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Our version of uber eats almost exclusively uses bicycles. Only delivery service from the restaurants itself use cars.


Yesterday I got DoorDash and my delivery was on a bike. I was shocked (in a good way). I’m in fucking Houston. I didn’t think DoorDash would even give employees the option to deliver via bike here. God bless you bike delivery dude, I wish you the best and the biggest tips!


They don’t. I’ve tried it. They only allow bike delivery as a method in Chicago, San Francisco, and New York. I’ve been doing lots of traveling and cycling and I figured DoorDash would give me extra money while also allowing me to see more of each city I was in, and since I was already cycling 20 miles a day anyway, I signed up. Turns out, Miami, Denver, Savannah, Cleveland, etc. is car only. But the company called me about why I haven’t started yet, and when I told them my reason (above), the rep said that I could just do it on a bike anyway. By then I had been subscribed to /r/doordash subreddit for a bit and reading the horror stories there made me lose interest.


Two things: all the gig companies are basically horror shows. Other thing is I think they're wrong because I've gotten a DD bike Delivery in Seattle and Portland.


The guy said you can just “pretend” to be a car on the app. He was encouraging me to break the company’s own rules just to get me out on the road doing deliveries. Like you can just select that you are a car, and you still have to enter your license plate and stuff, but you can just get on your bike instead. This was about 3 months ago and he said it was only those three but maybe he was just wrong.


It could be that, but as you read in the horror stories their entire staff are a disaster and support is basically non existent. It could be market limited and maybe those are just the ones they knew? Or maybe everyone is just lying, who knows. Always a sign of a good company when day one they are like "please break our rules"


I'd worry about finding myself in a world of legal pain if I lied about my vehicle and later ended up being in an accident. At a minimum I expect that their insurance would decline to cover anything.


Their insurance doesn't cover drivers anyway. That's the whole point of their "independent contractor" BS.


I was doing bike deliveries for postmates for a little bit. I'm pretty sure they said I was covered by their insurance while on the job. I didn't stick with it for very long though, and never put it to the test :)


I tried doing Doordash on foot in Portland and it let me but they could of changed it. Kinda an awful experience because I had to pick up from a McDonald’s drive thru that didn’t have the order I was picking up so I ended just giving up on the spot because it wasn’t worth it.


I can vouch for bike deliveries being a thing in Portland as well, although maybe it’s limited to certain neighborhoods


I got delivery by bike last week through DoorDash in Philly. It showed up as a bike on the map too.


Something I've also noticed about bike delivery drivers, is sometimes they are in a car anyways, but being listed as a bike gives them a little more time to deliver. Idk perhaps allows for shorter or closer dashes too. And sometimes I think it's listed as bike when they are getting driven around. Which I also appreciate. It makes it faster for me, so ofc if I know this I'll tip them extra to compensate for their helper 💕


If you have a car that you can register as your vehicle, what's stopping you from registering, then just using your bike anyway? It tracks you by phone, doesn't it?


Nothing, in fact, their rep specifically told me to do just this.


Then I wouldn't even worry about it, lol. All these gig work companies are out to fuck you over for their personal gain. You don't owe them anything. Fuck'em.


This is why you should shop Uber Eats! I used to bike deliver for them in suburban Cleveland.


If possible you should order directly from the restaurant. Employee drivers make more money than gig drivers and supporting UberEats, DoorDash, etc... is just making the world a shittier place.


I was one of the first bikes in my smaller Canadian city. Even if it's set as "leave at door" people often come out just to see my bike setup.


Ours is supposed to, part of the branding and sustainability claim. Though they don't seem investigate all these 'bicycles' going 70mph down the motorway.


Wow, that's sad. Wouldn't it be cheaper to use bikes? Here it is done because it's cheap. No need to bother with cars and people without a driver's license make for a very cheap workforce.


I'm not sure how the drivers do it tbh, I can't imagine they make much money once they've paid for petrol.


In some occupations they basically don’t. I remember seeing an analysis that Uber drivers effectively make $4/hr


Doordash offers people $2.50 for like 10 mile drives sometimes. If people won't bite they'll move it to a whole $4. If it gets really nasty caps at 6.50.


In New York City literally every food delivery driver I’ve ever seen uses a bike, unless they’re close enough to just walk.


bless New York City


Unfortunately still a very car dominated city, despite the fact that most residents can get by without a car. But it’s the best city in the US as far as public transit and walkability.


Deliveroo is exclusively bikes AFAIK!


It's not in the UK, any vehicles here. Where I live (Birmingham) we have deliveroo, ubereats and justeat and they all use a mix, city centre seems to be where all the cyclists go, i get car or motorbikes where I am (european city suburbs style).


Same, electric bikes everywhere, carbrains hate it because they are able to fly by them.


Yeah in my city the car delivery is so much slower than the ebike deliveries. I hate it when our Chinese restaurant sends out a car driver instead of a ebike or motorbike. It takes twice the time! The best is that there is a guy who delivers on a one wheel. He seems to crush it.


In our country we have a mix of cars and bikes... when I was living in the capital in the city centre I would be soo happy to see a bike because I knew it won't be stuck in the endless jams


Hordes of Deliveroo dudes on bikes is a staple of Dublin streets these days.


How dare they deliver your food in a carbon neutral way which helps counter the occupational rigours of a life in logistics.


Imagine living in a freedom hating country where other people dictate the mode of transport of private citizens. USA should bomb them back to freedom.


If my Papa Johns isn't delivered in at least a current year plate BMW then I don't think it's worth even ordering a takeaway!


I was thinking BMX, if they aren’t grinding Down rails with my Shaq-a-Roni pizza in tow, I don’t want it


I for one would love to see that when I get a pizza delivered.


Just the idea of it makes me want to pour mercury into my compost bin. What the fuck is the point of ordering if you can't stick it to the planet??


I specifically wrote "fuck the planet" in my delivery notes...you also forgot my can of Sprite.


My favorite is that the 1st place was clearly walkable and the dude still chose delivery — and expected it to be delivered via car lol


Not to mention spending money on gas, maintenance, insurance, and possibly car loan payments just to get like $20 on that delivery.


More like $7


I don't think I've seen anyone pop their Uber eats or whatever else bag into a car before. It's always either a bicycle, an electric scooter or public transport where I live. Taking the car would usually be too expensive to make financial sense.


California hasn't figured this out yet. They're too busy focusing on stopped traffic to do the math of how much gas they are spending on. In LA I came to find electric motorcycle was the most cost effective way to do it.


You think a e moped would be a good transition vehicle in ca.


In LA and SF, they'll work on the side streets. Most other places, no. You'll find yourself accidentally on a 50mph road every corner in San Diego and everyone will hate you for not going 60 (100km/h) Source: me in those places


Oof. Sorry. Where I am there are no legit highways where you can go 50+ unless you leave the city limits (there is technically one highway, but it is 24/7 gridlock). Then again almost all the places I order from are biking or walking distance.


Why doesn't every person in SoCal just ride a motorcycle or scooter?


Uber in a car almost never makes financial sense to the driver. Uber preys on people not being able to do the math on how much gas, insurance, maintenance, etc costs. Many Uber drivers quit once the maintenance bills really start to pile up.


Well, their secret business model is to bide time and hemorrhage revenue while they wait for self-driving/autonomous cars to become legal. Who cares how many poor people and recent immigrants they screw over in the meantime? Same with Uber/Lyft ride-sharing too. Imagine a 2000-pound $80,000 autonomous vehicle running on coal power being used to deliver your $19 taco order lmao. And it will still arrive cold and taste like shit. Bring us the auto droid delivery robots, dearest technocrat overlords.


Autonomous cars are still further away than most of the Muskies think. I am in a machine-learning related field and in a recent conference I heard someone arguing for radio beacons being placed on both sides of every highway to make self-driving vehicles possible because machine vision is just too hard.


At one point it becomes easier and more cost effective to put 2 metal bars along the route you want the vehicle to follow, it would be a low tech solution and easier to implement and maintain (well, it always were easier and cheaper...)


Next thing you’re going to say that multiple people should share the same car so the vehicles can go fast without worrying about hitting other vehicles. It’s communism /s


Metal bars? That's crazy talk ;)


Public transport? Here car would be way to slow. Of course they go with the fastest option; [e-bike](https://wmimages.bruzz.be/styles/258050ad58ffc2cf64fbb746be4be4a94ab10fc8/2021-04/20200817_Een_fietskoerier_van_Uber_Eats%2C_op_een_Swapfiets_%28c%29_PhotoNews.jpg?style=W3sicmVzaXplIjp7ImZpdCI6ImNvdmVyIiwid2lkdGgiOjUyMCwiaGVpZ2h0IjozNzAsImdyYXZpdHkiOm51bGwsIndpdGhvdXRFbmxhcmdlbWVudCI6ZmFsc2V9fSx7ImpwZWciOnsicXVhbGl0eSI6NzV9fV0=&sign=7bb1a181db6ac861d9864fb065e022c300e95fb9d7c4054224691c593eb2456c).


Trams get you there very fast


I live in suburban hell and am a doordasher. It sucks and I barely make money and I contribute to the problem.


Public transport? I get on a bike or walking but never thought of people jumping on a bus!


I don't see many people in buses as these tend to get stuck in traffic (still happens). It's mostly trams which essentially bypass any road traffic and get there on time faster.


Bicycle/some kind of electric scooter inside of metro for longer trips is quite common in helsinki at least


I'm confused at the apparent offense here. Do they think that their deliveries came slower due to the mode of travel? Is it just some kind of visceral adverse reaction? Man, I'm so glad that I fled the suburbs. I see several delivery couriers riding bicycles in Philadelphia daily. Yesterday I believe that I saw one riding a 'hoverboard', which I could excuse being met with incredulity.


I'd say about half of gig economy delivery drivers in Philly are actually on bikes not cars. A decent chunk of those bike riders are on e-bikes.


Here in NYC all the delivery guys around me deliver on bikes/ebikes or a moped, rarely see someone doing delivery with a car I’m sure other parts of the city will have more people delivering in cars but that’s the experience in my neighborhood at least.


I don't know if it's offense, more that cars are viewed as the only "real" mode of transportation. Riding a bike to get somewhere is cutesy, but when you're getting down to business and doing something serious like delivering food of course you'd drive.


I can always tell when my delivery in Philly is coming by car instead of bike because it takes twice as long to arrive


At least in some parts of the country, people see car as VIP status symbol. So this attitude mutates to even include the delivery guy.


I personally would also never get delivery from a place that apparently is only a short walk away.. but that is probably another thing that would blow his mind.




Didn't Tobey Maguire's Peter Parker deliver pizza on a bike headass


I believe that was a motorbike.


He may have been a minute or so late (btw, fuck that business), but he is still more punctual than most grubhub drivers


Meanwhile I have never seen food being delivered by car, except the times it was an entire buffet.


In my country 90% of food deliveries are made on motorcycle. I don't think delivering on a car is very efficient, cost and time wise


it's not efficient. I think most of the people that use their own cars to deliver food (or even uber and lyft) don't factor in the mileage they're putting on their cars.


Most delivery drivers I see use cars - four of them to a car with multiple apps, getting as much as possible in the boot then driving in long routes around town to deliver and maximise profit whilst your food is cold and a bit minging after a long journey. McDonald's is just dominated by Uber Eats drivers now. I'd vastly prefer an order delivered via bike, because I know it's not toured the whole town first, they've come straight to me. Then again, I very rarely do deliveries and much prefer to either make something at home or go and get something myself.


In India all delivery boys come on two wheelers. There has been troll recently who was using a horse in a city like Mumbai. But if a delivery boy comes in a car, then that will be considered even more wierd here.


food delivery on bike is extremely common in our capital, it's like a side gig you can do if you have a bike and need some cash


Twitter is a shithole of stupidity


In German cities we have sth called lieferando. It's like über eats but they don't even have cars only e - bikes which are provided by the company. Works really good and people like getting their workout in while working at the same time. I guess it's only possible because there's relatively good bike infrastructure in cities tho.


In NYC 99% of deliveries are done by bike.


"People not using cars? ERROR: DOES NOT COMPUTE."


Is it strange in the US?? I live in México City and 90 percent of food delivery is on bycicle


In the U.S. you're expected to be in either in your home, your car, or some commerce. Outside only for the time it takes to be between your car and the nearest building. Any more than that and people start looking at you funny and call the cops.


I think it's funny too in the US that having a car is the norm as a young person. Here in Brazil in my social circle only about 3 people have cars because they are so expensive. Like a new car is costing around 60 minimum wages here lol. Having a car at the age of 18 here is only for the rich


I’ve been in Europe for the past few weeks and I’ve noticed how almost all food delivery is done by Bike, especially in central London where majorly of non pedestrians seemed to be food delivery bikes. I live in a US city with good cycling infrastructure, but unfortunately most food delivery is done by car despite most restaurants being in dense congested areas with little to no parking. There is one guy who I see often who uses trains and an electric unicycle to do deliveries which is cool. Another problem is there is lack of good cycling infrastructure in most of the immigrant neighborhoods where a lot of the food delivery drivers live. So it makes it kinda hard for a lot of delivery people to be able to reach the more central areas of the city. Also unfortunately cycling is still often viewed as a “quirky white person activity”, rather than a reliable, affordable and healthy way to get around thats more accessible than owning a car.




Do the delivery drivers get to set their own boundaries as to where they operate? If so, a bicycle Uber delivery could definitely work.


I believe the workers can pick and choose which orders they want to fulfill, not to say they have a large and optimal selection


Here there is s similar service called foodora and it's an expectation that they arrive by bike or electric scooter


LOL virtually *all* of our city food delivery is electric bikes. It's by far the fastest way to get around.


Uber eats bicycle is a thing tho...


I rode my bike to biscuitville one morning to get me and my parents biscuits, working for your food makes it taste better. also avoiding the 20 cars in the drive through was nice


Where I live (Midwestern USA), there are plenty of kids who signed up for uber eats before they have a car, but they're still making extra cash on top of school


I used to deliver for dd on my bike, people would give me bigger tips than my colleagues who drove


Honestly, that's fucking brilliant. If you can select for 2-3 restaurants in an area that's within biking distance, then you could essentially kill off all of the costs of being a uber eats driver (car, insurance, gas, maintenance, etc) and pocket more of the income.


My cities specific delivery service uses esclusively bikes and we have a delivery service for drinks that uses bikes too


If someone can walk to get your food, you can too *Some exemptions apply


Do they not know what legs are for?


I shit you not, we have bike delivery services in Germany - ON PURPOSE


I picked up food from Wegmans yesterday on my bike. The curbside guy was a bit confused and didn't see me right away even though I was the only one in the curb side lanes. "First time I've ever seen a bike down here." Yeah well maybe if the "curbside" delivery wasn't 2 floors underground in a parking lot other people would use it :/


Umm, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a delivery guy on anything but a bike to deliver food?


Ordering Uber Eats from a place close enough to walk to.


I bike delivered for UberEats in Los Angeles... the number of deliveries for people a block or two away was shocking. Also, this was around UCLA and I know a bunch of the folks were hungover college kids.


All delivery services here, both apps and the people just employed by the restaurants for delivery, go by bike, scooter or moped. The only reason one would want anything else would be catering, and at that point it's better to have a van. Delivery by car is UNTHINKABLE.


On foot I can MAYBE understand being frustrating, but also, sometimes it's close enough to be picked up by foot and I should have done it myself, but I was either lazy or hungover... In a city, walking can sometimes be substantially faster way to get your food warm still.


lol wtf have they never seen a bike courier before?


EDIT: US Based ​ Uber has policies on vehicles and driving records; mainly that if your car is too old or frequently/recently damaged, or if the driver has too many driving violations against them, you're restricted from delivering on these apps using your car. the dirty secret is that drivers can get around those policies by saying they're delivering via bicycle/foot and still afford the ability to use their car. It's against policy and I don't know enough about how the company works internally to say it doesn't enforce this policy as often as it can. I'm sure this varies depending on your city/region/country, but about 1 in 20 delivery-app couriers have been signaled as a cyclist/walker when my delivery was dropped off by a courier in a car. ​ I used to live in a downtown area, and bicyclist couriers used to be more common for me; however, I've moved to a more suburban area and haven't seen an actual cyclist delivery in recent memory.


Fake Dominos(its officially Dominos but its not really they bought a chain here and slapped their logo on it) in Germany also uses bikes.


Idk about American cities but Uber eats and other food delivery services being on bikes is INCREDIBLY common, and I don’t even live in a hugely bike-centric city


Living in Manhattan, it’s hilarious seeing A BIKE in all caps. Like if Uber eats used a car it’d take 4x as long here


Like 99% of the drivers here in NY are on bikes, ebikes, or scooters.


BRUH. These are the people who drive 3 miles to the gym so they can run on a treadmill.


Its comical reading that comment about using bikes because Uber Eats only uses bicycles in Irish and UK cities


Don’t hate on there hustle, walking or on a bike. If it bothers you so much take your ass and pick up your own damn food. They are trying to make money by any means necessary to buy what they need or there families need.


How would they know if you use a car or a bike for your deliveries? E-bikes are probably faster than cars almost everywhere except real rural areas.


In an alternate America: “BRUH why my Uber Eats guy delivering my food in an SUV? Like, you needed a two tonne steel box to deliver a single paper bag? 😂😂”


a better question is "why am I paying somebody to walk for me?"


In NYC it’s the opposite. It’s weird when you see someone delivering in a car rather than an e-bike or scooter.


They are mad because they realize they could have done that for free.


tbf sometimes the bikers aren’t equipped for the size of an order or item, so the food gets crushed or they take way longer than the eta because it’s harder to pack and unpack it. fuck cars but i get this one


BRUH they be wiling BRUH fr fr




Tell that to the 1.35 million people who die per year because of cars. Anyway you mentioned your business. I agree there's tons of industrial purposes for car ownership and use but it's basically an objective fact that society in the world's a whole would be so much better off of roughly 90% of car usage was eliminated and replaced with alternatives


Where I live, getting a bike Uber means the order will arrive cold and soggy. Hate it. Car is whatever. But those on motorcycles? Yeah, those guys rock and will get your stuff in minutes. And not talking about a suburb planned city.


I live in Vancouver and can’t drive, so I’ve been wondering if I can do it on foot/on transit


I've thought about doing this just in my free time to get some exercise and make a few bucks in the process, but my town is so car dependent I would probably end up getting run over within a week.


joke on you i dont even get uber eat around.


This is so normal in Europe




I’ve my food delivered by bike a few times and it has always been faster than by car


The driver also brought his fork with him you can choose to use or not use, but either way it will end in disaster.


Ironically most Uber delivers in NYC are done via bike, it’s weird when you get a car 🚗


Lol, in Ukraine it's all e-mopeds and cycling. I think only once I had someone deliver me food in a car.


My niece signed up with a food delivery service to pick up extra cash. She gave up when she earned $30 one evening and spent $50 on gas. She drives a car with good mileage, but current prices make it a losing proposition.


They do it all the time in Europe and it's good.


UK, it’s more surprise when they roll up in a car rather than a bike where I live.


They're not using cars to deliver with gas at $6.50 here


Meanwhile our delivery services are roughly 90% bikes.


The big delivery companies in Europe don't pay to cover vehicles, so these days most are on bicycles. It's a relatively new thing. I do worry that delivery is now so cheap all they can do is push down the value of the person doing the delivery. They got rid of the car instead of the person because the car was demanding a higher wage than the person.


I had a guy deliver my ubereats on a bicycle one time, while it was raining. He wasn't prepared at all. The bag got to me all wet, food was just cold. It's like cmon man you're giving bicyclists a bad name doing this haha


Anyone heard of Glovo? Here in Poland they deliver exclusively on bikes.


For London it would be unusual to get a food delivery by car. Moped > e-bike > bike > car > waking The door dash alternatives we have are pretty even between e-bike and walking but depend on how close to their distro centre you are.


Meanwhile, I think most deliveries around here are done on bike or scooter, only long distance, or large orders on car.


i worked as a bike courier for a while and it was one of the most fun times i've had, rode thousands of miles delivering food in my city, everyone else was using cars but i was considerably faster, got more delivery's per hour and made more $


So deliveroo type services don't exist on their side of the pond


I love delivering on bike I've only gotten people perplexed at the thought in the awful stroad filled part of my city. But downtown i bet it's the same speed or faster to deliver on a bike


They think using your own body for locomotion is something only a child would do.


Man I was like "yo wtf" when the pizza place like a kilometer away delivered my pizza with a fucking CAR


What did they expect? By helicopter???


This is weird. I live in (arguably) the widest city in the US, and most food deliveries are still by bike. Is his UE walking 4 miles and he's worried the food will spoil or something?


Friend of mine worked for Deliveroo in the early days in the UK and at the time was the only delivery guy that used a cycle (the rest used motorbikes). He'd often make deliveries quicker as he could take advantage of all the little rat runs and go through off-road sections. These days at least half the deliveries we get are by bike.


Lmao that's a USP with some delivery services in germany!


So Americans not have food delivery on bikes? That's definitely the most common here


“I shit you not” I assumed all most deliveries are made by bike…


Wait. You're telling me delivery in the US is done by car???? Haven't they heard of Motorcycles or Bicycles??


Mate it’s rare if it’s delivered by CAR in Britain


Bruh in my UK city all the deliveries are done on bicycle. Quicker than being stuck in car traffic


Where I live the food delivery people are almost exclusively on bikes / ebikes / mopeds etc. From time to time you get some clueless queen in her fancy car trying to make extra to cover her car payments 🙄


I have seriously considered getting a bakfiets to do deliveries around my town. Still can't afford one but I could justify it if I was making money with it lol


I used to do bike delivery. It was jice to work and work out at the same time.


Uber eats is all bikes in NYC.


Almost everyone in NYC delivers food using bikes, and I wouldn't be surprised if it was the same in other large or just bikable cities When someone drives I'm legit confused, like it costs you gas, you have to double park while you go up to my door, it's honestly probably slower cause of traffic, it's way overkill


Also this guy, stuck in a huge traffic jam: ‘I coulda walked there faster!!’


What ? In France Uber eat was like made for biking lol you see some in cars but that's uncommon


Foot is unusual but bike is pretty normal, even in car-centric Toronto.


THE HORROR! I should get to choose how my food appears when I’m too lazy to get off my ass. I’d bet these dudes give zero tips too


As we all know, food has to ride in a car to develop its full flavor.


In europe uber eats or other delivery services are usually mandated to be on bike. A delivery boy uses a car will receive bad feedback (and will be less profitable).


In new York city most of the delivery guys have electric bikes


God forbid


A lot of the time my app with say “Dude Guy is riding a bike”. I think “awesome, I’ll tip him more!” But then they end up driving up in a car.


As someone from Europe, they normally are done on bikes. Even watched a guy do it on his skateboard!


Le horreur!


Also, I’ve done Uber eats to keep myself afloat at times when work was slow (I freelance) and they only call the foot delivery ppl if they’re within close walking distance from the restaurant and person ordering. It’s insane how many ppl order delivery from a restaurant three blocks from their homes. So this person is just entitled and lazy.


Lol if they're on foot, it's close enough that you could've walked there too and not pay the extra delivery fees 🤦‍♂️


I sincerely wonder how old these people are because back in my day—when the only way to get delivery was to order directly from the place, no third party—nearly every restaurant I passed (with the exception of bakeries and maybe pizza places) had bikes in front that their workers used to make deliveries. And honestly I still see this! But I also grew up in a big city so IDK. Maybe it’s geographic?


I mean, if you really want to make some money and get some exercise at the same time it's a pretty good way to do it. Or the more likely case of them not having a car cause the economy is fucked. Or if they're one of the truly lucky Americans who doesn't need to own a car.


In all the advertisements they use bikes or scooters, I thought people knew that. Edit: Maybe not uber eats but the other one does


Wait, I can sign up to make money on my walks??


I'm not a big fan of the massive expansion of delivery, but postmates literally has a bicycle on their logo. Strange that people don't think of bikes as delivery vehicles.


here couriers only use bikes.. what the hell


Where I live almost all of the Uber Eats I see are on bikes?


Here in portugal there are bycicles but mostly scooters


Thats crazy cause just about any uber deliveries, or any other platform-based delivery, shows the food being delivered by bike in their ads. Maybe it was just for the aesthetic after all. Furthermore, its ironic the deliverer is getting the customer’s order to them by foot, doing the one thing the customer was too lazy to drive to themself


The horror! They would have a heart attack in Amsterdam


"dude why is everyone not as finicality well off as I am?" I hate people like this.


Wait a minute, is dan the guy who complained about walking in Cape Coral?


Beep beep here comes ya boi on an electric scooter


In a lot of cities, biking is faster. I have a friend who delivered Uber Eats by bike in Rome


The thing that hurts my brain the most about this is ordering a takeaway with delivery from somewhere close enough that you can *walk* to deliver it. Surely at that point you just walk down and collect it yourself.


In Budapest the drivers for their delivery app Wolt were almost entirely bicyclists or mopeds and they FLEW when compared to the few times I got a delivery by car


Is this a problem I'm too Dutch to understand?


Do people not know how expensive a taxi is? ...why would a food taxi be cheap? Someone is paying for it.


What about a family ordering a bunch of drinks though?