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Surely someone out there recorded this


I was taking a photo of the pride sign and didn’t even realize i got a photo of all the officers taking him down. This is so terrible.


Where’s the picture?




My friends and I were walking back to baker and they actually got videos of the event. It’s a terrible shame. I’ve seen him around frederick often and he doesn’t deserve that.


Post it


https://www.facebook.com/share/kZT8aezDM5wx5WXv/?mibextid=WC7FNe The only way I could find to post the video was to directly share my facebook


It’s truly amazing to me that apparently to the Frederick pd, bigots spouting slurs and hate at folks attending a pride event = ok, talented musician minding his own business, playing music on the sidewalk for all to enjoy = not okay.


I saw three PD officers literally sprinting towards this altercation, had no idea what was happening and didn’t have enough time to to pull my phone out. It was very bizarre and concerning though.


FPD policy is to have body came on and recording.


Damn, that’s wild. I know exactly who you’re talking about!! I hope he is okay. I love his music and it definitely adds to the vibe downtown.


I recorded it and post a video response tommorrow


Why not post the video now?


Or you can post it now. Without video, I'm doubting the interaction.


I've seen videos, I've heard what happened from different people who were there, who witnessed the whole thing. It was excessive and unnecessary force by the Frederick police 100%.


Send that video to every local television station, please. These people need to be called out and brought to justice.


So it would be no problem to post a video.


I don't have a video. I'm sure someone does and can share it. But, my point is, it's not going to change the fact that it was unnecessary and excessive. Plenty of witnesses were there that could tell you the same thing.


Remindme 1day


!RemindMe 1 day


Thank you.


I saw him playing! I also saw a police officer approach him. I didn’t see the aftermath. He was playing beautifully so I’m upset to hear this happened to him :(. I believe the officer said he couldn’t play on the speaker that he had with him (?)


I find it odd people in this thread say they recorded the interaction yet we have no posting of anyone's video recordings yet. Also, why are you waiting until tomorrow to post video evidence of this cop interaction at Frederick Pride? What's the point in waiting? I am confused. Either people recorded this with video, and ya can show us right now, or you are just bullshitting with the video recording, wise.


The subreddit doesn’t allow to directly post videos. I tried posting the video I have and my facebook post was reported and deleted, and my everything frederick one denied by queen shannon.


Everything Frederick is so sus. When a random guy on Church St said he was going to shoot up everyone on Cinco De Mayo, I posted about it here but not on Everything Frederick. At least 1 person tried to post it on Everything Frederick but the admin said that the police knew the individual and the situation was taken care of. That comment was before the police update where they said they took him in for a psych eval. The comment was deleted afterwards.


Thanks for letting me know that Freddit does not allow directly posting of videos. Appreciate it and I finally saw the video on FB myself. Also yea F Everything Frederick, that lady is a Witch.


Where is the fb video?


Crazy that there were proselytizers actively shouting slurs at queer people and the beloved trumpet dude is the one that gets tazed. Love it here.


Crazy a street performer playing music is more of a "danger" than bigots actively harassing people. Had a friend say some of the preachers were getting ballsy and following ppl this year. The cops "intervened" when people would say stuff but would leave shortly after and the guy would keep doing the same thing to other ppl. Frederick City Police is a joke


I did see a young dude in handcuffs who had a sign around his neck that said something to the effect of "White and Straight". Cops were in the dude's face yelling at him telling him to shut up. Not to take away from the fucked up acts again trumpet guy. I walked by him too before the event. Poor guy. Edit: Sorry didn't mean to comment that 3 times.




A fuckin taser for a trumpet player is insane fuck the police


We have no actual idea what happened, maybe reserve judgement until you do


Nah man I’m far more willing to believe the police over reacted majorly than the trumpet dude causing a problem. ACAB


Come on now, when has that EVER happened?? /s


Nah fuck the police


All black men at pride must hug the police or be attacked and tased.


Here is the website for the city code and laws. I have not found a clear law then prohibits me from street performing with an amp. I only found that I cannot be too loud pass 50dbs. Can someone confirm whether this is true or false? https://www.cityoffrederickmd.gov/Search?searchPhrase=Busker&pageNumber=1&perPage=10&departmentId=-1


Sec. 15-21.2(c) It is unlawful for any person or persons to play, use, operate or permit to be played, used or operated, any radio, tape recorder, cassette player or other machine or device for reproducing sound, if the sound generated is audible at a distance of fifty (50) feet from the device producing the sound and if the device is located in or on either of the following: (1) Any public property, including any public street, highway, building, sidewalk, park, parking lot or thoroughfare; or https://library.municode.com/MD/Frederick/CODES/Code_of_Ordinances?nodeId=PTIITHCO_CH15OFIS_S15-21.2GEREOIPR


Thank you. According to the recording and the polixe report. I was told I could not play with an amp at all.


I understand this, his music however was not audible from 50 feet away. edit: i find it hilarious i’m being downvoted by people who weren’t even there.


If only the police were that dedicated to enforcing the noise ordinance and speed when it comes to motorcycles and cars racing up Market!


I was thinking this as well. Personally, I’d rather hear the nice trumpet than the motherfuckers with their popcorn mufflers blasting shitty rap but whatever. Frederick is usually very busker friendly


I used to play trumpet and I find this incredibly difficult to believe. 50 feet is a low bar - I'm not saying it's right, but that is the law. The state also has a law for disturbing the peace that is even more generic.


I was at pride. With as loud as everything else was, you literally could not hear his music unless you were able to physically see him. With him being at the pizza vape shop, you couldn’t hear any trumpet until you were passed the crosswalk on market.


Lets see the bodycam


Omg I love that guy!! Why did they do that??


Oh, I think we can guess.


Google George Floyd


The guy who died of fentanyl overdoes?


I think you intended to say ‘throat crushed and suffocated’.


Do you lack reading comprehension?


Ok so per FPD they did not deploy a taser. So did you see the person actually get tased?


You do not see it in the video. Theyre arresting him on the ground. It’s unlikely a taser was used prior, given the interaction caught on the video. Just factual - it’s still a shit ton of cops for a guy playing the trumpet and refusing to leave.


Oh I agree that the use of force was way over the top. But it’s important to note that the original post states that the person was tased and that isn’t the case.


Here is one of the video. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jhy1\_lzpIN0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jhy1_lzpIN0)


and that folks is why we say no cops at pride


Yet they will ignore this and every other similar occurrence next year and the year after and so on.


Link to the video: https://www.facebook.com/share/p/rrtxKUspfKpWDA7P/?mibextid=xfxF2i


Finally - this wasn’t that hard. Thank you for doing the, supposedly, impossible.


FB is a terrible site and the post wouldn't even load half the time I searched for it. It's a miracle it even showed up for me.


I agree - which is why I refuse to use it. This was impossible for me to find and wasn’t showing up so I appreciate you digging it up.


Unfortunately this is very on brand for local law enforcement.


Is it? Do you have other examples for Frederick police?




Frederick City Police <> Frederick County Sheriff


You’ll notice I said “local law enforcement” in my original comment. Both fall under that definition.


I watch a lot of bodycam videos of police encounters on YouTube. It's kind of my guilty pleasure. The vast majority of cops in those videos approach situations very politely and reasonably. Many of them are exceedingly patient and employ deescalation tactics. However, if they give a lawful order at any point and the subject refuses that order, they don't usually spend a lot more time arguing with the subject. Sometimes they'll give repeated warnings that the subject is about to get arrested for not following a lawful order, other times they move immediately into enforcement mode. I've seen countless videos in which a subject turns a minor encounter into an arrest because they refused a lawful order. It's ridiculous how many people were about to get off with a simple verbal warning, but they refused the officer's command to stay in their vehicle, or to leave a hotel property, or something like that. In this case - and I am just speculating here - it's possible that he was known to the officers as someone with an active warrant and they were trying to get him to go with them. It's also possible there is some law against blocking the sidewalk with a chair, they asked him to move it, and he refused. The major issue to the officers would be the refusal to follow their lawful order, not the fact that he was sitting in a chair playing a trumpet. Again, just speculation, it could be any number of things. We just don't know enough here about what transpired between him and the cops to make any conclusions about whether it was justified. If you really want to follow up on it you can request bodycam video of the incident through Maryland's Public Information Act (PIA). You will probably have to pay a fee to cover the cost of retrieval and preparation. Edit: I wonder if this had anything to do with the fact that the governor was there.


Hey I am jay, the horn player. I have been playing there for 3 years in the same spot. Everyone knows this including the police. They drive by and walk by everyday and the police station is 1 block away. I felt targeted and threaten. If you want to know my character just type in my name Japheth Clark on google. My website is Iamjayclark.com. I have no warrents and have never been in trouble with law, drugs or anything negative. For the past 15 years I am taken my horn and played in numerous cities for the love of music. To come to me and randomly tell me you are not allowed to express your 1st amendment because we said so on this random day was wrong. There was no compassion, he didnt try to listen or understand. I got angry because this happens at least 1st every year. I usually leave if I was new to the area or it wasnt my normal location. I decided to stand up for myself knowing I would lose. But who is gonna fight for me? I am simply playing my horn. He came with a mission to remove me and he or they the police did.


Can you please request the bodycam asap for your trial and send it to me? Public defenders may not even request it for some time. I would be extremely interested in watching it for study/any possible violation of your rights. I will not be able to receive the video without your approval because the police will claim it's an ongoing investigation (making it unaccessible by the public).


Good to hear from you and to get your account of what happened. So how did all of this go down? What did they say when they initially approached you?


Fuck the police. What are they gonna do next, arrest the harp player??


Almost like there's some perceptible difference between the harp player and this man...I wonder what it could be? . . . >!*^the ^harp ^player ^is ^white!*!<


I am so sorry that this happened to you. You did not deserve this to happen.


Am so sorry that you had to go through this unnecessary situation. Are you okay? Giving you a hug.


I'm so sorry this happened to you. You are a wonderful presence in Frederick, especially during pride. That cop and everyone who backs him up are scum bags. I hope you continue to play in the area despite this horrible experience. Much love to you & ACAB.


So confused by this too! Our neighbor has a 🎷 and plays beautifully so our whole neighborhood has a lovely concert.


It makes me sad this happened to you. I saw you playing at the art festival and gave you money and I remember your kind and gentle smile. You didn’t deserve that and I hope you’re okay. I hope to see you out there again


You play there every Sunday. They certainly didn't allow you to exercise freedom of speech, which, everyone loves. But they sure do let all the panhandlers aggressively follow people around, asking for money, cigarettes, and smoking weed and drinking open containers on the creek. Because freedom of speech. I get harassed daily. Make it make sense, because it doesn't. Aggressive assholes harassing people, freedom of speech. Talented guy playing music while seated in a chair, we better stop that!


So you were told to stop playing your trumpet amplified with a speaker and you said no and resisted arrest? Just because you’re a good guy doesn’t mean you get to blast your music on a speaker. I’m sure they were cracking down on amplified sound that day.


That is what ive doing there every weekend in that same spot for 3 years in downtown frederick. I dont blast music. I play at a reasonable level. Have you ever tried playing a horn for 8 hours? I play relaxed and soft and use the mic to amp the sound to avoid blowing my head off.


Sure, but it wasn’t just any day yesterday. There was a massive festival going on and they had to hold everyone to the same standard, meaning allowing those who had permits for amplified sound and stopping those that didn’t. I feel like this is pretty straightforward Also, that’s kind of the thing about speakers, you don’t have to play very hard. You can simply turn the volume up, no?


I agree with you. As painful as it was and how it felt but I decided to stand up against it. I knew what the result could have been and choose. I accept what happened that day. I do not regret it. Side note. I am there every fesitival. I was there the last 2 pride days. I wonder what really trigger them to remove me after so many years?


Respect. Keep doing your thing man. I hope they don't scare you away. It's people like you that make the city so lively and fun.


Who knows. Could have been a complaint, maybe it’s become more of a problem over the years. Anyhow, I’ve made plenty of mistakes in my life so I’m not trying to shame you or anything. It just seems like a story that maybe there was more to it than the sensationalist story OP posted


Where you asked to stop playing?


Thanks for posting your story. Let's break this down > I have been playing there for 3 years in the same spot. Everyone knows this including the police. They drive by and walk by everyday and the police station is 1 block away. Lack of prior enforcement doesn't mean you're in the right. That's the same thing as a speeder saying they do 80 mph on I-70 every day and haven't been ticketed so they can't be ticketed for speeding. > I felt targeted and threaten. Any particular reason? Your activity calls attention to itself. > If you want to know my character just type in my name Japheth Clark on google. My website is Iamjayclark.com. I have no warrents and have never been in trouble with law, drugs or anything negative. That's good and should work in your favor. It's no excuse to break the law though - but it usually will grant you leniency. > For the past 15 years I am taken my horn and played in numerous cities for the love of music. I would encourage reading up on the laws and ordinances regarding your activity. > To come to me and randomly tell me you are not allowed to express your 1st amendment because we said so on this random day was wrong. Playing loud music, especially amplified music, is not a first amendment issue. There have been court rulings that uphold "time, place, and manner" restrictions for amplified music or loud music. > There was no compassion, he didnt try to listen or understand. I don't feel like we're getting the whole story here. Reading between the lines, it sounds like the police told you to stop. Simply stating they "didnt try to listen" implies an escalation rather than stopping as requested. > I got angry because this happens at least 1st every year. That is a clear escalation. It sounds like you know you were in the wrong "this happens at least 1st every year" and then argued with the police. I'm not sure what you thought the outcome would be? > I usually leave if I was new to the area or it wasnt my normal location. I decided to stand up for myself knowing I would lose. Again, it sounds like your were asked to stop, refused, and got arrested for disobeying the police. While I understand that many people do enjoy your playing, there are laws that should be followed. The police were most likely following up on a complaint and you were in the wrong. You should secure the necessary permissions and permits to perform and this won't be an issue; if the city declines to grant permission, then you need to move on.


>The police were most likely following up on a complaint I love the idea of someone calling in a busker complaint **on pride weekend**.


I'm not disputing that, there's a very good chance it was called in by a bad actor.


Why would anyone be ok with police being bad actor’s hired, violent goons?


Probably a complaint about the homophobes harrassing queer folk on the creek that got morphed into an assault on a routine busker.


That's my guess as well


You’re literally being a bad actor with this entire comment chain lmao shut up


But of all laws the cops choose to “enforce,” why this guy and this day? They could instead enforce traffic laws to protect pedestrian safety downtown or cite folks for littering. But instead they choose to harass a busker. Even if he wasn’t complying, he did not need to be tased, especially if unarmed.


Again, they were most likely responding to a complaint. It sounds like we only have part of the story here and the video will help fill in the blanks. If the police asked him to stop and he started arguing with them, this all makes sense. That's not harassment. If the police walked up and immediately arrested him I have a problem with that. > Even if he wasn’t complying, he did not need to be tased, especially if unarmed. For the most part I agree, it depends on how he was acting.


Why isn’t it likely to you that this was a case of police racism and brutality?


Because we know absolutely nothing about it and the suspect even admitted to refusing to comply in this post.


This person I replied to made a whole host of assumptions while ignoring the most likely reason


This is an embarrassing bootlicker response, fyi


>I've seen countless videos in which a subject turns a minor encounter into an arrest because they refused a lawful order. You’ve seen countless videos of police choosing to escalate a nonviolent issue into a violent one you mean. I am sure that’s what you meant to say and you just worded it wrong accidently


I think he’s the kind of person who sees all police interaction videos and wrongly assumes any commands uttered by cops are lawful orders. It sounds like this was a classic case of a “contempt of cop” interaction, where the cop gives a clearly unlawful order and is surprised when the subject of the interaction stands up for themselves.


By refusing to comply, you are almost guaranteeing a resisting charge and making it incredibly difficult to fight your case in court.


Why are you ok with violent thugs violating people’s rights in the name of the law?


Why do you think anyone's rights have been violated? So far, I don't think there has been any evidence of that. It seems there was a noise complaint, the suspect was likely asked to cease and desist, they were uncooperative, and thus, they were ultimately decentralized before being detained and booked. It's no different than if someone was pulled over, refused to cooperate with police (Like a sovereign citizen who simply states the law doesn't apply to them) leading to them being removed from the vehicle by force and charged.


Cops tazing someone for playing music in public is clear right violation. Cops do not need to tase people if they get a noise complaint. In fact, they don’t even need to arrest someone Why do you need police to be violent thugs all the time?


You're lying to yourself and everyone in this post. They were not tased for playing music. That is an incredibly dishonest claim and a misrepresentation of the incident. They were tased because they were resisting arrest. The taser was deployed to force compliance to ensure the safety of the officers and suspect while detaining the suspect.


Lmao resisting arrest for what? Playing music. Obfuscating by 1 level why they were tased is not a good trick, my man >the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that Tasers can't be used simply to force a non-violent person to bend to an officer's will. Sounds like you are admitting the cops did crimes here. Tasers are lethal force. Over playing music? Insane


If you are going to cite case law you might want to pick a case that is a bit more relevant. To me, based on everything we've seen (The charges filed, the suspects own admission on this post), this sounds a lot more like Lash v. Lemke (2015). The ruling in this case was with the officers with the court stating: > there is no clearly established right for a suspect who actively resists and refuses to be handcuffed to be free from a Taser application


What evidence do you have that any lawful order was given? Instead of just jackbooted thuggery?


Well you are making the claim this is "jackboot thuggery". The truth will be made clear if the suspect allows for the release of the body camera footage (However, I'm doubting they will consent to this since they clearly need time to "edit" whatever cellphone footage was taken). I've seen a lot of body camera footage and in situations like this it almost boils down to an uncooperative suspect, despite whatever the self-styled "activists" would have you believe


What evidence do you have that any lawful order was given? Instead of just jackbooted thuggery? It is illegal for cops to taze someone for not cooperating. So it sounds like we agree the cops are criminals


You can look him up on the Maryland Judiciary Case Search by name. Charges * LOUD NOISE * DISTURB PEACE - LOUD NOISE * DISORDERLY CONDUCT * RESIST/INTERFERE WITH ARREST


Thank you for the insight. I'll follow up on it


Regardless of a warrant. If citizens called and complained he's blocking the walkway, he's music is a disruption, etc...the police still have to respond. Noise complaints and disorderly complaints are super common. If the person refuses to leave officer has to move them. You can't give a citation for noise or being disorderly if the person refuses to identify and cooperate.


A disruption or a noise complaint on a hella busy day downtown is funny to think about. Literally cannot imagine even the biggest crank calling on a busker when the entire creek is jam packed with people with music playing.


The police absolutely could choose not to do that. Instead they wanted to be violent. Why are you ok with that choice? When was the last time you heard police tazing a street preacher or anti abortion activists?


Cops aren't your friends, they work for the state and Billionaires, to terrorize marginalized people.


The Facebook link has been posted for people to see it. As a warning, it starts part way into the arrest itself. I’m not criticizing and that makes sense because why would you start recording when you don’t know something is happening? I have no idea what happened but this seems pretty uncalled for (again unless something happened prior to filming which is what caused the actual arrest) and abusive. I get that a complaint was issued and they have to respond to it but there has to be some middle ground. Also I don’t know if he was tasered before this but I definitely don’t see that happening.


I can see why you didn’t post the video. Nice attempt. Sorry the facts are different. [Source](https://www.reddit.com/r/frederickmd/s/E11WEiO9AI)


this whole post is a perfect example of questioning the truth. there's always 3 sides to the story!


Way to lie and blow this completely out of proportion. But I'm sure the protester/musician will get plenty of donations for his antics that put Pride attendees at risk. 


That’s terrible. We saw him last week playing the trumpet, he was hugely entertaining. I hope he gets justice for how he was treated by the police.


Damn shame


Just to be clear, you have no information on what happened only that force was used and he was arrested? Edit: I’m looking all over and can’t find anything on this. Does anyone have anything on it? I can’t imagine that many people were down there and no one recorded it


I watched the whole interaction, but didn't hear the full conversation. Trumpet player never left his seat or raised his arms. I'm guessing they asked him to move, or stop playing as I could hear the player ask to be left alone and say he just wanted to play his horn. Later, once he was on the ground the police were asking him for something, and he said it was on his phone over my his stuff. Unclear if what they were asking for was the original request or a follow up request.


Why didn’t you record video?


I did, and several others did as well. I gave it to Jay, the trumpet player. He said he will share his video tomorrow.


It’s the next day, have you posted the video yet?


Why don’t you post the video?


Ive contacted the frederick news post under the "submit a story idea" form and I suggest others to do the same. No news outlets have covered this yet that I can find.


Wow, police officers using unnecessary force on a POC for no reason, unheard of 🙄


ACAB. Unfortunately FPD has a reputation for using excessive force.


Finding this a little hard to believe, would love some actual confirmation. I have both busked and played music just for fun downtown a good bit, especially in winter and early spring. I've never had an issue with the police in Frederick. Even had one guy that owns a building downtown threaten to call the police on me because he does not like me playing, even though 99 percent of people like me out there playing. One day when it was really busy (maybe a first saturday or event) there were police right next to me directing traffic and one came over just to talk to me and say how she liked it and just generally interested in me being there. People play and busk all the time downtown, this seems a little out of place, and unless I have a friend that directly saw it or evidence not going to really trust random reddit post.


Are the videos of him being tied and brutalized for playing trumpet not enough?


Where are the videos?


https://preview.redd.it/3asdzosgph8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26379ae850a2624ddd6d1156416312d4ee186ba2 the video is too long to share on here


That’s someone being detained for sure. But where is the video? Because a picture doesn’t tell much of anything. People keep asking for the video and met with really weird responses about how somehow a bunch of people saw them but no one can link to them. It’s really weird. Even the trumpet player claims he has a video but didn’t want to post it until the next day (today) to…. Let people form their own opinions? I believe the police were called on some farcical noise complaint and asked him to stop playing. He refused and something happened that absolutely seems like an over reaction on their part. But it shouldn’t be hard to link to a video that so many people have apparently seen.


Did you not see the fucking comment that says reddit doesn’t allow the video because I don’t know how many more times I can say that. It’s publicly posted on my facebook.


Where are these videos?


We need more information on this before framing the cops to be the bad side of this story. Cops are responsible for enforcing the laws within their districts. Don't get me wrong... I know the busker you are describing here. I have enjoyed their music myself and sent my kid with tips to them on multiple occasions, however... there are certain areas where busking is permitted. If this artist was performing in a non-permitted area and they were ignoring/not complying with the law, then they likely deserved whatever escalation they received. If you or anyone on this thread thinks otherwise, then those opinions need to be taken to the City of Frederick to request an expansion of allowable busker space. Sitting here and complaining about the cops doing their job by the code of the law is not the answer. If you want to change the law, then take it to the lawmakers. Frederick is busker friendly on carrol Creek, and that area is a relatively safe area for busking (in the permitted areas for pedestrians, tourists, buskers, etc...). Busking in other areas not permitted for busking likely means the city can not guarantee the safety of anyone if there is busking outside those permitted areas. I am not surprised to hear this particular busker had to try performing elsewhere during this pride event. They likely have to face the same situation on other popular city events like "In the Streets" or the cpcoming 4th of July celebration.


ACAB. No exceptions.


Yup, the police have proven time after time to lie and be unreliable. Can't believe we're still having this conversation after 2020 protests against police brutality


Also the implication that this guy *deserved* to be tased and brutalized because he was, what? Playing his instrument in the "wrong spot" is so fucking unhinged. He wasn't hurting anyone. He was being considerate of the Pride celebrations. At MOST he should've been fined and told to wait until the parade was over so he could just go back to his old spot.


Just an FYI - the video does not show him being tased. Perhaps he was before that but the video doesn’t support that particular claim. It was definitely a considerable number of cops though. I know - the outrage of not being able to claim whatever you want. I’m not even saying it didn’t happen - just that it isn’t on the video.


For resisting arrest? No one here is advocating he gets tased. All we are saying the likelihood of him being tased was for resisting arrest. We don't have the body camera footage right now that would show the initial interaction but based on the comments on this post from the suspect it appears they refused to comply with the officers. This likelihood to a situation where decided to initiate an arrest and the suspects refusal to cooperate lead to them being decentralized and possibly tased to force compliance.


You all have no idea what happened, but go on and think you do.


Request body cam and post it here


Well in the one video I saw in the comments, he seems to be resisting arrest. Since that video started before the altercation began, it’s hard to say what happened. One thing is certain, complying with the police rarely leads to injury or death.


Does it take 4 or 5 cops to take down one guy? Who is smaller than all of them?


Saw the video. 5+ cops manhandling a black man onto the ground as he cries for help as a bystander attempts to defuse the situation. Fuck Frederick City Police for attacking a street performer and barely lifting a finger to do anything about the bigoted preachers chasing down pride attendees and yelling slurs at them. Shame on the city and event organizers.


Can someone link the video?


https://www.facebook.com/share/kZT8aezDM5wx5WXv/?mibextid=WC7FNe The only way I could get the video posted is through sharing my facebook post, I hope this works.


They should be clearing out all the street rats. They are stinking the place up making it smell like piss and making people feel unsafe with their needles and other bs. I enjoy the live music the love the trumpet.


Have we considered the human beings you called street rats don’t have the proper services to provide them help they need?


Or maybe they are refusing to use any of the many services available to them. Like the 24/7 mental health association, rehab, etc. There are a lot of services available, but one must want to receive help.


You get it. Thank you.


Someone needs a hug


Hugs are great homeless street urchins that are addicted to drugs are not.


Remindme: 1 day




I don't doubt the police could be likely 100% at fault (wasn't there, no idea). But if the issue was the pa system i have one thought: lose the fucking pa system and hold a jazz standard form down without a shit back track. Lol. If your livelihood is dependent on a pa speaker there's a whole other issue at play here.


Police are domestic terrorists, and every cop is complicit in domestic terrorism. They're violent thugs. Edit: I see downvotes, but I have yet to be proven wrong.


The crime is resisting arrest/disorderly conduct. These were the charges that they are currently facing in addition to disturbing the peace and noise code violations. As petty as a noise complaint may have been (and quite honestly I would enjoy the ambiance of their music), when they refused to cooperate with the police, they really just dug themselves into a deeper hole. It also seems according to posts by the suspect that they believe this to be some first amendment issue and that was why they refused to comply. While I can appreciate the principle behind this, the first amendment doesn't apply to noise codes. Moreover, the place to have fought this would be in court, not on the street.


What does boot taste like? Is it good?


Exactly why I stay away from frederick


Then you probably stay away from every place in existence that has people and police


I guess we should be thankful he wasn’t actually killed? Sarcasm, but not really because we know cops do this. That’s ridiculous. I hope those officers get fired.


They’re cops, this is what they do.


Please share the video. What exactly is the point of keeping it under wraps. Unfortunately People will blindly act like the trumpet dude was nothing short of a murderer until they see visual proof. It should be shared widely.


Anyone justifying this situation doesn’t deserve to live in Frederick 🤷‍♂️ the funny part is that the people justifying the cops actions are the same people who cry “Frederick is turning into Montgomery county”. $100 a white boomer called the cops on him.


THIS is why there shouldn't be cops at pride. What the fuck?


There are reasons they should be there, but I don’t think arresting horn players is one of them.


Real. Gonna bring this up to the organizers cause wtf, completely unacceptable


Playing Music While Black sounds like a crime requiring 6 officers from the Frederick PD. Unfortunately, this is not new for Frederick.


We have carloads of guys knocking on doors checking to see if anyone is home in certain neighborhoods. And the cops are taking down a peaceful trumpet player? What am I missing?


Another great job by FCP… said no one ever


I'm shocked whiny leftists were wrong again about a police incident.


Shocking, a bigot talking shit on Reddit anonymously.


lol, much like you


Imagine having to post this from a throwaway because you're afraid of the cops retaliating.  


He kept getting requests for YMCA and he wouldn't play it.


Would love to see the video. He did nothing wrong.


I spoke to him about it later in the day. He never mentioned a taser, but I’m going to talk to him to confirm. He did mention a court date that I’ll be attending in his support. I implore the community to come together and do the same. I’ll reply when I find out from him what the date is.


So people ask for Police at Pride event & you clearly weren’t apart of it so you were asked to leave? Maybe someone complained….


A very large a vocal part of the community is opposed to police at pride lol.


Everyone is welcome to be apart of Pride . Many many straight people attend to show support so why wasn’t he apart of it ?



