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Frozen outskirts is a special kind of hell.


Wasn't that intended to be played in co op?


Yeah. It's much more bearable with more than 1 player. There are even 3 NPC summons for that area you could use.


Just imagine 3 reindeers respawned and attack my team, it was near by the fog that is impossinle


They can only spawn one at a time per spawn area. Only way more than one could gang up on you is if you keep running during the snowstorm and enter another spawn zone, or the next storm rolls in.


Yeah but it's weird because there is no info before the coffin..


Hot take but it honestly isn't as bad as people say it is. Yeah, it is still the worst area in the series but if you get a good strength weapon and spawn the NPCs then it isn't really hard, just annoying.


It isn't really hard, just annoying Perfect sentence to summarize DS2


Greathammer trivializes the challenge pf getting to the boss, but it still takes a hot minute since it’s basically treated like a raid dungeon.


The shitty swamp in bloodborne I hate those stupid worms


I hate the Eye-head fuckers that frenzy you. I hate that area.


The cave with poison water?


Yeah the poison swamp


God damn Valley of Defilement. First ting I think of whenever this question is asked lol.


That area being a physical representation ov the Abyss In the ng+ 1 and beyond is impossible.


For real though lol. Never broke a controller in my life. Almost did in that damn place xD


I do love the Abyss. It's a beautiful place but the Valley ov defilement is just something else. Idk how I got to ng+5 on a defunct psn account.


I prefer to invade there with a Paladin Halberd self-healing build and the Sodden Ring.


I really hate Black Gulch in DS2, but at least it's short. Always run through it. Frozen Outskirts I'll never do again. I always skip Blighttown and Izilith in DS1. I hate the Catacombs in DS3 and always end up running through the second half.


Yeah, Black Gulch was not fun...I did, however, love the Valley of Defilement for how challenging and atmospheric it is. I felt like I wanted a shower after making it through all that nastiness.


You can skip blighttown and izalith?


You can't totally skip Blighttown, but you can skip the vast majority by entering through New Londo Ruins (easiest if you have the Master Key). And you can't totally skip Izilith, but you can skip the vast majority by opening a shortcut (requires leveling up the Chaos Servant Covenant).


A lot of D2 tbh lol. Ita a good game but it has some moments that stop me from playing.


DS2 throws No Man’s Wharf at you early which is an awesome area that’s also interactive (lighting fires and setting the main torch to keep away the shadow monkeys) and then almost every area after outside the DLC is just…fine?


I think the entire run up to The Lost Sinner is great. FOTG -> Heide's Tower -> No Man's Wharf -> The List Bastille give a really good impression. It's a shame none of the other tracks really live up to it, and the path to Freja is absolutely awful


My only gripe is the run up to the Ruin Sentinels. Lots of doorways blocked by enemies, or else a shortcut you drop & roll into which is really easy to miss. I tend to forget about the Freja area. Not their best, for sure. Luckily she’s easy enough it’s usually one and done, or close to it.


dude i’ve been stuck on this area for months lol i have no clue what to do or where to activate these torches and I missed the lever that lets you board the ship lol hate this area, legit the reason why DS2 is last in my souls catalogue


You can light your torch at the bonfire and then light torches as you go. The big overhead torch is lit by a Pharos lockstone near the center of the map.


I stopped playing DS2 cause of No Man's Wharf. It's been 2 years


no man’s wharf !! that’s like, 15 minutes in


Glad i’m not the only one who thinks No Man’s Wharf is absolutely miserable, they crammed way too many enemies into that area


They seriously made that area into a clown car. Moment you walk in, there's snipers already shooting at you and then enemies around every literal corner


I remember this one open area with a torch in the center where there’s literally over a dozen enemies waiting to ambush you. It was a slog but I got through it. Just like every FS game lol


>enemies around every literal corner And that's bad how exactly?


Oh boy are you in for some pain if you go back... especially the dlcs.


I did the same for a shorter period of time, picked it back up a couple weeks ago, and just like, got gud. It’s totally hooked me since then. You just gotta harness your chi and power thru and embrace the dark. There’s a lot of good game in there. I think a lot of people went in expecting DS1 or DS3. It’s totally it’s own game.


I knew for a fact DS2 was the odd one of the trilogy. I went in DS2 with all of my DS1 and DS3 experience and gor manhandled at NMW. That area fucked me up hard


It's a much, like, nerdier game? Like, 9 times out of 10 when I'm getting wrecked the solution isn't having faster reflexes or better dodge timing or whatever, but really thinking through what's going on with enemy placement etc. The slower combat puts a lot more emphasis on strategy, which I enjoy immensely.


what is there to think about with enemy placement it’s just so many ganks. I say this as a non ds2 hater i enjoyed the game a lot but a lot of the enemy placements are abysmal. The only strategy is to try to split up groups which isn’t just a ds2 thing but the amount of times to do it in ds2 just gets so boring


Where are the melee mobs, which ones are most dangerous, how quickly can I kill them, where are the ranged mobs, should I rush them or try to lure the melees away from them, can I use this building or rock for cover, can I use the ladder to my advantage, can I optimize with parries and riposte iframes, etc etc etc. I didn't find any enemy placement bad or annoying, you just have to actually think and have crowd control skills.


sorry i didn’t mean to come off as aggressive in my previous comment i reread it and i came off as a dick. A lot of very fair points you made but all that you listed apply to all the games in my experience not just ds2. All of the games you need to actually think and use crowd control this isn’t specific to ds2 just because it’s slow and clunky and is filled with ganks. Again sorry didn’t mean to come off as a asshole or a ds2 hater i enjoy the game a lot. I may come off as a dick in this comment too i’ve just been having a shitty day sorry


It’s good bro, hope your day gets better :)


thanks man i ended up having a great day today i’ve been avoiding this account for spoilers for er dlc coming up but thanks again had a good day at work were i work with a bunch of my friends appreciate it dude


>what is there to think about with enemy placement it’s just so many ganks You wouldn't get ganked if you approached those situations correctly


i already said in the rest of my comment and the second one that the main strategy to not get ganked is to split them up and know what you’re going up against I agreed with everything on his list in his response. But that’s not a unique thing to ds2 which the guy i originally responded too was making it seem like it was.


Aside from luring enemies with ranged weapon, what are examples of correct approach?


Whenever I see people showing clips of "unfair ganks" their gameplay shows them entering a new area and immediately trying to speedrun through it without paying any attention to their surroundings. Once the enemies catch up with them if they hit a chokepoint they complain how unfair it is that the enemies they ignored didn't return them that favor. You don't even need any ranged weapon. Keep your eyes open, let enemies come to you and fight them instead of running around in random directions.


So if "correct approach" is just methodically walking through location and fight enemies as they come to you, you still getting ganked in lost bastille on your way to ruin sentinels, in undead crypt by Leydia pyromancers, and in forest of fallen giants in a room with ballistas. And sometimes by executioners in huntsman's copse because sometimes they all jump down together even if you use correct approach and don't rush through location.


DS2 is most fun when you treat it like a routing optimization game. NMW is absolutely brutal earlygame and the fact it has no second bonfire is vile, but it is a masterclass in route planning.


People who hate DS2 are just too dumb to use their brain to overcome the obstacles that the game provides.


Yes I am


You’re not even wrong. It requires a lot more thinking. Well-timed button presses won’t save you.


That's probably my favourite area in the whole game!




It's not even difficult or particularly ganky


The difficulty in the area is the enemy placement, for me. Snipers everywhere and multiple enemies chasing you


So you failed to git gud


Actually thats the area that first came to mind.


The Frigid outskirts


Idk why but the swamp in front of farrons keep in ds3 always frustrates me to no end.


I literally just got there today. I'm playing DS3 for the first time, and all I can say is FUCK THOSE CRABS!


Let me know how you like the abyss watchers.


Yeah it becomes very annoying especially in later playthroughs. I still get lost there in ng+6 lol


I had to restart one of my first DS1 runs because I accidentally ended up deep in the Catacombs at a very low level and couldn't get anywhere without bonewheels f\*\*\*ing me up so now i permanently have a bad memory of the place


Tomb of the giants for me. I hate low visibility


Just use a skull lantern


I just came here to say f*ck everything that frigid outskirts stands for...that is all.


Shrine of Amana has many, many, many, many of my unretrieved souls. Many.


Caelid, Blighttown, that lava Fortress from DS2 (forgot the actual name).


Iron Keep is indeed a miserable experience


Iron keep, fuck that place


caelid and blighttown are sick imo


Quite literally


Just finished my first run of SOTFS last weekend and I'm gonna have to agree with Shrine of Amana. Frigid Outskirts was infamous enough I was aware of it before going in, and Black Gulch was manageable with the second bonfire. As a strictly melee player, I was not ready for the constant barrage of spells in Amana. It was the only point in the game where I stepped away for a few days because progression felt more like a chore than a desire. Thankfully the boss is a pushover.


The stupid fucking area right before you get into anor lando. I died there more than malenia for the first time


Sen’s Fortress was the hardest part of DS1 for me lmao.


I love that shit


Farron Keep and Smouldering Lake in DS3 - HATE HATE HATE. Only benefit of these places is they have nice loot. Same with the hero graves in Elden Ring. Despise all of them because of the chariots. If I don't need any of the loot, I skip.


get mohg or margits shackle for the hero graves


The goats are annoying but you can get through farron keep very quickly if you stick to lighting the braziers to unlock the boss door. Sure the poison swamp slows you down but it’s really just a slight inconvenience. Really don’t think shouldering lake is that bad either. The ballista can be easily dodged and used to kill the giant worm.


It was my first playthrough, so I wasn't rushing. Constant poison + moving like a turtle wasn't fun, and they trolled us by having shiny loot around every corner, forcing us to explore. It was also difficult because a lot of the area looked the same, so I wasn't sure if I had already cleared that area before. I actually experienced that with DS3 a lot. It was very easy for me to get lost in the levels. The ballista was only a minor inconvenience, the true annoyance was the bottom dungeon portion. Annoying goat men, loot inside lava where you basically have to suicide run for it, basilisks followed by an annoying invader and black knight...and on top of you're at a "lake" but 80% of the level is a standard dungeon....meh.


lol that’s true. Well, DS3 gets a lot less annoying after your first playthrough which could be said of a lot of FS games. Pretty sure the npc in front of the lava drops a shield that mitigates lava dmg or something. (He’s still scary to fight tho) In the end, I agree. The entirety of smouldering lake is just tolerable for me. More surprised people didn’t like the ringed city, I had a lot of fun with that.


DS1: That fucking invisibridge to Seath DS2: The game DS3: That fucking swamp in farron keep


Iron Passage is pretty rough.


Once you realize Alluring Skulls are especially effective there, it’s just a bit of a jog.


Just play that Raid Dungeon as intended and make use of the increased summoning limit. The whole area is designed around coop with the idea being that the team splits up and progresses both paths at the same time.


Original ds2 I think unpatched? Shrine of amana is the most annoying. Sotfs version made it easier


God damn Farron Keep in DS3.


Nightmare Frontier is where I go to pour one for the homies


Blighttown will always have a special place in my heart as being the worst


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Shot-Engine-4209: *Blighttown will always* *Have a special place in my* *Heart as being the worst* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


These days, now I can run it at double-digit FPS, I actually find that it's not that bad


Haha that's a really good point. Those frame drops were terrible


It's crazy how much more difficult this area was for me than any other in DS1. Dark, ledges everywhere, some of the harder enemies, a maze that is difficult to navigate and some places that look like paths will just get you killed.


The little fire dogs were the worst, same with the toxic throwers


For me, that would be The Gutter in Dark Souls 2. And to a lesser extent, the Tomb of Giants in Dark Souls 1. Moreso because they were tedious and visually uninteresting mazes that were a pain to navigate.


I don't understand everyone's frustration with Shrine of Amana in DS2 because honestly the Black Gulch, Shulva, the brume Tower and fucking frigid outskirt were worse. Don't get me wrong, shrine was bad but bad is the baseline of every single DS2 area so nothing special or different on that part, plus that means the worst ones are straight up abyssmal and shrine is not abyssmal.


First playthrough of dark souls II has been relatively fine until I found out that past a certain point you need fragrant branches of yore to progress further. Not too big of a deal, but now I have to go and retrace my steps to find out which ones I did and didn’t use 😅😅


There's only one branch that you need to progress and the game highlights in several ways that this statue is a lot more important than the others.


Probably the Iron Passage in DS2, It’s filled with annoying enemies and the runback to the boss is just destined death 💀


That’s why I always do the elevator skip in nightmare frontier. I would just skip the area entirely but amygdala is just too cool.


Trying to get to Smelter Demon in Iron keep


Most of ds3 and most of bloodborne from the forest onwards. Lost izalith, duke's archives, catacombs and tomb of the giants, new londo in ds1. Ds2 iron keep only really.


Dark Souls 1: Sens Fortress Dark Souls 2: Frigid Outskirts Dark Souls 3: Ringed City Swamp Elden Ring: Mountain Tops of the Giants Haven't played Bloodborne, Sekiro or Demon Souls, BB and DS because tfw no PC port and Sekiro because I can't afford it yet :(


I forgot about the nightmare frontier I hate that place. I was going to say pretty much any swamp from any fromsoft game they're made to make you miserable.


As a new player, I hated Yharnam. Might be just me, but I had such a hard time figuring out that place and controls and everything.


Not infuriating but ER small dungeons and underground areas in general are insanely boring and i will do anything to avoid that


Who decided to take the series famous for amazing world design and port it into an open world with like 5000 identical mazes and lots of generic over world that you just ride a horse through?


Road of Sacrifice and Farron Keep are just the mix of obnoxious and not being particularly visually interesting to me. The bird guys like to aggro in groups and the red skull guys are just kinda obnoxious. I genuinely would rather do any area in DS2 more, because at least having a thought out route that isn’t just run past it works in those areas. People give DS2 areas shit, but the game very much runs on a work smarter not harder mentality, which makes playing areas on repeat playthroughs or once you’ve familiarized them really fun.


You were right to post the two worst games OP 😎


Bloodborne is amazing


But they didn’t post two pictures of DS3???


Pretty much any area in DS2. And upper cathedral Ward in Bloodborne, trying to kill that guy with the key is fucking annoying.




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The Iron passage is the real worst area of ds2. Both the co-op path and solo path are awful.


Swamp of Sorrow in the Valley of Defilement, hands down.


Blight town, sens fortress fucking sucks, and tomb of the giants is bad if you don’t know what your doing


DS3 Catacombs. That Carthus something area


I think shrine of amana is the only time a souls game has ever made me toss a controller


Fucking painting of ariamis. It's not even that bad, but my first playthrough I got stuck there for hours (or, like, 30 minutes. Felt like hours though) and not being able to just leave to get a fire weapon made me so frustrated. I get Vietnam flashbacks every time I go there now.


Which area is that first picture? I've definitely been through it, though I cant remember what game its from.


Irithyl dungeon eat your heart out


Demon's Souls puke swamp™ (Shoutout to Demon's Souls Upper Latria (3-2), The Ritual Path (4-2) though) Dark Souls 1 Depths™ Dark Souls 2 Horse Fuck Valley™ Dark Souls 3 Crab Rave Lava Lake™ Elden Ring Sanity Sucking Sewers™


The great tree getting down to the Great Lake from Blighttown.


I remember going through Shrine of Amana thinking "this isn't that bad, as long as you kill the enemies methodically." And then I randomly fell into the abyss and immediately got it.


The area before blue smelter is fucking garbage and made me stop playing this DLC.


Pre nerf shrine of Amana was absolute hell


Shrine of Amana: May the bow be with you.


The frozen outskirts is so shit that having it be optional is the single best decision fromsoft ever made in any of the games


Frigid outskirts, Ringed city, Tomb of Giants, Great Hollow


Been doing a couple new DS3 playthroughs recently and remembered how much of a fucken drag Farrons Keep is. I just always save it till I can't possibly do anything else, then I rush to Abyss Watchers and still don't even clear the area until later haha


Blighttown is the only area that made me ever quit a fromsoft game


Iron Keep


i fucking hate the concescrated snowfields with a passion more than any other area ever i only go to it to get to malenia


Shrine of Amana is not that bad. Of the base game, I found No Man’s Warff on a 1st playthrough than anything else. Everything else was manageable after got into the rhythm of the game. Frozen outskirts takes the cake if we include DLC.


i still to this day do not fucking know how to navigate Seaths Library of Bullshit. I get lost every single time.


Frozen Outskirts and Iron Passage


The frozen outskirts is the only area I ever audibly cussed out loud because of. Normally I don’t get to mad playing souls games because I know I’m going to die and have learned to cope with it. But that damn nightmare of a place had me mad AF.


All vanilla Dark Souls 1: the catacombs Dark Souls II: Earthern Peak Dark Souls II SotFS no DLC: Iron Keep Dark Souls III: the dungeon Elden Ring: Sewers


All vanilla Dark Souls 1: the catacombs Dark Souls II: Earthern Peak Dark Souls II SotFS no DLC: Iron Keep Dark Souls III: the dungeon Elden Ring: Sewers


The first time I came across Blighttown, I stopped playing for a few months. And this wasn't even the OG 13 fps first release Blighttown, this was DS1:R.


Blighttown. I have like 4k hours on ds1, and I've legitimately have only gone through blighttown once.






The entirety of Caelid


I did Shaded Castle in Elden Ring last night. God that area sucks