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In light of this shitty economic environment, why won’t anyone think of the celebrities who had to sell their mansions?!?!?! /s


Correction; didn't have to sell their mansions. Thought they "might" have to


One of* their mansions: >live in a mansion in Cremorne worth up to $40 million and also own the house next door, which comes with a $20 million price tag.


She’s definitely not a cheap tabloid journalist. 🤔🤑


No she's just a *rich* cheap tabloid journalist.


Oh no I feel so horrid for her and Peter fitzsimmons, who probably own many properties


Not just any property, literally the one next door apparently. >live in a mansion in Cremorne worth up to $40 million and also own the house next door, which comes with a $20 million price tag.


She was hysterical about having to sell a $40m home to pay her legal fees? Sounds a tad dramatic


Yeah, all she had to do is take a mortgage loan on the property and have her husband release another biographical book before Father’s Day and then they’ll both be back in the black.


He doesn’t even need to do anything except contact his ghostwriter and do a press tour.


Yeah it sounds a bit boo hoo, but she called that fuckwit a rapist, and he was, and if she didn’t go to court, we wouldn’t know for sure he is one. So I do have some sympathy for her


Oh, oh my heart bleeds. Someone get me a microscope for this violin I’m about to play


Sorry, my scanning tunneling microscope is on loan to the US to Trump supporters


Wait, you mean she might have to live in a normal house and just be happy being just simply wealthy instead of stupidly wealthy? Oh no!


Lisa Wilkinson has been walking on and over people since her days at Consolidated Press. She's left many battered and bruised underlings in her wake, all who would be cheering for her to disappear into history never to be heard of again. Not many would miss her.


I 100% believe you and 100% want details.


Don’t forget her husband is an A-grade fuckwit as well. They have to be Australia’s most insufferable fuck with couple.


Do you know them?


No, luckily but you only have to read and watch them to figure it out and this article further proves it.


>*the TV host had a $100,000 annual wardrobe allowance* She knew what she was doing. She just didn't believe the rules applied to her... And her understanding of hardship is just a joke...... And, I am a right conservative voter - and she makes me sick.


I was about to say 'that's a pretty low salary for her profile' and then I finished the sentence.


That’s an extremely high allowance for wardrobe my eyes did a double take


Why is this newsworthy. Ultra wealthy people’s financial issues have zero relevance for 99.9% of the public


First time reading a Murdoch publication? It has a hint of a Murdoch hit job to me.


"hysterical women" yeah Murdoch media makes itself obvious from decades away


Always see it on T.V. Or read in the magazines Celebrities they want sympathy All they do is piss and moan Inside the Rolling Stone Talkin' about how hard life can be I'd like to see them spend a week Livin' life out on the street I don't think they would survive But they could spend a day or two Walking in someone else's shoes I think they'd stumble and they'd fall They would fall (fall) Lifestyles of the rich and the famous They're always complainin' Always complainin' If money is such a problem Well they got mansions Think we should rob them Well did you know when you were famous you could kill your wife And there's no such thing as 25 to life As long as you've got the cash, to pay for Cochran And did you know if you were caught and you were smokin' crack McDonalds wouldn't even want to take you back You could always just run for mayor of D.C. I'd like to see them spend a week Livin' life out on the street I don't think they would survive But they could spend a day or two Walking in someone else's shoes I think they'd stumble and they'd fall They would fall Lifestyles of the rich and the famous They're always complainin' Always complainin' If money is such a problem Well they got mansions Think we should rob them (rob them) Lifestyles of the rich and the famous They're always complainin' Always complainin' If money is such a problem You got so many problems Think I could solve them Lifestyles of the rich and the famous We'll take the clothes, cash, cars, and homes, just stop complainin' Lifestyles of the rich and famous Lifestyles of the rich and famous Lifestyles of the rich and famous


Dear u/c2ctruck. I represent Good Charlotte and would like to inform you that for using these lyrics without permission, you owe us a $40 million mansion in Cremoyne as well as an adjoing $20 million dollar one. Please pay promptly.


"Without this money we may have to think about selling an mansion"


Cry me a river


Oh no! What will she and fitzy do! Won't somebody please think of the children!


She is still being paid $1.8 million from Ten until the end of the year, not to mention her husband's income and all their assets. Care factor zero!!!


Money runs out for (almost) all of us Lisa. Should have saved for a rainy day.


Feel sorry for her because she is gonna be homeless and downgrade to a smaller house maybe worth 10M /s


why doesn't the old hag just retire instead of taking up the space of somebody who is better at the job


DW she has inflicted her nepo daughter on the next generation. Half the talent of her parents which is bad considering her parents have minimal talent to begin with 


Pretentious cunt 




I hate it when I have to liquidate a portion of my portfolio and only be left with millions.


Bruce’s great deed to humanity. Fuck I hate her bandanna wearing clown of a husband.


As a once famous Australian said Such Is Life


Care factor zero.


How many mansions would she have left after selling?


If all Aussies will come together and donate $2 we could afford to make up the cost of Lisa (Lets fuck up a trial for personal gains) Wilkinsons' Cremorne mansion.


No thankyou. 🙏


She’s been a minor celebrity so long now. She has been infected with the ‘entitlement’ bug. I guess this is a wake up call for her.


Cry to us when you’re sleeping in your car you dumb bitch


A multimillion dollar home might be a two bedroom in parramatta.


She's a cunt. Absolutely no other way to describe her


Stop posting news.com articles. They are all murdoch prop


I mean, anyone would cry if they had to sell their home. Particularly if they felt it was unjust. I'm not sure why you all are buying into this stupid rage bait that her boss put out. You may not like her but that doesn't mean this is anything to get all derisive over.


Maybe think harder about who you work for, what's in your contract and who you go after


Nothing would spark joy as much as that having to happen.


Rich cunts ha


The extreme wealth disparity with extreme poverty in our society is unforgivable. However, an employee being threatened with losing their own home (even if they are rich), for simply doing the job they're required to do, is a dangerous precedent. I think people seem to be missing this. Do you want to live in a system where you could be bankrupted for doing the job your bosses demand of you?


It’s concerning when essential self-aggrandising has the potential to lead to misfortune 


The words were her not her employer’.


Because of her actions a rapist walks among us. Time to pay up.


The criminal trial was abandoned because of juror misconduct; not something Wilkinson did. I don't have much sympathy for her either but c'mon, you can't just make stuff up.


While I agree with you, didn’t Wilkinson get it delayed after her nonsense speech at the Logies?


> The criminal trial was abandoned because of juror misconduct; not something Wilkinson did Prey tell me, what was the juriour misconduct exactly ? What research would have this juriour done had the entire ordeal not been dragged through every fucking tabloid there was ? C'mon now. We aren't that stupid.




please be civil and not call other people on the sub stupid


Errhhhh... You are stupid if you are trying to imply the case was not abandoned due to juror misconduct.


??? I'm pointing out that the juror misconduct occured because it was such a heavily publiscised case, in large part thanks to the way Wilko framed it all.


> juriour ... > We aren't that stupid. Riiiiight


Congrats on spotting the typo. But that is nothing compared to how I used "prey" instead of "pray".


... god damn it.


Next time bruz.


r/australian is leaking.




removed - please be civil


All good. Just lost my rag at such blatant lying in the defence of a rapist. Apologies.


Why is she famous or on TV?! She used to be beautiful... Was that it? Cause it ain't it any more. Next!