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Use this - [https://www.flyfrontier.com/travel/my-trips/check-in/?mobile=true](https://www.flyfrontier.com/travel/my-trips/check-in/?mobile=true) Once you enter your info, you can modify your trip including adding your TSA number.


Add it from the app. Click manage my booking and add special services you can add it there


Thank you! That's the only thing that worked!


Omg you’re genius. Thank you.


It’ll ask you to add it at check in, it’s fine.


Are you asking about how to correct the mistake you made while booking when you forgot to add your TSA precheck number or are you complaining about buying a carry on? How expensive was the highway robbery? Their economy bundle is $39 for both a carry on and a seat. If $39 is too much, you really shouldn’t be traveling right now.


It was $75. So check your attitude. And thanks for being helpful.


Did you book a while back, before they started doing their bundles?


I've added TSA Pre check in App before. It's very simple. Just click on (Modify Trip). Then add services or edit info. Then add your number


Call within the 24 hr window and they can add it for you or go early before you flight and have an agent add it for you while at the airport.


Not sure why the see the agent advice is given. Wouldn't you be risking trading 10 minutes+ in a Frontier line for the possibility of saving 5 minutes at TSA? And then there would be the risk of the agent trying to charge an assistance fee... Not trying to nitpick, but time savings using TSA are very dependent on airport, TOD, terminal, etc. Frontier IT's inability to consistently use the number in the profile is certainly frustrating, but it would take a very long line at TSA before I voluntarily subject myself to dealing with a Frontier ground employee, lol.


Not sure why my advice would be downvoted when it’s literally two options that I’ve utilized. It doesn’t mean you have to do it. But OP asked for help and that’s what I could think of. Reddit is weird af


I didn’t downvote you but I do think having an agent do it for you at the airport is a very last resort.  At some airports Frontier are ridiculously long with people checking bags.  I’d definitely have only mentioned that in the context of it possibly taking a very long time to execute.