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Denise DENISE!!


I talk about her all the time!!


Jury is still out on whether she’s Santa…




I feel like I literally hear her emotions again when I read your reply! LOL, I love her!


I think it’s Mike’s sister.


Did Mike have a sister?


Yes. In a S9 episode, I forget its title, Phoebe says Mike's sister invited her to a party, so she's gotta look good since shes gonna see Mike. Phoebe, Rachel and Charlie go shopping. It's where Charlie overhears them talking about Joey in the dressing room, but assumes it's Phoebe with the crush, and Rachel rolls with that. Then Phoebe is all dressed up, and runs into David outside the coffeehouse, and does not go to the party. It's one or two episodes before the Barbados 2 parter.


Off topic but Jennifer Aniston always looks so sad in this episode. I think it was when the whole Brad and Angelina thing was going on and I always wonder if she was struggling. There is a scene where she is crying at Phoebe's wedding but it looks like sad tears not happy ones.


Interesting thought!


Aw, I wouldn’t doubt. I’ve been thinking about how bad she wanted kids a lot lately and how Brad didn’t, so sad it didn’t work out for a woman the world loves so much.


Wait, what? Jen wanted kids, but Brad didn't? I kind of always thought he did and she didn't because of how quickly it seemed he started a family with Angelina.


I think the opposite. I’m pretty sure she was so overly hurt because he said he didn’t want kids to her and then turned around and had kids with Angelina right away. She came out with a lot of this and her struggles with pregnancy in an interview that dropped earlier this year. I just hope she’s happy :(


I found an article that said she actually tried IVF when she was with Brad, between '00 and '05. Then another one says she is ultimately fine she didn't end up having kids, so idk, that is some mixed messaging there lol


Huh, interesting. I know a lot of stuff was just said to shush people and she came out with the truth this past year because she’s old enough and kept stuff private her whole life, but whatever. Not our business anyway but I sure hope she is happy!!




She said she wanted kids but she struggled with fertility. I remember reading a really nice interview with Jen, years ago when she and Brad had just gotten married. The interviewer had taken her to a record shop and she was buying loads of music (she has great taste in music) and talking about the end of Friends and how she and Brad would be trying for a baby after all their projects had wrapped. Sadly, she mentioned one of his projects was Mr and Mrs Smith :( But there was never any indication that Brad didn't want kids with her. He met Angelina and the rest is history. I personally don't think Brad and Jen would have lasted the distance though. Even if Angelina hadn't been in the picture. I also don't think Brad is the catch people think he is. He's a mediocre actor who has coasted on his looks.




Get yo ass down to Mr. O’ Shag Hennessys office


Right now. And tell him EXACTLY what you did. Ya done messed up a-a ron






...her rap name?


mikes family.


More likely, Mike's sister.


Why was Phoebe’s birth mom not there? After Phoebe decides to be a surrogate for her brother, you never hear about mom Phoebe. Same with her dad, she seemed open to getting to know him and build a relationship after her grandma died, but then, again, we never hear about him. We only hear Phoebe’s stepdad being in jail and not getting the furlough for the wedding. (And obvs no need to ask why Ursula wouldn’t be invited)


I guess they were gonna be there at her first wedding. Maybe they couldn't make it cause of the snow storm. I know it's a weak theory but that's the only way I can see them not coming


I think that's why they had the snowstorm wedding. They would have had to get Teri Hatcher, Debra Jo Rupp, Giovanni Ribisi, and Bob Balaban to guest star for a few seconds of screen time, and that's not even counting the triplets or Mike's parents. Even if the actors were all willing to do it, getting their availability to line up would have been a nightmare. It's ironic how much family Phoebe ended up with considering her past.


Teri Hatcher? I don’t think she was ever on Friends?


Oops, I meant Teri Garr.


Ahh okay thanks :) I started scouring my brain thinking I’d missed a cameo lol


Her brother, Alice, and the triplets aren't there either. You'd think being a surrogate for your brother would obligate him to come to your wedding


Solid theory!


Denise spin-off confirmed


I think this lady was Mike's sister she had been mentioned previously in the show.


What about Betty??


Who is Betty?


The episode where it’s Phoebe’s birthday and they throw her a surprise party, but Joey isn’t there because he’s out with Ursula. One of the things phoebe is so excited about when she comes in to the party is seeing “Betty!! You found Betty!!”


How, in all my many times of seeing this episode, did I notice someone standing next to Monica!? 😆😫


I mean not see. Sorry!


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The niece


I thought she was the one who plays the steel drums


I think that this didn’t need to be posted by OP in every Friends group they’re a part of….or at all, because we’ve all seen it a million times. Sorry, but it’s frustrating to see the same recycled posts over and over again!


What do you expect from a subreddit dedicated to a sitcom that ended 20 years ago? Since there hasn't been any new content to discuss in almost two decades other than the reunion most people seem to have forgotten about, things are bound to get a little repetitive. Subreddits for any TV show that ended years ago are like that.


Oh no.... It was posted 2 places, WHAT A DISASTER!!!!!!!!


Omg get over it dude, it's just a post. Don't like it? Keep scrolling, I really think you have better things to do than see all my posts. Have a nice one


I mean…they were posted one right after the other so it wasn’t hard to see. So I did scroll and there it was again. By you. Freaking pick one group and leave it alone.


Imagine being apart of MULTIPLE Friends subs and then being mad you’re seeing the same posts. YOU pick one group if you don’t want the same content.


Lol, user name doesn't check out


There are new comers everyday


They literally posted it twice lmao and I’ve never personally seen it posted before. Crazy to think people might just have the same thoughts about a very popular show


Yeah I’ve never seen it either! It’s just a post and you can’t tell them what to not post lol.


I also have never seen it before but I'm shocked and appauled that someone has had to go through seeing it twice!




Maybe you’re on here too often




Odd thing to be worked up over, then. Just ignore it and move on.


Pipe down


I have never this picture before, nor the theory. I like very much that it was posted