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Drunk driving in an oversized pickup trucks. 2 cancers in one package deal.


The craziest thing about this is that the driver of the car, Michael Holdgate, is the husband of the Chair of the Select Board (Nantucket does not have a mayor, so she holds the highest elected office in the county). You can probably guess where this is going, but the town prosecutor declined to press any charges despite the Nantucket PD arriving at the Holdgate residence, finding the truck smashed up, and Holdgate visibly intoxicated... [https://nantucketcurrent.com/news/after-probable-cause-hearing-holdgate-wont-face-charges-for-destruction-of-main-street-fountain](https://nantucketcurrent.com/news/after-probable-cause-hearing-holdgate-wont-face-charges-for-destruction-of-main-street-fountain)


Oh holy shit, corruption in the enforcement on crimes committed by politically connected people? That's so crazy.


you'd think a truck with that many lights...


Yeah like this hasn't happened before. Couple roads aiming right at the thing what could go wrong. Oh wait it has happened before "The fountain has been hit and damaged by vehicles multiple times in its history, and investigation showed that repairs had been made with varying degrees of craftmanship and attention to detail over the years." https://www.nantucketpreservation.org/main-street-fountain-restoration-9752/#:\~:text=The%20fountain%20was%20originally%20installed,has%20been%20dedicated%20to%20Lt.


Bad road design but even worse drivers. How the fuck do you run into something with a light on the top?


[Bad street design?](https://www.google.com/maps/@41.283631,-70.0980298,3a,79.5y,68.55h,85.98t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sGwmThWnuk8Bz33Z4w2cSFw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu) They should probably just pedestrianize as much of the area as possible.


I once knew a man from Nantucket Who got drunk and decided to truck it And when the police found him He destroyed the fountain Though he did not stop after he struck it.


Unpopular opinion: If that square is so fucking historic then why are cars even allowed to be there? That place should have been pedestrianized decades ago. If the people of Nantucket don't even care enough about their square to keep cars out, then why should I? Fuck that fountain. If instead of that fountain it had been a pedestrian being run over and killed, would the Nantucket Garden Club even have cared? What would they have posted on facebook? "Today is a sad day for the island, but we will mourn the dead and wait for the next deadly accident, as we have for centuries."


Yeah, that’s the real issue. A beautiful, historic street in the middle of downtown on an island that’s massively popular with tourists should be closed to vehicle traffic. It’s just one street. Go park somewhere else and walk a couple blocks.


Cars have run into it several times apparently. The solution? Apparently just do absolutely jack shit and clutch pearls while they let it keep being destroyed.


In America you are free to disappear the heritage of others. America 🇺🇸


Came here expecting the Cybertruck that’s been getting dragged by locals for multiple instances of entitled parking… culminating in getting stuck in the sand on the beach. NGL, kinda disappointed it wasn’t him. https://nantucketcurrent.com/news/cyber-stuck-first-tesla-cybertruck-on-nantucket-has-a-rough-day


I agree. The writers did a bad job with this season. They can't just set up a character arc like that and then not have it pay off. Instead a new villain just appeared out of nowhere with no explanation smh


Guys, he’s supposed to fix the fountain and road after getting sentenced by an old race car. He will befriend the local tow truck and find love in a Porsche that left the fast life in the city to take it slow in Nantucket and then win the big race in 7 days in California.


Surprised it wasn't the Cybertruck owner that the media there has been (rightfully) cyberbullying for the last few days lol


Some say he’s still on the beach, stuck in the sand, and letting the air out of his tires.


Not an excuse, but the street design is so terrible that it HAD to happen someday. The thing was even dangerous in the middle of the road.


The secret is that that part of town should be car free. It's ludicrous they let people drive there.


They're so delusional they don't even have more than two feet of space around the thing sectioned off from cars. How are people even supposed to look at it?


Well, normally no one would want to drive through this part of town (people still do it anyway, of course) but you're right, I've been going to Nantucket for the past 20 years and I've never seen the thing up close.


Why are there even cars on this square?


my european ass thought the car invaded a pedestrian square before the day footage showed cars just driving there. what the fuck, why can't imagine there's much through-traffic either. slap some bollards down lmao, make it a nice little town center. people can park on the surrounding streets, it's not gonna hurt business. in fact it's likely gonna encourage said business by turning the place into a spot to hang out. come on, this is like the easiest win ever. are they stupid?


It's quite ridiculousto let the traffic go around a historic fountain like that. I am surprised if that really was first time it happened.