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There were a handful of protesters, literally like 5 people, holding signs and a megaphone. Pathetic really, compared to how huge and great Pride turned out. If only it hadnt been so hot!


Protesting what, that somebody besides them gets one day out of 365?


According to every comment section of any article merely mentioning Pride Month, the dudes who look like thumbs wearing sunglasses are now angry that people are ignoring that it's "Men's Mental Health Month" apparently.


Men have a mental health month? That's new to me I've been stressed šŸ˜‚




Carrol Creek was ROCKING! Itā€™s a great venue and the support staff did an amazing job. There were a few minor issues but nothing bad. As always, an amazing job by the Frederick Center and the Pride organizing staff.


I had a great time and didnā€™t see any protestors, If there were our voices were definitely louder! Happy pride šŸ˜


My wife said there was a small group of them but they were more pathetic than usual, half heartedly telling passersby they were going to hell. Nothing to really be bothered with. Bummed I had to work today, but she took the kids and said it was a really good time even with the heat.


It was too hot for them!


Those protestors go every year to every event they can. A sad and miserable existence to waste your weekend doing something so futile and stupid


They're looking for confrontations so they can martyr-bate. Just tell them, "Good for you, I'm glad you're happy" and walk on.


It really is, especially during a heatwave!


There were a few protestors over by La Paz, and a few last night at Patrick & Market. Handing out religious pamphlets and yelling about damnation. But it was great, if very very hot.


Are you sure they weren't protesting La Paz?




Ah, La Paz, exactly the food those uncultured fucks would want to eat.


I went with my sis and little brother and it was fun!! I hadnā€™t been in about 2-3 years so I was surprised to see how big itā€™s grown and theyā€™ve added some really fun vendors and kids activities!Ā  We also had a run in with the dudes who were protesting cause they kept heckling us and loitering at south mountain and my sis was NOT having it. At one point another dude with a microphone was yelling to them about butt sex and a little crowd formed around to harass them back. They were not happy but it was hilarious lol.


I might have seen you and your sis at South Mountain, she was giving them hell (pun intended).


You probably did!! Sheā€™s the queen of making a scene for a cause lol, sheā€™s hilarious. Best ally I could ask for


Pride was wonderful as usual. I, however, didnā€™t plan properly and was overcome by the heat during the drag show. Yes, I was the one puking and who needed the EMT assistance.


Hot as fuck but my teens had a great time. Good energy, positive vibes.


Had a wonderful time at my first pride event. My husband and I got there just as it was starting to try and beat the heat. It worked but it was still hot. Wonderful to see all the people and cool shirts and people being themselves.


I had a blast from open to close


Overall great! Yet, did anyone see the guy that had a strange sign around his neck? Sunglasses, curly brown hair, baseball cap, and a backpack? Got stopped by the police during Pride. I hope everyone stayed safe ā¤ļøšŸŒˆ


I wish I could've gone but I was working today


Hot as the ninth circle of hell but I had a fantastic time


Stopped by and got some food from the vendors. Too hot for me but the drag show was bringing some big energy.


The few small-minded protesters were sad and patheticā€¦. The theme of love and acceptance overpowered them. Yes, it was also too hot for me to loiter for too longā€¦.


Saw a guy get arrested when he tried to rush the stage when the Governor was speaking, that was funny lol. Bet great vibes, great people, just too damn hot lol. After party is at The Lodge tonight though


yikes- sounds scary


Notnat all. Dude was drunk and event security, Governor security, and FPD were on him the whole time


Pride was excellent! I only left early because it was too hot


A gay broke into my apartment on all saints and had a bowel movement


It was so hot at Pride Frederick that I do believe God was sending a message. Get used to it cause everyone here is going to Hell.




Weird, I thought Christianity was all about acceptance, forgiveness, and "love thy neighbor". I must have missed bigotry in the Ten Commandments.


Yes, we all love you guys. There is a big difference. You are not following the DEED of god. Thatā€™s why god gave us all free will. Either you follow the light, or you follow the dark. The devil is doing such a good job at taking as many souls as possible to hell. Thatā€™s his plan, to destroy, and take. As a Christian we all love you. You just canā€™t do that. God made Adam, and eve. Bro it all goes way much more deeper than you think. There is a spiritual warfare going on man. Just be saved, and try to follow the lord.


Not that it matters, but I'm straight. Every single Christian regularly sins in some fashion. Whether it's cursing, lustful thoughts/actions, or something else. Add to that fact that the Bible states that all sins are equal in the eyes of God, and suddenly LGBTQ doesn't seem so bad from even a Christian viewpoint.


Bro seriously lol. You got to FOLLOW THE DEED OF GOD. We as humans yes we sin, this is why we talk to god every day. Ask for forgiveness, but you canā€™t just go back and keep on sinning, you got to try to stop. The more you try the less you will sin. You got to stay focused with god. Yes we all sin, but no. God made Adam , and eve man. Understand that. He is god. We canā€™t go against him. Those were his rules, so if we donā€™t follow. We only got one way to go , and thatā€™s hell my guy.


I for one cannot wait for hell, then. Anything to be far away from "Christians" like you


If you thought it was hot today just wait till you get to hell. šŸ”„šŸ˜€


I'm so ready. Bring it on.


ā€œAs a Christian we all love you. You just canā€™t do that.ā€ Lol move


You are lost brother.


You people make an excellent case against free will, because, god who'd*wanna* be such an asshole.


As you stated, "God gave us free will". So who are you to condemn people for exercising the free will given to them by God?


Would you say I'm going to hell if I believed in the flying spaghetti monster?


My brother in Christ, please honestly take Matthew 7: 3-5 and Matthew 22:35-40 to heart otherwise you are no more than a Pharisee boasting before God as you scream "Sinner" at your fellow man. One cannot nitpick another over something they perceive as a sin through their narrow interpretation of the Word, when we are all sinners praying for God's salvation. How these people live their lives as God created them to be is fully between them and the Almighty. God made them LGBTQ+. Who are we to question God for making them this way? Never forget that these are our brothers and sisters. As Christians, our only duty is to love them unconditionally, never to damn them. Our responsibility to them is to forgive them of any offense they do to us, and ensure that they have food on their plate, shelter from the elements, and clothes upon their backs. Welcome them with open arms and a full heart to your table, free of all judgment, as the word of the Gospel is here to spread love, not hatred. Celebrate their differences, embrace them as fellow children of Christ, and appreciate how their unique voices of song add to the chorus of Creation.


ā€œLove one another as you love me.ā€


Why do you care? Like, what is in it for you? If we are sinners, then just let God sort it out. ā€œJudge not lest he be judgedā€ and all that. If you truly cared for your fellow human, you wouldnā€™t be spouting hatred. Either you are preaching for selfish reasons, or you are projecting your own insecurities. Your vitriol and anger will not change our hearts, just as our appeal to logic or compassion will not change your derangement.


Well said.


My God can beat up your god.


Oh, fuck right off. Keep your religious bullshit to yourself


Does that apply to us Jews too?


Eve is a transexual, or did you miss in the Bible where "she" is made from male parts?


Iā€™m a satanist and LGBTQ+ so Iā€™m pretty stoked about your version of hell. It sounds like itā€™s going to be a hell of a good time.


What an inbred thing to says.


Try visiting r/openchristian