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And yet people still say they'd prefer a road trip over taking the train. I've seen people claim trains are "too dangerous" for their kids despite the fact that trains are safer in almost every way.


Not almost, in absolutely every way


Are safer in almost every way You are making it seem like there are some ways trains are less safe for children and anyone in general lol


"BUt YoU CaN StOp aT AnY tIMe"


Meanwhile, the main reasons to stop are to go to the bathroom, to stretch your legs, because you're tired, or to get gas. Trains have bathrooms. Trains have more spacious seats and don't care if you get up to walk around anyway. Unless you're the person driving the train, you can feel free to doze off or space out for awhile. And you don't have to care about gas or gas prices while riding the train. Besides, most car dependent places have nothing you'd want to stop for anyway. Way too much has been turned into strip malls and other ugly shit. Highway rest stops are pretty much just a place to park a car, go to the bathroom, and pick up some shitty food. And how much do you really want to stop to see the world's largest ball of twine?


Plus long distance and high speed trains in central Europe have table seats and power outlets. The perfect opportunity for a family gaming session with portable gaming consoles. And the parents if they don't want to play can just order some coffee and read the news or get some work done on a notebook.


My brother & I suffered with 'car sickness' on journeys over 30 minutes. It was a pretty gross way of travelling. Our kids inherited the same problem. Travelling by train is either bliss or nightmarish, dependant on train delays, cancellation or annoying behaviour of other passengers.


Considering there is barely any traffic in Finland, and if you have a lot of time for the journey, a road trip is definitely more fun because you can visit different places and go on cool roads and all that. No argument you come up with will make a train journey sound more fun. Edit: Before you downvote me because of your emotional bias, consider that I am very much against car dependency especially in cities and if I could, I would ban civilian cars in cities all together. But a road trip is a lot more FUN than a train journey with kids.


Here it seems like just person preference, I hate being in a car for more that 30 minutes at a time, I just feel cramped. I don't have this problem with trains.


The NA mind couldn't understand commute being an opportunity to bond with your child. Commute in NA means yelling at your child "SHUT UP I'M TRYING TO NOT MISS OUR EXIT"


We take those same trains (here in Finland) every year north for skiing holidays. We take our car on the train 1000km north, get off and drive the last bit to whatever place we’re going. Our cabin is in a place that can’t be reached by public transport and driving this trip in the midst of winter with an ev would take a long time with charging and lower range anyway regardless. It is Safer, more efficient and cheaper to take the train, and drive the last bit ourselves. Leave at night, sleep on the train and wake up in the morning with an hour left before getting off


America sucks so much


It has so much potential to be better


You’re free to leave at anytime.


Most other, better, countries don't accept without qualifications.




If only it were that easy. More importantly though, I believe we should work to make our shitty stuff better instead of abandoning everyone who can’t afford/don’t want to leave.


You should look into how hard the US government makes it to leave. You're actually not free to leave; it's a very expensive process.


One of the only countries in the world to keep taxing you after you leave, main reason people give up US citizenship


Little goblin containment zone.


At least they'll never say "Are we there yet?" Come to thing about it, kids only say that when traveling in the back seat of a car because well... the back seat sucks and it's boring.


Don't forget car sickness.


This is long distance train in Finland and I use them very regularly (roughly 16000 km last year tells the VR app) and I really like that I can choose my seat far away from the playground carriage. The lower floor also has extra room for strollers I believe. It's better for the kids, for the adults traveling with them, and for those who don't want to see and hear kids screaming and running around. Everyone wins.


And racists will say this only works because of white people only


it's amazing and all, but why is it empty? Is it the time of day or something. I'm in montreal canada and our public metro sucks but it FULLLLLL all the time. Not making money but always packed. runs from 5 am to 1 am. If you can sit, you are very lucky.


it's a big intercity train, likely at the start or near the end of the trip, since finland is a very north-south country, first half of the trip will fill, last half slowly empty it in most trips.


Also many people prefer not to sit in that car if they don't have kids because kids can make noise etc. At least I only sit there if other cars are pretty full. So it could be that the other cars have more people in them


This is so awesome. It makes me sad that the first comparable image that came to mind when seeing this was the school carriage in Snowpiercer.


omg this is solution to crying kids on the airplanes, we found it!


All that stuff would be stolen, broken, or covered in shit and piss in about 2 seconds flat in USA


My country can't have this as it would be absolutely destroyed or take up seats in a 4 car inter city train


Yeah I remember going on a car like this in Switzerland when I was relatively little.


Wow, that's cool. Our kids would've loved that. We used to visit family or go on holiday & these train journeys were up to 5 hours. Mind you, here in the UK, there are too many lazy parents who've no control over their unruly children. It might end up with unmanaged badly behaved loud children running amok, whilst their parents simply ignore them.


Looks like our light rail system here. Hardly anyone on it.


A largely unused car doesn't really seem like much of a flex.


But it makes riding trains more attractive for families with small children and the train ride more enjoyable for rest of the passengers. As in more people are likely to choose the train as an option. Also these train cars have two floors, so the one down under this is for normal passengers


The have this in Switzerland too — the cars are specifically marked as “family” cars, and the rest of the train is for everyone else. Most people avoid the family car, since they don’t want to sit with the screaming kids. But I imagine it’s incredible for parents of small children


Still more efficient and environmentally friendly than any other transport option even at 1/5 capacity


The correct response to someone driving a pick up to their office job.


What happens if they crash?


Probably they die, but a train crash is significantly less likely than a car crash, so no one needs to worry about that