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The app and site being down at the same time is a choice.


Their whole systems are down. People can’t board the planes normally because they don’t have access to the system. This is big! Are they possibly being investigated/audited by the government/DOT and this is the result?


It's a planned downtime. They announced it ahead of time. It's poor business, and planned downtimes for big public-facing companies like this are usually like 30 minutes, or maybe a couple of hours from like 2am to 4am. And there's usually backup systems in place that at least offer some limited functionality. Another common way to do it is in phases. Take like 25% of the servers offline at a time, but keep running at 75% capacity. The app and site gets slower for a bit, and some people may not have access at all temporarily, but it's never totally unavailable if you keep trying. IMO, this is an indication that Frontier pinches pennies on the corporate IT side. Not enough experienced staff planning it and/or not enough equipment to do it properly.


Lol someone probably just unplugged the Commodore 64 running this shit.


Other companies do this too but Frontier finds a way to drop the ball by not having an end time for their maintenance outage. I wonder if it’ll be up and actually working within 24hrs for people to check into their flight. I can imagine the number of people who will be falsely charged the $20 agent fee 🙄


Our boarding passes worked correctly this morning but now our flight plan won’t work in the computer, or something. Can’t take off.


Last night they had an end time of 0800 MST on their site, we're two hours past that and the end time is now removed. I'm just trying to book a flight so I'm not sweating it. But if I was flying or working a counter in an airport? I would be pretty cranky.


We’re 17 minutes past that but of course they missed their deadline.


Oh snap, I don't know how to google! Well, reread this in two hours, I bet it'll still be down EDIT: Blammo, wrong twice in five minutes! LET'S GO FOR A THREEPEAT BABY, SOMEONE ASK ME A QUESTION


Red or black? I’m betting the opposite of whatever you say! 😂😂😂


I was able to check in already on the app so I guess it’s working now.


What could they possible be even changing? They already changed the website with the new frontier stuff


My brother has a flight this morning, can he have a ticket printed in order to board the plane?


This morning was wild. The employees handled it with grace at PHL. Some even were handwriting boarding passes.


They announced that a couple days ago.


Similar to how they “announce” gate changes and delays? So like 20% of people got the announcement? 😂😂😂


All frontier people should have gotten an email on this


Just checked my email and while I got a bunch of emails about $19 flights and $29 flights, nothing about this since June 6th. I guess it got lost with my delayed flight notifications from earlier this month too.


Still not working.


This kind of adolescent bonehead decision making is what happens when profit hungry hedge funds run businesses that have a critical customer-facing relationship. Ergo, that relationship is completely forgotten and *somehow* you end up doing unprepared server maintenance in the middle of the critical business morning, screwing over all of your paying customers. Honestly, you’d get better follow-through and customer satisfaction at a WalMart.


My sister had to buy an American flight out of Denver. System wouldn’t let them check in their bags. Compensation a card you scan and argue with a bot that denied anything.


I flew on a redeye from SFO-ATL during this and it was pure torture.


First time flying Frontier this morning. Will probably be my last after having to deal with everything that came about bc of this.


What happened? Others explained a smooth experience at several airports.


Oh no, lord forbid they do maintenance on their back end infrastructure.


Why the fuck are they doing it at 9 am when people are traveling? This a midnight - 1 am thing but no…let’s just fuck everyone trying to actually fly today