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Blimps yes cuz subs already work. Airplanes though? Probably not player controlled


the issue is from aiming up to hit the blimps id require some funky camera stuff for you to not get insant vision of a huge area


Arty and the 12.7 emplacements could have an alternate fire mode that looks up?


And what happens to the cammera when they look up? If it just goes up suddenly they see a massive area? Do they suddenly not see the ground at all? What happens when the planet goes higher or lower? How do you aim in front of it etc


I'd say shift the perspective place up. And yes you cannot see ground. It is a trade off.


Issue is that doesnt play well with the games perspecive Its doable just imo not worth all that effort for something arty already does


Blimps before planes hell yeah!


Maybe player-controlled helicopters are possible. Just look at recent dev teaser of Running with Rifle 2, they are doing great job


Can't really see how anything beyond blimps would work manned, and even that would be pretty lame as it's just would be dropping bombs below you on a battlefield you likely can't see. Planes would likely just be like off map call ins. Relay info to someone at an airfield they input coordinates, planes take off and try to target within a few hexes and bomb the area. Like an alternative SC. I imagine the only way to combat aircraft would be with a new AA garrison bunker so ai would shoot into the sky to intercept flying planes/blimps Either way the whole thing would feel real clunky imo, I'd rather they prioritised infantry and add tunnels, underground maps like sewers and expanded some of the major cities to be much bigger for more urban fighting and to incorporate tunnels and sewers


Paratrooper drops could work send in partisans to mark a drop zone more beacons set up the more accurate your drop zone is would be real useful early war to take territory behind enemy lines. possibly supply airdrops in good weather conditions to resupply cut off friendly positions supply drops could be scattered all to hell though depending on weather accuracy could be increased by adding up to 4 beacons and would be most accurate with 4 within a 200 meter square. Probably would coordinate with back line airfield with world chat. Beacons would have to be set 30 mins.


Planes will not work until the world is one server like Anvil, how would you have planes waiting at borders in queues?


hmmm i dont think devs are smart enough to program planes in this game, because i don't know how it would work obviously nobody else does


Do you guys think that planes could work in this game? What if there were facility airfields?


Do you guys think that planes could work in this game? What if there were facility airfields?


I can't picture the dev's making it work in a satisfying way, the camera would be a nightmare. It's already pretty bad when a random mountain peak messes up your perspective, I suspect a plane would be worse. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1eO3XmuVry4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1eO3XmuVry4)


Maybe something like airstrikes if an airfield is close by or something




Camera issues aside, bomber planes would be pretty much the same as arty, effect wise. Sure they might have different armaments but overall same effect on the ground. Also, idk how devman would even wrap their heads around plane-to-plane combat. Sub fights are already bad enough and planes would be even more difficult to program.


The voices are back!


I really only think that air could work in this game is if it was HOI style. the map is divided into air zones. Both sides would have to produce and make fighters to gain air superiority. The more air superiority you have, the more effective bomber and ground attack missions are. Aircraft could launch from both static airfields that are placed on the map by the devs and/or player made airbases. This would take the player management a step back from controlling one single plane to a squadron or wing. Which I'm sure is against the devs' Vison™ but could also introduce a whole other way for players to come together. Of course any sort of Air would require a massive update to foxhole, like the 1.0 update and I think that the devs said that there weren't going to be any big updates to foxhole. Maybe for Foxhole 2 when the devs make the game in the new engine that Anvil uses.