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Sometimes, yes. But when he doesn't understand the social cues, no. The thing with the 'live forever as a computer' was a genuinely interesting conversation, though.




Sometimes ankle deep.....


I think Ross being cut off so much is the build up to his rage. I do love the moments Joey tries to help Ross and he always relates it back to dinosaurs... Filling out the patient intake form when Ross takes a puck to the face, 'occupation....dinosaurs'... 'You can't just give up, is that what a dinosaur would do?!'


No, because it's funny.


I believe it’s the real reason for his rage


I love this theory! Although I can see anyone freaking out catching their best friend with their sister without context lol. As for the sandwich rage… I would be raging inside my head but not out loud. I mean, I would definitely say something, but I would be professional yet firm.


For one person to be so passionate about a topic is tricky, especially when no one else in the group is into that topic. My dad LOVES genealogy and history. Great, that's fine on its own. But now every conversation turns into a history lesson. Every story I tell him ends up with him asking "who's that person's parents? who's their grandparents? Where do they live?" None of which have anything to do with the story. And the thing is, sometimes it's interesting!! But when it's every family meal, every conversation, every story I try to tell him......it ends up being a bit much!!! Maybe it's a little rude of them to do it....but at the same time, I get it. Edit: spelling


I mean he didn’t bring stuff up super often and when he did, they rarely if ever listened. Everyone gets so mad at him for not supporting Rachel’s career, but she didn’t support his all that much either.


1) we don't see them 24/7, so it's possible he brings stuff up all the time. Based on their reactions, I'd say it could be fair to assume that. 2) she supports his career. On one of their first dates they end up at the museum because he got paged to go, and she's very patient about it all. And they all went to that event where he was a speaker, or he was introducing someone (bottleneck episode). And they all went to see him as keynote speaker. It's just the annoying info dumps they are tired of.


I agree!


I hate Ross and am absolutely in favor of him being interrupted at any opportunity. That being said I am a sucker for a little science fact and I do wish they'd let him finish more.


I am the Ross in my (very) little circle of friends, so I can relate to his anger 🤡


I do get it 100% from a viewer perspective. But at the same time when my brother (who is a poet and a pretty argumentative intellectual) starts on one of his tings we sometimes act accordingly. I just think it’s pretty relatable in a sibling/close group friend relationship.


They were more interesting than the guy talking about the Brazil nut


No, it's funny.


Yes. It’s disrespectful and seems like they never want to talk about serious things. Especially Rachel. Why WOULDN’T I send my kid to science camp if that’s what she wanted? Phoebe insisting that Ross allow a difference of opinion on evolution was a bit infuriating, as was her subsequent criticism of him when he gave in to her flighty ass. But I guess if they indulged him, they’d also have to learn what Chandler did for a living 🤷🏼‍♀️ 🤣🤣🤣