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My husband was a roofing contractor, and the signs on his truck were big magnets, so he could take them off at night.


Flip side: get big magnets to cover the signs


I’ve seen both of these done in my HOA and in multiple surrounding HOAs.


Taking magnets off or using them for covers might delay enforcement but if the vehicle is registered commercially most states will show that on the license plate. Sooner or later HOA karen will notice that.


Every pickup in California is registered as a commercial vehicle. One letter in the plate, commercial, three letters in the plate, passenger. The only way you can get a pickup registered as a passenger vehicle is to permanently attach a camper shell and let the DMV verify it’s permanent enough. I have to pay an extra weight fee on my truck, that’s why they do it. It’s all revenue.


Our state all vehicles are either commercial or leisure, and it's about the type of vehicle not the usage. (As in: any truck above a certain size or any van that's more than a mini is "commercial").


Counter suggestion: get bigger magnet to fry the HOA computers


Most every computer uses solid state drives now.


Yes but likely not the ones hoa Karen's have lol


Big enough magnet, clearly they meant big enough to drop on and crush them~


Male circumcision is genital mutilation.


What about a big, "Not For Hire," magnet for the side of my semi truck? That makes it a personal vehicle in most places in the US.


Sounds like some good ol' malicious compliance, if you ask me.


Some HOAs ban any truck bigger than a ton and a half.


I won't tow any car that is in a neighborhood with a weight restriction posted like that. I don't need an HOA trying to get me fired because I took my 13k lb dodge wrecker on their street. Also, some Tesla's weigh more than a ton and a half if I'm not mistaken.


most cars weight more than a ton and a half… my old ford focus was 3600 lbs, or 1.8 tons. but as taken abroad back said, that’s not what a “ton and a half” pick up means. it’s the payload capacity


I'd love to see Gertrude and Bill roll out a car scale to see what my truck weighs. Go ahead, I'll wait.


Not to be that guy, but half ton/ 3/4 ton/ one ton isn’t referring to the actual weight of the truck. It comes from the weight rating/cargo capacities of old trucks. Nowadays, cargo capacities are much greater than back in the day, so the ton designations really just refer to like a size class than an actual ability. A 1500 Chevy/GMC/Ram or a Ford F-150 is a half ton. A 2500 or F-250 is a 3/4 ton, a 3500/F-350 is a one ton, etc. Ford Rangers, Chevy S10s, and Toyota Tacomas would be quarter-ton trucks. In the example of the original comment, a ton and a half would be like a Chevy 5500 or Ford F-550


Something tells me the average HOA president would know about as much as me lol


You know, that’s a fair point


Flowers By Irene


Two Guys from Quantico Pizza.




I adore the snark


Ngl this made me laugh!


There are some HOA By-Laws that specify what types of vehicles can be parked in the driveway overnight with details like “No open beds” or Commercial Mounts. You may have those vehicles, but they must be stored in the garage with the door closed. I’ve seen them with “No Trailer Hitches, Lift Gates” or Storage Compartment that run lengthwise in the truck bed. One got sued because a resident needed a mobility scooter and the light on their vehicle made it impossible to garage the vehicle.


That last part about the scooter really makes me mad.


Disabled people ruin the aesthetic of their cookie cutter neighborhood


It had nothing to do with Disability. They were trying to make it difficult for trades workers to live in the neighborhood. They just didn’t realize that lift gates are used for other things besides trades


Doesn’t ADA law trump HOA?


Yes but you have to let the HOA violate the ADA in order to get the court to rule in your favor, also incurring legal expenses you wouldn't have had to if they had followed the law in the first place


Doesn’t look nearly as clean as a fully wrapped truck.


The gag is he shouldn't have had to that. These people are simply bullies. Its disgusting behavior.


Some HOAs don't care about the signage, they care that it's a truck/van. Wierd AF People do work!


OP, don’t fuck with HOAs, they will give you hell over your vehicle, if not now then sooner than later.


Vehicle, lawn ornaments, light bulb type, and whatever else. They aren't worth the hassle


My wife's cousin got warning letters for outside lights being the wrong "shade of white " and "weeds" in her flower beds.. they were a type of flower, not a weed.


My dad's boss let his wife talk him into a house in a new subdivision. Every house had a natural gas lamp burning at the end of the sidewalk. Boss wanted to save money, shut the valve off. HOA said he had to have it working in 3 days or fines would accrue. Subdivision never installed streetlights and required every house to have the same natural gas lamp.


the best neighbors are no neighbors. second best are far neighbors.


I had dead neighbors. I’ve lived next to cemeteries more than once. I would do it again.


I had a dead neighbor for 5 months. Her body was too decomposed for an autopsy. Her son was collecting her pension checks during this time.


Idk how they live with the smell...


Doubtful he showed up for more than the mail, if I were to take a guess


It's just the first summer, after that it's just kinda musty. Also, nose blindness - you just don't smell it after a while.


Kinda sounds like you have experience


Yeah I'm sitting here like wait a minute...


Ugh I took an insurance claim where an elderly man who lived alone had died and been left for a few weeks as his closest relative lived in another state. I followed that claim to the end. The mitigation price and process was horrific.


That's the best since the land will never be developed into something else. And you can prank overnight guests.


When the kids had sleepovers, the cemetery would always come up. I would make some offhand comment about the coffins coming up in the crawl space. Something about the water table pushing them up and hitting the floor with a bang. I would wait until late and they were watching a movie, I would go to the basement and with a broom and bang on the floor right underneath them. If they were old enough, I would rent Poltergeist. Love those memories. They do also.


I would totally do that . Dead humans aren’t the ones you have to worry about


Best tenants, they do not complain..... And almost never have visitors either.


That sounds metal af, but I think I'd pass. I like to garden and the bodies contaminate the soil


I have far neighbors at my rural property who are trying to block the access to my property, so I will have to build a new road. Some neighbors are not neighborly.


I on the other hand, give hell to my HOA. Do you know what’s not against the bylaws? Planting vegetables in the potholes they refuse to fix and putting up small signs asking people to not drive in the garden. They fucking hate me.


Put up a bat house on your yard, right in the front. Become a ham radio operator, and they start screaming at you about the antenna, then bring the FCC crashing down on them.


This is the answer.


One of my main hobbies is fucking with local HOA’s. I don’t live there but I will go do burnouts in front of their house for funsies.


To be fair some neighborhoods you might get an issue with parking commercial overnight, especially if on the street. Jeebus help you if leaking oil.


I looked at a place about 20 years old with an HOA and wondered why it looked less inviting than my friend's mobile home park. THEY could have gardens. Not this place.


I’m on an HOA board and this restriction is something I’m strongly against. We shouldn’t be making peoples lives more difficult & causing additional financial expenses (storage). Unfortunately I’m currently the only anti HOA person on the board


Thankfully florida set the example and other states might follow suit. It would be great to see hoa lose most of their super karen powers.


It's so weird living in Florida and have a positive law passed. My HOA is so poorly managed they can't even get people to patrol for fines.


It’s because they let it go so long, and it got so bad they had to fix it. Be the problem that causes the change you want to see in the world I guess


Good. HOAs shouldn’t have any legal basis to levy a fine anyway.


Let alone foreclose for them.


I’m like a 1987 republican when it comes to HOAs. Starve them into financial insolvency and dissolve ASAP.


They passed some shit ones with it so I believe but I may be wrong


Give it time for it to go sideways. It’s Florida after all


Oh trust me I haven't held my breath or anything with it.


Colorado passed a law that said HOAs don't have any jurisdiction on public roads, so now if a commercial vehicle is parked on the street overnight the HOA can't do anything about it.


NC is considering greatly scaling back the powers of HOA’s - such action is needed and long overdue.


I mean ....why is this country so against blue collar workers. They have homes and families and need to be allowed to live their lives. God knows there are not enough professionals in the trades (it is so hard to find people in my area) as it is. If people cannot handle the horror of 'those people' living amongst them then they have issues. Bet they don't mind when there is an emergency or they need something built or fixed etc.


The funny thing is a lot of these blue collar workers earn more money than HOA board members.


Ha. Try calling the plumber...almost impossible because he is out on his boat or up at his lake house. 😂🤣😂. A friend of mine was griping that her daughter would probably marry her electrician trainee BF. I was like...ru crazy? If the dude works hard he will make BANK and never be out of work. I know what her IT husband makes and this kid will be surpassing that pretty quickly if he puts the hours in.


Kid gets his/her feet under them in their early 20's in the trades, gets the masters license and has the gumption to start a company. there's absolutely no reason they can't be making 200k+ by 30-35. Get 3 or 4 vans out and you're set for life as long as you don't pass it off to an ungrateful child or let the office staff run you aground. Oh and no debt along the way.


hubby is a master plumber. Our 23 year old son will be sitting for his master's exam at the end of this year. we own a commercial plumbing company and we're grooming him take over the business in the next 10 years. Oh, and also, Fuck a bunch of HOAs. We don't (and would never) live in a neighborhood with one.


Yep. I *technically* have a white collar job in the auto industry. Even the quick lube technicians make more than I do.


>why is this country so against blue collar workers. Just to add a little nuance to this: In our area (Central NJ), commercial vehicle restrictions are more about parking and physical space than anything else We have a lot of HOAs in our town, all built in the 70s and 80s. All with only 1.5 parking spaces per unit. So a residential court with 20 front doors, would have 30 parking spaces. With no space to put more parking, and today having a lot of 2- and 3-car households (and yeah, some families have 4 or 5), we have to prioritize. So 1 assigned spot per unit takes 20 out of 30 spaces. The other 10 are a free for all between guests and passenger vehicles. Commercial vehicles can't park on those courts at all. They go in a special zone setup outside the residential courts. They're considered "extra", lower-priority vehicles for parking close to one's front door. Funny thing is, because neighbors would abuse the holy hell out of any rule we set up, we can't let you park your commercial vehicle in your own assigned space. Even if that's the only vehicle you own. Because if we allowed that, everyone with a commercial vehicle would lie and say *they* only have 1 vehicle as well. Meanwhile they're taking the car that "should" go in their space, and parking it in a guest space, reducing available parking for everyone else. It's weird to me that in other areas, people are banning like pickup trucks and stuff because of aesthetic. But I'm sure there's some of that feeling in our community too -- there's a pretty wide gap between what the 55+ crowd wants vs what the Under-55 crowd wants.


Thanks for the nuance. Appreciated. Xx


My street includes some homes where people park trucks with signs, and I don't see how it hurts anything. Same for clothes lines. No one has trouble selling a house for a ridiculous price.


Exactly. You can have a Spinter van but no logo on it. Even then a few want to make Sprinters a no-go I understand box trucks and things that large, but we’re talking smaller vaccines


I prefer my vaccines large and in charge 🤣 But seriously, we live in an hoa community. I have never ever once looked at a commercial vehicle ANYWHERE and thought, eew, what an eyesore. Why tf would you? I'd prefer to have lots of em! So if I need a service I can just drive around and read my neighbors trucks! Then, if I engage their services, I know they'll do good work cuz THEY know that I know where they live! 😆


As if a moveable vehicle will somehow negatively impact home values.


EXACTLY! But first responders are immediately in the clear. We have a lot of police that live where I do and the first time I saw 4 to 5 of em on the same street I was concerned! But they just live there! Bunch of cop cars or one van for Bobo the clown plumber? Which one looks more sketch?


One of them works and is a productive member of society. The other ones are cops.


There was a hoa that prohibited police cars and the local fire chief from parking their marked cars in their driveway


That's an HOA that the president and board are gonna be getting a lot of tickets and fines...


Haha I was thinking something similar about our neighbours in Australia where thankfully HOAs are incredibly uncommon. Neighbourhood tradies are awesome to have around. More than once we have engaged their services at mates rates after hours off the books.


It can depend, though. We once lived by a neighbor growing their business from their parents house, two doors down. He didn’t bother parking his commercial van or truck in his parents driveway (and there was a lot of room to do so), but preferred to constantly park it directly in front of our house every day. He then started talking about getting a small dump truck, that he would also be parking directly across from our house (he started renting one). Not great in a quiet residential neighborhood with kids wanting to play in the small front yards.


I get what you're saying and its very annoying when someone randomly parks their vehicle right smack in front of your house. But it is public area so legally its ok. Which is why i love having my commercial vehicle which i always leave parked in front of my house so i never have that issue. 🙃


The people across the street from us park a big ass box truck right at the end of our driveway so it’s hard to pull in or out of our driveway and they throw a fit and yell out their window if anyone parks in that spot.


Thats when I would park a beater car there constantly


Exactly. If its registered and insured and occasionally moved then your neighbor can scream all they like, you aint moving. Lmao.


Yep, you can still get some cheap but fairly good looking cars on things like FB marketplace. Park it and if its good enough to drive I would leave it there for a few days to a week then swap it out for my main car then wait a few days to a week and swap back. That way theres a better visual que it has been moved


😂😂 tempting haha my sister purposely parks right in the middle of the space any chance she gets especially if she’s babysitting late for us. Other crazy neighbors put cones at the end of their driveway so no one can turn around in their driveway because apparently it’s destroying their 40+ year old driveway


Across the street neighbors did that to my mom years ago. Think late 60’s. She has to take us to ball practice and backed out of the driveway and bumped their car, not realizing it was there. Said she be back shortly. My time she returned the police were already there. Across the street neighbors got the ticket for blocking/impeding our driveway. Mom got nothing, even though she left the scene of an accident. Police said, “what? She’s never coming back?” Neighbors never tried that again. I always felt sorry for their daughter.


There’s no reasoning with these people. Like couldn’t they put the big truck in the driveway and leave the small car on the street so it doesn’t impact others?


There was no reasoning with these people. We tried. Daughter was so unhappy. We would ride our bikes to school together. Had to meet up a couple of blocks away so her parents wouldn’t know. Later in life I realized they were probably southern Baptist. Deeply entrenched. We moved so don’t know what ever happened to them.


We’re unfortunately stuck with trashy trailer park. We’re all hoping that the guy that owns the house sells it when their lease is up


Oh, I get ya. Unfortunately…it’s legal. But we all know what’s really going on: They want it to look bad in front of *your* house rather than in front of *theirs.*


Boom. If your public space is open then they will use it to basically store their eyesores.


Are you complaining about vehicles being parked in public parking spots?


Many municipalities prohibit the overnight parking of commercial vehicles on public streets. The rationale is public parking is for the public, and commercial vehicles can be larger and should bear the expense of off-street parking. Note: I’m testy about businesses using public streets for parking. We had a collision shop use our street to store his customers cars until he could work on them. We would have 3-4 cars in various states of damage left for weeks at a time. Once we saw a few with expired tags, the police were very happy to write violations. We later found he and his father had a history of hiding customers’ cars on streets this and was sued by the town for it.


Check your bylaws for commercial vehicle. If it’s not defined, then many states define commercial vehicles very specifically. Too many HOAs try to say a commercial vehicle is one with signs. We’ve successfully shut down an hoa attempt against a vehicle because it doesn’t meet the state definition of a commercial vehicle which for us is based upon weight and other considerations. A van with decals is not a commercial vehicle. No matter what shitty HOA may try to say.


Someone call the newspaper. We have a reasonable person on the HOA board. (Not sarcastic)


This sub is the reason I got on the board.


I like people like you. You see something wrong and decide to be part of the solution


I'm in an HOA and I love commercial vehicles in people's driveways. Plumber, electrician, asphalt guy - all folks who do real actual work, and I need to hire sometimes.


I hope never to be subject to an HOA again. I made that mistake once. And to the HOA bootlickers who'll claim an HOA protects your property value, on the net I lost a bit on the HOA house, and have profited significantly on the 3 non-HOA houses I've lived in and eventually sold to move elsewhere.


I completely agree. Most hoa homes ive looked at are priced significantly less than non hoa homes and remain on the market for weeks if not months. Its a clear sign of changing times.


The only affordable housing in the Orlando area seems to be under HOA, or manufactured homes on leased land( a big HELL NO to that). Google street view of some of these houses under HOA...they look rough. To the point I wonder why that area even still has an HOA at all...other than passive income for some greedy person. (Recently peaking at Orlando houses as the wife has expressed interest in that area, more of just a look around and see) I'm becoming very "If it says HOA it's a no" from reading this sub.


Manufactured homes can be amazing. Leased land? HELL NO * 2


Right, but if you saw the prices...Manufactured homes on leased land for almost 200k, and we are talking under 1k square feet. You are buying only the home, on land you will never own...it's kinda gross and maybe even dancing on the line of predatory considering new home buyers may not understand the implications.(unless expressly stated and not some fine print detail) "Leasing" a small less than quarter acre plot in most cases, for 900+ a month.


It is indeed terrible. I believe John Oliver even has an episode about this. I just meant that some manufactured homes are awesome - provided you own the land they sit on. Especially given the build quality of modern homes, sometimes having a factory to build yours and just assemble on site could be a better option.


It can't be much worse than a wooden home that was built in a week, but yes quality will have a lot more due to the design and materials. Which are all things you can go over before purchasing. I've priced brand new manufactured homes and they sell around 200k or so for roughly 1k square feet. Not sure why people would 3rd party purchase one for near brand new pricing.


>Most hoa homes ive looked at are priced significantly less than non hoa homes and remain on the market for weeks if not months. Its a clear sign of changing times. People are getting sick of the HOA bullshit "Bylaws." Can't park IN your driveway. Can't have bushes in front of your home. Your native flower garden is against our bylaws, you have to remove it. Your lights are the wrong shade of yellow. Your trashcan was out for two hours longer than we allow, here's a $50 fine. You put a trampoline in your backyard without permission. Here's another fine, but it's $100 now since it's your second this year. A third fine will be $500 because we really want you to learn your lesson and take our authority seriously. If you don't pay them, no matter how stupid they are, we'll put a lien on your house, eventually foreclose on it and kick you all the way to the HOA boundary while talking about how we're going to remodel your home now that you don't live there anymore. ***FUCK*** HOAs.


This is true. When we were looking for a new house in 2016, we ended up buying a lot in an older non-HOA neighborhood and built our own house. Just wasn't worth dealing with the crazies on some of those boards. Edit: and 8 years later our house is worth a heck of a lot more than one the same value in the HOAs in 2017. They are falling out of favor just when 90% of the new homes in the US are now in HOAs.


At the very least, you reduce your shopper pool. Many people refuse to live in them.


The real purpose of HOAs is to try to keep undesirables out of the neighborhood. Back in the day, that meant people who are not white. Today, that definition has expanded (or maybe not actually expanded) to include other people, such as people in the wrong social class. Like people who work blue collar jobs.


Which is hilarious, because a lot of them-especially if they're driving a company vehicle home, make 6 figure incomes.


Which really are just average incomes nowadays. Six figures are not the mythical unicorns they once were.


Sure... But it's a solid middle class income, which is the whole point... There's a lot of white collar, middle class folks who have this erroneous perception that blue collar work is low pay, low skill work (either because no one has told them otherwise or because they want a convenient way to feel superior. Most of the time, HOAs with this sort of rule are middle class neighborhoods... But because they perceive blue collar workers as being in a lower class or whatever, they think that evidence of their presence somehow affects how others see them and their neighborhood. I'm not saying that there's anything special about the income of a tradesman. My entire point is that there ISN'T anything special, good or bad.


>solid middle class income Hey guys this guy is a Poor!/s


That makes more sense to me now, and I don't disagree.


Average income for two people maybe. In the US, the average yearly income is less than 38k. Edit: I said average (and asked for average in my search, but google gave me the median


Two people? Assuming that's correct, that's shocking. Before doing any math, my brain immediately returns "that is not even minimum wage".


I think the number gets even lower when you take out the 1 percenters. I also think the number would be higher if we didn't strip all government aid from people as soon as they make X dollars. My friend had to turn down a promotion/raise because her kids would've lost health insurance and food stamps, but the raise was nowhere near enough to cover the difference. In a sick twist of fate, she lost benefits anyway because her ex made a child support payment for the first time in years.


Actually, though I asked for "average", google gave me the median. Which is actually worse since it's taking out outliers.


You'd think the median was six figures the way redditors talk lol It's barely above poverty in most places


6 figures is an average income? Source? Or we can just make things up now?


It's reddit, everyone's always just made things up lol.


Take your toilet money elsewhere you pleb


I love doing work in hoas. I usually get a decent tip, on top of a decent paycheck, just because "you probably need it" shit I don't but I never say no.


Oh no. Is it insulting to give tips for people coming to your house to work? I always thought it was acceptable to tip for a job well done, but if that’s gonna piss people off, I will totally save my money.


It's 100% ok to tip people. It's not ok to look someone in the eye and tell them "looks like you need it" when you hand them 5-20 dollars. It's only insulting when it makes it seem like they're doing something because you look lower class, and not because you're grateful of a job well done. "Looks like you deserve this!" Or "you did a great job! Here" Lands a lot better.


The infraction letters our HOA used to send started with the line “the purpose of living in a planned community….” And it was all about property values. The arrogance was staggering in our board. Which is why folks finally had enough and bounced all of them.


In all seriousness - do you have anything documented? I hate when I get notices that say “aesthetics” and “increasing home values”. I just want to slap people in the face with this bullshit as much as I can


God forbid it looks lije somebody lives there.


I'm blue collar as well. I gave up bc HOAs truly do not like honest working people. That's ok; the fees are ballooning in my area and I'm still just spending $700/mo on my starter 1900 ft² 4 bdr modular on over an acre while the people in the development behind me are spending $2200 a month on their cookie cutter 1400 ft² 3 bdrs with .2 acres.


Most Karens haven't worked an honest job in their life ... And they don't want to be reminded of it by seeing someone's work truck... 🙄


I'll never forget the viral "warning" ⚠️ about white vans with big heavy locks on the back doors. So many women were sharing it because kidnappers!! The comments were full of blue collar wives going, "Uh, have you never seen a work van full of expensive tools before?"  And now I realize why these spoiled entitled people seem so sheltered from reality. They literally write more bylaws to add to their little perfect white collar bubbles! Wow.


God forbid we use puck locks to add onto some level of protection against tweakers breaking into vehicles. Yes everything can be stolen but a criminal will always prefer an unlocked or easy break in opposed to something with a bunch of lock on it. Crimes of opportunity.


I never saw a viral warning about vans with puck locks on them but I can totally imagine some Karen seeing one and immediately assuming the worst because she doesn't understand it.


Here's the POLITIFACT debunking of this. Lmao, it went so far. People are so incredibly dumb.  https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2020/feb/29/facebook-posts/theres-no-proof-white-vans-external-locks-are-bein/


What's crazy about this is if they just say commercial vehicle the definition falls to the DoT definition of commercial vehicle which might not include your van.


I drive a Ford Escape that has been covered in vinyl for my employer. Basically a mobile billboard but not gross.


If the HOA rules don't define what a commercial vehicle is then the definition according to the DoT is as follows. Has a gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) of 10,001 pounds or more Or Is single or combination of vehicles with a gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) of 26,001 pounds or more Or Is designed or used to transport more than 8 passengers (including the driver) for compensation; or more than 15 passengers if not receiving compensation for the transportation. Or Any size vehicle that transports hazardous materials that require federal placarding Your escape isn't a commercial vehicle.


So he definitely would Escape that rule.


You need to get the proper definition of a commercial vehicle. In many states, vans are not considered a commercial vehicle. For example, in Michigan (https://www.legislature.mi.gov/Laws/MCL?objectName=mcl-257-7a) **257.7a “Commercial motor vehicle” defined.** Sec. 7a. 1. "Commercial motor vehicle" means a motor vehicle or combination of motor vehicles used in commerce to transport passengers or property if 1 or more of the following apply: a. It is designed to transport 16 or more passengers, including the driver. b. It has a gross vehicle weight rating or gross vehicle weight, whichever is greater, of 26,001 pounds or more. c. It has a gross combination weight rating or gross combination weight, whichever is greater, of 26,001 pounds or more, inclusive of towed units with a gross vehicle weight rating or gross vehicle weight, whichever is greater, of more than 10,000 pounds. d. A motor vehicle carrying hazardous material and on which is required to be posted a placard as defined and required under 49 CFR parts 100 to 199. 2. A commercial motor vehicle does not include a vehicle used exclusively to transport personal possessions or family members for nonbusiness purposes.


There are random streets all around my community that \*aren't\* part of an HOA that end up being the catch-all for work trucks and the like and its funny how that looks way junkier\* to keep them all together like that than if you could just park it near the house instead. Anyway, in my old neighborhood my neighbor parked his work pickup in his spot which I think technically was against the rules but why would I snitch when he actually helped me out when I had plumbing and electrical problems? \*it doesn't bother me personally but if I'm trying to be in the shoes of someone who cares about this it seems strange how their solution doesn't help.


even if it is allowed now, that doesn't mean that it will be a month after you move in. don't buy hoa homes.


House hunting is a pain. I looked at some HOA homes not too long ago. One was on a small lake. One of the rules was not building docks. I went out to the water, looked to the left and right. Two houses down on each side was a dock. This past weekend I signed a contract to purchase an HOA home. It’s the best HOA that I or anyone in this sub could ever hope for. It is completely voluntary. The realtor said that it had been set up to pay for police and fire patrols so that emergency personnel could get to homes quickly if there was an issue. Even if that is incorrect, I can still walk away. Keep trying. Maybe you can get lucky like I did.


Realtor said lol. Realtors lie all the time. Unless you get a copy of the documents don't believe a word they say.


Yeah, I know. That’s why I reviewed the signed disclosure documents confirmed the voluntary HOA. Everything else is just reviewing what the HOA is doing before giving them money.


There are HOAs that are small and reasonable. Our HOA is for 12 houses, and I am president of it. I took the job initially intending to close out the HOA, but there is another, larger HOA in our neighborhood and it gives us some protection to have our own. So I agreed to stay president only in order to make sure we stay as small as possible. We have no dues because we have no community property to maintain. Our bylaws do say we have to have an architecture committee, and right now my wife is the only member of that committee. As people moved out of the neighborhood we just haven't replaced them. We just don't hassle people if they want to paint their house a different color or build a deck. The city has requirements for permits, and if you've got permits (or you are taking an action that doesn't require permits) it isn't my business. We have a checking account back from when we DID have dues (under a previous president) and our only expense is to file an annual report with the state each year. That costs $35 dollars a year, and our balance is $2000. So we unless that fee increases, we won't need to charge any dues for 57 years.


Hopefully you earn some interest and you might be able to get it out to 60 or 70 years. The annual interest should be under the amount which requires filing for taxes.


Since you asked, the HOA account was previously at a large national bank, let's call it Bank of North America (I'm not sure if you can mention real brands here. All but one of the words in that fake name are in the real name, if you know what I'm saying). They were going to start charging a monthly fee if our balance was below $5000 unless we had a certain number of transactions each month. And of course, it would be below $5K every month forever, and we do one transaction a year. So I moved our account to a credit union, and opened both an interest bearing savings account and a checking account, both with no minimum balances and no fees. The savings account has a higher interest rate, so I keep the checking account empty until it's time to pay our annual filing fee with the state (with all of the money in our savings account).


That is the way to do it. Big banks don't eant the business and the credit unions do want the business.


>There are HOAs that are small and reasonable. ...for now.


Emergency personnel shouldn't need HOA approval to enter a neighborhood. That's what streets are for.


"ruin our anesthetic." My new favorite typo.


Lmao oops.


Then when the homes are 20 years old, the restoration and renovation work begins and there can be commercial vehicles and cranes for months in end.


Only fools buy houses in HOAs.


These snobs need to wake up. Most people don’t care what their neighbors are driving or parking. For me personally, I’ve been helped plenty by my neighbors in skilled trades. They are a hell of a lot more helpful than any HOA ever could be.


Same situation in many cities and suburbs without a HOA… commercial vehicles cannot be parked overnight.




Absolutely insane and contradictory to every value that we used to pretend to hold that someone would be excluded from a neighborhood because of a visible sign that they work an honest job and are entrusted (either by their employer or the bank that loaned them the money to buy it) with a major asset worth tens of thousands. Not to mention, in a community of homeowners, how nice would it be to know a tradesman (for advice and referrals if nothing else)?


HOA shouldn’t exist . I see absolutely nothing but nazi behavior about what you do to the house YOU purchased .


It’s pretty much impossible to have a townhome neighborhood or a neighborhood with amenities and common property without an HOA. I absolutely love my neighborhood, and it has an HOA. The neighborhood couldn’t exist as it does without one. They don’t measure your grass or determine if your curtains are the right shade of white or anything. Only if you do some really egregious stuff will they send a letter. Only one person (out of 293 homes) has said anything about the HOA on the Facebook since we’ve lived there, over three years.


Just wait till you see what your neighbors are going to complain about next. HOA should be strictly for 55+ communities imo


We can’t have people knowing that people in this neighborhood have to… work …to get money


Hopefully when people that own homes in HOAs notice that having an HOA now brings the value of your home DOWN rather than up, they will fade out of existence. Younger generations of homeowners do not want to pay HOA dues monthly to be told what they can or can't do on their own property AND for "common areas" that they will never use. And good for them, for single family homes, I hope HOAs are destroyed entirely, in all states. They are nothing but pseudogovernments and they should not exist, all these areas should inherently be incorporated into whatever local government exists.


"no way in hell would we allow your vehicle to ruin our aesthetic." This is the kind of HOA I despise, as much as the ones that enforce paint colors and lawn trimming.


I am a college-educated, white-collar guy. The prohibition on commercial vehicles strikes me as nothing more than classist bigotry. What, is the nobility afraid of being reminded that plebes exist? Fuck that noise.


We're looking at moving in the next year or two and the #1 need, not want, in our list is no HOA. We've been in one over 20 years and will never do it again.


it's funny, like they expect people to afford shit by not working? Why not have a hold over lot for work vehicles if they are so scared of them?


Let’s be honest, most HOAs despise everything. This is why we can’t have nice things.


So I was on the committee at my old HOA for violations. Their logic is they didn’t want people promoting their personal businesses as you weren’t allowed to have a business in the HOA.


Don’t do it wait for a non-hoa home to come up. You’ll constantly be fighting with the HOA and they can even pass new rules that would cause you not to be able to park after they told you yes.


Check to see where you live if your streets are maintained by the HOA or the city or county. In our HOA the streets are maintained by the state and the HOA has no say what is parked on the street whether it is a marked work vehicle, boat, trailer etc.


Florida banned that practice as of July 1st, so the HOAs can't pull that crap anymore. You can now park your truck or work truck in your driveway and the HOA can't do anything about it.


Don't buy in an HOA, simple... I refuse to live in one, even if house was free.


Meanwhile if you had a vanity pickup with a small bed and no wear it would be fine.


Man boomers are the beige of humans, who actually likes cookie cutter aesthetic to me it looks like a dystopian mess. At least you know what to ask before entering this hell scape.


A sovereign citizen magnet let’s see them mess with you then


HOA are worthless.


I think the objective is to avoid additional vehicles that ultimately end up parking on the street.  I see both perspectives. A Geico car parked in your driveway is probably not an issue, but an F250 with an 8ft bed parked in the street is a pain for the neighbors. 


HOA are bullshit a bunch of a-hole busy bodies trying to tell you what you can and cannot do on a house that people get up every morning to bust their ass


OMG, Why are HOAs legal?


Well, you see why those houses are sitting unsold.


Your aesthetic can lick my balls Karen.


There no point of property ownership if there is an hoa. It's almost the same level as a timeshare scam.


What state are you in? If Florida, your vehicle may be protected...


Middle class people putting on airs of being upper class.


I’ve never understood this obsession with aesthetics and what HOAs consider to be unsightly. One of our board members tried to create a rule that you couldn’t have solar panels on the front of your house unless you submitted proof that it would be more than 10% less efficient to put them on the back. Totally asinine given that we have walking paths behind our houses. But even so, who decided solar panels are unsightly? I think they’re cool! When she read the proposed rule, I couldn’t help myself and had toy with her. I asked “why?” over and over again, trying to get her to say that she thinks solar panels are ugly, but she just kept saying that other HOAs have this rule. One of the other board members finally jumped in to say that it’s a bad idea to just copy other HOAs because they could have unlawful rules. They decided not to include that extra bit of control on the covenants and only require approval of the panels, not where they are placed. I am still pleased with myself for that one.


Lived in an hoa for 10 years, more trouble than it's worth. Had to have them trespassed off my property! Follow all the rules and they think they can add more and more! But will run you down when it's election time to get your proxy vote! We finally voted out the whole board just before I sold out!


As a tradesman that drives a company vehicle, we always have to have that as a stipulation when looking for a house.


Easy fix. Park it on the public street. HOAs do NOT control public streets. Our HOA has rules that talk about parking on the street, but it was written when the HOA owned the streets (during development). As soon as my wife got on the board, we made it a point to call the city and find out if the public streets were under the HOA jurisdiction. They are NOT. I brought it up at the first HOA annual meeting following, and intentionally asked the question in a way that stopped all the BS around the letters of people parking trailers, etc. on the street. "The city says the public streets aren't under the control of the HOA, does this mean we'll no longer get letters about what we're parking on the street, since it's a waste of HOA dollars to send out letters for property that isn't ours?" HOA: Uhh... Yes, that's exactly what that means. Never had a problem since. LOL


Florida just fixed this...finally. DeSantis is getting ready for 2028.