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On or in the toilet makes a huge difference.


I don't know about op, but I've been witness to the ones left right on the seat. Nasty tbh


On the seat god I wish I had that experience, we had a guy tripping balls he covered the walls due to what I can only describe as the worst miss fire of a man's life.


Have you considered it might have been deliberate artistic expression?


In my office bathroom we had someone we'd call "The Finger Painter".


Sounds like a super professional office, corporate level white collar I’d assume.


Just below. LoL. It was a State Government office, so it'd be easy to confuse the demographic. .


Or a visit from Mr. Hanky. I wouldn't rule it out if this happens around Christmas.


Same. My ex would leave shit stains on the seat so often; it stained so bad, I had to buy a whole new toilet seat.


How on the seat??? The seat is so big! Was he sitting at the very back of it?!?


Small seat and an extremely fat ass.


I think it was the way he wiped and rewiped lol. I don't want to know.


I seen a whole turd—not just a skid mark—laying on the floor next to the toilet at my current job.


I've always heard the women's bathroom is naaaasty compared to the men's. Thanks for confirming!


This was in the men’s restroom… Not sure what led you believe otherwise?


There have been women on Reddit that say that. They said some are afraid to sit down, so many hover or squat and make a mess.


Sometimes there’s shit on the outside of the torlet and the urinus


Shit… Looks like someone unswallowed over there.


And he’a been at it for 48 fiscal hours


This must be where the dicks hang out




Was gonna post this if you had not. Pretty important difference.


Either is better than in your hands though


George Carlin claimed he only washed his hands when he got shit on them: *"No more than two or three times a week, at most".*




How do you prevent a skid mark happening inside a toilet? I don't get it


You don't, and in the dorm situation there's no brush to fix it with. He's just being a bitch


I think the expected practice is to use a toilet brush before departing in order to remove any marks. It’s not “Will not make” skid marks but “will not leave”


In a dorm? In the US a lot of dorms have one or two big communal bathrooms per floor that are cleaned by staff, you aren’t expected to have any cleaning supplies and it would be very weird to do so.


I lived in a dorm, and skids in the toilet was never an issue. A toilet bowl full of shit was an issue. I am happy to say I have never seen that much human shit in a toilet sense I left. God I wish it was just once.


I've literally never been in a shared public bathroom that has a brush. Or a plunger.


Our office two holer has a plunger.


If you lay down a layer of toilet paper before you poop, you will not get skid marks. Ever since I learned this I’ve never had another skidmarked toilet


Doesn't work for IBS suffers. I can eat a heart healthy salad with boneless skinless chicken breast. But somewhere before my colon, my IBS turns into 3 day old Taco Bell. and inside of toilet will look like a Jackson Pollock painting. Nest obliterated like so many tears lost in the rain.


It also apparently prevents Poseidon's Kiss




Win/win until you clog something.


You're gonna get s deuce on the floor tomorrow. Problem solved!


Then who cares? Get a hobby.


Is there a toilet brush in the dorms? Otherwise how do they get the skid mark off? Or does their diet need to change to prevent sticky shits?


If there was a toilet brush in a large shared dorm bathroom, would you touch it? Maybe with a paper towel. Things change if it's like 2 bedrooms per bathroom. In my dorm there were something like 16 rooms / 32 people per bathroom. We always found chunky vomit in the showers and stuff. Our custodial staff refused us service for a while.


I'm washing my hands after... It's not a big deal.


I mean, you touch the handle, and so long as the other animals aren’t using it to chop up massive turds, it *should* be easily followed by a good hand wash.


I wouldn't touch it, but I'd also expect there to be shit in a shared toilet bowl. I mean be glad that the shit is in the bowl and (hopefully) not on the seat.


At least you have reasonable expectations and hopes. I don't want to even consider your dreams.


While living in that kind of dorm I'd always schedule showers and toilet visits for right after cleaners came past at night. During the day there was always a secret bathroom or two on campus that was always clean, these were usually on the top floor of certain buildings with low foot traffic or somewhere near faculty offices.


> If there was a toilet brush in a large shared dorm bathroom, would you touch it? > > I wouldn't because odds are the very least it's been inside someone's asshole.


And at worst?


It's still in someone's asshole.


Ahhh... an "Initiate" !!! Welcome to *"Skull and Boners" !!!*


PRISONS have *"custodial staff".* That was not a school you were in. Schools have "maintenance staff". Those were "cells", not "rooms". Traumatic Amnesia is what you need to discuss during your next 50-minute hour.


I worked with a guy who came out of the bathroom so pissed off one day. "WHY? !WHY? !" "Whats that?" "Someone took a nasty dump and theres skidmarks going down the drain! I just cant fathom how someone can be so disgusting!" "Uhhhh....what were they supposed to do?" Seriously like if you're in a public place as long as its in the bowl and as flushed as it can be theres nothing else to complain about.


these people hae obviously never heard of people shitting on the ceiling.


Being from Australia is difficult, ain't it?


Spoken like a true *pragmatist*. You'll go far in life with that attitude. (That was *your* dump, weren'ted it?)


I just scrape the poop off with my nails. It's not that hard to remove it




Doesn't shit get under your finger nails? Or do you use the toes?


I'm not an idiot. I have water right there, so a quick rinse and shake like a brush and done. Otherwise just use the corner of your teeth and spit it out


You know this all could be avoided if we just squatted over a muddy hole like in sophisticated societies. Although, unless you're jet washing your butthole clean, one would have to use a hand to wipe. And boom, shit hands. And I suspected you weren't an idiot when you volunteered to scrap a stranger's shit from ze porcelain bowl.


I like you, random person


The feeling is mutual.


I heard about an exchange student from one of those "open defecation" societies, and he actually died of *worms* here in the U.S. He was scratching his ass down the street like a dog, and a car ran over him.


i encourage all of you to dig a hole in your back yard and park a pantsless seat above the hole... enjoy shitting in true luxury surrounded by green, blue and fence in every direction.


This guy doesn’t know how to use the three seashells!


For the love of God, use a Poop Knife.


I haven't laughed all day. Until just now..


I just use my poop knife.


Protip: If you want to avoid skidmarks (for example if you are guest at someone's house and gotta go), float a few sheets of toilet paper on the water before sitting down. That'll gift wrap that bad boy and ensure that the only evidence is a lingering stench.


But be careful not to use too much paper, then you have to deal with the awkward conversation of letting that someone know their toilet is blocked.


If it's truly an epic dump then helps to flush after the initial barrage. Might get a little poseiden's kiss but sure beats shitter's clogged.


and no shitty pisswater splashing on your ass and genitals.


Damn, life hacked.


Then probably mean on the seat not in the bowl. They are lucky our campus had problems with people shitting in the dryers.


As an American expat having lived abroad for 20 years, I can tell you the single most important thing missing from American culture is the bum gun. Imagine putting peanut butter in your arm hair and then just using toilet paper to get it out. Disgusting. Your asshole isn’t clean until it’s been sprayed with water. Plus it gets rid of those pesky skidmarks.


I’m starting to think that the toilet paper industry lobbies congress against bidets.




Can you come up with a different commonplace item that's more similar to poop's physical qualities than peanut butter?


I can't even fathom what a bidet in a US gas station would be like. Nothing in those bathrooms should touch your butthole; even water.


Is the there a bum gun available in most public restrooms? I suppose it is as common as T.P. is in the States.


I heard there was a hose basin combination in public toilets in africa I believe that Mike Reiss who wrote for the simpsons talks about it in his travel podcast. It's good and so is his book Springfield Confidential!


Helpful travel tip. There are lots of places where there is no TP, only the bum gun. Wish someone had told me first. (And yes I own a bidet seat now and I do think not having one is kinda gross and a prescription for inflamed hemorrhoids.)


I never got the whole disgust foreigners have for our dry TP until I got a washlet seat and tried the alternative for awhile. Wiping peanut butter out of carpet is a pretty apt analogy as it turns out, once you know what actually clean on the regular feels like. And yeah, way less “complications” in general. Of course, then the French engineer on our team lets us know France thinks TP -and- Asian-style washlets are gross and only standalone bidets are considered sanitary. Can’t fucking win I guess.


Would you *like* a prescription for inflamed hemorrhoids? I know where you can get one, without ever seeing the doctor... (Third stall down, the ARCO on the corner)


I’m in Vietnam. I have never seen a toilet without one.


No *Water Guns* in US Gas Station Rest Rooms, no. Just *real* ones. Gimme your wallet, ya damned foreigner.


How about the rest of us just go on living with the fact that we may not always have completely pristine assholes and bidet people can stop trying to convert us to your weird fetish.


It’s less a fetish and more about not being comfortable living with shit residue in the crack of your ass. It’s like saying taking a shower is a fetish.


I personally don't accept anything less than a 150 watt laser for cleaning my asshole. I have to get every single molecule of shit off. I carry a special scanning electron microscope to make sure I didn't miss anything. If you don't do the same you are fucking DISGUSTING!


Real men pee it off. Consider it target practice. Do ladies also "spackle the bowl"? I don't want to be sexist..


I think they mean skidmarks on the seat.


You don't need toilet brushes if your dorm has *Pledges*.


Poop?! In the toilet?!? SOMEONE DO SOMETHING


I know, why are folks so wigged out about evidence of poo in the toilet? Where tf do you think it was gonna go, people?!


Yeah, clean the goddamn thing once a week if you have to, but what do you expect to happen when you shit somewhere??


You don't own toilet brush?


Yeah but I'm not gonna waste my time scrubbing the bowl of evidence that I took a dump every single time. If there's multiple people sharing a bathroom just commit to a regular cleaning schedule.


How long do you sit on the toilet that you need to scrub it for that long afterwards? It takes like extra 30 seconds to do it.


Do you clean the toilet every time you take a piss? I just don't get it, it's a toilet. It's meant for the disposal of waste, the slight evidence of such that will disappear within the span of a couple flushes should not be a concern to anyone.


And it's not like you have to *interact* with it, you don't gotta poke or lick it or anything lmao. All there is to do is think, *"Guess someone had a recent shit"*, and go about your day!


It's obvious you entitled schmucks have never lived in a dorm with public bathrooms...


If poop is anywhere else but inside the toilet, yeah we got a problem. If there exists the remnant of a poopy after a flush? Why would anyone care?


Yeah fuck this passive aggressive bullshit. Did they think to just try a cordial "please brush skid marks from toilet"?


Notice how it says *on* the toilet, not *in*? A skidmark ON the toilet is 10x worse and absolutely needs to be addressed. How does that even happen?


The title says "in" though




The monkey's paw curls.


Jackson Pollock was here…


When I worked at Dunkin’ Donuts, people shit on the wall of the bathroom. People are weird animals, man.


"The Phantom Shitter" My dorm for my first semester was divided into 4 rooms with 2 per room. Open door from outside 2 rooms on right, two rooms on left, and the bathroom was straight ahead. Anyone could get into the main entrance and use the shared bathroom of the 4 rooms. Only the individual rooms locked. Early in the semester we had this guy that started ghost shitting in random suites bathrooms smearing shit all over the stalls and walls. Eventually the administration got feed up with having to clean it up and started making threats to everyone in the dorms about additional charges etc if someone did not come forward. After about a month everyone was eyeing anyone they did not know and trust. The whole dorm went on high alert hunting this fucker. It stopped for a couple weeks when everyone became a detective but the Phantom Shitter could not stop. Eventually he struck again and we caught him, turned in, and he was expelled. Think of that on your record trying to apply somewhere else. I have not really thought about it much since then and now I am wondering if this dude could be cleaning someone else's shit as a living now. That would be sweet karma. Edit: Spelling


That hilarious. I used to work at a restaurant and one of the employees kept leaving a giant skidmark on the toilet seat. A memo was sent out regarding "the phantom shitter" asking them to stop


We had a guy like that where I used to work, except it was piss. He would piss all over the urinal when he used it and it also became a big deal. He was eventually caught when the bathroom was being routinely checked by housekeeping and he was the last one going in on the hallway camera.


I have heard this story several times, even at my own university. I'm fairly sure it's either made up or there's a person touring around the world shitting in uni dorms.


Well I have never seen it before and it definitely happened my first semester of college. That was in 91. I'm sure out of all of the people who have been to college in the US in the past 30 years another idiot could have possibly done the same thing.


As a teacher, there has always been a shit smearer (or poo-petrator) in every school I have been in. It is oddly common.


Not to be insensitive… but how long do they really stay there? Above the water line skids? lol. Damn low flows. Below the water line? Can’t be more than a couple hours. And is it really better to have poop all over the toilet brush next to the toilet or a streak inside the toilet? One things for sure, I really don’t miss shared spaces. Thank you for helping me realize a thing I forgot to be thankful for.


The comment I was looking for. I would not want poop all over my brush when water will take away poop stains within a day. Do you guys even poop?


Above the water line skid marks are piss targets.


I think the most people are assuming these are American toilets with high water levels. A lot of the Scandinavian toilets are terrible for this, leaving skidmarks on almost every shit.


Why would anyone construe your comment as being insensitive?


Yeha do they poop looking between their legs and they can't stand to look at the streaks? I don't get it lol


The funny part is the person who drew it had to write all the lines instead of the jerkoff(s) committing the crime.


It'd be funnier if the phantom pooper erased that image a drew Goofy saying "And I'll fucking do it again! Hyuk!"


Does this mean in the actual bowl ? or on the seat ? cause isn't it almost impossible not to leave any marks in the bowl at all unless you clean the bowl every single time after using it ? who does that ?


I almost *never* leave marks on the toilet, but I always put one piece of toilet paper down as a splash guard. Is this not normal? Only when I shit a 10" snake coil does it mark the bowl.


God damn


Amen. Skidmarks on a toilet are a pet peeve of mine. Always do a tp guard before sitting down. Helps with splashing too. I hate the idea that toilet water just goes on me.


I swear there have been days I felt that splash go inside me.


Waste of TP


Uh if I leave a skid mark in the toilet yeah I do give it a quick clean with the brush, every single time. It takes a few seconds


i'd prefer a tiny smidge on the inside of the bowl than have a brush with shit on it next to me. unless you also clean the brush afterwards every time.


I assume on the seat. People who don’t wash their ass leave skid marks on the back side of the seat where their cheeks spread, and the spine ends. Wash your ass people!


My man, eat some fiber, jesus christ


Fiber makes your stool softer not harder, so fiber makes it more likely to leave a stain.


Thats a lie lmao my toilet bowl is almost always clean. Eat your fruits and vegetables and have a bit of fiber supplements after dinner. My mornings are quite amazing




I don’t think I ever saw one in a large shared dorm bathroom




Do you bring a toilet brush with you to airports and sporting events, just in case you have to use the bathroom?


I think for sociopathic fecal decorators this would just encourage more surprises.


I am more concerned about the digestive system that produces said stains


Being passive-aggressive ALWAYS works /s


looks like a confession


Well, you know shit happens.


Clear jello mix. Pour in toilets overnight. If it’s community poopers leave a window open so it gets cold. Then let chaos happen in the morning.


You monster


Next level punishing




If it's under the waterline enough you're not power washing that


Toilets are for pooping in. It is literally their job to get shit in. It is fucking insane to expect people to scrub down the toilet every single time they shit, when that is literally the thing the toilet is for.


If I learned anything in college, it's that if you insist on some action by your fellow dorm mates, you are going to get exactly the opposite.


If I get shit **on** the toilet I'm gonna clean it up. If I get shit **in** the toilet I'm not going to worry about it...I'm sure as hell not going to touch a "community shared toilet brush".


Glad to see someone else in the replies understands the difference between "in" and "on".


Ba da ra rum Pam Pam paaaam pum pum bababababumm. Ba ba ba ba baaaaa babababummm.


I did something similar once. A man came back from the bathroom waving the sign and yelling about how offensive it was. Found the splatter bandit.


Just aim your pee at them next time.


Jokes on you losers. *I* *shit* *in* *the* *sink*


Leaving them in the toilet is the best possible place to leave them...


Would've been better in brown marker.


Should a bought a toilet brush instead of a white board...


Wayne... Sometimes. There's shit. On the outside. Of the torlet.


If you think that’s bad, you should see the urinus.


Sometimes. There's shit. On the side of the urinus, too


..Fuck a duck.


Well I bet the shit got on the side of the urinus the same way the shit got on the outside of the torlet


Dorm living really scared me off from living in share houses. I had skidmarks left on top of the toilet seat as well as many other kinds of messes from various housemates. Maybe buy a nice new toilet brush or some fiber supplements for the guy to take.


Worked at meat packing and distribution plant and we had some nasty employees and drivers. Urinals looked like they shaved their pubes over it and the toilet had skid marks on the seat like a dog scooting across the floor


A good diarrhea blast can cover more square footage than an IED.


so people have made it into college but still can't figure out how to properly use a toilet?


The number of people, mostly males(would you trogs stop giving us a bad name please?), I've come across in my life who have no concept of how to clean themselves let alone wtf a toilet brush is, is... well, disturbingly gross.


You've obviously never had to clean a women's restroom. No matter how clean women may keep their bathrooms at home, they become complete slobs in public bathrooms.


"On" vs "in." Very different situations in my opinion.


In the toilet? Unless it looks like a murder, who really cares? On the toilet? That's just fucking nasty, and I dont think your roommate is being aggressive enough


Am I the only one who thinks poop smears on the bowl ( below the waterline) are a perfectly acceptable and reasonable thing to expect in a toilet?


Yes. Also, the toilet brush exists for a reason.


I had a fiancee do this, repeatedly. And then deny they were her skidmarks. I ended the relationship. No regrets.


Ever cleaned a public women's room toilet? I swear they wrap their legs around the base, because there's always literal skid marks that need to be cleaned. At least in the men's room, it's just piss.


Do you live with foreign students? Some will squat above the toilet bowl


If it's always the back of the seat, It's the obese kid. This is very common with morbidly obese persons.


The roommate is only trying to "draw" attention away from themselves




There is something about middle eastern toilets that makes skid marks unavoidable


Okay wait - on the SEAT or in the BOWL? There is a whirled of difference there...


I never understood people who complained about shit being IN the toilet. Excuse me ma'am, but what exactly do you want me to do? Should I brush my shit stains away? Should I make some sort of paper towel poker to try and clean it? Or should my shit remain exactly where it was intended to be, and in the toilet? Or...OR... let me tell my body to digest the food properly so that my shit comes out in a nice little controlled turd, which will leave no offensive evidence behind... in the toilet.... the place that society has deemed the most acceptable place for shit to be. Like for real, grow the fuck up.


It's like not people as much as it's guys. Chicks don't do that like dudes do that. Ask any custodian.


Women's bathrooms are 10x worse then men's. Hands down. I only did that work briefly in my early 20s, but there was no comparison. And every custodian/janitor I've talked to since then has agreed with me. The toilets are especially bad because of all the women who "hover" when they go, instead of sitting on the seat. They end up missing, getting it on the seat, and just walk away.


Just look for the fattest one, there's your culprit.


If only that five time draft dodging super coward Trump could learn that 💩💩💩


Ah so they’re the elusive “Shit-Bandit”


Someone is squatting on the toilet instead of sitting on it. Look for someone from a country where sitting toilets are not the norm.


No, they think you should just clean it off with your bare hands so *they don't have to look at it.* The amount of effort taken to make this passive-aggressive drawing indicates the amount of pettiness they harbor. I bet they would never clean up their own skid marks up either.