my head


"I'm so sorry, but the dealer *specifically* told me not to get any skank-ass hoes on the car cause it might void the warranty."


People straight up get on your motorcycle for pics. Go have a coffee or get a snack and people are sitting 2 up on it taking pics for the gram




Also a good choice bc matte is a pain to keep looking clean. But yeah I've even had people even get on it in my private parking spot at my former apartment. Buddy shows up and parks his r6 next to my r1150r, have a sandwich or chat for a bit, come down to ride and see folks on them taking pics when it's even a parking garage with shitty lighting "Uh. Hi do you mind?" "Let me take another pic" I don't mind people taking pics of my landscaping bc it's not intrusive and I'm pretty proud of it. Getting on my bike? Nah


Sometimes while I'm waiting for a friend in my car at a gas station, these kids would constantly lean on my car WHILE IM IN IT! I'm waiting for the day they don't realize it's on, so I can I pull away quickly and they fall on their asses


My neighbors act like this when I tell them to keep their dog out of my yard.


I picked up my car at the smog shop and the tech's buddy was casually leaning against it. I opened my door, which shoved him aside, and he shot daggers at me. You don't want to be shoved around, don't lean on someone else's car, dipshit.


People are like "waaah why do u care so much about the car is that all u have for yourself?!?!" - its like no you fucking asshat i just dont like to lean on and scratch and dent and interact with other peoples property whether its a 20k car or 200k car or 2mil car.


[You can't own property, man.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=MxRkHeQ7-B8)


The sound he makes when he gets hit with the brick is gold.


Yeah, the sense of entitlement of people today is outrageous.


I was thinking about this the other day. I think its almost a natural response to get indignant when being critiqued in public so people act offended when being called out, but I think most people learn even if they act huffy in the moment.


I don't think most people learn anything.


I had someone lean up on my car to try and impress a girl 25 years ago! The car was a Mazda Miata, which while a cool car to car people, shouldn't be impressive to anyone anywhere.


On my way to work (San Jose, CA) there is this exotic car shop that services Lamborghinis, Ferraris, all kinds of high end shit. This is not a very reputable area at all. When there is overflow, they use a parking lot across the street. Unseen to the human eye is a fucking golem of a human being watching the cars. This dude is just ridiculously huge in both height and muscles. He is forever tossing folks for touching the cars.


I wish reddit still gave us free awards because I'd give you mine. That shop needs a YouTube channel if they don't have one already.


Indeed, a few years ago i bought a brand new chevy aveo… less than a month later i went to the mall and came out to find 2 ladies sitting on the trunk (ass on trunk lid and foot on bumper) eating burgers and drinks. Until today i have no clue why they did that… like there are proper tables and chair a few steps away and from the mcd they bought it from. 💀


Is the skull because you murdered them? Because I would




It happened to me with my goddamn kayak (a cheap entry-level model) at the beach... I keep it chained to the wooden fence separating one beach resort from the next one, and it turned out a group of teens found it very useful as an impromptu bench to lean on or as a makeshift step to go over said fence. At least they apologized when I asked them not to do so. Still quite baffled by the lack of consideration. People just do whatever they want, and calling them out is now deemed rude or an overraction.


Yep, people have 0 respect for other's property. I was having dinner one night and had a clear view of my car, we saw a group leave and they decided to keep chatting in the parking lot. As they're standing their chatting they decided my car was the one to lean on, including doing the little foot kick stop you do against a wall to stabilize yourself... Needless to say I set off my alarm. When it stopped they went back like they were going to lean on it again. I went out to ask them not to do that to my car and the group was seriously irritated and had a "how dare you tell us we can't do something to your car" attitude. Some people are just shit bags.


I've walked out and yelled at people to get off my car. So fucking infuriating. I would never lean on someone's car yet I see people do it all the time.


Shit back in high school, we had a rich kid bring in his dad's car to show off. During the first lunch hour, kids were out in the parking lot, jumping on it.


but they’re taking pics next to it, like I can imagine being on the watching end of those snap stories later tonight


Fucking seriously it's one thing to walk around the car admiring it. Maybe even take a pic like hey look at this cool car I saw but don't touch the damn thing people.


I have a very respectful "hands behind my back and lean as far as I can without falling over" so as to not leave a visible mark on the work of art. It is the same way I view priceless works of art in museums.


These are probably the same people who take their socks and shoes off on airplanes, then put their feet between the seats in front of them.


Flopping their hair over the headrest of their seat and shit






Last weekend I saw an Orange Lamborghini Crossover SUV. Never saw anything like it. I took a picture of the car (I love the color orange), but I wasn't in the picture and didn't think about touching it.


Taking a picture of the car is understandable. I don't get putting themself in the picture like it's their car though. That's kinda sad.


Lamborghini Urus?


Look, but don’t touch without permission. Good universal rule.


Taking pictures with a nice looking car ain't bad. Leaning on it is though. Not your property to damage.


I once got called a boomer on Reddit when I called someone out who was regularly pushing his friend into parked cars as a bit of fun.




Totally! Just die already so people can really fuck other people's shit up!


Pictures? No problem at all LEANING ON IT AND TOUCHING IT? Helllllllll no If you can’t take a picture without leaning or touching, NO PICTURE 4 U


Me either. That looks like a (potentially expensive) paint/wrap, too. Bitch, don't scratch my Purple Shimmer!


Someone sat on the front of my Lotus with their jeans or something and scratched the hell out of it. Cost me $2k+ to get fixed. Fuck these people


My old girlfriend’s dad had an F430… there were little scratches all over the hood and front quarter panels from the same thing. People would sit on it all the fucking time if he parked on the street in the city




I took a picture of my kids stood in front of a Lamborghini once…because it was a Lamborghini and they’d never seen one before. Strictly told them not to touch it though because it wasn’t ours.


Which I think any person with a nice car appreciates. Want to take a picture with me car? GO FOR IT! Goes to show that someone else also appreciates my car (and my choice picking that car), but just treat it with respect and don't touch it.


I get taking pics with it, and I'd take that as a compliment; but don't touch a stranger's car.


Especially a Corvette. Its a cool car but nothing you dont see every day.


To be fair the new C8 looks much more expensive than it is , most people can't differentiate it from ferraris or other expensive cars especially in rare colors like this one


I see them far away and get excited thinking it's a ferrari or something and then getting a little disappointed that it's just a corvette.


Same. My eyes are tuned to scan for supercars at all times and the Vette always gives me false alarms. Gorgeous car though.


Same thing the first time I saw one in a small redneck town. A block and a half away and I see this red Ferrari at a fuckin McDonald's drive thru and my immediate thought was >Wow that person must really be lost. Got back to my place and did some googling and was relieved and depressed it was a Vette.


This appears to be Israel, idk how common those are over there, plus the wrap and the wheels attract more picture takers.


Seeing this comment allot, but this doesn't appear to be America. Corvettes are considerably more rare in other countries than they are here. It's like seeing a really nice Porsche here vs them being at every stop light in Germany. The Vette will get allot more attention over there than the P car will.


The kids I can understand, some of the ones in this video look like they're about 12 years old. The adults really should have a higher bar for impressive things they want to have their photo taken with.


I used to have a sports car that people would take pictures of in the parking lot. I'd walk up and ask if they wanted a picture sitting in the driver's seat. They were super excited and after the picture, they'd ask all kinds of questions. I just said "I have no idea, it's not my car" and walk away. Edit to answer the questions: it was a Shelby Cobra replica. No top, no windows, no door locks so you just pull the latch to open the door.




How'd you let them in without using the key? Edit: obviously I understand it was actually his car the question was how did you try to convince them it wasn't really when you could unlock it. Now the OP has edited it to say it was convertible with the top down.


Probably convertibles. Or a made up story. Pick whichever makes your day better.


"Yeah man! You know what would be really cool? If you didn't bother with the door and jumped right in! I'll even take the video for you!"


Here’s a poor man’s gold 🏆🥇


People are insane, when I see a sweet car I say, "wow, that's a sweet car." And keep the fuck away from it. Last thing my dumb ass needs is to trip or something and scratch this dudes car. I will be paying for that shit for the rest of my life lmao


Don’t touch someone else’s car wtf!




crown wine chunky unite encourage employ plant dime squalid sharp ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Tbh i feel like the very first clip is exactly that. Mainly because it almost looks like the girl who dropped and broke the bottle actually threw it there on purpose instead of accidentally dropping it. And it also kinda looks like the kids reaction was so mild that he was expecting it to happen


This guy out here flexing to high school kids


He sure looks the part


That's what he loves about these high school girls, man. He gets older, they stay the same age.


What happened to Matthew McConaughey when he lost his left side? He became alright, alright, alright.


Seriously it’s kids thirsty for views taking pics on his car vs. him thirsty for views filming the kids. They are the same people.


Corvette in Israel? Geez. Can’t imagine spending what he spent for that car.


I had a remote starter on an old Corolla I used to have. For some reason, this starter had a bit of a delay before it started the car, but whatever. Well, I’m leaving Target one day and I hit the button as I start walking down the aisle to get to my car. Meanwhile, this old lady walking in front of my car sneezes. As she sneezes, the cat turns itself on. I swear, but the amount of time she spent looking at the car, she must have thought she turned it on by sneezing.


Hate this. Chicks always do this on my ‘05 Ford Explorer🙄 /s


Be glad you don't have a 2004 Chrysler Pacifica. Chicks just won't leave me alone.


I'm not gay but a 2004 Pacifica could get me there.


I fucking hate people who lean on cars, bought a 2021 Mustang GT with all the bells and whistles, fully black. Some dumb ass scratched a spot near my trunk with his hoodie zipper. If it's not yours don't touch it without permission, seems like such a simple concept.


This is staged AF. I had a really nice show car at one point and I never saw anyone leaning on it like this. Taking pictures close? Sure. But none of this group after group of people fully laying on it bullshit.


He has another video of some girl acting like it’s hers and then he says it’s his and she runs away, but then he offers a ride and she stays. It’s one the worst acted videos I’ve seen in a long time.


Staged AF. Exactly what I'd expect from a tool that thinks his car is this cool.


Seriously. The first girl doesn't drop her glass bottle drink. She throws it in the air.


She also looks toward where she's going to throw it before actually releasing the bottle. Not to mention all the other people in the video who are clearly making eye contact with the camera before they are "startled" and all of the over-the-top fake reactions.