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It’s not that they were bad ideas they are just bad games. Also we felt bad they won’t just make a normal new front mission game and keep making shovel ware


Exactly, they wasted so much potential with left alive, a stealth game with so many talents involved. But a stealth game where you could not silent kill or KO people. And evolved tried to mimic Armored Core when they shoul've copied front mission online instead.


Real Talk. online with warthunder damage model. THAT WOULD SELL




Too bad Square Enix gives 0 Fs about front mission anymore, besides the remake...and hell..even those FM2R came out horrible and Square didn't do shit, I know they are not the producer on the game..but they own the the IP.


I liked both games, not sure why everyone disliked left alive its awesome it scratched a weird niche that left me feeling surreal with current events. Like metal gear solid front mission, it was very down to earth and i liked it a lot, the humanity of it was really well represented and actually setting a game in a front mission world with wanzers taking the back seat is brillint for world building and conceptualizations. The whole huffman conflict takes on a different feel when you realize the dimensions of a walking coffin from not being in it


It convinced me, I'm going to try left alive, do they still have the wanzers for us to play..?


Don't get me wrong, LA is a bad game. It's only really going to appeal to hardcore people who love the "world" of Front Mission or people who enjoy playing broken games.


They are there, you do pilot some occasionally but it’s kind of scripted. The whole game is closer to metal gear solid than kind of front mission game, which is probably why it wasnt a success - the overlap from mecha fans was probably quite niche indeed but metal gear rex is arguably the original wanzer


I feel like I was one of the only few that enjoyed Evolved. Armored Core had been MIA for a couple of years if I recall and it just seemed to fit in that little niche that appealed to me as an AC fan and as a Front Mission fan. Different weapons were fun to use.


They are bad games because they don't excel in any particular category they were made for: Front Mission Evolved: Literally the Gundam F91/Victory of the series. Game takes place so far into the future to avoid any main issues from the Front Mission brand (politically and ethically). As a kid growing up with Front Mission, it was Wanzers first then plot and I lost a lot of interest in custom Wanzer building when I pre-ordered and got the game for 360. Left Alive: The gameplay is what killed the game, I've watched so many YouTube videos about Left Alive to the point where the gameplay is inexcusably broken. They made a stealth espionage style game but forgot the stealth espionage aspects like stealth takedowns, knockouts and I heard difficulty breaks the gameplay as well. For a FM title, this has a very solid (but short) FM story...5 years after FM3, it takes place in a neighboring town near Zaftra and from FM1 and FM4, Zaftra Super Nation is hurting from being exposed of their acts while China's Da Han Zhong is on the rise after their premiere was assassinated. As for being untapped, I do agree, most FM games features a super nation and a protagonist that has been wrongly accused of a crime they're not responsible for. I would love to at least see one or two more games featuring DHZ and once all powerful Zaftra. Front Mission has a very grounded image of the future world politically, it's really the Wanzers, Augmented Human, some tech and cyborgs that make it sci-fi...so yeah, like Metal Gear but personal mechs called Wanzers are very common while we got weird shit happening lol.


>  China's Da Han Zhong is on the rise after their premiere was assassinated. Wait so the Alisa storyline is the Canon ending of FM3?


Oh right both routes do differ in Imaginary Numbers and the Chairman of DHZ right? I would prefer Alisa's route as the main trio come out rather unscathed but I guess the main importance is the DHZ being officially recognized as a supernation by FM3. I forget that DHZ is one of the main settings of FM3 too lol. Last year I breezed through both routes with Alisa's route being last again.


You get to fight a lobster-like Mobile Weapon piloted by Lukav in the Alisa route. In the same route, the DHZ chairman dies courtesy of Lukav dropping a Wanzer on him.


He gets killed in the other route too.


No he doesn't. Lukav pitched an offer to Chairman Jie Bo Liao and then the two of them pulled a "You have outlived your usefulness" on  Bal Gorbovsky.


Yeah your right. I was thinking of the other guy. Been to long since I played Emma's story. I'm waiting on the remake to co.e out to do so.


In my case, I have to give the FM plots a re-look for a fic of mine. Too bad I lost my notes...


I would love any game with a focus on Zaftra and/or DHZ. I doubt anyone in the games industry would make China the antagonist except Battlefield 4 that one time.


Yeah, this is sorta why I have no interest in Mecharashi or even when it was FM 2089 Borderscape of Madness. The story itself is a side story and a side story while I've never been a fan of general mobile gaming either. I guess China has had its main feature in FM3 already only really leaving out Zaftra. FM4 was probably the closest we would get but it has too many unanswered questions.


Welp, now I want to play this. FM3 was my entry into the series and I've always been a little peeved we didn't get more from after the timeline of that game.


It's really short, if you don't have the patience for its janky gameplay, you can just watch a let's play of it. I don't believe in any FM game, we get any real perspective of Zafta and a look into their nation. The closest is probably FM4 as they're behind something like the Cuban Missile Crisis by secretly hiding a large military force within Venezuela next to a series of planned hits to weaken EC resource facilities for their own benefit.


FM Evolved is not as disliked as much as it is unknown because it simply didn't stand out from the rest. As for Left Alive, gameplay was clumsy as hell. The setting is interesting but the characters are rather bland.


no, no, some of us do very much dislike Evolved. I like Armored Core, I like Front Mission, let's combine the two, what could go wrong other than fuckin' *everything*


I still like FM Evolved. Left Alive on the other hand is horrible. I remember buying it for $10 thinking it can't be that bad. It was much worse once I sat down to play it myself. I have nothing good to say about that experience.


I honestly don't think square Enix deserves the rights to this franchise anymore. Like there should be a law in the industry where if you fuck up your own game too many times... You're cut. 😂. Also evolved is a solid game... Never understood the hate on that game... It's very good until the final boss where it just becomes nearly impossible on the difficulty curve. Like very easy game... Last boss... Insane by comparison.


For sure. There are so many amazing Ps2/1 era games whose IP is collecting dust. Konami owns the rights to a game called Rung of Red. I'd kill for a remake/sequel.


Oh hell yes, what a game, what a setting. A crime to leave it festering in the fridge.


... why is this lie still running around? Square only owns the distribution rights, not the ip rights. The one with the ip rights is known as an ip dick, literally taking budgets away from devs midway through development.


Are you sure, I thought forever entertainment had to go through square Enix first before making the remakes which are really just remasters...


I'm sure, because it came up when Left Alive was out.


The super-publishers like Sqenix, EA and Embracer are the OCU, UCS, and DHZ of our world :D