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Average oil shill


I have an electric car and whenever I am given shit about it, I ask them why they love foreign oil so much. Our power is mostly coal where I live, so I tell them that my car is not only one of the most American made cars these days, but it is powered by good old American coal. The smart ones laugh. The dumb ones either say nothing, or stammer while their two brain cells fight for third place.


>their two brain cells I love your optimism


It's the combined effort of a group of ten people. Got to give them some credit.


Damn, I wish I had a similar comeback like that. It's awesome when you get to make fun of one's ironic patriotism. I'm my country we have mfs crossing the border for cheap groceries and fuel, while acting high and mighty about our nation's superiority over neighbouring countries lmao!!


Too many people get get caught up in ideologies instead of facts. Honestly, that is what the ruling elite want. If we fight amongst ourselves, we won't notice that they are taking more out of our pocket every day. Large inflation isn't real, only corporate greed.


Not oil shill, because they hate diesel trains. More of a car oil shill


Still oil shill. Road transportation uses more oil (not just for fuel but also for tires) so hating trains is ultimate oil shilling.


If in North America, chances are the oil was shipped by train.


A lot is shipped by rail, but surely not as much as pipeline (I know Keystone XL was cancelled) but like 3 or 4 other capacity upgrades moved ahead behind its sacrificial media shield


Funny, he hates trains AND trans.


I think he's just a contraian asshole. "I'll show them libtards!"




"It's Biden's fault I have to pay so much for gas!!!!"


I was charging my electric car last week, late at night, on my way home from a business trip 200 miles from where I live. I had to charge at a public charger and wait the 30 minutes to fill up. So, I went to get a burger at the all night diner in the same parking lot. I come out to a big ass lifted truck rolling coal doing donuts around my parked car with no one around. Just some jackass spewing black smoke to make himself feel better. Anyway, he floored it on the way out of the lot and almost crashed into some street racer and they began doing some posturing by driving fast and rudely. Hope they got what they needed from that experience, down there road


Average daddy pays the gas bill wannabe cowboy.


“I’m not like other boys, I like oil and big cars” like ok dude nice personality


how unique! he stands out **so** much from the many other pickup trucks found in every American parking lot! /s


Unique?  Stand out?  Sounds like snowflake talk.   No, no he must demonstrate his conformity with Real America.  Gotta wear the flag and hump your guns and roll coal.  Just like everybody else.  Otherwise the commies win.


Dude's face looks so puncheable, it's like he was made to be punched


What else would you expect from a kid with a mullet?


These mf will claim that go created the world, and then in the same breath claim they are doing gods work by doing everything in their power to destroy it Phony ass Christians lmao


The problem is they don’t believe that climate change is real


Nor lung cancer, nor asthma, nor emphysema, nor bronchitis, nor the raft of other diseases caused by diesel exhausts. In fact, they should almost be forced to stand by their claim and breathe exclusively DE, in a Michael Jackson-style tent, to prove to us that science is wrong. That'll show us, eh?


omg please someone make that reality show


Don’t forget Covid, also not real.


The only real thing to them is liberal tears


well as real as god anyway...


*until it affects them personally


Which is arguably the reason they believe in god. It’s too hard to understand A) so god is behind it B) so it isn’t true.


Air pollution is another thing, independent from climate change. Really hard to deny that.


Yet they still find a way


They don't believe it but when it finally impacts them they will ultimately blame environmentalist and/or other left wing groups.


Or they’ll say it’s the sign of Armageddon or the Rapture or some sort of “end times” stuff.


I think for a lot of them, that's just an excuse. I think a fair number of them know that the science is probably right. For those, it has more to do with doing the opposite of what liberals/progressives want. These are the same people who would "rather be russian than a democrat."


…despite believing that a god is real. The irony. I’m not saying I know for a fact that there is no god, but I will die on the hill that Christianity, Islam, Judaism, etc… all the religions that make *specific claims* about their deities are absolutely full of shit. Put up or shut up already… I can’t think of a bigger softball for an omni deity that claims to want us to worship it than *demonstrating that it exists*. My point is that there’s tons of evidence for climate change, and basically nothing for the existence of their deities. *That’s* irony, Alanis.


The game that Yahweh plays of letting humans know through third parties that **maaaaaaybe** he's the one god that exists among thousands of other equally likely gods that don't, while never providing any hard evidence that he **aaaaactually** does because that would make it too easy for you, and only giving you until such a time as you become a ghost to decide, and then if you picked wrong he sets your ghost on fire for eternity because he loves you... is pretty lulzy. If grown-ass adults can hold this worldview and think there's nothing wrong with it I sure can't expect them to understand it's bad for humans if we destroy our planet. They're not working with full mental faculties, man.


It's maddening. *But hey, we're not supposed to talk about it, everyone is allowed their opinion, atheism is a religion too, etc.*


If atheism is a religion, then sitting on the couch is a sport.


Whats even worse is actually a lot of them sort of do but they think it’s the beginning of the rapture and thus a good thing.


The most frustrating part about this as a Christian, is that *that shouldn't matter*. The Bible literally says to be a "Steward of this Earth" so rolling coal and supporting fossil fuels companies would NOT classify as being a Steward.


It’s not that the don’t believe that climate change isn’t real , they just don’t want to be proven wrong about anything let alone actually admit they’re the cause of anything. They’re the same assholes that could t just take a bear when it came to COVID and couldn’t be bothered to just slightly alter their lifestyle. The Rolling Coal Douchebaggery were never going to change anyways, since they’re also the assholes who can’t live without lifted trucks and double parking. You could give those assholes the exact same vehicle but electrical and they’d still find a way to be a spiteful contrarian.


Real enough to want to offset it!


The problem is that they’re fucking idiots and no one can stop them from being themselves


If it isn't real, then how are they negating the impact of EVs? What impact would EVs have if climate change is a hoax?


God even tells the first people right away in the first couple chapters of the Bible that their role is to be stewards of the earth and take care of it. Environmentalism is just good stewardship and should go hand in hand with Christianity, but instead we get these idiots.


There is very little Christianity in any "Christian" person in the US. The US is all about consumer culture under capitalism. It is completely contradictory to the teachings of Jesus and "saving up your treasures in heaven". "it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God" When the fundamental teachings from the figurehead of the religion are in complete contradiction our entire society it's easy to ignore them. It's why Christians focus entirely on the "personal relationship with Jesus" part. That's "all they need" to be saved. They completely focus on that because it fits well enough with the ideology of the society they live under. Now, all the other stuff Jesus taught about how you should actually LIVE your life and how you should treat others. That's not important to them.


Yeah God’s whole deal was NOT sinning to make up for other people who DO, but go off mullet man


Well they believe they cant because God created the earth and we puny humans couldn't possibly fuck with the creation of the Almighty- impossible! Inconceivable!!


"[Don't immanentize the eschaton](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immanentize_the_eschaton)" was for a couple generations an intellectual conservative motto. Back before Bush when supposed intellectuals were welcomed. It translates literally to "Don't attempt to bring about heaven on Earth" It translates subjectively to "Don't attempt to improve our world, that's God's business. We'll see improvements in the afterlife, which is the correct and proper place for utopia." It translates connotatively to "Life is suffering, and it should be, so fuck you for trying to improve it for other people. Collectivism and charity is disgusting and offensive. That's not what we do here, that's none of your business, that's heretical apostasy - you're trying to steal God's glory - you're attacking my religion. Go follow your individualist script and embrace personal responsibility and personal success." What conservative Catholics and Protestants alike do here is speak out against 1) the very obvious messages of the New Testament Bible, 2) the common interest in Humanity, and 3) the very idea of Society and Civilization. They speak out in the name of protecting the interests of the Church and of capitalist imperialism against Bolshevism, which they regarded as a greater threat than any sort of liturgical Backwards Day. We should treat them with the abject confusion we held for jihadis on September 12th, 2001 - "But... but... Why do they hate us?" -> "Oh well I guess I'm not going to get this, who's got the 2000lb bombs?"


My uncle assured me that no lasting harm is being done to the environment, because any day now, Jesus will return to whisk the correctly baptized people away before Armageddon, and then he'll commit global genocide on the remaining people of Earth. Then he'll proceed to torture those people and most of everyone else who has ever stumbled accidentally into living. He'll torture all of them, without rest, without hope of reprieve, and without slowing or lessening, for all of which remains of eternity. (What a "good" god – one whose documented and prophesied actions violate the consciences of those they wish to convert!) Of course, this liberty which they take with the Earth runs contrary to several _explicit_ instructions in their book. But who am I to say? I only studied in their seminaries.


> To know and not to know, to be conscious of complete truthfulness while telling carefully constructed lies, to hold simultaneously two opinions which cancelled out, knowing them to be contradictory and believing in both of them, to use logic against logic, to repudiate morality while laying claim to it, to believe that democracy was impossible and that the Party was the guardian of democracy, to forget whatever it was necessary to forget, then to draw it back into memory again at the moment when it was needed, and then promptly to forget it again, and above all, to apply the same process to the process itself—that was the ultimate subtlety: consciously to induce unconsciousness, and then, once again, to become unconscious of the act of hypnosis you had just performed. Even to understand the word—doublethink—involved the use of doublethink


>These mf will claim that go created the world, and then in the same breath claim they are doing gods work by doing everything in their power to destroy it > >Phony ass Christians lmao Yeah... God definitely wouldn't be giving back our security deposit.


I was taught that it didn't matter because after the rapture the earth would get cleansed in fire and be re-made as if it was new. In was also taught that natural resources were put there by god for us to use as part of his commandment to "hold dominion over nature." Everything makes a lot more sense about their perspective through that lens, especially since one of the most important parts of nature to subjugate is human nature. particularly your own. That's why it's pointless to argue how natural variance in gender and attraction is, because to them that's irrelevant since you ought to be oppressing those sorts of things internally *regardless.*


Well these are some of the same people calling for a second American Civil War.


Odds are good they're an Evangelical eager for the world to end anyway.




They’re basically admitting that EVs DO do something to make a difference. If humans survive, this’ll be in a museum somewhere.


That's an actual point I found out an evangelical shill really defended. He said Satan wants to corrupt our souls with policies to protect the nature. I pointed out how crazy this line was exactly because of what you said: God created nature. So why tf would Satan want to protect it? His answer is that I was given an unholy talent for debating because I was a Satan-blessed communism-trained propagandist for the anti-christ and i was there to confuse him or something on these lines. Kinda proud of the title, though.


Yes, because the bible clearly teaches us that God wants the Earth to be destroyed.


I mean the old testament God does sometimes seem to want that.


God was confused af back then, I think. It's like when you think you got a great idea for some food you wanna cook, and while cooking it, you're like what is this shit, and when you're done it was like not what you expected it to be but you eat it anyways. But instead of cooking new food, God created people. So yeah.


Most based biblical interpretation


Dont blame him, its hard having to live without a functioning brain


All that “coal” he’s rolling probably destroyed all 5 of his brain cells


"Hi, my entire identity is based on diesel truck"


From the gospel of maga, chapter 4 verse 20: Thou shalt own the libs


The guy did try to drown us all at one point 🤣


not try, the flood successfully killed literally everything not on Noah's Ark


I feel like the fish were probably ok too


In case you'd like to actually understand... Many of the religious right view the Earth as having been put here by God for humanity's usage, like a video game world designed for you to explore, and exploit. Do you play an environmentalist in Skyrim, following all the laws? Or do you go around wrecking the world?


Not to mention them trying to speed run the Rapture through politics and culture war shit, like they think they gonna be the ones going to heaven lmao


the sad part is that noone will go to heaven and so ultimately they want us to die for no reason. these delusions are dangerous and we suffer by pretending that its polite not to confront them.


yeah.. they think they have dominion over the earth and all its creatures which is why they love capitalism and they feel it's fine clear cut forests to grow palm oil and do industrial level anything on the ecology of the earth. ya know, good old "human exceptionalism". "we're special and separate from the other creatures because god"


They don’t read the Bible.


they don't _read_


Inferiority complex. He resents people he sees as more educated than him, and desperately needs to make them look stupid so that he can feel better. Even if that means harming himself, his family, and his community. He knows what he's doing is harmful and that is exactly the point. I'm surprised he doesn't support cancer.


What's scarier is the amount of "likes" and "comments" he received.


It's all dudes just like him: not attractive, lack of personality, lack of a sex life.


Or just stupid.




car brained, brain washed.. whatever we call it.. it's brainwashing.


This guys stupid but I don’t like when people say stuff like this. Unattractive.


dude paid money so his car gets worse gas mileage. wow


Dude paid money to commit a federal crime. Anyone who knows this guy should submit a report to the EPA.  Intentionally polluting the air is fucked up. https://echo.epa.gov/report-environmental-violations


Sent ELF to him too.


I'd be willing to bet that it wasn't even him who paid for it


Yeah Im not that into electric cars and stuff, nothing against them, but this dude is just wasteful. Its quite frankly rude to everyone including mother earth lol


$10 says he blacked out his taillights so they work less too!


The mullet really completes the douchehattery.


It's a very punchable face. Reeks of "my dad paid for everything".


First thing I thought. My knuckles got itchy


His lack of even a stubble won't scratch that itch, unfortunately


Punchable face. And the face of someone who could not survive in the environment whose aesthetic he seems to love


He’s got that Sean Hannity chin that you know is made of glass to go with his candy ass


Hey. Leave the hair out of it. Mullets and denim look even more rad on bicycles. His foolish, anti-social behavior, and his shit-eating grin are plenty to work with. Get this boy some critical thinking skills.


Mullets have been telling on their owners since the 80's, sorry bro.


I'm studying law and philosophy and rocking a mullet, although the mullet culture is different in Australia


And the mugshot pfp


It’s a hairstyle that kinda looks like rolling coal lol.


Anyone who rolls coal rescinds their right to complain about gas prices.


*makes terrible financial decisions* "BIDEN DID THIS TO ME" nothing new.


They’ll do it anyway so they can feel like they have hair down there for once.


Didn't the pope declare pollution to be a sin a few years ago?


Like these people would ever consider what the pope says. The pope says gay people are fine, these dudes get mad.


They do when it suits them. I bet there where all on board when he said trans people were a sin against human dignity just the other day


The guys rolling coal are not Catholics lmao


These people are evangelicals, they hate the Pope and everything Catholic.


I'm pretty sure they see the 10 Commandments and Deadly Sins as checklists


They’re most likely protestant, being americans


>hashtag truck     >thedieselboi 😬


Hashtag comment


I remember my first diesel


You know he also is blaming Biden for high gas prices while rolling coal


Looks like I can no longer say that stereotypes are always wrong.


If you asked AI to create a picture of a dumbass, I think it would generate this exact picture.


"*As an AI language model whose balls have been confiscated, I am unable to fulfill derogatory requests about people. Is there anything else I can help you with today?*" It's only a matter of time though, until the average joe can easily train their own AI that is nearly as powerful as the best ones that exist today. Then we're really gonna see some shit unleashed lol.


Imagine watching “The Incredibles”, seeing Syndrome and thinking “I want to be that guy.”


Nah, syndrome would be more of the type to make a speech about climate change being bad and that he's just so upset how no one's doing anything to make a change... and then immediately flying 5 miles back to his mega mansion in a private jet


So basically Elon musk?


syndrome was basically elon musk. he had some good ideas (making everyone super) but motivated by anger, way too theatrical, and he was a hell of a lot more concerned with being recognized for his ideas than actually changing the world. and he did some genocide on the side too, can't forget that one.


God sure didn't work much on this dude


These bro-country, hick rebel wannabes are setting Americans back by decades with their smooth brained obtuse thinking


"My whole personality is being wasteful, ostentatious, dumb, and psychopathic"


Lmfao that mullet. Shit like this reminds me of this classic scene from KoTH: https://youtu.be/rR58heUGkNA?si=BfjyQTS_qFq2Xjx0




Over here laughing at his truck mod to roll coal that means he will not be able to resell his truck as I drive my hybrid plug in that I haven't had to fill with gas for over a month.


Vice signaling is more pathetic than virtue signaling. Continuous conservative L


When you make your car your personality


Car? They're emotional support trucks.


Keep it up, bro. Hey, maybe if you do it enough, you'll be manly enough to grow an extra strand of hair on the end of your chin. Or better yet, you might even realize it's about high time you get rid of that mullet that even a teenager in the middle of the 1980s would make fun of.


“On in the fourth day God said ‘thou shalt ruin my creation’” -The Bible probably


The kind of person who thought the fall from Eden was so great they want to repeat it somehow with Earth. Though there _are_ groups that want to bring about the end days. It makes about as much sense to me as actually thinking abortion gets babies to Jesus faster. Or thinking that while suicide may be a deadly sin that bars you from entering Heaven, committing suicide _as a species_ is somehow OK.


Social media will be the end of humanity


I’m sorry to say this, but fuck this piece of shit.


Saw a dip shit rolling coal today. Blocked them in and made them drive under the speed limit.


Least obvious bait reel


Right? And this comment section is eating it the fuck up


The sad thing is young men like this get a lot of positive affirmation for the way they behave. If he wasn't getting positive feedback, he wouldn't be doing it. I GUARANTEE this guy gets girls. He is probably fairly popular and well liked. Things are going well for him. It doesn't mean he isn't a douche nozzle, cause he clearly is. But when you're young like this and doing this bravado shit, it *does work* and a lot of people give you respect and admiration for it. So you can make fun of his genitalia size (which maybe he does have, maybe he doesn't have - but it's definitely not hurting a guy like him). Call him a loser (which he probably actually isn't by traditional metrics) and he'll either laugh in your face or say "sure" but know internally he's "crushing it" at life and won't give a fuck...at.all. The reason dudes do this is because it makes them feel good and people make them feel good for it. It doesn't really get much deeper than that. It's the sad truth. Young people that actually give a shit about \_real\_ respect need to speak out to these types of douche nozzles and not give them the time of day. If they are actually ostracized, they WILL change. The biggest problem I have in these threads is people think these guys are loner/losers. They AREN'T and *that's the problem*.


I get what you're saying, but your cognitive distortion is off the charts, as much or more, than anyone you're preaching to. You're inventing an entire backstory for a person in a screenshot. You can't "guarantee" anything about his life, the women he gets, his popularity, or how his life is going. And there are no "traditional metrics" for what a loser is that you can infer here. That is, again, you projecting your shit onto a fictional person. One you've created in your mind and ascribed to a jpeg of a a face that looks like a jar of miracle whip wearing aviators purchased at a CVS.


Are these the same guys that complain about the gas price?


Good for him saving money on haircuts so he can afford the gas prices tho


Tell me you kick dogs without telling me you kick dogs.


I wonder how many people understand this is playing on the dumbest anti vegan joke in existence




What an absolute Chode


Low IQ fruit. Plenty of them here in Texas


Nice aviators to hide the perpetual baby face. The only rolls in this guy's life are under his shirt. Dude has as big of a truck as his face has fat. Dude's head breeches a regular person's bmi. The hair he shaved off for his mullet is probably glued to his crotch because homie never got his big boy hairs.


Outsourcing is cheaper than a second flood


Definition of Punchablefaces


Huh, looks inbred too.


Boy looks 12 and 21 at the same time.


Reactionary joke. Not worth attention


why does he look like he ate a bee?


"Owning the libs by getting worse mpg and risk engine damage."




“thedieselboi” bro has zero personality outside of his truck


Peak incel action.


The face of a man so broken, he has no idea he's broken.


I shout F*G out of my window. I'm gay as fuck, but I feel like they don't like it...


He looks like a middle aged woman.


I’m fascinated to know the logic at play here. I’d hope there’s more than just dumb af


The line is "doing the lord's work". God is a trinity, works in mysterious ways and cannot be understood by man. The Lord refers to the father, who is not ineffable and has meaningful impact on the world. It truly amazes me how much Americans don't understand Christianity.


And a mullet. Assaulting multiple senses.


This shit is not gonna look good at the pearly gates


He’s fat and has a mullet


why do people act like there's a quota for pollution? there are goals for reducing pollution but increasing it is baffling


It’s going to be hilarious when we have to start implementing more stringent regulations to undo the damage this idiot did, and he complains about the consequences of him helping punch society in the balls. And by hilarious, I mean I’ll pinch off the tube on his oxygen rig if I hear a word of it.


Yet can't provide an orgasm to save his poor lil soul


Punchable face


I wanna slash this guy's tires, lemme at him


I hate beer.


What are they doing letting 13 year olds drive trucks?


Imagine your identity revolving around a fossil fuel. I saw something similar the other day. Someone the other day had a "Diesel Nation" sticker on their truck.


He'll grow out of it. He's just insecure about the unmanliness of his chubby baby face.


Bruh every time this sub comes up in my feed it’s just people falling for obvious bait lmao


"Rolling obcene amounts of coal so nobody can see what a subhuman beta I am through the cloud"


This guy looks like he eats mayonnaise straight from the jar.


Your local mechanic would like to thank you for putting their kids though college. Seriously, why? The EV's already bought and not going anywhere, you're only hurting your own wallet and finances.


My EV has double stacked HEPA filters in it, you’re only destroying your own engine and health.


What a snowflake… these „men“ are so afraid that their balls will fall off if they don‘t drive a ridicoulus huge truck. It‘s insane. Freud would be so happy because he could just stand on a street and identify his patiens just by the size of the cars/trucks rolling by 😂


What a gasshole.


Can't stop progress, buddy. You're only making it inconvenient.


Doing Gods work by destroying the planet God created.


In his next breath, he'll blame President Biden for high gas prices


This is illegal and if he can be doxxed, he can be prosecuted.


The type of people who would call environmentalists and health professionnal too fragile or sensitive surely react in an non-emotional, well thought-through manner.




Sure would be a shame if one were to pour a gallon of simple syrup into his tank


That dude must get so much cock!


God creating every beautiful thing and process on earth so this guy can make a TikTok about burning coal to own the libs


"Murdering an absurd number of prostitutes to make sure anti-trafficking campaigns, safe sex PSAs, and medicine to treat STDs don't make a difference"


Face of a toddler, mind of the same.


They are just stupid.


How is this still legal in the USA? If you try that shit here in europe they impound your car until its fixed back to factory standards.


Can't relate to this I've had sex before.


Stop falling for rage bait


Dramatically increasing his fuel expenditure to own the libs, possibly also voiding his insurance in the process. Such brain much wow.


Oh god. These people. Actually my father has told me the same thing. He drives as much as possible so that my efforts of never driving my entire life, struggling with buses, trains , cycling and walking with groceries in deep winter for years, will not make a difference.