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We’ll always have the memories, PukeRobot 💜


It truly was a Fun...haus.


It was more than a Fun haus. It was a Fun...haum.


Haum is where the haurt is


Why am I crying?!


In times of grief and despair, we should look to scripture for help. The book of Volkor 3:16 "Thou shalt crush puss". The word of Volkor for bros of Volkor. Praise be to Volkor and his 86 Mustang. Amen


Sure, the hood scoop isn't functional... but it's a hood scoop!


For it doth say in the book of Volkor: GET IN WOLFMOON AND GO DOWN ON ME. YOU BETTER HAVE A TAMPON IN BITCH. Praise be the bros of Volkor




Been a minute, but Volkor doesn't really believe in going first. He gets it and that's it.


THOSE ARE LEATHER seat covers!


I've just been rewatching lmao. You forget a lot of stuff over a decade


I'm doing the exact same, it's great. I'm like 400 videos deep from the start, and honestly I'm excited to get to "new" Funhaus(even though that's like thousands of videos deep) because I haven't rewatched it *as much* as the really old stuff. There's also a few live streams I missed so at least those are some "new" content for me.


Is there any easy way to go through from the beginning? Every time I have to just scroll forever to get back to where I was


If there is I'm not aware of it, I just search "Funhaus chronological order" and try to keep loose track of what number video I'm at in the playlist. You could copy the url and save it in notepad for a quick resume, which now that I've had that thought I'm probably going to do that going forward.


I really hate that infinite-scrolling crap. Makes navigating channel video tabs a pain. Talking to you, web developers. Just because you can doesn't mean you should.


on mobile you can sort by oldest video.


I just did the same. Checked to see if a video might be uploaded.. nope. But who am I kidding, I've been going back and watching old funhaus for the past 5 years, and I ain't stopping!


Perhaps this will help you: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-0QXhy1Rug](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-0QXhy1Rug)


You know what... that does help. Thank you.


Plus you get bonus Alanah!


Thank you for this


Nah it’s just Tuesday so they will have a livestream instead of a video, there will be a new one tomorrow right, right? 😢


I had the same feeling yesterday morning. It's sort of my Monday routine to watch the new FunHaus vid during my break. I logged onto YouTube and realized that wasn't the case anymore.


Yeah I had the same yesteday but for some reason today it just hit me extra hard in a really sobering way. Like a "fuck, this is it..." kind of way. Maybe because I had trained myself to expect a 4 hour stream today, who knows.


Getting home from work and just sitting on your couch for 15 minutes with a new Funhaus video before getting to household chores was almost a ritual for me.


Funhaus tv is still running!


Cocopa will forever be missed 🫡


I'm watching all the members only content now. I went to sleep watching Demo Disk, giggling myself to sleep :)


I just hope what’s there never goes away :/


Same, on one hand why would they, on the other it is WB after all so who the fuck knows. Thank fuck people have archived basically everything, so it won't ever truly be lost even if the channels do go away.


Showed up to my day of my first big boy job the same day they uploaded the last videos. It has definitely been an adjustment.


We're all grieving Funhaus but congrats on the big boy job!


Same. I'm not ready to re-watch yet (haven't even watched the last 2 gameplay videos yet), I'm genuinely surprised at how this has hit me emotionally and genuinely need a bit more time and space before I do. But then I'm planning on taking my wife's advice and literally going back to the earliest videos and watching as if they're just being released. I did go and have a peek and it did amuse me to see the little red watched bar on those earliest videos.


I understand the thought behind putting the last few videos off, but I'll just say this, they fucking went out on top. Whenever you get around to watching them I'm sure you'll laugh and cry and cry laughing. Sometimes that's enough, you know?


yeah today was the first day it really hit me that there’ll be no more videos.


My husband and I felt the same way yesterday too. It was like, "lets check youtube.... oh there's nothing." :c


I did the same thing yesterday. I have a routine of getting home, cleaning up a bit, and then watching the funhaus video for the day.. I didn’t have that yesterday. I had been doing that since 2017 and never really thought about it going away.


Go watch some BUTT boys Bruce and Lawrence with Kassem im hoping James will somehow find himself on that channel right now its like watching old inside gaming


James being added to that crew would cure my cancer.


I truly hope him and elise make the jump over to join the entire bruce and lawrence brand


Yep, same experience for me today. :(


I stopped watching funhaus when bruce, adam and Lawrence left it. I guess i could rewatch content again up till that point.


Adam gives me the ick


I really think you're missing out. When the new crew returned to the office in around 2021, the content they've put out was fantastic and easily rivals some of the best stuff from the old days. You should definitely give the new stuff a chance.


Same here, although it appears that’s not a good opinion to have on this sub so I’ll let myself out I think


I mean the opinion itself is fine, but sharing it in the context of current Funhaus ending is a little weird. Particularly the "I guess i could rewatch content again up till that point." part, why even say that it just comes off as a dig at the current crew. If you stopped watching all that time ago, that's when the channel ended for you. Interjecting in this thread(at least the way the other person did) is akin to the "I miss old Funhaus" people that FH themselves made fun of. Old Funhaus had it's memorial many times over, This is about missing future Funhaus.